Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

Daily Caller AND Ann Coulter?

Hit the Daily Double there

Who else has a better understanding of liberalism today?
And you want to blame Democrats.

unless you have been in a coma since that time, i must inform you, all the democraps were all for "regime change" to rid the country of WMD's.

do you know how to use a search function ? try it you just may learn something.
I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

Ummmm...okay, you totally just contradicted yourself here.

"Every liberal cause is BASED on a lie"

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening

Okay...so if the liberal cause of Global Warming is "based" on a lie....how can you be an idiot to deny it isn't happening.

Obviously, you have not read the entire paragraph in the post you quote.

Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.
Fucking George Bush decided to invade a country that didn't attack us and open up a can of worms that he had no idea how to get control of.

And you want to blame Democrats.

You fucked up dude. Stupid too.

And Cliinton attacked Serbia without congressional approval.

And Obama attacked Libya without congressional approval.

And Obama supplied the Syrian rebels with arms leading to the death of Stevens and the rise os ISIS.

And yet not one of them attacked the US.

The US was being attacked in the NO FLY ZONE and Congress did approve of action in Iraq and you find fault with following the COTUS? Really?

Assumes facts not in evidence.
Ummmm...okay, you totally just contradicted yourself here.

"Every liberal cause is BASED on a lie"

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening

Okay...so if the liberal cause of Global Warming is "based" on a lie....how can you be an idiot to deny it isn't happening.

Obviously, you have not read the entire paragraph in the post you quote.

Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.
Fucking George Bush decided to invade a country that didn't attack us and open up a can of worms that he had no idea how to get control of.

And you want to blame Democrats.

You fucked up dude. Stupid too.

And Cliinton attacked Serbia without congressional approval.

And Obama attacked Libya without congressional approval.

And Obama supplied the Syrian rebels with arms leading to the death of Stevens and the rise os ISIS.

And yet not one of them attacked the US.

The US was being attacked in the NO FLY ZONE and Congress did approve of action in Iraq and you find fault with following the COTUS? Really?

Assumes facts not in evidence.

the clown avatars fit the left to perfection.

Everything I posted is in evidence, I just put it into evidence and all of it is true.

You making a statement, "Iraq war a mess" without qualification is nothing more then clown talk.
I can't think of anything the dimocraps are telling the truth about.

Even the ACA which I was, and still am all for, dimocraps lied their asses off to get it through. And continure to lie about it.

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening but guess what? dimocraps lie about that too. Lie after lie after lie. Could it be because we're just coming out of an Ice Age? Could it be because of that big yellow blob in the sky some call the Sun? Could it be.....

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying, they go to bed at night lying and all through they day -- They lie. It's all they know how to do.

Maybe if they'd harness some of that energy they expend on lying and use it for constructive means, we could get some good things done in this Country.

But, for the scum of the earth dimocraps, lying is just so much easier, isn't it?

Ummmm...okay, you totally just contradicted yourself here.

"Every liberal cause is BASED on a lie"

Global Warming? Sure, you'd have to be an idiot to deny it isn't happening

Okay...so if the liberal cause of Global Warming is "based" on a lie....how can you be an idiot to deny it isn't happening.
The lie of global warming is that there is but one cause:

Obviously, you have not read the entire paragraph in the post you quote.

Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

Reasonable people have a reasonable doubt. Which is good enough in most courts of justice.

Besides, it is usually very difficult to prove a negative.

Besides, recent observations show that there is warming on Mars. You know, the planet of unconscionable, profligate SUV driving capitalist conservative Republicans.

Besides, Al Gore and Bill Maher and you as their faithful acolyte, KNOW
Fucking George Bush decided to invade a country that didn't attack us and open up a can of worms that he had no idea how to get control of.

And you want to blame Democrats.

You fucked up dude. Stupid too.

If Dems had bloc voted on "Bush's" Iraq war resolutions like they did on the abomination called the PP/ACA(acronym for another huge Dem LIE), there would have been no Iraq War.
Interesting how many Dems that voted for that war ended up in Cabinet level positions.
Yes I have, I'm all ears, fill me in on what I'm missing here...

I will not presume to speak on the behalf of Edgetho, but I think he implied that the undeniable warming is due to the Sun.

Okay, that's fine and dandy, but Global Warming is still happening....so how is the liberal cause of Global Warming "based" on a lie if it is indeed happening (even if we don't know the true cause).

Maybe because Democrats lie by claiming that the warming is caused by you and me, driving vehicles that are far more fuel efficient than those of 30 years ago, you and me using precious resources drawn from the Earth - like coal and oil - you and me have our comfort at the expense of the third world, and many other similar lies promoted by hypocrites living in multimillion dollar, 30,000 sq foot homes and flying private jets and became billionaires by bamboozling and scaring saps like you.

I ask you, and if you don't know the answer, ask Al Gore or Bill Maher, if "we don't know the true cause" of global warming/climate change, how come they and obedient acolytes like you want humans to go back to caves and candles.

The way I look at it every ounce of CO2 I put in the air is food for the plants and trees and the grass and the Hell with scare monger crying about what MIGHT happen 100 years from now.

You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

Reasonable people have a reasonable doubt. Which is good enough in most courts of justice.

Besides, it is usually very difficult to prove a negative.

Besides, recent observations show that there is warming on Mars. You know, the planet of unconscionable, profligate SUV driving capitalist conservative Republicans.

Besides, Al Gore and Bill Maher and you as their faithful acolyte, KNOW

Regardless, the issue still stands that Edge-o believes in Global Warming in some fashion and so the idea that Global Warming is based on a lie is nonsense.

I'm not getting dragged into a climate debate here, I don't have the time, gotta go see family on Easter.
Fucking George Bush decided to invade a country that didn't attack us and open up a can of worms that he had no idea how to get control of.

And you want to blame Democrats.

You fucked up dude. Stupid too.

And Cliinton attacked Serbia without congressional approval.

And Obama attacked Libya without congressional approval.

And Obama supplied the Syrian rebels with arms leading to the death of Stevens and the rise os ISIS.

And yet not one of them attacked the US.

The US was being attacked in the NO FLY ZONE and Congress did approve of action in Iraq and you find fault with following the COTUS? Really?

Assumes facts not in evidence.

the clown avatars fit the left to perfection.

Everything I posted is in evidence, I just put it into evidence and all of it is true.

You making a statement, "Iraq war a mess" without qualification is nothing more then clown talk.

You can choose to ignore her. You think Goebbels acted alone? Neither does the left. If Coulter bothers you it doesn't say much for your beliefs.
She 's a fifth-columnist, stirring dissension in an attempt overthrow the legitimately elected government.

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