Zone1 Every day I have to remind myself that I'm one of the "good guys."

Not at ALL on the same level.
Delusions. For example, in February 2012, Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” after she publicly advocated for universal contraception coverage.
Delusions. For example, in February 2012, Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” after she publicly advocated for universal contraception coverage.

Sandra Fluke, the same slut who could afford a Georgetown Law education, but couldn't afford the condoms for all of the dicks she was sticking inside her? Do you really think the taxpayers should foot the bill for the condoms to satiate that whore's sexual desires? Any "conservative" who didn't find fault with that woman was obviously a delusional RINO who wouldn't know conservative values if they bit them in the ass.
Sandra Fluke, the same slut who could afford a Georgetown Law education, but couldn't afford the condoms for all of the dicks she was sticking inside her? Do you really think the taxpayers should foot the bill for the condoms to satiate that whore's sexual desires? Any "conservative" who didn't find fault with that woman was obviously a delusional RINO who wouldn't know conservative values if they bit them in the ass.

nice name calling from the self proclaimed christian...nice sexual attack on a woman.....christian much there
Sandra Fluke, the same slut who could afford a Georgetown Law education, but couldn't afford the condoms for all of the dicks she was sticking inside her? Do you really think the taxpayers should foot the bill for the condoms to satiate that whore's sexual desires? Any "conservative" who didn't find fault with that woman was obviously a delusional RINO who wouldn't know conservative values if they bit them in the ass.
I think you crossed the line between disagreement and demonization. You forget to remind yourself this morning that you're one of the good guys?
I think you crossed the line between disagreement and demonization. You forget to remind yourself this morning that you're one of the good guys?

Good guys don't like seeing their tax money going to pay for whore's sex accessories.
Good guys don't like seeing their tax money going to pay for whore's sex accessories.
Rubbers are cheap enough. How is it that a woman attending an expensive and prestigious law school, being prepped to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, demands that other people pay for her birth control?
Rubbers are cheap enough. How is it that a woman attending an expensive and prestigious law school, being prepped to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, demands that other people pay for her birth control?

Paying for her birth control was never the issue, her real agenda was taxpayer-funded abortions. So she is a proponent of murder, which is far worse than being a whore.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".

Sorry, but you ain't one of the "good guys" - since you are a proponent of a Human Scumbag called Trump.

But hey - granted, Lefty/Libs and Greens are far worse.
Poor Galt good guy with a foul mouth

Actually, poor you, hypocrite. You condemn me for not living up to your "Christian" standards, yet you don't live up to them yourself. If you really did, you'd condemn Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, atheism, and every other non-Christian "religion" as being false doctrine and nothing more than satan-worship.

So let's see you go there, if you can. Otherwise you're a fake, a phony, a hypocrite, and in no position to judge anyone.
I have never claimed to be a christian...just find it odd you think you are..I am hardly the hypocrite you use that language in church? Around your wife?
I have never claimed to be a christian...just find it odd you think you are..I am hardly the hypocrite you use that language in church? Around your wife?

It's pretty obvious you're not. And I have no problem using those words around you because unlike my wife, I have absolutely no respect for you. Who are you, besides some quivering blob of protoplasm whose name is destined to be swept away with the dust of time? I doubt if you even have a soul.
It's pretty obvious you're not. And I have no problem using those words around you because unlike my wife, I have absolutely no respect for you.
Huh? Why would your wife have respect for Strollingbones?
just keep lying to yourself that you are one of the 'good guys'

Oh I definitely am. I'm a thoroughly trained vetted, and checked individual who is trusted by my federal, state, and local government to carry a weapon.

I am one of the "good guys" and I tell myself that every morning when I strap it on. :04:
Huh? Why would your wife have respect for Strollingbones?

Bad wording. I have no problem using those words around Strollingbones because I don't respect her like I do my wife. You I respect. Therefore I would never let Mr. Potty Mouth show his face in your presence.

Bad wording. I have no problem using those words around Strollingbones because I don't respect her like I do my wife. You I respect. Therefore I would never let Mr. Potty Mouth show his face in your presence.

I knew what you meant! I was just being funny.

And thank you!

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