Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

Liberals are control freaks. I can think of nothing more frustrating for control freak liberals than the US Constitution and our individual rights. Hence they lie to undermine them, its that simple.
Damn, it was sure better before those damned liberals emancipated the slaves, gave women the right to vote and put an end to forced child labor!

The lies those evil liberals spread in order to secure these objectives are downright evil. The idea that each and ever person deserves the same opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just so vile that I can't imagine anybody falling for it.
When did liberals do all that? The Abolishionists were liberals? WTF? Technology played a MUCH larger role than any liberal, which no where closely resembles the Marxists calling themselves that today.
Is your middle name 'stupid'? Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Susan B Anthony was a lifelong Republican. Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican. dimocrap scum are, and have always been, racist scum. They've just switched from anti-black to anti-white.
"Stupid" must be your middle name. The poster talked about liberals and conservatives, NOT Democrats and Republicans. :cuckoo:
Democrats have perpetrated hoaxes for decades....One of them is we were losing the Vietnam War.

Here are some of the other hoaxes or scams they've pull on us:

  1. The Hole In The Ozone At The Poles Is Caused By CFCs
  2. Global Warming/Climate Change
  3. Gabby Gifford Was Targeted by Sarah Palin
  4. Duke Lacrosse Team
  5. Benghazi Was Caused By A Video
  6. Oklahoma City Bombing Was Republican's Fault
  7. Universal Health Care/ Affordable Health Care
  8. Columbine Anti-Gun Push
  9. Sandyhook Anti-Gun Push
  10. Trayvon Martin Shooting
  11. Ferguson/ Hands Up-Don't Shoot
  12. Stem cell Research
  13. Exploitation of Dead Soldiers In Iraq
  14. Bush Caused Katrina
  15. Cones On New Jersey Bridge
  16. Sandra Fluke Fake Hearing
  17. The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression
  18. Quantitative Easing
  19. The Sequester Isn't Obama's Idea
  20. The Last Government Shutdown
  21. The Russian Reset
  22. The Arab Spring
  23. Taking Down Qaddafi Was Needed
  24. Taking Down Assad Was Needed
  25. Mitt Romney Never Paid Taxes
  26. If You Like Your Doctor.....
  27. IRS Scandal
  28. VA Scandal
  29. Hillary Emails Scandal
  30. Democrats Encouraging Illegal Immigration
There's several more that we can't prove, including the Gulf Oil Spill, a botched attempt at gun-legislation caused by Fast & Furious, and that farmers in California can't get water to raise crops, thanks to Harry Reid shutting off the source in Nevada.
(even if we don't know the true cause).

you liberliars say it is human caused, THAT is where the LIE lies !

................................ :up_yours: ..........................

I disgaree.

Of course AGW is 'human caused'. There is no doubt of that.

Every time The Sasquatch farts (which I suspect is a lot) it adds to the ambient temperature of the earth's atmosphere and Oceans.

Everything we do adds to it.

The question is -- "How much of the 'warming' is our fault?" Try to get a dimocrap to answer that one (good luck)

THAT is where the lying scumbag, pig-fucking dimocrap filth come in...... They lie.

We've proven they rigged temperature-gathering information and statistics. We've proven they lie at every opportunity.

And they still are.

AGW may be s serious problem...... We just don't know for sure.

But the point is this -- dimocraps are lying, scum-sucking, pig-fucking filth in EVERYTHING they do.


I mean; everything.

They lie when there's no need to lie. It's an autonomic function with them. Dogs bark, etc, etc, babies cry, etc and dimocraps lie...... ALL of them.

Their lying doesn't mean that there isn't problem with -- Whatever it is they're lying about. There may very well be..... But dimocraps are just such LYING SCUM that nobody believes them anymore.

I wouldn't ask a dimocrap the time of day. He'd probably lie about it reflexively.

dimocraps eat, breathe, shit and propagate lies in EVERYTHING they do.

everything. It's part of their nature. It's why one should NEVER do business with them -- They lie.

It's why they can't be trusted with -- Anything. Their lying, their deception, their dishonesty follows them into EVERY endeavor in their lives... They just can't leave it behind.

Where a Conservative can. Our politics doesn't dictate the way we treat people, it doesn't determine how we do our jobs, it doesn't preclude us from being honest and forthright with people....

It does with dimocraps. dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

ALL of them, people. Every last one of them.

That's not to say there aren't asshole Conservatives. There are. A few. Maybe more than a few but it's not an ingrained part of our culture like it is with dimocrap scum

But it's not because of Conservative politics. They're just assholes ot thieves or whatever.

But with dimocraps? It's 100% with them. Believe it.

The melting of all the Ice Age ice-shields had one cause, Neanderthals lighting farts.
What a load of crap, you're all for liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as it fits your definition, you don't think individuals have a right to define it for themselves. Group think compliance is not liberty.

Hey, thanks for telling me what I think, little culture warrior.

I have spent 60 years not knowing what I think, so appreciate your kind offer to clue me in.

Evidently you don't bother to think, you just parrot the liberal line, I guess it's easier that way.
Democrats have perpetrated hoaxes for decades....One of them is we were losing the Vietnam War.

Here are some of the other hoaxes or scams they've pull on us:

  1. The Hole In The Ozone At The Poles Is Caused By CFCs
  2. Global Warming/Climate Change
  3. Gabby Gifford Was Targeted by Sarah Palin
  4. Duke Lacrosse Team
  5. Benghazi Was Caused By A Video
  6. Oklahoma City Bombing Was Republican's Fault
  7. Universal Health Care/ Affordable Health Care
  8. Columbine Anti-Gun Push
  9. Sandyhook Anti-Gun Push
  10. Trayvon Martin Shooting
  11. Ferguson/ Hands Up-Don't Shoot
  12. Stem cell Research
  13. Exploitation of Dead Soldiers In Iraq
  14. Bush Caused Katrina
  15. Cones On New Jersey Bridge
  16. Sandra Fluke Fake Hearing
  17. The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression
  18. Quantitative Easing
  19. The Sequester Isn't Obama's Idea
  20. The Last Government Shutdown
  21. The Russian Reset
  22. The Arab Spring
  23. Taking Down Qaddafi Was Needed
  24. Taking Down Assad Was Needed
  25. Mitt Romney Never Paid Taxes
  26. If You Like Your Doctor.....
  27. IRS Scandal
  28. VA Scandal
  29. Hillary Emails Scandal
  30. Democrats Encouraging Illegal Immigration
There's several more that we can't prove, including the Gulf Oil Spill, a botched attempt at gun-legislation caused by Fast & Furious, and that farmers in California can't get water to raise crops, thanks to Harry Reid shutting off the source in Nevada.

Liberals used these lies to further liberal agendas, there is always an ulterior motive with these dishonest assholes.
Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

Back in the 1500's the "settled science" was that the Sun revolved around the Earth. There was a "consensus" of the "scientific community" about that. Dissenters were harshly treated.

Well, everything old is new again.
]When did liberals do all that? The Abolishionists were liberals? WTF? Technology played a MUCH larger role than any liberal, which no where closely resembles the Marxists calling themselves that today.

Of course abolitionists were liberal. How anybody could be so uneducated as to think otherwise is beyond me.
Evidently you don't bother to think, you just parrot the liberal line, I guess it's easier that way.

I am one of the precious few people here who critiques both the right and the left and who actually knows a thing or two about the tenets upon which political philosophies are based.

You are uneducated, so don't have a clue.
]When did liberals do all that? The Abolishionists were liberals? WTF? Technology played a MUCH larger role than any liberal, which no where closely resembles the Marxists calling themselves that today.
Of course abolitionists were liberal. How anybody could be so uneducated as to think otherwise is beyond me.
I imagine quite a lot is beyond you.
]I imagine quite a lot is beyond you.

That is certainly true. Being intelligent and educated has left me with the complete inability to fathom how a person could arrive at adulthood so abjectly ignorant as to think that those who were fighting against the status quo of slavery, and doing so from the perspective of social justice were anything but liberal.

A mind that vacuous is well beyond my ability to comprehend.
Evidently you don't bother to think, you just parrot the liberal line, I guess it's easier that way.

I am one of the precious few people here who critiques both the right and the left and who actually knows a thing or two about the tenets upon which political philosophies are based.

You are uneducated, so don't have a clue.

Bullshit, you use the same old hate and bigotry lines that every other liberal does around here, you might be an educated idiot, but an idiot none the less.
]I imagine quite a lot is beyond you.

That is certainly true. Being intelligent and educated has left me with the complete inability to fathom how a person could arrive at adulthood so abjectly ignorant as to think that those who were fighting against the status quo of slavery, and doing so from the perspective of social justice were anything but liberal.

A mind that vacuous is well beyond my ability to comprehend.

Icey-pooh.... Don't you understand how superior the intellect of a dimocrap scumbag is to yours/ours?

Here's an example --

Liberal Angry At #MemoriesPizza Shows Us How To Math
We’ve seen many liberals have difficulties with facts, such as our dear friend, Harry Reid, and his lies about Mitt Romney.

Here you can see an example that some also have difficulty with basic math. It’s difficult to get actual knowledge in one’s head when it’s stuck on leftist conspiracies and jealousy at the pizzeria.

54 83 26


They're fucking brilliant, Icey. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they'll be happy to inform you of their brilliance.
]I imagine quite a lot is beyond you.

That is certainly true. Being intelligent and educated has left me with the complete inability to fathom how a person could arrive at adulthood so abjectly ignorant as to think that those who were fighting against the status quo of slavery, and doing so from the perspective of social justice were anything but liberal.

A mind that vacuous is well beyond my ability to comprehend.

Icey-pooh.... Don't you understand how superior the intellect of a dimocrap scumbag is to yours/ours?

Here's an example --

Liberal Angry At #MemoriesPizza Shows Us How To Math
We’ve seen many liberals have difficulties with facts, such as our dear friend, Harry Reid, and his lies about Mitt Romney.

Here you can see an example that some also have difficulty with basic math. It’s difficult to get actual knowledge in one’s head when it’s stuck on leftist conspiracies and jealousy at the pizzeria.

54 83 26


They're fucking brilliant, Icey. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they'll be happy to inform you of their brilliance.
Liberal Angry At #MemoriesPizza Shows Us How To Math

Do conservatives not know the proper word?? Addition or calculate, even total sum works, but Math as an adverb or verb , ha!
Democrats have perpetrated hoaxes for decades....One of them is we were losing the Vietnam War.

Here are some of the other hoaxes or scams they've pull on us:

  1. The Hole In The Ozone At The Poles Is Caused By CFCs
  2. Global Warming/Climate Change
  3. Gabby Gifford Was Targeted by Sarah Palin
  4. Duke Lacrosse Team
  5. Benghazi Was Caused By A Video
  6. Oklahoma City Bombing Was Republican's Fault
  7. Universal Health Care/ Affordable Health Care
  8. Columbine Anti-Gun Push
  9. Sandyhook Anti-Gun Push
  10. Trayvon Martin Shooting
  11. Ferguson/ Hands Up-Don't Shoot
  12. Stem cell Research
  13. Exploitation of Dead Soldiers In Iraq
  14. Bush Caused Katrina
  15. Cones On New Jersey Bridge
  16. Sandra Fluke Fake Hearing
  17. The Worst Economy Since The Great Depression
  18. Quantitative Easing
  19. The Sequester Isn't Obama's Idea
  20. The Last Government Shutdown
  21. The Russian Reset
  22. The Arab Spring
  23. Taking Down Qaddafi Was Needed
  24. Taking Down Assad Was Needed
  25. Mitt Romney Never Paid Taxes
  26. If You Like Your Doctor.....
  27. IRS Scandal
  28. VA Scandal
  29. Hillary Emails Scandal
  30. Democrats Encouraging Illegal Immigration
There's several more that we can't prove, including the Gulf Oil Spill, a botched attempt at gun-legislation caused by Fast & Furious, and that farmers in California can't get water to raise crops, thanks to Harry Reid shutting off the source in Nevada.

Liberals used these lies to further liberal agendas, there is always an ulterior motive with these dishonest assholes.
The latest lie is that we have an agreement with Iran. If you listen to both sides, the only folks that feel we have an agreement of any kind is the Obama Administration. If this goes anything like the roll-out of Obamacare.....this is going to be a total clusterfuck.
]I imagine quite a lot is beyond you.

That is certainly true. Being intelligent and educated has left me with the complete inability to fathom how a person could arrive at adulthood so abjectly ignorant as to think that those who were fighting against the status quo of slavery, and doing so from the perspective of social justice were anything but liberal.

A mind that vacuous is well beyond my ability to comprehend.

Icey-pooh.... Don't you understand how superior the intellect of a dimocrap scumbag is to yours/ours?

Here's an example --

Liberal Angry At #MemoriesPizza Shows Us How To Math
We’ve seen many liberals have difficulties with facts, such as our dear friend, Harry Reid, and his lies about Mitt Romney.

Here you can see an example that some also have difficulty with basic math. It’s difficult to get actual knowledge in one’s head when it’s stuck on leftist conspiracies and jealousy at the pizzeria.

54 83 26


They're fucking brilliant, Icey. Don't believe me? Just ask one, they'll be happy to inform you of their brilliance.
Liberal Angry At #MemoriesPizza Shows Us How To Math

Do conservatives not know the proper word?? Addition or calculate, even total sum works, but Math as an adverb or verb , ha!


Fact is, liberal causes are equal rights for everyone, health care for everyone, care for the elderly, care for children, care for education, and care for the poor.

Cons causes are for the war machine, corporations and the rich at the expense of the liberal causes. And the cons use nazi tactics of demonizing liberals to create hate. It didn't work for Hitler, and it's not gonna work for the cons.
Fact is, liberal causes are equal rights for everyone, health care for everyone, care for the elderly, care for children, care for education, and care for the poor.

Cons causes are for the war machine, corporations and the rich at the expense of the liberal causes. And the cons use nazi tactics of demonizing liberals to create hate. It didn't work for Hitler, and it's not gonna work for the cons.


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