Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17.

I've definitely been in situations when a young girl with boys,that I had to get myself out of...

BUT, the part that is troublesome in the Professor's story, is where Kavanaugh allegedly held his hand over her mouth, so she could not be heard when trying to scream for help....

THAT PART does not sit well with me and has never happened to me, and I can see how she must have been really scared at her age, at that point.... IF IT IS TRUE... she believed she was going to be raped, with that happening...

sure, you guys have done some stupid things, like everyone...
but have you actually held your hand harshly over the girl's mouth so she could not scream for help??? Really?? That is a step too far, even for the stupidest among the lot of boys being boys, in my opinion....

You are to gullible. It’s bull shit and y’all are sharpening up her vague details. Y’all are actually trying to find an excuse to believe a lie.
she passed a polygraph test on it...

let's have Kavanaugh get hooked up to ''the box'' and see if he passes!

Honestly, I don't like any of this kind of stuff... especially out in the public... I just wish everyone that we pay... do their jobs... and do it before a person is nominated and before the actual hearings, and the R's and D's need to do it together...

yes, there will always be divisions on political stuff, believe in Roe v Wade or not kind of stuff, but things like whether a nominee has been an honest ace or not, the R's and D's should be able to be on the same page.... don't you think?
I've definitely been in situations when a young girl with boys,that I had to get myself out of...

BUT, the part that is troublesome in the Professor's story, is where Kavanaugh allegedly held his hand over her mouth, so she could not be heard when trying to scream for help....

THAT PART does not sit well with me and has never happened to me, and I can see how she must have been really scared at her age, at that point.... IF IT IS TRUE... she believed she was going to be raped, with that happening...

sure, you guys have done some stupid things, like everyone...
but have you actually held your hand harshly over the girl's mouth so she could not scream for help??? Really?? That is a step too far, even for the stupidest among the lot of boys being boys, in my opinion....

If you say is true , he removed his hand and didn't go any further...

I remember one time a girl and I was drunk / naked fooling around and I started to penetrate her , she said doesn't she have a say ? And I pulled out ..

Does that constitute as attempted rape?...hell she could change around the story 30 years later...

And with the polygraph stuff a person could tell a lie so much so often that they start believing it themselves.

If you say is true , he removed his hand and didn't go any further...

She says something about Kavenaugh's friend in the room jumped on the bed at that point, which was when she was able to escape and get out.

I remember one time a girl and I was drunk / naked fooling around and I started to penetrate her , she said doesn't she have a say ? And I pulled out ..

good boy! ;)

Does that constitute as attempted rape?

No! More like a young man with some blue things that come in pairs! :D :lol:

And with the polygraph stuff a person could tell a lie so much so often that they start believing it themselves.

THAT certainly seems like it could be possible...

Maybe Kavanaugh should take one, and the other drunk friend of his, that was in the room, too. Then we would have a better idea on whether she's been lying to herself all these years...
If you are a teen you do outrageous things ....(I'm only talking outrageous ...I'm not talking crime or things like that ok?)

It goes with the territory....I was pretty outrageous myself along with my friends etc....we all were...you had to be....lol

but then....

I grew up....heheheheh....and I got mature

or I think I did!:auiqs.jpg:
Only one of them has passed a polygraph test. And it isn't Kavanaugh.

Sorry polygraphs are not reliable, there is a reason they are not recognized by the courts.

Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser

Post the evidence you have that shows Kavanaugh did as he was accused.
Cool. Then we can agree Kavanaugh should take one.

I don’t care if he takes one or not, it would not change your or any other lefties opinion whether he passed it or not, so it would be pointless.

If Kavanaugh passed the polygraph test too, I'd certainly be convinced that polygraphs aren't particularly useful in this case. As they can't *both* be telling the truth.

However if Kavanaugh fails after Ford passed......that's a fairly strong indication that someone is lying. And its not Ford.

If Kavanaugh's denials are as 'unequivicol' as he claims, he should pass with flying colors. If he refuses or avoids....that's a pretty obvious tell. And given how many excuses I've seen from the right on why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph test....

....it doesn't seem that his advocates have much faith in the truthfulness of his account either.
Trump would break the polygraph machine as would kavanaugh

Trump would pass the polygraph then 2.6 million liberal heads would explode.
No one is ENTITLED to be a Supreme Court Justice...

it's the highest position in the Land, that is not gotten by an election of we the people....

and the position is for a LIFETIME... for goodness sake!!

This kind of nomination and vetting of them, SHOULD NOT BE RUSHED, nor should anyone that is dishonest, even if about something done when a teen or when drunk, or when a boy was being a boy.... be the next Supreme Court Justice...

be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a CEO, be a prosecutor....be an Indian Chief... what ever you want to be... but don't expect to qualify for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court of the United States of America unless you are an honest ace and squeaky clean .... that's my opinion.

There are plenty of other pristine candidates on the Federalist Society's list, for Trump to choose from.....

Was this nomination rushed? If so how?
No one is ENTITLED to be a Supreme Court Justice...

it's the highest position in the Land, that is not gotten by an election of we the people....

and the position is for a LIFETIME... for goodness sake!!

This kind of nomination and vetting of them, SHOULD NOT BE RUSHED, nor should anyone that is dishonest, even if about something done when a teen or when drunk, or when a boy was being a boy.... be the next Supreme Court Justice...

be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a CEO, be a prosecutor....be an Indian Chief... what ever you want to be... but don't expect to qualify for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court of the United States of America unless you are an honest ace and squeaky clean .... that's my opinion.

There are plenty of other pristine candidates on the Federalist Society's list, for Trump to choose from.....

Was this nomination rushed? If so how?
YES it was rushed, in every way! google it....


Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
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I've definitely been in situations when a young girl with boys,that I had to get myself out of...

BUT, the part that is troublesome in the Professor's story, is where Kavanaugh allegedly held his hand over her mouth, so she could not be heard when trying to scream for help....

THAT PART does not sit well with me and has never happened to me, and I can see how she must have been really scared at her age, at that point.... IF IT IS TRUE... she believed she was going to be raped, with that happening...

sure, you guys have done some stupid things, like everyone...
but have you actually held your hand harshly over the girl's mouth so she could not scream for help??? Really?? That is a step too far, even for the stupidest among the lot of boys being boys, in my opinion....

If you say is true , he removed his hand and didn't go any further...

I remember one time a girl and I was drunk / naked fooling around and I started to penetrate her , she said doesn't she have a say ? And I pulled out ..

Does that constitute as attempted rape?...hell she could change around the story 30 years later...

And with the polygraph stuff a person could tell a lie so much so often that they start believing it themselves.

If you say is true , he removed his hand and didn't go any further...

She says something about Kavenaugh's friend in the room jumped on the bed at that point, which was when she was able to escape and get out.

I remember one time a girl and I was drunk / naked fooling around and I started to penetrate her , she said doesn't she have a say ? And I pulled out ..

good boy! ;)

Does that constitute as attempted rape?

No! More like a young man with some blue things that come in pairs! :D :lol:

And with the polygraph stuff a person could tell a lie so much so often that they start believing it themselves.

THAT certainly seems like it could be possible...

Maybe Kavanaugh should take one, and the other drunk friend of his, that was in the room, too. Then we would have a better idea on whether she's been lying to herself all these years...

Blue balls?

Nah I just thought of Janet Reno

I've definitely been in situations when a young girl with boys,that I had to get myself out of...

BUT, the part that is troublesome in the Professor's story, is where Kavanaugh allegedly held his hand over her mouth, so she could not be heard when trying to scream for help....

THAT PART does not sit well with me and has never happened to me, and I can see how she must have been really scared at her age, at that point.... IF IT IS TRUE... she believed she was going to be raped, with that happening...

sure, you guys have done some stupid things, like everyone...
but have you actually held your hand harshly over the girl's mouth so she could not scream for help??? Really?? That is a step too far, even for the stupidest among the lot of boys being boys, in my opinion....

You are to gullible. It’s bull shit and y’all are sharpening up her vague details. Y’all are actually trying to find an excuse to believe a lie.
she passed a polygraph test on it...

let's have Kavanaugh get hooked up to ''the box'' and see if he passes!

Honestly, I don't like any of this kind of stuff... especially out in the public... I just wish everyone that we pay... do their jobs... and do it before a person is nominated and before the actual hearings, and the R's and D's need to do it together...

yes, there will always be divisions on political stuff, believe in Roe v Wade or not kind of stuff, but things like whether a nominee has been an honest ace or not, the R's and D's should be able to be on the same page.... don't you think?

Lol, polygraph. So remember them Russian hookers you found so credible? One sits in a Tai prision. Why hasn’t the FBI spoken with her? Likely bull shit but it’s a lead nonetheless and they (the FBI) seems to be having a credibility issue here of late. I would be fine if he sat for a sesh. I do think they should be on the same page, but it doesn’t work like that anymore. You are one, and you hate the others. That’s how they R’s and D’s keep their power. This blindly following whomever needs to stop. Kavanaugh has gone through six FBI background checks and has been up there working for YEARS. Democrat or not, this is wrong. It also needs to be remembered, a Democrat president will have a pick or two. Most of the old trash in Congress will thankfully be dead. Will you feel the same when this happens to the first woman presidents SCOTUS pick?
No one is ENTITLED to be a Supreme Court Justice...

it's the highest position in the Land, that is not gotten by an election of we the people....

and the position is for a LIFETIME... for goodness sake!!

This kind of nomination and vetting of them, SHOULD NOT BE RUSHED, nor should anyone that is dishonest, even if about something done when a teen or when drunk, or when a boy was being a boy.... be the next Supreme Court Justice...

be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a CEO, be a prosecutor....be an Indian Chief... what ever you want to be... but don't expect to qualify for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court of the United States of America unless you are an honest ace and squeaky clean .... that's my opinion.

There are plenty of other pristine candidates on the Federalist Society's list, for Trump to choose from.....

Was this nomination rushed? If so how?
YES it was rushed, in every way! google it....

And all his prior service means nothing at all?
I think there is a segment who had drunken consensual sex and neither remember it in college for one hundred years+.
You just wake up the next day dehydrated from the booze. Usually kinda weird
At times someone was remorseful about the activities. And angry.
Flashing forward to today we are advocating the idea that if someone does not remember then it was sexual asssult. I do not agree.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

When I was a teen and in high school, I would probably be considered a criminal and menace to society by today's standards! The early 70s was a wild and crazy time. If people knew half the shit we did back then (harmless really), I probably couldn't get a job pumping gas today. I wouldn't change it for all the world.
No one is ENTITLED to be a Supreme Court Justice...

it's the highest position in the Land, that is not gotten by an election of we the people....

and the position is for a LIFETIME... for goodness sake!!

This kind of nomination and vetting of them, SHOULD NOT BE RUSHED, nor should anyone that is dishonest, even if about something done when a teen or when drunk, or when a boy was being a boy.... be the next Supreme Court Justice...

be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a CEO, be a prosecutor....be an Indian Chief... what ever you want to be... but don't expect to qualify for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court of the United States of America unless you are an honest ace and squeaky clean .... that's my opinion.

There are plenty of other pristine candidates on the Federalist Society's list, for Trump to choose from.....

Was this nomination rushed? If so how?
Watch the news. You'll figure it out.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

When I was a teen and in high school, I would probably be considered a criminal and menace to society by today's standards! The early 70s was a wild and crazy time. If people knew half the shit we did back then (harmless really), I probably couldn't get a job pumping gas today. I wouldn't change it for all the world.
Did that include attempted rape?

I grew up just outside of San Francisco. I was a teenager there in the 60's.
I never tried to rape anyone.

But I could take any drug test. I knew them all by heart.
No one is ENTITLED to be a Supreme Court Justice...

it's the highest position in the Land, that is not gotten by an election of we the people....

and the position is for a LIFETIME... for goodness sake!!

This kind of nomination and vetting of them, SHOULD NOT BE RUSHED, nor should anyone that is dishonest, even if about something done when a teen or when drunk, or when a boy was being a boy.... be the next Supreme Court Justice...

be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a CEO, be a prosecutor....be an Indian Chief... what ever you want to be... but don't expect to qualify for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court of the United States of America unless you are an honest ace and squeaky clean .... that's my opinion.

There are plenty of other pristine candidates on the Federalist Society's list, for Trump to choose from.....

Was this nomination rushed? If so how?
Watch the news. You'll figure it out.

No. The news is part of the problem. This nomination was not rushed. Neither was Obama’s picks. Our suprem court is not some bull shit for these retards too screw around with. So you know, I want this woman in front of congress to tell her story. Same for Kavanaugh. But the dude is an open book. This was nothing but a stunt and it really needs to scare the shit out of you. Remember, a Democrat will be presidant again. And it will be just as wrong when it happens to them to.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

I didn't do anything like ruin someone's life.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.
Who raped someone?
The woman isn’t even alleging rape, but you’ve decided Ks a rapist?
Typical leftard.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .
So you were there?
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
We live in a world where the occupant of the White House blatently lies on a daily basis. When anyone complains, we're told "ALL politicians lie" or the lies are denied even when there is audio/video evidence of the original lie being told.

I don't know what happened between these two individuals anymore than anyone else, but why in the hell is everyone mad at her for telling the world about it, if indeed it happened? I am thoroughly disgusted with the atitude that when men do someone unlawful, unethical, immoral, that the people that they have harmed are just supposed to keep their mouths shut even when we know that they will escape punishment - maybe because we don't have smoking gun evidence, but if it actually happened then everyone of us should be able to state so without being attacked for merely doing so.

As they say timing is everything. Maybe the reason she waited until now was because she didn't like the answer to his questions when he was asked if he had ever done anything [fill in the blank] knowing full well that he was commiting perjury because he had sexually assualted her, if that is what happened.

Irrespective of what they say in their testimony it's still a he said, she said situation and highly unlikely that her testimony will prevent his confirmation.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
End your career? The dude is still a judge whether he gets voted on or not. I don’t care if he was 17. I knew rape was wrong at 17. That’s definitely old enough.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
rape or attempted rape? Heck no, I don't know or heard of anyone who tried to commit that crime at the age. But again if one voted for a pussy grabber, who had unprotected sex with a prostitute...rape is normal I guess.

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