Ever wonder what Muslims think about the mosque near Ground Zero?

We are in Iraq and Afghanistan. Before 9/11 we weren't. What Islamic countries are we allies with?

That is not entirely true, we were at war in Iraq before 9/11, which is why Dubya's actions were legal under international law, despite claims to the contrary from people who want to rewrite history.

Are you talking about the Gulf War? It was over before 9/11.

No it was not, there was a ceasefire, but not a surrender.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ceasefire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991)

The Gulf War had been over a long time before 9/11.
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I entered many mosques in Turkey. No problem.

Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.

Why be that rude in some other faith's house of worship? Would you like it if Muslims went into a Catholic Mass, laid out their rugs and started praying to Mecca? Geesh....some people.

Again, for the people that do not read the thread.

The claim was made that a mosque will accommodate Christians and Jews, and that it was therefore acceptable to build a mosque and not build a church or a synagogue. I called balderdash, and still do. In other words, I don't expect them to accommodate me in their worship, and I do not expect to accommodate them in mine.

Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.

Why be that rude in some other faith's house of worship? Would you like it if Muslims went into a Catholic Mass, laid out their rugs and started praying to Mecca? Geesh....some people.

Again, for the people that do not read the thread.

The claim was made that a mosque will accommodate Christians and Jews, and that it was therefore acceptable to build a mosque and not build a church or a synagogue. I called balderdash, and still do. In other words, I don't expect them to accommodate me in their worship, and I do not expect to accommodate them in mine.


Cordoba House is not a mosque.
They were terrorists. They represented a terrorist organization, not an Arab or Muslim nation, nor mosque.

Which did not answer my question. Why are you afraid to call them Muslims? I never noticed you having a problem calling Christians who are hateful Christians, even when they do not represent a nation or a church.

Do you, or did you, call the terrorists of Northern Ireland, the IRA etc.,

Catholic terrorists?

I call them Catholic scumbag asshole terrorists. I have a friend over there who has to check his car every morning to be sure he does not blow up and rudely awaken his neighbors.

Next question.
Hostilities were over. Troops came home. The US continued to bomb Iraq for several more years.
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Because they were terrorists first. Just as some people are bigots first.

As I said, you have no problem labeling Christian bigots as Christians first, and painting all Christians with that brush.

So that is the sum total of your justification? Your accusation that someone else does it to Christians?

Do you endorse broadbrushing/stereotyping/demonizing Christians? If not, why would you use it to justify doing the same thing to Muslims?

It is not a justification, it is calling out a specific person for refusing to identify Muslim terrorists as Muslim. Why do you have a problem wit speaking the truth, which is that the 9/11 hijackers were Muslim scumbag asshole terrorists?

If you want to point out that the Westboro Baptist Church are scumbags I will cheer you on. If you want to claim that they are Christians I will point out that they do not represent any Christians I know, but I will not refuse to admit that, by their definition, they are Christians. Nor will I refuse to admit that they are a Baptist church, even though I know Baptists do not believe that stuff either. Another thing I will not do is go through pages and pages of posts in an attempt to avoid using the word Christian to describe them, even though I know all Christians are not like that.

That is because my language and philosophy is grounded in reality, not in a dream world where religion is good, and all bad people are not part of any religion. If Obama wants to try to take the government that way, he is welcome to do so, but the real world knows better, which is why people who refuse to acknowledge simple facts always look stupid. Just like this guy did, as did sky.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOQt_mP6Pgg]YouTube - ‪Eric Holder Refuses To Say "Radical Islam"‬‎[/ame]
Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group. I don't consider them Christian. They don't even bother me. It's the mega churches that scare me. The ones that own TV and radio stations and the Republican party.
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Newsflash. 9/11 wasn't a Christian massacre.

No, it was a massacre perpetrated by Muslims.

The perpetrators were Muslim. How many million not-the-perpetrators are Muslim?

Irrelevant to the point that the people who did it were Muslim.

But if you want to get nitpicky, how many millions of Muslims cheered in the streets when they heard the news?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vOJCQr1Now]YouTube - ‪Palestinian response on 11/9‬‎[/ame]
The human part comes first. Plenty of people are raised Muslim and don't become terrorists.
yes, they dont get in with the radical nutcases that turn them into islamic terrorists
just like not all Irish Catholics became IRA terrorists

It's radical nutcases, not Islam or Catholicism, that are the problem.

That does not change the facts that those nutcases are Catholic, or Muslim, or Hindu, or even Buddhist.

Advent of `Buddhist terrorism' - TamilCanadian

These people are motivated by their religion, even if the sane people of the world, or even of their religion, disagree with what they do in the name of that religion. If religion were not a factor in this it would not have happened.
The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991)

The Gulf War had been over a long time before 9/11.

The active hostilities were over, but the war was still there. Just like the Korean War is not over, even though we are not actively fighting it.
yes, they dont get in with the radical nutcases that turn them into islamic terrorists
just like not all Irish Catholics became IRA terrorists

It's radical nutcases, not Islam or Catholicism, that are the problem.

That does not change the facts that those nutcases are Catholic, or Muslim, or Hindu, or even Buddhist.

Advent of `Buddhist terrorism' - TamilCanadian

These people are motivated by their religion, even if the sane people of the world, or even of their religion, disagree with what they do in the name of that religion. If religion were not a factor in this it would not have happened.

They are not terrorists because they're Buddhist. Buddhism is non-violent. The situation in Sri Lanka is tribal in nature.
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The reason they are terrorists is because they committ terrorist acts. Being Muslim or Christian or Jewish or Buddhist is adventitious. YOU have a problem with Muslims.

I do not have a problem with Muslims, I have a problem with people who deny that a persons religious beliefs, whatever they are, can motivate a person to kill others. I have a problem with refusing to call someone a Muslim because you are afraid of offending other Muslims. I have a problem with avoiding a truth because it does not fit a worldview.

Those people were Muslims first, and became terrorists because their religion sanctioned the killing of innocents. Islam is always about politics, which is what makes it so dangerous in the hands of fanatics and extremists. Even moderate Muslims think it is permissible to put someone to death for mocking Islam and Muhammad.
Why be that rude in some other faith's house of worship? Would you like it if Muslims went into a Catholic Mass, laid out their rugs and started praying to Mecca? Geesh....some people.

Again, for the people that do not read the thread.

The claim was made that a mosque will accommodate Christians and Jews, and that it was therefore acceptable to build a mosque and not build a church or a synagogue. I called balderdash, and still do. In other words, I don't expect them to accommodate me in their worship, and I do not expect to accommodate them in mine.


Cordoba House is not a mosque.

And the Vatican is not a church.

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