Every 5 hours, another child dies from abuse in US, tied with Mexico



17 October 2011 Last updated at 01:12 ET Help
Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the US. The latest government figures show an estimated 1,770 children were killed as a result of maltreatment in 2009.

Even when populations are taken into account, Unicef research places the US equal bottom with Mexico on child deaths from maltreatment.

BBC News - America's child death shame


In Texas, one of the states with the worst child abuse records, the Dallas Children’s Medical Center is dealing with a rising number of abused children and increasing levels of violence. Meanwhile, the Houston Center is expanding its services to deal with the rising problem of child sex abuse.

Emma’s story
Emma Thompsonz was just four years old when she was beaten to death in 2009. Her injuries included broken ribs, a bloodied lip, widespread bruising and a fractured skull. She had also been raped.


The rate of teen pregnancy and STDs is higher than any industrialized nation. What are they doing different. Besides a thoughtful approach to planned parenthood and contraception?

Ever notice that when Republican policies become the law of the land everything turns to shit? At least they are consistent. With them, you know what you are getting.
For the right, life begins at conception, but they lose interest at birth.
Equal to Mexico? Do you not wonder that perhaps Texas' numbers might reflect the huge portion of Mexico's population that is squatting there?
At least they were born thats all the right cares about. After birth, they are on their own.
Cry a river dude. It's the parents responsibility, not governments, not mine, not yours. ALWAYS wanting to place blame yet never taking responsibility nor accountability. That's why they live in squalor.
Cry a river dude. It's the parents responsibility, not governments, not mine, not yours. ALWAYS wanting to place blame yet never taking responsibility nor accountability. That's why they live in squalor.

^^ compassionate conservatism

I have no faith in government. I have faith in my fellow man helping each other.

I said nothing about faith in government so you can take the needle off of that record. Your response to children being killed and abused was "cry me a river"

That callous indifference is what I'm talking about.
^^ compassionate conservatism

I have no faith in government. I have faith in my fellow man helping each other.

I said nothing about faith in government so you can take the needle off of that record. Your response to children being killed and abused was "cry me a river"

That callous indifference is what I'm talking about.

My response is to the irresponsible parents, not the children. It's not their fault that they have worthless parents. I have no qualms whatsoever about helping kids.
17 October 2011 Last updated at 01:12 ET Help
Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the US. The latest government figures show an estimated 1,770 children were killed as a result of maltreatment in 2009.

Even when populations are taken into account, Unicef research places the US equal bottom with Mexico on child deaths from maltreatment.

BBC News - America's child death shame


In Texas, one of the states with the worst child abuse records, the Dallas Children’s Medical Center is dealing with a rising number of abused children and increasing levels of violence. Meanwhile, the Houston Center is expanding its services to deal with the rising problem of child sex abuse.

Emma’s story
Emma Thompsonz was just four years old when she was beaten to death in 2009. Her injuries included broken ribs, a bloodied lip, widespread bruising and a fractured skull. She had also been raped.


The rate of teen pregnancy and STDs is higher than any industrialized nation. What are they doing different. Besides a thoughtful approach to planned parenthood and contraception?

Ever notice that when Republican policies become the law of the land everything turns to shit? At least they are consistent. With them, you know what you are getting.

And why is this being dumped at the front door of the GOP...
Have we never had a Democrat in government....
Typical posting from a liberal hack...:lol:
17 October 2011 Last updated at 01:12 ET Help
Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the US. The latest government figures show an estimated 1,770 children were killed as a result of maltreatment in 2009.

Even when populations are taken into account, Unicef research places the US equal bottom with Mexico on child deaths from maltreatment.

BBC News - America's child death shame


In Texas, one of the states with the worst child abuse records, the Dallas Children’s Medical Center is dealing with a rising number of abused children and increasing levels of violence. Meanwhile, the Houston Center is expanding its services to deal with the rising problem of child sex abuse.

Emma’s story
Emma Thompsonz was just four years old when she was beaten to death in 2009. Her injuries included broken ribs, a bloodied lip, widespread bruising and a fractured skull. She had also been raped.


The rate of teen pregnancy and STDs is higher than any industrialized nation. What are they doing different. Besides a thoughtful approach to planned parenthood and contraception?

Ever notice that when Republican policies become the law of the land everything turns to shit? At least they are consistent. With them, you know what you are getting

I live in a border state.... and nearly EVERY time I hear an abuse case mentioned in the news..... they either have a spanish last name, or they wont mention ethnicity b/c they are illegals.

Oh, and look into crime stats in democrat run cities verses republican run cities.... you are a liar!


rdean is a hack idiot leftie = useful idiot
Every 5 hours, another child dies from abuse in US, tied with Mexico

Are you aware of the fact that the federal government incinerated ALIVE - ON PRIME FUCKING TV TIME- 22 children in Waco, TX circa 1993.

Are you aware of the fact that the federal government sent little - 5 y/o - Elian Gonzalez to a slave state;

Are you aware of the fact that the federal government slaughtered over 1 million children in Iraq?

Are you aware of the fact that the federal government impoverishes children whenever it sends their parents to prison for violating "drug laws"?

Are you aware of the fact that the federal government subsidizes Israel's slaughter of children and women in Southern Lebanon whenever the IDF determines that its F16's pilots need target practice?

Just so you know....

The number is estimated because even in the US where each death is carefully examined there is a lack of coordination regarding reporting and diagnosing the cause of death. If the US can't get the statistic right what do you expect from Mexico where they sometimes find piles of bodies in remote locations and they can't keep track or don't want to keep track of their own citizens?. It's clear the anti-Americans are anxious to find fault with the greatest Country in the world so I guess we will have to put up with it. Be careful though lefties. It seems that estimated incidents of child abuse increase during democrat administrations. There was a spike when Clinton was elected and a spike when Obama was elected.
I have no faith in government. I have faith in my fellow man helping each other.

I said nothing about faith in government so you can take the needle off of that record. Your response to children being killed and abused was "cry me a river"

That callous indifference is what I'm talking about.

My response is to the irresponsible parents, not the children. It's not their fault that they have worthless parents. I have no qualms whatsoever about helping kids.

Heres the rub, the only person that can apply for help for children are the adults. Those same adults you say should "take responsibility" while knowing they are irresponsible. So in essence you have a problem with entitlements for children because of their parents. If a child could ask for help on their own that would be different, but they cant.
17 October 2011 Last updated at 01:12 ET Help
Every five hours a child dies from abuse or neglect in the US. The latest government figures show an estimated 1,770 children were killed as a result of maltreatment in 2009.

Even when populations are taken into account, Unicef research places the US equal bottom with Mexico on child deaths from maltreatment.

BBC News - America's child death shame


In Texas, one of the states with the worst child abuse records, the Dallas Children’s Medical Center is dealing with a rising number of abused children and increasing levels of violence. Meanwhile, the Houston Center is expanding its services to deal with the rising problem of child sex abuse.

Emma’s story
Emma Thompsonz was just four years old when she was beaten to death in 2009. Her injuries included broken ribs, a bloodied lip, widespread bruising and a fractured skull. She had also been raped.


The rate of teen pregnancy and STDs is higher than any industrialized nation. What are they doing different. Besides a thoughtful approach to planned parenthood and contraception?

Ever notice that when Republican policies become the law of the land everything turns to shit? At least they are consistent. With them, you know what you are getting.

Bush's fault! Has to be!

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