Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

I said it a week ago, the Obama administration is desperate for a win at any cost and will agree to almost anything vs walking away without a deal. Iran knows this.

Correct. Because they know they're going to lose in 2016. They ain't that stoopid.

The whole fucking world knows that dimocrap filth have NO chance in 2016 and they also know that nothing is likely to go wrong with this before then.

VERY unlikely. So they can make a bad deal and leave it for Republicans to worry about.

It's what the scum of the earth dimocrap filth do.... With everything. They make a bad deal and let somebody else clean it up. Every time.

Of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will be right there, on their knees slobbering all over their crotch, helping them out by lying about it all

Never fails.

OBTW...... I'd be willing to bet as much as a beer that within one year of a Republican taking office in 2017, Iran turns into a sea of glass, courtesy of Israel.

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We need a forum in which we can archive these idiotic predictions. I'd like every fucked up, off base nutter prediction for 2016 in one place so we can have EASY fun laughing at you retards.
Obviously, you have not read the entire paragraph in the post you quote.

Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

We DO have proof that the "evidence" provided for catastrophic anthropomorphic climate change is a pack of twaddle, so that gives intelligent people a clue.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I LOVE it when TK gets his dander up. He might even stop playing his game and stand up for this battle! Hark! Who ye goes the......uh....who goes there?!
Is your middle name 'stupid'?

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Susan B Anthony was a lifelong Republican. Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican.

dimocrap scum are, and have always been, racist scum. They've just switched from anti-black to anti-white.

My middle name is Joseph.

My S.A.T. score taken in 1972 (before it was changed to make it easier) was 1460, and I was accepted to Stanford University, so I would say no, I am not stupid.

In fact, of the two of us, I am apparently the only one who realizes ideology and political affiliation are not the same thing.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't care.

This isn't your AA group, sonny. No one gives a piss about your Internet biography.
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider
She also claims that no accusation against liberals can go to far. There is NOTHING that they will not do to achieve their goals. Experience shows that she hit the nail on the head.

Multiple choice:

to far
too far
two far
tu' far
My middle name is Joseph.

My S.A.T. score taken in 1972 (before it was changed to make it easier) was 1460, and I was accepted to Stanford University, so I would say no, I am not stupid.

In fact, of the two of us, I am apparently the only one who realizes ideology and political affiliation are not the same thing.

My Cousin graduated from Cornell.... With honors.

He is one of the dumbest fucks I've ever known. Can't keep a wife, can't hold down a job, refuses to take care of anything, has no self-respect, gets fired from one teaching job (the only thing he can do, too stupid to do anything useful) after another for not showing up......

Is that you, Richard? Call your mom, she's worried about you

I used to be an administrative assistant for the University of Arizona. I realized early on that the reason universities employ admin assistants, secretaries and such is to have them babysit the PhDs, none of whom can wipe their own asses without a detailed schematic and instructions from Houston Control once they get outside their narrow field of endeavor.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I LOVE it when TK gets his dander up. He might even stop playing his game and stand up for this battle! Hark! Who ye goes the......uh....who goes there?!

He's an oblivious elitist :laugh:

"How dare you make my post coherent, newbie! I've been posting here since 1842, you can't treat me this way!"

How pathetic.
]When did liberals do all that? The Abolishionists were liberals? WTF? Technology played a MUCH larger role than any liberal, which no where closely resembles the Marxists calling themselves that today.

Of course abolitionists were liberal. How anybody could be so uneducated as to think otherwise is beyond me.

The abolition movement was spearheaded by churches, Einstein.

Saying, "I approve of this, therefore it must have been liberal" doesn't work with anyone but other liberals.
Luckily for you I'm on my phone. You can't correct someone without substantiating the correction.

I cannot stand high and mighty types like you. Convinced you know it all. Don't lecture me on how to be concise.

Tsk, Tsk, Kormac.

Show some respect for a person who just got his Online University of Phoenix degree in Women's Studies.

Unfortunately for him I show no mercy.

No mercy!!!! Oh the humanity!!!!
Luckily for you I'm on my phone. You can't correct someone without substantiating the correction.

I cannot stand high and mighty types like you. Convinced you know it all. Don't lecture me on how to be concise.

Tsk, Tsk, Kormac.

Show some respect for a person who just got his Online University of Phoenix degree in Women's Studies.

It's "Womyn's Studies", you patriarchal pig, you. ;)
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I LOVE it when TK gets his dander up. He might even stop playing his game and stand up for this battle! Hark! Who ye goes the......uh....who goes there?!

He's an oblivious elitist :laugh:

"How dare you make my post coherent, newbie! I've been posting here since 1842, you can't treat me this way!"

How pathetic.

"False claim" isn't an argument. You used a suppositional argument to combat mine. All you did was say "I'm right, you're wrong and that's that!" The only thing you "corrected" was my assessment of your intellectual capabilities. Your appeal to your own authority notwithstanding.

You have no idea who you're dealing with. Trust me, you don't. But hey, you can test that theory by engaging me in a fact based debate if you'd like.
Last edited:
Just wait till I get on my PC. You'll regret picking a fight with me. Your argument will be laid to rest.


No. To the idiot with the S in his name.

"Oh no, Edge. I'd never bow up on you! You are a wonderful and wise USMB member! I'd never presume to think I could ever slay thee"

Weeeeeeeeeeee. TK is the ultimate asslicker!
If the republicans are so great, then explain their hatred for most everything the middle class needs to survive...

1). Social security
2). Medicare
3). Unions
4). Health insurance

Why do they have an outright hatred for those programs. Why? Because they gotta pay a little tax to sustain them. They are also for low wages, less safety regulations, no paid vacation, no FLMA, etc. Why? Because it might cut into record profits. More and more people who have to work to barely make ends meet aqre going to figure this out.

I need Social Security, Medicare, unions, and health insurance to survive? Really? That might be tough, since Medicare and health insurance cancel each other out.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I LOVE it when TK gets his dander up. He might even stop playing his game and stand up for this battle! Hark! Who ye goes the......uh....who goes there?!

He's an oblivious elitist :laugh:

"How dare you make my post coherent, newbie! I've been posting here since 1842, you can't treat me this way!"

How pathetic.

"False claim" isn't an argument. You used suppositional argument to combat mine. All you did was say "I'm right, you're wrong and that's that!" The only thing you corrected was my assessment of your intellectual capabilities.

You have no idea who you'r dealing with. Trust me, you don't. But hey, you can test that theory by engaging me in a fact based debate if you'd like.

It's true! You have NO IDEA who you are dealing with!

As soon as TK gets permission from his Granny...he's gonna leave the dinner table and head to his room for WAR!!!!
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Yo! Wassup, Daddy-O!

Where ya been?
I've never understood why people say the UVA case was a hoax. It could be, sure. We have no evidence besides the testimony of the supposed victim. But it also is the case that if it did happen, and indeed the people she confided in wanted to not have their college experience ruined by a controversy, they would obviously have acted exactly the way that they did when contacted by the press.

So the claims are unsubstantiated, but not necessarily a hoax.

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