Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

Gotta watch this..... :)

That is actually funny....something you can't say about SNL anymore....

Although...as good little fascists...they have lied about the gay wedding cases...they routinely served gays in every way...providing cakes, and other baked goods for every other event...never turning them away....but only refused to bake one type of cake.....
Our First Freedom is freedom of religion.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

They recognize NO freedom except of the genitalia
Our First Freedom is freedom of religion.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

They recognize NO freedom except of the genitalia
That won't even last long. As soon as gays figure out a way to prosecute men who turn them down freedom of genitalia will be as dead as freedom of religion.
All the decent human beings on this forum should take 3 minutes out of their lives to watch this -- The Freedom of Religion is our First Freedom. It was what founded this Country.

dimocraps needn't bother

Open question to supporters of the OP:

What lie was the liberal cause to free the slaves based on?

What lie was the liberal cause to break away from Britain and start our country based on?

I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

Ummmm...okay, you totally just contradicted yourself here.

"Every liberal cause is BASED on a lie"

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening

Okay...so if the liberal cause of Global Warming is "based" on a lie....how can you be an idiot to deny it isn't happening.

Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.
Open question to supporters of the OP:

What lie was the liberal cause to free the slaves based on?

What lie was the liberal cause to break away from Britain and start our country based on?


There was no 'liberalism' involved in that at all, moron.

It was Republican (founded as an Abolitionist Party) versus dimocrap scumbag (founded as a criminal party).

It was Republicans pursuing "Natural Rights" (rights guaranteed by God) for EVERY American against scum of the earth dimocrap filth who only cared about keeping people in bondage.

Much like they do today


Only time scumbag dimocraps care about Blacks is election time.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.
Obviously, you have not read the entire paragraph in the post you quote.

Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

Keeping people in the dark is just as much a lie as telling them the lie. Your logic is flawed.
There was no 'liberalism' involved in that at all, moron.

It was Republican (founded as an Abolitionist Party) versus dimocrap scumbag (founded as a criminal party).

It was Republicans pursuing "Natural Rights" (rights guaranteed by God) for EVERY American against scum of the earth dimocrap filth who only cared about keeping people in bondage.

Much like they do today


Only time scumbag dimocraps care about Blacks is election time.

False Claim.

The thread states 'Every liberal cause is based on a lie', not 'Every democratic cause is based on a lie'.

The Republican party was the socially liberal party of the time, wanting to change the current system by way of federal government power.
The Democratic party was the socially conservative party of the time, wanting to keep things the way they were, by way of letting the state governments make their own decision on whether slavery should be legal.

Basic history, man.

Please try to be concise with your claims so you can avoid embarrassment in the future.

Have a great day.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.
Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

It's a tactical mistake, and wrong, to say that.

Consider the 'Butterfly Effect'

Everything we do affects something. Everything. It's not just Physics, it's common sense.

The problem is, dimocraps are such lying filth, we can't collect any meaningful data without them cooking the books all the time.

Why? You may ask?

They want control of it. No Republican will try to control Energy, its supply, its demand and who gets it and who doesn't.....

But the scum of the earth dimocraps will -- Gladly.

They will be happy to give huge increments of energy (once they control it) to their favored groups while denying it to those who aren't 'pure' enough for their tastes.

dimocraps are not only the scum of the earth, they are megalomaniacs.

They will be only too glad to tell you how you should live and, more importantly, how you shouldn't

Humans DO affect the Climate. The question is -- How much?

How much.....?? 10% of the change? 1% of the change? 0.1% of the change? .001%? .0001? .00000652987108632075891090%?

How much?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Important problems will remain unsolved/unaddressed because of them
False Claim.

The thread states 'Every liberal cause is based on a lie', not 'Every democratic cause is based on a lie'.

The Republican party was the socially liberal party of the time, wanting to change the current system by way of federal government power.
The Democratic party was the socially conservative party of the time, wanting to keep things the way they were, by way of letting the state governments make their own decision on whether slavery should be legal.

Basic history, man.

Please try to be concise with your claims so you can avoid embarrassment in the future.

Have a great day.

fuck your 'basic history' You are trying to attach phony labels to historical EVENTS in order to make it look like it favors your POV.

That's a lie. And you are a liar.

Republicans believed in "Natural Rights''

scum of the earth dimocraps didn't then and do not to this day.

Natural rights are assigned by God and include, Life, LIBERTY and the pursuit of Happiness. They sorta originated with John Locke.

But, you're a dimocrap. No point trying to educate you past the goo-goo, ga-ga stage.

Waste of time.
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider
She also claims that no accusation against liberals can go to far. There is NOTHING that they will not do to achieve their goals. Experience shows that she hit the nail on the head.
Who are you? Don't sit there and presume to correct me, newbie.

You basically repeated my post, with added prolixity. To affect weather patterns means to affect the weather itself. Humanity can in no way influence weather. Weather happens regardless of the activities of man, thus the flaw of the global warming argument.

Back off.

I skipped the 'presume' stage, and just corrected you. Hope you didn't mind.
Being here longer than me does not make you any less wrong than you were. Sorry.

I didn't just repeat your post, I corrected it. You need to be concise with your claims if you want to be taken seriously.

Sorry a 'newbie' had to be the one to break it to you.

('newbie'? what is this, the 90s?)

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