Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

Joseph Goebbels would be humbled. He was a rank amateur in comparison.
I wouldn't give Coulter that much credit, but her resemblance to Goebbels is unmistakable.
You're just another Coulterphobe that pounds yourself silly thinking about her.

Anne Coulter looks like a girl who really knows how to take a dick.

You're joking right? "She" looks like one WITH a dick!
Open question to supporters of the OP:

What lie was the liberal cause to free the slaves based on?

What lie was the liberal cause to break away from Britain and start our country based on?


Lincoln said many times that he never intended to free the slaves, so that's a lie right there.

Also, 18th century liberals and modern liberals are two separate animals with no relation to each other.
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Weather happens all the time, the idea that humans cause it is a lie.

False claim.

The 'idea that humans cause it' is not what mainstream Democrats think. Their claim is that human activity plays a part in disrupting the natural weather patterns. Science makes the same claim. They don't just believe that people cause weather. Try to be concise, please.

Have a great day.

In other words, humans cause the weather. You said the same thing using different words. No one was fooled.
My middle name is Joseph.

My S.A.T. score taken in 1972 (before it was changed to make it easier) was 1460, and I was accepted to Stanford University, so I would say no, I am not stupid.

In fact, of the two of us, I am apparently the only one who realizes ideology and political affiliation are not the same thing.

My Cousin graduated from Cornell.... With honors.

He is one of the dumbest fucks I've ever known. Can't keep a wife, can't hold down a job, refuses to take care of anything, has no self-respect, gets fired from one teaching job (the only thing he can do, too stupid to do anything useful) after another for not showing up......

Is that you, Richard? Call your mom, she's worried about you

I used to be an administrative assistant for the University of Arizona. I realized early on that the reason universities employ admin assistants, secretaries and such is to have them babysit the PhDs, none of whom can wipe their own asses without a detailed schematic and instructions from Houston Control once they get outside their narrow field of endeavor.

I can kind of understand that. I'm a technical professional, and I'm good at what I do, but I don't know how to work half the crap on my cell phone. Sometimes I need to have my stepson configure it for me. I just don't have the patience to read the fucking manual.
If the republicans are so great, then explain their hatred for most everything the middle class needs to survive...

1). Social security
2). Medicare
3). Unions
4). Health insurance

Why do they have an outright hatred for those programs. Why? Because they gotta pay a little tax to sustain them. They are also for low wages, less safety regulations, no paid vacation, no FLMA, etc. Why? Because it might cut into record profits. More and more people who have to work to barely make ends meet aqre going to figure this out.

I need Social Security, Medicare, unions, and health insurance to survive? Really? That might be tough, since Medicare and health insurance cancel each other out.

It's a miracle that the species survived until the FDR administration, isn't it?

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

All of them, dumbass.
Since Medicaid is both an entitlement and the law of the land...

In no way alters the deceit intrinsic to both... But how hysterical is it that it 'believes' that 'because it's law, it's truth!'


You can NOT make this crap up!

Your Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

What passes for logic among liberals is astounding, isn't it?
Liberals have been consistently wrong for over 70 years. They were wrong about Stalin, they were wrong about Mao, they were wrong about Vietnam, they were wrong about Castro (all of them were liberal icons), they were wrong about Che, they were wrong about the Soviet Union, they were wrong about the Cold War, they were wrong about Alger Hiss,they were wrong about the Rosenbergs, they were wrong about Civil Rights Act, they were wrong abot missile defense, they were wrong about new taxes, they were wrong about Bill Clinton, they were wrong about 9/11, they were wrong about Iraq, they were wrong about Afghanistan, they are wrong about gay marriage, they are wrong about racism in America, they are wrong about Hillary Clinton. The Left: the most consistently wrong group of people in history.
Liberals have been consistently wrong for over 70 years. They were wrong about Stalin, they were wrong about Mao, they were wrong about Vietnam, they were wrong about Castro (all of them were liberal icons), they were wrong about Che, they were wrong about the Soviet Union, they were wrong about the Cold War, they were wrong about Alger Hiss,they were wrong about the Rosenbergs, they were wrong about Civil Rights Act, they were wrong abot missile defense, they were wrong about new taxes, they were wrong about Bill Clinton, they were wrong about 9/11, they were wrong about Iraq, they were wrong about Afghanistan, they are wrong about gay marriage, they are wrong about racism in America, they are wrong about Hillary Clinton. The Left: the most consistently wrong group of people in history.

The Vietnam anti-war movement came from the left.
Liberals have been consistently wrong for over 70 years. They were wrong about Stalin, they were wrong about Mao, they were wrong about Vietnam, they were wrong about Castro (all of them were liberal icons), they were wrong about Che, they were wrong about the Soviet Union, they were wrong about the Cold War, they were wrong about Alger Hiss,they were wrong about the Rosenbergs, they were wrong about Civil Rights Act, they were wrong abot missile defense, they were wrong about new taxes, they were wrong about Bill Clinton, they were wrong about 9/11, they were wrong about Iraq, they were wrong about Afghanistan, they are wrong about gay marriage, they are wrong about racism in America, they are wrong about Hillary Clinton. The Left: the most consistently wrong group of people in history.

The Vietnam anti-war movement came from the left.
Your point?
What have Conservatives ever done? Moved other people money around for a fee, and piss and moan about taxes. Today they are working to suppress the vote based on the false premise that voter fraud is rampant, repeal the PPACA creating chaos in the market place and taking life saving insurance from millions, and deny fiscal aid to regions hard hit by natural disasters.
You're getting your news from comedy shows.
What have Conservatives ever done? Moved other people money around for a fee, and piss and moan about taxes. Today they are working to suppress the vote based on the false premise that voter fraud is rampant, repeal the PPACA creating chaos in the market place and taking life saving insurance from millions, and deny fiscal aid to regions hard hit by natural disasters.
You're getting your news from comedy shows.

That's not news, that's propaganda.

Which is all dimocraps are capable of.

Not a single word of his post is true. In fact, the entire thing is one big lie after another.

But..... That's what dimocraps do -- They lie. Then they cite another lying source to back up their lie who cited another liar as a source for their lie who used another lying dimocrap source for their lie.

It gets to the point where it becomes circular and self-sustaining.........

Like the entire dimocrap party. Just one big lie made up of thousands of little lies.

It's a disease with these people. They are so tangled up in lies, they couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it. They just don't know how.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.
Open question to supporters of the OP:

What lie was the liberal cause to free the slaves based on?

What lie was the liberal cause to break away from Britain and start our country based on?


Lincoln said many times that he never intended to free the slaves, so that's a lie right there.

Also, 18th century liberals and modern liberals are two separate animals with no relation to each other.

You're really a fool, evidenced by parroting such crap as these statements, first without any evidence and then by failing to understand the essence of liberalism, alive in the 1700's as it is today.

The dichotomy that existed then, still exists today between conservatives and liberals, a simple concept even a simpleton like bripat might understand. The former resist change, and the latter welcome change; the former look backward, the latter look forward.

The significance of J. S. Mill's economic masterpiece, Principle of Political Economy, is no different than something Democrats argue for today, he maintained:
  • workers should form unions and cooperatives to seek higher wages
  • he opposed communism as a threat to individualism
  • he believe laws were necessary to protect women and children
  • he favored government intervention to remedy injustice
  • he wanted taxes on inheritance and rent
  • he wanted equal rights and education for women
The significance of J. S. Mill's economic masterpiece, Principle of Political Economy, is no different than something Democrats argue for today, he maintained:
  • workers should form unions and cooperatives to seek higher wages
  • he opposed communism as a threat to individualism
  • he believe laws were necessary to protect women and children
  • he favored government intervention to remedy injustice
  • he wanted taxes on inheritance and rent
  • he wanted equal rights and education for women
Unions have run MANY jobs overseas. Whoops.
Wow, protect women and children? How are conservatives going to enslave them in their sweat shops?
Government should enforce the laws? The guy was a genius!
Taxes on inheritance? Why? Who's fucking money is it?
Equal rights for women? That's uniquely liberal?
Here's just a couple of examples of recent dimocrap scum lies that they just.don't.care.about the fact they lied.

They don't care. They're not embarrassed about it, they have never apologized for it and -- They never will.

Because they are the scum of the earth.

Just that fucking simple.

Know what's sad? Seriously?

Some of these young people might have had a chance in life if it weren't for scum of the earth dimocrap filth teaching them the exact opposite of what it takes in this world to be a self-respecting and self-supporting individual.

But nope, the scum of the earth doesn't care about young people. Or black people. Or old people. Or Hispanic people. Or...... Any other kind of people. They'll walk all over their broken, destroyed, crumpled bodies in their quest for more power. Absolute power..... It's what they want.

Rolling Stone To Retract And Scrub Botched Rape Story…UPDATED: No Firings Or Disciplinary Action Will Be Taken

The story never happened, it was part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Via Yahoo news

The author of Rolling Stone’s discredited “A Rape on Campus” story, Sabrina Rubin Erderly, will apologize Sunday in conjunction with the release of the Columbia Journalism School’s external review of the erroneous story, according to media reports.

Rolling Stone will also pull the story from its site and put Columbia’s review in its place, Brian Stelter reported Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.” The decision to take the story down is a fairly unprecedented step in the digital media era.

The reportedly 12,000-word review is expected to be a damning piece that places fault in all corners of Rolling Stone for errors made in the reporting and storytelling process for the campus rape story, published in November. Rolling Stone will also be taking responsibility for its errors, Stelter reported.

The review will be authored by Columbia Journalism School Dean Steve Coll. It is expected to be published on the Columbia Journalism Review’s website as well as on Rolling Stone’s site.

In March, police in Charlottesvile, Virgina issued their investigation’s findings, saying they found no evidence a rape occurred at the University of Virginia on the night in question in 2012.

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Journalistic integrity doesn’t apply.


Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner has decided not to take any disciplinary action against the editors or fact-checkers involved in the discredited story “A Rape on Campus.”

This means no one will be dismissed or suspended as a result of the error-filled story, according to people with direct knowledge of the decision.

Wenner believes the missteps by the magazine’s staff members — from managing editor Will Dana on down — were unintentional, not purposefully deceitful.

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And you know that 'Hands Up' bullshit that even the most racist, political and scumbag AG in history had to admit was a complete LIE?

It's still going on..... Surprise!

#BlackLivesMatter Crazies Protest At Black Church In Ferguson On Easter…
Every time you think they can’t exceed themselves in lunacy, they take one more step there…

They called their action #BlackChurch.

They stood outside a mostly black attended church in Ferguson with these lovely signs and sentiments.

No, Mike Brown, et al, were not Jesus:

No, Jesus specifically rejected political direct action, specifically rejected the way of Barabbas.

No, today is about Jesus dying to save the all man, not about your radical nonsense.

Forbes picked two protesters, including Deray McKesson, as 50 of the “World’s Leaders”. This critic notes perhaps they should take another look at who they choose, when such people protest at a church on Easter Sunday.

Yes, they couldn’t believe that the black church called the police on them. Couldn’t believe that maybe this isn’t what most black Christians wouldn’t want to be doing on Easter, that most would view this as grossly inappropriate.

But really, since their religion is leftism, they would not truly understand that religion isn’t about politics, particularly not on this day of all days to Christians.
Here's what dimocrap scum are trying to get you to think they identified with back in the 19th Century......

Formed in 1859 Britain.... It is, to the best of my knowledge, the first ever 'liberal' party formed in the English Speaking world

Sir William Harcourt, a prominent Liberal politician in the Victorian era, said this about liberalism:

If there be any party which is more pledged than another to resist a policy of restrictive legislation, having for its object social coercion, that party is the Liberal party. (Cheers.) But liberty does not consist in making others do what you think right, (Hear, hear.) The difference between a free Government and a Government which is not free is principally this—that a Government which is not free interferes with everything it can, and a free Government interferes with nothing except what it must. A despotic Government tries to make everybody do what it wishes; a Liberal Government tries, as far as the safety of society will permit, to allow everybody to do as he wishes. It has been the tradition of the Liberal party consistently to maintain the doctrine of individual liberty. It is because they have done so that England is the place where people can do more what they please than in any other country in the world...It is this practice of allowing one set of people to dictate to another set of people what they shall do, what they shall think, what they shall drink, when they shall go to bed, what they shall buy, and where they shall buy it, what wages they shall get and how they shall spend them, against which the Liberal party have always protested.[3]

People, ladies and gentlemen, dimocrap scum --


but dimocrap scum lie. They lie about everything. They lie about history, they lie about tomorrow, they lie about today.

dimocraps are lying scum.

Period. Some of them are just stupid..... A lot, in fact. But their leaders, the movers and shakers of the party, the elites in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM, in politics, in Academia..... They aren't stupid, they know they're lying and --

They don't care. Their good little Nazis will march in goose step to whatever Horst Wessel tune the dimocrap scum leadership is playing

Just a fact, people
The significance of J. S. Mill's economic masterpiece, Principle of Political Economy, is no different than something Democrats argue for today, he maintained:
  • workers should form unions and cooperatives to seek higher wages
  • he opposed communism as a threat to individualism
  • he believe laws were necessary to protect women and children
  • he favored government intervention to remedy injustice
  • he wanted taxes on inheritance and rent
  • he wanted equal rights and education for women
Unions have run MANY jobs overseas. Whoops.
Wow, protect women and children? How are conservatives going to enslave them in their sweat shops?
Government should enforce the laws? The guy was a genius!
Taxes on inheritance? Why? Who's fucking money is it?
Equal rights for women? That's uniquely liberal?
J. S. Mill invented the philosophy of utilitarianism, with which you could justify virtually anything, even Nazism and putting Jews in gas ovens. As a set of moral principles, Utilitarianism is absolutely useless.

Some genius.
The significance of J. S. Mill's economic masterpiece, Principle of Political Economy, is no different than something Democrats argue for today, he maintained:
  • workers should form unions and cooperatives to seek higher wages
  • he opposed communism as a threat to individualism
  • he believe laws were necessary to protect women and children
  • he favored government intervention to remedy injustice
  • he wanted taxes on inheritance and rent
  • he wanted equal rights and education for women
Unions have run MANY jobs overseas. Whoops.
Wow, protect women and children? How are conservatives going to enslave them in their sweat shops?
Government should enforce the laws? The guy was a genius!
Taxes on inheritance? Why? Who's fucking money is it?
Equal rights for women? That's uniquely liberal?
J. S. Mill invented the philosophy of utilitarianism, with which you could justify virtually anything, even Nazism and putting Jews in gas ovens. As a set of moral principles, Utilitarianism is absolutely useless.

Some genius.
Moving goal posts around for whatever reason sounds very liberal to me.
Don't understand the difference with registration fraud versus voter fraud. You MUST BE A RIGHT WINGER!

Voter registration is prelude to voter fraud.

No thief breaks into bank to just look around, and leave without money.

You can claim we don't know or we don't understand... but we know and understand lefties, too well.

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