Zone1 Every day I have to remind myself that I'm one of the "good guys."

Both sides have committed to "winning" the culture war via politics. That's our mistake. And of course "they started it". But we all have to commit to calling a truce in the culture war and get back to the "live and let live" ideal of the American dream.
And there my friend, as my 'terrible' nephew pointed out once, you are 'farting unicorn rainbows.' :)

I don't want a culture war. I don't want to be in anybody's face with it or demand that they believe it too, but I want the right to think, say, believe, act on what I believe in peace so long as I don't violate anybody else's rights.

I want the same and would fight for anybody on the left to enjoy that also no matter how much I disagreed with him/her.

I agree that those on the right who want to force their ideology on others and make it a cultural mandate that cannot be questioned or challenged are just as much in error as those on the left who do that.

But I do believe those on the right who err in that way are a fairly small minority. And while all on the left do not err in that way, a fairly large majority does.

And because the left now controls most of government, media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, large corporations, it can control most of the message. And that gives it a huge advantage. And it has no intention of allowing a live and let live existence for those of us on the right.
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Right.. It would be hard to find any hatred a the right but you might start here.
I didn’t click on your link, but what do you expect after the demonization conservatives have endured for years at the hands of leftists?

I had some leftist come up to me at my father’s own funeral and start lambasting me for voting for Trump. These people just can’t control themselves. Another leftist screamed “racist!!” at my 90-year-old mother when she said she didn’t think Trump was such a bad president.

Eventually, one starts hitting back.
Spineless layabout.

not yet, give me a few more years and my retirement will be complete.

till then I will do the job I am paid to do and spend the rest of my time enjoying life to its fullest.

you keep on working till the day that you die, that seems to be your biggest dream in life
not yet, give me a few more years and my retirement will be complete.

till then I will do the job I am paid to do and spend the rest of my time enjoying life to its fullest.

you keep on working till the day that you die, that seems to be your biggest dream in life
In short, what Republicans/Patriots/Independents were asking for was ASSURANCE that the election was honest and valid. The left has consistently refused to provide that assurance and have condemned those who want it.

Just more fodder for the OP who knows that for the most part we are 'good guys' who stand up for what we believe is right and are increasingly demonized for protesting what we believe and for saying what we know is wrong.

That right there exactly. 2020 and 2022 will forever cast a shadow of doubt on whether our election system is still functional and the results are valid. Democrats have been disputing the results of every election for the last 23 years. But the first time Republicans raised questions about anomalies in an election, they're accused of trying to "overthrow" them.
And there my friend, as my 'terrible' nephew pointed out once, you are 'farting unicorn rainbows.' :)
I don't think so. I still think there's hope for sanity. There are good things happening, quietly and locally, that point in that direction. We'll see.

I don't want a culture war. I don't want to be in anybody's face with it or demand that they believe it too, but I want the right to think, say, believe, act on what I believe in peace so long as I don't violate anybody else's rights.

I want the same and would fight for anybody left to enjoy that also no matter how much I disagreed with him/her.

I agree that those on the right who want to force their ideology on others and make it a cultural mandate that cannot be questioned or challenged are just as much in error as those on the left who do that.

But I do believe those on the right who err in that way are a fairly small minority. And while all on the left do not err in that way, a fairly large majority does.
I suspect that this is largely shaped by the "curated" media holes that we fall (or are pushed) into. I'm pretty sure that most people on the left see it the same way in reverse.

I think that way out of this is for sane moral people, on both sides, to reign in the culture warriors and dedicate themselves to mutual respect in the political arena. We must reject the partisan fear mongering and accept the fact that people disagree. And that disagreeing doesn't make them racists or communists. We need to view the other side as rivals to be persuaded, not enemies to be defeated.
I didn’t click on your link, but what do you expect after the demonization conservatives have endured for years at the hands of leftists?
What do you expect after the demonization leftists have endured for years at the hands of conservatives? If you think only one side is to blame, you are the problem.

Eventually, one starts hitting back.
And so the cycle continues...
That right there exactly. 2020 and 2022 will forever cast a shadow of doubt on whether our election system is still functional and the results are valid. Democrats have been disputing the results of every election for the last 23 years. But the first time Republicans raised questions about anomalies in an election, they're accused of trying to "overthrow" them.
And therein is the problem. Nobody wants to admit their own hypocrisy. The Democrats are good when they question or deny the outcome of the election because they are 'righteous.' Republicans are evil when they question or deny the outcome of the election because the are the single most 'existential threat to our democracy' that exists.
What do you expect after the demonization leftists have endured for years at the hands of conservatives? If you think only one side is to blame, you are the problem.

And so the cycle continues...
Not at ALL on the same level.
I don't think so. I still think there's hope for sanity. There are good things happening, quietly and locally, that point in that direction. We'll see.

I suspect that this is largely shaped by the "curated" media holes that we fall (or are pushed) into. I'm pretty sure that most people on the left see it the same way in reverse.

I think that way out of this is for sane moral people, on both sides, to reign in the culture warriors and dedicate themselves to mutual respect in the political arena. We must reject the partisan fear mongering and accept the fact that people disagree. And that disagreeing doesn't make them racists or communists. We need to view the other side as rivals to be persuaded, not enemies to be defeated.
I wish I could be as idealistic as you are. But from where I sit, from what I watch and see, from what I experience I just can't.
... The Democrats are good when they question or deny the outcome of the election because they are 'righteous.' Republicans are evil when they question or deny the outcome of the election because the are the single most 'existential threat to our democracy' that exists.

Plenty of leftists on this site who seem to believe just that ^^^.
I know for a fact that we're not a democracy any more. The Democrats showed us in 2020 and 2022 how our election system could be compromised and corrupted. We have been in a kleptocracy for the last 2-1/2 years.

they who are liars -


are ever without the truth ...
And I am happy for you! You keep on working those 10 plus hour days.

Some of us can be productive in just 8, or fewer hours.

I always found it odd how people equate time on the clock with being productive

Just a few more years and I am doing being a productive member of society and joining the ranks of the fully and permanently retired
I'm sure you must look forward to getting out of your little cubicle.

Just make sure to guard your stapler. I know how distressed you get when you can't find it.
I'm sure you must look forward to getting out of your little cubicle.

Just make sure to guard your stapler. I know how distressed you get when you can't find it.

My "little cubicle" is my whole house since I work remotely.

I have not really found a way to use a stapler when my entire work is done in the cloud.

It is hard to staple virtual spreadsheets together! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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