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Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

It figures you would quote another idiot who has no understanding of international finance.
Wrong again. It must get tiring.

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel.
World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How the Global Elite Rules the World - Global Research

A lawyer? You have no idea how clueless lawyers are about anything, including the law!
It figures you would quote another idiot who has no understanding of international finance.
Wrong again. It must get tiring.

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel.
World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How the Global Elite Rules the World - Global Research

A lawyer? You have no idea how clueless lawyers are about anything, including the law!

Karen Hudes? She's a loon!
Israeli energy dominance? That's hilarious!

Do you know how much oil is in Israel? About as much as your car!
GE started out small too.
Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie's founder, chairman, controlling shareholder and CEO is Howard Jonas. Avi Goldin serves as the company's CFO, Michael Stein is the company's COO and Geoffrey Rochwarger serves as Vice Chairman. The president of its Israeli subsidiary is Effie Eitam. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico, an ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary[2], Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild,[3][2], and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana.
It's kinda cringey hearing conservatives jump on this SOCIALISM BAD bandwagon when the real reason the people of Venezeula are starving is because of US sanctions and their assets being frozen.
Socialism is the reason. It's always the reason when people are starving.
"Venezuela's opposition leader Update: Juan Guaidó confirmed that he will meet Vice President Mike Pence on Monday and that he will ask the international community to consider "all options" in response to violence at the Venezuelan-Colombian border."
From the OP;
So, based on the Hinterlaces poll, most Venezuelans didn’t know Guaidó until recently. Most Venezuelans still support Maduro even if they believe corruption in the government has increased (whether you personally like Maduro or not doesn’t matter), and most Venezuelans don’t want military intervention or U.S. sanctions. Yet CNN and NPR and Fox News and the BBC and every other corporate outlet will have you thinking everyone is starving to death, on their knees begging for America’s democracy bombs to rain down like dollar bills at a strip club.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe those people really need our help, and U.S. intervention will work out great—exactly like it did in Syria,
and Yemen,
and Iraq,
and Iran,
and Afghanistan,
and Chile,
and Honduras,
and Haiti,
and Somalia,
and Libya,
and Guatemala,
and Nicaragua,
and Colombia,
and Panama,
and Fraggle Rock,
and those tree forts where the EWOKS LIVED!

Now that we have a general understanding of the situation (and why Anderson Cooper is not keen to remind viewers what happened with Fraggle Rock in the early ’90s), let’s get back to the question of oil.

When I first started writing this, I didn’t have proof the American government wanted Venezuela’s oil; it was just a hunch. Kinda like if you put a balloon in a room with a porcupine, you have a hunch he’ll pop the balloon. But I didn’t have a quote from a top Trump administration official saying, “We’d like to take their oil.”

Then national security adviser and Mustache of Doom John Bolton said, “hold my beer.” While on Fox News he stated clearly, “It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”

That’s Beltway Speak for “We want their oil.”

For 20 years we’ve been trying to destroy Venezuela, and our government always gives the standard line: “We want to help the people. We care about their democracy. They have a lot of inflation, and that’s why we need to drop our freedom bombs on their heads.” They’ve trotted out that bullshit brigade under Bush, Obama and now Trump. The officials never just say, “Yeah, there’s like, tons of oil there, and we want it.”

I'm calling bullshit - I have been to Caracas and inflation and corruption has devastated that country - led by Socialists. Your conspiracy theory might hold water if in fact we also invaded Saudi Arabia, or if we had actually taken Iraq's oil when we toppled Saddam, but we didn't. Besides that, the US now produces more oil on its own than we need. It's like you are living in the Jimmy Carter '70s when we had a real oil crisis.

Blaming all their problems on Socialism would carry a lot more weight if they weren't under extreme sanctions.
During Apartheid, The whole world had South Africa under sanctions, yet it still thrived. No one with a brain is swallowing the sanctions excuse.
Even so-called liberals like Bill Maher are jumping on the regime-change bandwagon.

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:
  1. You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
  2. Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
  3. A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I’ll get back to this in a moment...
Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

You have obviously fallen for the lies about socialism.
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
A Vietnam in our own back yard ? Just what we need.
Maybe we'll be needing that wall after all.
Yep, Vietnam, and you can go play Jane Fonda's part.
Even so-called liberals like Bill Maher are jumping on the regime-change bandwagon.

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:
  1. You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
  2. Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
  3. A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I’ll get back to this in a moment...
Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

So qere gonna steal Ven oil like we did with Iraq, except we didnt take Iraqs oil.....stop posting left wing talking points.

The commies there are terrible and love the suffering of their people.....fucking leftists
It's kinda cringey hearing conservatives jump on this SOCIALISM BAD bandwagon when the real reason the people of Venezeula are starving is because of US sanctions and their assets being frozen.
Socialism is the reason. It's always the reason when people are starving.

Oil is the reason
How did oil cause anyone in Venezuela to starve?

Look, I'm not defending socialism. By taking this stance regarding Venezeula, I sometimes find myself aligned with some of my least favorite people on earth: trannies, gays and assorted left coast weirdos (who don't understand socialism either and are just parroting feel-good nonsense). I honestly don't know if socialism is as bad as some make it out to be. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt. I've heard all the pro and anti arguments and honestly I don't really care, the topic bores me. Ever tried to read the communist manifesto? Ugh when do we get to the good part...0/10 would not recommend.

One thing I do know is that I'm not in support of regime change and I won't let myself be tricked by MSM propaganda into another Iraq...and it's so painfully obvious that's exactly what they're trying to do. And people on both sides of the aisle are falling for it. It's amazing how easily the MSM can bring people together who literally hate each other's guts when it's about extracting oil for the elite. You'd think we'd be wise to this scheme by now. It'd be funny, if it wasn't so sad.

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