Every Country With Hostages And Dead Should Declare War on Hamas

Sniffs bait, swims away…..

Israel has called up 300 thousand reservists that will be used to conduct mass murder in Gaza.
In response to your rotten fish comment, let me add---Hamas does not kill, women and children.

Israel has called up 300 thousand reservists that will be used to conduct mass murder in Gaza, i.e. to murder women & children.
How so? What have I posted that is not easily proven as being true? You just can't admit you fucked up!
Let’s start with your moronic claim nothing we send to Ukraine could be used by Israel against Hamas.

I have been bitchslapping you on that dumbassery for pages, Simp.
The universal press cannot understand how bibi missed this attack when bibi has the most extensive intelligence team in this region.

The answer is simple, bibi new it was coming and wanted it to happen in order to ensure bibis political future.
The universal press cannot understand how bibi missed this attack when bibi has the most extensive intelligence team in this region.

The answer is simple, bibi new it was coming and wanted it to happen in order to ensure bibis political future.
That is very possible.
Looks like I finally shut big mouth up.

Now back to the OP…every country on the list should line up their AF and start carpet bombing Gaza.
Not a single hostage at Guantanamo was a terrorist.
Bin Laden will sure be happy to hear that, when you bring him back from the dead and assure him we never got any assistance in tracking him down at Gitmo from the guy who planned 9/11.
The IDF needs to wipe Palestine off the map and be done with it.
I would do one better than that. If I were Netanyahu, I would give serious thought about targeting strategic nuclear weapons at those countries that sponsor, train, and harbor these terrorists. Sorry that civilian casualties will ensue, but Hamas, Hezbollah, and AlQuaeda brought this upon themselves.

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