Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

Notice how I got you to completely deviate from your position. If your position was irrefutable, you would have already done something to substantiate it.

You stopped at "false claim"

Open question to anyone: why are people like S such smart alecs? Gosh, after posting five years on political forums, I know for a fact there are people like you everywhere. Battleship mouth, rowboat ass.

I already responded to your empty "don't mess with me" posts. Here it is again, for TK:

"I didn't present a counter-argument. I understood what you were attempting to say, and let you know that you would be wise to be concise with your words, because your argument was basically "Weather has always existed so people don't make weather". While that silly statement is correct, it is irrelevant because that is not the mainstream Democratic position. Do you understand?

I actually agree with what you were trying to say (climate change would happen regardless of humans). I just wish you would present your claims in an intelligent matter.

And as to your funny little "I'm gonna getcha!" comments... Boring. Just speak concisely and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

'If you're going to try to make a point, make sure you have a point.' - Moral of the story"

I never deviated. My entire point was you need to use words in a more efficient manner.

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the sweeter ironies.
  • Thanks
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Damn, it was sure better before those damned liberals emancipated the slaves, gave women the right to vote and put an end to forced child labor!

The lies those evil liberals spread in order to secure these objectives are downright evil. The idea that each and ever person deserves the same opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just so vile that I can't imagine anybody falling for it.

Is your middle name 'stupid'?

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Susan B Anthony was a lifelong Republican. Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican.

dimocrap scum are, and have always been, racist scum. They've just switched from anti-black to anti-white.
Quit being such a shithead moron. What is wrong with your ignorant self? You think Lincoln was a confederate????

how the gop lost the black vote - Google Search

What is wrong with people like you? Do you eat lead paint? Swallow mercury? What? One ignorant statement after another in just a few short words.

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Susan B Anthony was a lifelong Republican. Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican.

And all that was over 60 years ago or more. What the fuck happened since then?
What's the lie behind Medicaid?

What's the lie behind raising the minimum wage?

Lies behind Medicaid: You're entitled to other people's money, because of your medical need.

Lies behind Minimum Wage: You're entitled to more money, despite no increase in the value of your production.

Need anything else?
... And all that was over 60 years ago or more. What the fuck happened since then?

The Great Society... a series of Leftist Policy which claimed to 'provide' Blacks with Civl Rights, which they did NOT.

Blacks already had the same rights as everyone else. The Civil Rights Act mislead the US Black Culture to believe that duh Gubment could "GIVE" 'em rights.

The result has been the systemic collapse of the Black culture in the United States; indicated by stark declines in the US Black Culture from the mid-60s to the present.
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I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

They have to lie to make their dream a reality. Telling the truth would cause people to reject their ideas. The far left hates capitalism and want socialism, some even want communism. To get there, they must create these lies to convince people to cede more power to government to solve these imaginary problems.

To take down a country, you must divide and conquer. The lies regarding cases, from Zimmerman to Ferguson, are necessary to further divide people. The left also puts a lot of energy into dividing the classes. Obama has been badmouthing the wealthy his entire career, all the while using them to get where he is. Of course, most politicians need wealthy people to campaign. Most don't vilify them after they are in office. Obama has talked a lot about returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, meaning the people who never earned a penny and he said that, at some point, people have made enough money. He hasn't revealed publicly what he plans on doing to those that he thinks have made enough.

Global warming is a scheme dreamed up by the leftwing radicals long ago. In order to take down the U.S., they knew that the tactics that took down smaller countries might not be enough. With many wanting one world order, they knew that an invented crisis of global proportions was necessary. They tried something similar back in the 70s with global cooling warnings and it didn't fly. It took another 3 decades of dumbing down students and encouraging government dependence before they tried again and most of the sheep bought it without understanding the history behind this type of scheme.

The solutions they propose won't affect the planet and they have lied extensively to convince people they know what they are doing. We've had so many experts come forth and debunk all the science that global warming regulations are based on. The left refuses to go back and correct it or they would be exposed as frauds. They need this massive wealth redistribution, control over food supplies, energy and water if their plans for one world order are to become reality.

Virtually everything the left has done is geared toward government control over everything and confiscating wealth. They have a plan. Of course, so many mind-numbed robots really believe the hype and make for useful idiots as the left forges ahead with their plans.
Damn, it was sure better before those damned liberals emancipated the slaves, gave women the right to vote and put an end to forced child labor!

The lies those evil liberals spread in order to secure these objectives are downright evil. The idea that each and ever person deserves the same opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just so vile that I can't imagine anybody falling for it.
Damn, it was sure better before those damned liberals emancipated the slaves, gave women the right to vote and put an end to forced child labor!

The lies those evil liberals spread in order to secure these objectives are downright evil. The idea that each and ever person deserves the same opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just so vile that I can't imagine anybody falling for it.

Is your middle name 'stupid'?

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Susan B Anthony was a lifelong Republican. Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican.

dimocrap scum are, and have always been, racist scum. They've just switched from anti-black to anti-white.

Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican, But He Damn Sure Wasn’t a Conservative

Lincoln also instituted the first “income tax,” and told the Southern states claiming “states’ rights” when it came to slavery that they were completely full of crap.

Could you imagine a Republican today creating a tax and telling states that their claim of “states’ rights” on an issue was absurd?

Abraham Lincoln might have been a Republican, but that was before Republicans became “conservatives.” See, there’s a difference between what Republicans were and what conservatives are. Conservatives have always been conservatives. Decades ago, racist conservatives aligned with the Democratic party. Today these same conservatives call themselves Republicans.

Anyone who knows anything about history knows that long ago Democrats were the party of racists. But those who are honest about history also know that over time, the political ideology of both parties switched.

This isn’t hard to prove – just look at reality. What groups align with the fringe of the Republican party? The KKK, neo-Nazis and people who seek to glorify the confederacy. In other words, racists. You don’t see members of the KKK, Nazi groups or confederate sympathizers siding with modern day Democrats. Oh, no – they vote Republican.

...Nothing about Lincoln made him a conservative. He fought against “states’ rights,” he created a tax, he bucked tradition, he embraced change and he did all of this by using the power of big government.

Abraham Lincoln Might Have Been a Republican But He Damn Sure Wasn t a Conservative
I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

They have to lie to make their dream a reality. Telling the truth would cause people to reject their ideas. The far left hates capitalism and want socialism, some even want communism. To get there, they must create these lies to convince people to cede more power to government to solve these imaginary problems.

To take down a country, you must divide and conquer. The lies regarding cases, from Zimmerman to Ferguson, are necessary to further divide people. The left also puts a lot of energy into dividing the classes. Obama has been badmouthing the wealthy his entire career, all the while using them to get where he is. Of course, most politicians need wealthy people to campaign. Most don't vilify them after they are in office. Obama has talked a lot about returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, meaning the people who never earned a penny and he said that, at some point, people have made enough money. He hasn't revealed publicly what he plans on doing to those that he thinks have made enough.

Global warming is a scheme dreamed up by the leftwing radicals long ago. In order to take down the U.S., they knew that the tactics that took down smaller countries might not be enough. With many wanting one world order, they knew that an invented crisis of global proportions was necessary. They tried something similar back in the 70s with global cooling warnings and it didn't fly. It took another 3 decades of dumbing down students and encouraging government dependence before they tried again and most of the sheep bought it without understanding the history behind this type of scheme.

The solutions they propose won't affect the planet and they have lied extensively to convince people they know what they are doing. We've had so many experts come forth and debunk all the science that global warming regulations are based on. The left refuses to go back and correct it or they would be exposed as frauds. They need this massive wealth redistribution, control over food supplies, energy and water if their plans for one world order are to become reality.

Virtually everything the left has done is geared toward government control over everything and confiscating wealth. They have a plan. Of course, so many mind-numbed robots really believe the hype and make for useful idiots as the left forges ahead with their plans.

Conservative Ideology requires either ignorance, stupidity, denial or
psychopathology….& maybe all of the above.

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? EVER????

I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

They have to lie to make their dream a reality. Telling the truth would cause people to reject their ideas. The far left hates capitalism and want socialism, some even want communism. To get there, they must create these lies to convince people to cede more power to government to solve these imaginary problems.

To take down a country, you must divide and conquer. The lies regarding cases, from Zimmerman to Ferguson, are necessary to further divide people. The left also puts a lot of energy into dividing the classes. Obama has been badmouthing the wealthy his entire career, all the while using them to get where he is. Of course, most politicians need wealthy people to campaign. Most don't vilify them after they are in office. Obama has talked a lot about returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, meaning the people who never earned a penny and he said that, at some point, people have made enough money. He hasn't revealed publicly what he plans on doing to those that he thinks have made enough.

Global warming is a scheme dreamed up by the leftwing radicals long ago. In order to take down the U.S., they knew that the tactics that took down smaller countries might not be enough. With many wanting one world order, they knew that an invented crisis of global proportions was necessary. They tried something similar back in the 70s with global cooling warnings and it didn't fly. It took another 3 decades of dumbing down students and encouraging government dependence before they tried again and most of the sheep bought it without understanding the history behind this type of scheme.

The solutions they propose won't affect the planet and they have lied extensively to convince people they know what they are doing. We've had so many experts come forth and debunk all the science that global warming regulations are based on. The left refuses to go back and correct it or they would be exposed as frauds. They need this massive wealth redistribution, control over food supplies, energy and water if their plans for one world order are to become reality.

Virtually everything the left has done is geared toward government control over everything and confiscating wealth. They have a plan. Of course, so many mind-numbed robots really believe the hype and make for useful idiots as the left forges ahead with their plans.

Great Stuff... and 1000pts for setting it so far above the potential means of the Left to have any chance of understanding it.
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What's the lie behind Medicaid?

What's the lie behind raising the minimum wage?

Lies behind Medicaid: You're entitled to other people's money, because of your medical need.

Lies behind Minimum Wage: You're entitled to more money, despite no increase in the value of your production.

Need anything else?

You're entitled to be selfish, greedy and bigoted, in a word, Conservative. And you are; alone with being an arrogant asshole and incapable of posting much more than a constant stream of right wing talking points.
Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol
Damn, it was sure better before those damned liberals emancipated the slaves, gave women the right to vote and put an end to forced child labor!

The lies those evil liberals spread in order to secure these objectives are downright evil. The idea that each and ever person deserves the same opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just so vile that I can't imagine anybody falling for it.

What a load of crap, you're all for liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as it fits your definition, you don't think individuals have a right to define it for themselves. Group think compliance is not liberty.

ONE nation to EVER follow Ayn Rands BS??? LOL
You're entitled to be selfish, greedy and bigoted...

And what do we know about those who refer to other people as bigots?

Bigotry is the intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself, thus the use of the word bigotry is the definition of Bigotry.

So, once again, where we find a Leftist making accusations, it is an axiomatic certainty that they're guilty of precisely that which they're projecting... .

Now how cool is THAT?

OH! Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
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What's the lie behind Medicaid?

What's the lie behind raising the minimum wage?

Lies behind Medicaid: You're entitled to other people's money, because of your medical need.

Lies behind Minimum Wage: You're entitled to more money, despite no increase in the value of your production.

Need anything else?

Those are not lies. They are opinions.

If you have a good argument as to why we should not help the poor, then make that argument.
Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol

Show me a post where I said climate wasn't changing, it has changed from day 1, man had nothing to do with it throughout the millenniums and has very little or nothing to do with it now. To think we can change the climate or fix it to our likings is the ultimate in liberal arrogance.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I LOVE it when TK gets his dander up. He might even stop playing his game and stand up for this battle! Hark! Who ye goes the......uh....who goes there?!

He's an oblivious elitist :laugh:

"How dare you make my post coherent, newbie! I've been posting here since 1842, you can't treat me this way!"

How pathetic.

"False claim" isn't an argument. You used a suppositional argument to combat mine. All you did was say "I'm right, you're wrong and that's that!" The only thing you "corrected" was my assessment of your intellectual capabilities. Your appeal to your own authority notwithstanding.

You have no idea who you're dealing with. Trust me, you don't. But hey, you can test that theory by engaging me in a fact based debate if you'd like.

You got so hammered in the Indiana debate, all I can say about the above post is,

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol

Show me a post where I said climate wasn't changing, it has changed from day 1, man had nothing to do with it throughout the millenniums and has very little or nothing to do with it now. To think we can change the climate or fix it to our likings is the ultimate in liberal arrogance.

Right, it WASN'T conservative doctrine to deny climate change UNTIL it was time to switch to human caused CC? lol

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago,


GOP supported the nearly $200 billion Bush STIMULUS, AT LEAST 85% DID IN JAN 2008, before Obama was Prez (of which 40% of his $787 stimulus was tax cuts, lol)


So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol

Show me a post where I said climate wasn't changing, it has changed from day 1, man had nothing to do with it throughout the millenniums and has very little or nothing to do with it now. To think we can change the climate or fix it to our likings is the ultimate in liberal arrogance.

Right, it WASN'T conservative doctrine to deny climate change UNTIL it was time to switch to human caused CC? lol

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago,


GOP supported the nearly $200 billion Bush STIMULUS, AT LEAST 85% DID IN JAN 2008, before Obama was Prez (of which 40% of his $787 stimulus was tax cuts, lol)



Right, it was all about Global Warming for the libs, and now it's climate change, I guess you need a short memory also to be a lib. Also you can count me among the 15% that didn't support the Bush stimulus. You assume that just because the party advocates for something everyone falls in line like good little robots, not true.

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