Every president colluded with multiple parties

to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

Yep both parties do it and it doesn't bother me when they collude with "multiple parties" during campaigns, after all American political campaigns have become nothing more than grand circuses features two different flavors of bullshit anyways.

What bothers me is the fact that politicians from both of the major political crime families collude with each other after the elections are over to lie, cheat and steal from the citizenry.
Trump did not collude nor conspire with Russia...if he had this witch hunt would be over and we would all know it by now and Trump would have been forced to step down...instead we have a "find a crime" and connect it to Trump anyway you can investigation...and even with that they have nothing...17 million dollars and counting and nearly two years of investigations....I know the FBI isn't the premier law enforcement agency they were prior to Mueller and Comey's reign but two years and they ain't got shit? End it Mueller and save what little integrity you still have.....
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.

Guessing your "they" doesn't include Hillary.
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.

to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.
Thanks for the acknowledgement that the Obama administration did indeed interfere in the 2016 election through engaging in a collaborated Conspiratorial effort to protect Hillary from indictment, to keep Trump from winning, and to attempt to remove Trump from office should he win.

There is enough evidence out there exposing all of this, but it is nice to see snowflakes finally getting the courage to acknowledge it.
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.
Are you ok with the dems colluding with British spies?
lol like I said they all do it

next fool
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.
Thanks for the acknowledgement that the Obama administration did indeed interfere in the 2016 election through engaging in a collaborated Conspiratorial effort to protect Hillary from indictment, to keep Trump from winning, and to attempt to remove Trump from office should he win.

There is enough evidence out there exposing all of this, but it is nice to see snowflakes finally getting the courage to acknowledge it.
yes superhero
yes superhero
Obama? Hardly - he was a terrorist sympathizer/colluder, violated both Constitution and Law, dragged us into Un-Constitutional wars, illegally spied on citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC justices, Presidential candidates, and the current President. He was the worst President in US history.

Trump? Hardly - he was the 'lesser of 2 evils' while running against a criminal who could not win her party's nomination and should have been in prison instead of on the ballot on election day.
Trump did not collude nor conspire with Russia...if he had this witch hunt would be over and we would all know it by now and Trump would have been forced to step down...instead we have a "find a crime" and connect it to Trump anyway you can investigation...and even with that they have nothing...17 million dollars and counting and nearly two years of investigations....I know the FBI isn't the premier law enforcement agency they were prior to Mueller and Comey's reign but two years and they ain't got shit? End it Mueller and save what little integrity you still have.....

Russia interfered in the Election, People who have put there lives on there line for their country have said so... That means not fucking you... This is a crime, FBI is investigating the crime... Trump (and buddies) and discrediting the investigators and threatening to close it...
Trump wants to stop investigating a crime.

This is what the FBI is investigating... The leads all seem to go through the Trump Campaign... Trump is acting like a guilty man...
to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.
Are you ok with the dems colluding with British spies?
lol like I said they all do it

next fool

Democrats didn’t “collude with British spies”. They never met the guy doing the research nor were they given his name. The Republicans used the same company for their opposition research on Trump, as well as the same British spy. Furthermore, the Democrats didn’t use ANY of the information they uncovered. They turned it over to Republican leaders who gave it to the FBI.

Contrast this with Junior who personally met with a Russian government lawyer and an “ex-KGB spy” along with other senior members of the campaign, in order to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government. Even Steve Bannon called that meeting “treason”.

Then there Donald Trump who publicly called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s email on the very day the Russian hackers starting downloading emails from the DNC server. There’s also Roger Stone who disclosed the contents of the Podesta’s emails hours BEFORE WikiLeaks posted them.

Last but not least, members of the Trump campaign lies about contacts with Russians. Over 100 undisclosed telephone calls and meetings with Russians oligarchs and government officials during the campaign and the transition. When caught, they claimed they “forgot”. If it was all so innocent, why lie?
Russia interfered in the Election, People who have put there lives on there line for their country have said so... That means not fucking you... This is a crime, FBI is investigating the crime..
That means not fucking you... This is a crime, FBI is investigating the crime... Trump (and buddies) and discrediting the investigators and threatening to close it...
Trump wants to stop investigating a crime.
Well whats the crime cowpoke..? What crime did Trump commit to warrant him not being told there was an ongoing investigation and a FBI spy inserted into his campaign...what was it?

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