Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

Do you believe that respect is a reciprocal quality? If citizens should respect police, why don't police seem to be able to respect citizens?

She got what she deserved? Really?

I find fear to be much more useful than respect when dealing with most people. Even if it was a respect issue its,about respecting the badge abd the authority that comes with it rather than the individual wearing it.

She got arrested which is what she deserved. The rest was in her hands, novody else's.
I can understand why you would employ fear rather than respect. You do not believe in the concept of police serving and protecting. As you are a heartless authoritarian, it makes perfect sense. All I ask is that you never participate in policing any community. Your attitude serves concentration camp internees well, but is inappropriately useless in civil society..

Officers do not deserve respect?
Read prior posts.

My question is: Is respect reciprocal? If citizens should respect police officers, shouldn't police officers respect citizens?
Yes they should. How was he disrespectful from the start?
If you mean stupid kaka poo poo yes.
well that answered that....avoid answering, just like the guy....
I don't know what your asking harry.
sure you do....you said you always agree with dean except here.....so you know what dean says ALL Republicans believe,which is bullshit...when dean says ALL Republicans hate minorities,even though thousands of them have lived out here amongst them for decades and have even married them...so do you agree with him?...do you believe all Republicans hate gays,the poor,dont want people to have health ins,dont like science and education...this is what this unfortunate stroonge believes....so do you agree with him?....because by saying what you said above...you do...he said i was a racist in another thread last week,when i asked him to do what he claims he does better than anyone here,prove it....the guy just could not do it,so he started playing his little games that he always plays..."i dont know what you are talking about"....thats what im talking about bobo....
Are you really trying to make us defend ourselves when we say "Republicans" do something? Just like not all whites aren't racist and all liberals aren't godless, no not all Republicans are racist. I think you know what we mean.

Great example or comparison is saying "the black community needs help". No not every black in that community needs help but the community as a whole does. Same with the GOP.
no not all Republicans are racist. I think you know what we mean.
sorry bobo when i asked dean to clarify himself he would not....and myself and others have asked him more than once....he would not even say what you said right here....there is only one lefty here who has not been afraid to say dean is out there and thinks he gives lefties a bad name like shootspeeders gives righties a bad name....just one that i know of....all the others will dance,even those that have "claimed" dean is kinda obsessed with republicans.....they did just what you are doing here,defend the jerk....
I have loved and agreed with 99.9% of his posts. Can you give me an example of when he has ever been wrong, besides here?
What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.
For one thing, the TASER is to be used when ordinary means of physical restraint or control is insufficient. The TASER is a potentially lethal device which too many cops seem to think may be used indiscriminately. This cop didn't inform Bland why he wanted her to exit the car, he aimed his TASER at her and threatened to "light her up."

While you might think that's okay, or should be -- it isn't. And that's why he is suspended and facing charges.

This is not 1950.

He never used the taser.
What abuse? Asking her to put out her cigarette and step out of the car?

Damn you are one stupid fuck if you think that was abuse.
Did he tell her he suspected she might be under the influence and ask her to step out for a roadside test (as he's required to do)? Or did he angrily command her to "Get out or I will light you up!" like he was talking to a n!gger back in the 1950s?

What did he expect from that under today's political circumstances? He seems to be living in the past. If you don't think his conduct was the stuff riots are made of, why do you suppose he's been suspended?

And please don't perceive me to be what you probably regard as a "bleeding heart left-wing liberal," because I have no such orientation and my impression of Sandra Bland is no different from yours. I simply have no tolerance for cops who seem to think the U.S. is Germany of the 1930s and they are the Gestapo. And because I believe what the late Dr. Erich Fromm said about authoritarian government officials, which is: "What they do to the lesser among us today they will do to the rest of us tomorrow. Because their hunger for power knows no boundary"[/i]

Give that some thought.
The cops are NOT required to tell her fuck all about why he is asking then telling her to get out of the car. THE FUCKING LAW! says the cop only has to tell someone why they are being detained AFTER the cop has the person in a secure setting. IE no danger to the cop. That usually means putting on handcuffs first.
"I am detaining you on suspicion of.................."
For God's sake do some reading before you come here and run your dumb mouth.
Cops have to deal with scum like you everyday. Next time YOU get pulled over try doing what the negro bitch did and see what happens. (What will actually happen is you'll behave like a nice little vaguely gay pussy LOL)

" Negro bitch". I think we all see why you side with the cop.
What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.
For one thing, the TASER is to be used when ordinary means of physical restraint or control is insufficient. The TASER is a potentially lethal device which too many cops seem to think may be used indiscriminately. This cop didn't inform Bland why he wanted her to exit the car, he aimed his TASER at her and threatened to "light her up."

While you might think that's okay, or should be -- it isn't. And that's why he is suspended and facing charges.

This is not 1950.

Yes he did, he said he was going to arrest her.

Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.

Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?
She didn't use a turn signal so she deserved to die. Never heard that "rule" applied to a white person, have you?

God but you're clueless! She took her own life. She went to jail because she decided to give a police officer attitude over a warning that she was being issued. Was it a ticky tack traffic stop? Getting pulled over for not signalling a lane change? Hell yeah, it was but that's what police officers DO! I'm making a guess that the area this took place in is being targeted by the police, which means they're stopping every vehicle that they can for whatever reason they can. I've been pulled over by the police many times in just the same way. They talk to you, ask you where it is you're going, check your info, then they issue you a warning and you're on your way. Is it a pain in the ass sitting there on the side of the road while they check you out? Hell, yeah it is but you're an idiot if you decide that the intelligent thing to do is to get in the cop's face for stopping you. Get this through your head...that cop isn't looking for YOU...he or she is looking for BAD GUYS DOING BAD STUFF! They ARE going to let you go on your way with a warning. They don't want to cite you! They don't want to arrest you! Look at it this way...if they see you again...they're probably going to remember you as that person who didn't come back with priors or outstanding warrants. You're one of the GOOD GUYS! The kind of people that police officers like!

Ok. I agree up to the point the cop lost his shit. Even his boss said he didn't follow procedure. What was she arrested for?
The cop had all of the control. You can't arrest someone for being a smartass. That's on video as well. The cop has an obligation to be professional as well since it's being recorders and all. Otherwise he is a liability.
Why you all defer to the cops is beyond me.
He didn't arrest her for being a smart ass but that's what started the whole thing.

Really? What did he pull her out to arrest her for then?
To do a breathalizer maybe. Anyone being that rude after being let off with a warning must be under the influence. If a cop says get out of the car, get out. You don't know your rights. All you know is you don't want to get lit up. Get out of the car. If a judge tells you to stop talking or sit down, do you do it?

But he didn't do a breathalyzer, did he?
How did the officer go from having the ticket in hand, ready to give it to her , to pulling her out of the car? The only thing that changed was his temper.
What abuse? Asking her to put out her cigarette and step out of the car?

Damn you are one stupid fuck if you think that was abuse.
Did he tell her he suspected she might be under the influence and ask her to step out for a roadside test (as he's required to do)? Or did he angrily command her to "Get out or I will light you up!" like he was talking to a n!gger back in the 1950s?

What did he expect from that under today's political circumstances? He seems to be living in the past. If you don't think his conduct was the stuff riots are made of, why do you suppose he's been suspended?

And please don't perceive me to be what you probably regard as a "bleeding heart left-wing liberal," because I have no such orientation and my impression of Sandra Bland is no different from yours. I simply have no tolerance for cops who seem to think the U.S. is Germany of the 1930s and they are the Gestapo. And because I believe what the late Dr. Erich Fromm said about authoritarian government officials, which is: "What they do to the lesser among us today they will do to the rest of us tomorrow. Because their hunger for power knows no boundary"[/i]

Give that some thought.
The cops are NOT required to tell her fuck all about why he is asking then telling her to get out of the car. THE FUCKING LAW! says the cop only has to tell someone why they are being detained AFTER the cop has the person in a secure setting. IE no danger to the cop. That usually means putting on handcuffs first.
"I am detaining you on suspicion of.................."
For God's sake do some reading before you come here and run your dumb mouth.
Cops have to deal with scum like you everyday. Next time YOU get pulled over try doing what the negro bitch did and see what happens. (What will actually happen is you'll behave like a nice little vaguely gay pussy LOL)

" Negro bitch". I think we all see why you side with the cop.

I would never call that woman a N**** B****. But I do think the woman acted completely wrong and escalated the situation. Most any cop would probably let loose with terms which are not found in the "Courtesy Manual" when facing an out of control person. The cop was not perfect, but the woman pushed him too far. I side with the cop.
Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.

Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

It does? Well that must be a different one than the one you linked to. Please post a link to that one. I'd like to know what violation he committed since no one here, especially not you, seem to be able to point one out.

Yes. They will not charge him with any crime or violation. They cannot, he committed none. If you disagree, why can't you point out a violation to me?
God but you're clueless! She took her own life. She went to jail because she decided to give a police officer attitude over a warning that she was being issued. Was it a ticky tack traffic stop? Getting pulled over for not signalling a lane change? Hell yeah, it was but that's what police officers DO! I'm making a guess that the area this took place in is being targeted by the police, which means they're stopping every vehicle that they can for whatever reason they can. I've been pulled over by the police many times in just the same way. They talk to you, ask you where it is you're going, check your info, then they issue you a warning and you're on your way. Is it a pain in the ass sitting there on the side of the road while they check you out? Hell, yeah it is but you're an idiot if you decide that the intelligent thing to do is to get in the cop's face for stopping you. Get this through your head...that cop isn't looking for YOU...he or she is looking for BAD GUYS DOING BAD STUFF! They ARE going to let you go on your way with a warning. They don't want to cite you! They don't want to arrest you! Look at it this way...if they see you again...they're probably going to remember you as that person who didn't come back with priors or outstanding warrants. You're one of the GOOD GUYS! The kind of people that police officers like!

Ok. I agree up to the point the cop lost his shit. Even his boss said he didn't follow procedure. What was she arrested for?
The cop had all of the control. You can't arrest someone for being a smartass. That's on video as well. The cop has an obligation to be professional as well since it's being recorders and all. Otherwise he is a liability.
Why you all defer to the cops is beyond me.
He didn't arrest her for being a smart ass but that's what started the whole thing.

Really? What did he pull her out to arrest her for then?
To do a breathalizer maybe. Anyone being that rude after being let off with a warning must be under the influence. If a cop says get out of the car, get out. You don't know your rights. All you know is you don't want to get lit up. Get out of the car. If a judge tells you to stop talking or sit down, do you do it?

But he didn't do a breathalyzer, did he?
How did the officer go from having the ticket in hand, ready to give it to her , to pulling her out of the car? The only thing that changed was his temper.

Wrong. She got hostile with him, and he told here to put out her cigarette. Her refusal constituted his more stern reaction. It was all on her.
What abuse? Asking her to put out her cigarette and step out of the car?

Damn you are one stupid fuck if you think that was abuse.
Did he tell her he suspected she might be under the influence and ask her to step out for a roadside test (as he's required to do)? Or did he angrily command her to "Get out or I will light you up!" like he was talking to a n!gger back in the 1950s?

What did he expect from that under today's political circumstances? He seems to be living in the past. If you don't think his conduct was the stuff riots are made of, why do you suppose he's been suspended?

And please don't perceive me to be what you probably regard as a "bleeding heart left-wing liberal," because I have no such orientation and my impression of Sandra Bland is no different from yours. I simply have no tolerance for cops who seem to think the U.S. is Germany of the 1930s and they are the Gestapo. And because I believe what the late Dr. Erich Fromm said about authoritarian government officials, which is: "What they do to the lesser among us today they will do to the rest of us tomorrow. Because their hunger for power knows no boundary"[/i]

Give that some thought.
The cops are NOT required to tell her fuck all about why he is asking then telling her to get out of the car. THE FUCKING LAW! says the cop only has to tell someone why they are being detained AFTER the cop has the person in a secure setting. IE no danger to the cop. That usually means putting on handcuffs first.
"I am detaining you on suspicion of.................."
For God's sake do some reading before you come here and run your dumb mouth.
Cops have to deal with scum like you everyday. Next time YOU get pulled over try doing what the negro bitch did and see what happens. (What will actually happen is you'll behave like a nice little vaguely gay pussy LOL)

" Negro bitch". I think we all see why you side with the cop.

I would never call that woman a N**** B****. But I do think the woman acted completely wrong and escalated the situation. Most any cop would probably let loose with terms which are not found in the "Courtesy Manual" when facing an out of control person. The cop was not perfect, but the woman pushed him too far. I side with the cop.

There is no pushing the cop too far. A cop can't decide to arrest you just because you irritated him. What's the charge for that?
Misdemeanor butthurt directed at an officer?
What abuse? Asking her to put out her cigarette and step out of the car?

Damn you are one stupid fuck if you think that was abuse.
Did he tell her he suspected she might be under the influence and ask her to step out for a roadside test (as he's required to do)? Or did he angrily command her to "Get out or I will light you up!" like he was talking to a n!gger back in the 1950s?

What did he expect from that under today's political circumstances? He seems to be living in the past. If you don't think his conduct was the stuff riots are made of, why do you suppose he's been suspended?

And please don't perceive me to be what you probably regard as a "bleeding heart left-wing liberal," because I have no such orientation and my impression of Sandra Bland is no different from yours. I simply have no tolerance for cops who seem to think the U.S. is Germany of the 1930s and they are the Gestapo. And because I believe what the late Dr. Erich Fromm said about authoritarian government officials, which is: "What they do to the lesser among us today they will do to the rest of us tomorrow. Because their hunger for power knows no boundary"[/i]

Give that some thought.
The cops are NOT required to tell her fuck all about why he is asking then telling her to get out of the car. THE FUCKING LAW! says the cop only has to tell someone why they are being detained AFTER the cop has the person in a secure setting. IE no danger to the cop. That usually means putting on handcuffs first.
"I am detaining you on suspicion of.................."
For God's sake do some reading before you come here and run your dumb mouth.
Cops have to deal with scum like you everyday. Next time YOU get pulled over try doing what the negro bitch did and see what happens. (What will actually happen is you'll behave like a nice little vaguely gay pussy LOL)

" Negro bitch". I think we all see why you side with the cop.

I would never call that woman a N**** B****. But I do think the woman acted completely wrong and escalated the situation. Most any cop would probably let loose with terms which are not found in the "Courtesy Manual" when facing an out of control person. The cop was not perfect, but the woman pushed him too far. I side with the cop.

And so will the investigators.
Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.

Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

They aren't going to promote the cop, but they aren't going to fire him either. Unless of course they are afraid of the potential of race riots. Then the failure to back up the PO is worrisome and could be a bigger problem.
Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

It does? Well that must be a different one than the one you linked to. Please post a link to that one. I'd like to know what violation he committed since no one here, especially not you, seem to be able to point one out.

Yes. They will not charge him with any crime or violation. They cannot, he committed none. If you disagree, why can't you point out a violation to me?

I gave you the link. Accept it or don't.
Ok. I agree up to the point the cop lost his shit. Even his boss said he didn't follow procedure. What was she arrested for?
The cop had all of the control. You can't arrest someone for being a smartass. That's on video as well. The cop has an obligation to be professional as well since it's being recorders and all. Otherwise he is a liability.
Why you all defer to the cops is beyond me.
He didn't arrest her for being a smart ass but that's what started the whole thing.

Really? What did he pull her out to arrest her for then?
To do a breathalizer maybe. Anyone being that rude after being let off with a warning must be under the influence. If a cop says get out of the car, get out. You don't know your rights. All you know is you don't want to get lit up. Get out of the car. If a judge tells you to stop talking or sit down, do you do it?

But he didn't do a breathalyzer, did he?
How did the officer go from having the ticket in hand, ready to give it to her , to pulling her out of the car? The only thing that changed was his temper.

Wrong. She got hostile with him, and he told here to put out her cigarette. Her refusal constituted his more stern reaction. It was all on her.

He asked her to put it out. He didn't order her to. What he should have done was just give her the ticket in his hand and send her on her way.
Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

They aren't going to promote the cop, but they aren't going to fire him either. Unless of course they are afraid of the potential of race riots. Then the failure to back up the PO is worrisome and could be a bigger problem.

I never said they were going to fire him. I simply said that his employer found fault with his conduct.
Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

They aren't going to promote the cop, but they aren't going to fire him either. Unless of course they are afraid of the potential of race riots. Then the failure to back up the PO is worrisome and could be a bigger problem.

I never said they were going to fire him. I simply said that his employer found fault with his conduct.

It's going to be interesting to see what side they fall on. I think they may back up the cop but privately tell him not give warnings for changing lanes again. They came out too early and said protocol was not followed. To be fair, they will have to walk that back and explain the situation.
I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

They aren't going to promote the cop, but they aren't going to fire him either. Unless of course they are afraid of the potential of race riots. Then the failure to back up the PO is worrisome and could be a bigger problem.

I never said they were going to fire him. I simply said that his employer found fault with his conduct.

It's going to be interesting to see what side they fall on. I think they may back up the cop but privately tell him not give warnings for changing lanes again. They came out too early and said protocol was not followed. To be fair, they will have to walk that back and explain the situation.

To be fair?
You seem to think that you know better than
his employer. It will be interresting for sure. I don't think he'll get more than a reprimand but I gurantee they won't walk back anything they've stated.
I think the press release from the dept. says what you need to know. There may be more details forthcoming but they certainly won't say he did nothing wrong after saying he did

HEMPSTEAD, Texas – The trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland on a traffic stop last Friday has been put on desk duty for violating procedures. The DPS said the unidentified trooper "violated the department's procedures regarding traffic stops and the department's courtesy policy."

So he wasn't suspended, he was given desk duty. Pretty routine stuff during an investigation.

I'm positive that the wording of the presser was to dampen the possibility of riots. I'm pretty familiar with the police and protocol and saw absolutely no violation or unreasonable actions on the part of the officer. He did raise his voice and use some language that is questionable but not unreasonable considering the circumstances.

So you can't actually find anything that justifies your position except the press release? Well, you will be disappointed when the police department and the FBI can't find anything to prosecute or discipline the cop with then.

The press release from his employer is all I need. It states very plainly what violations the officer committed. You can deny or minimize it but it changes nothing.
Do you think they will say he did nothing wrong after saying he did?

They aren't going to promote the cop, but they aren't going to fire him either. Unless of course they are afraid of the potential of race riots. Then the failure to back up the PO is worrisome and could be a bigger problem.

I never said they were going to fire him. I simply said that his employer found fault with his conduct.

It's going to be interesting to see what side they fall on. I think they may back up the cop but privately tell him not give warnings for changing lanes again. They came out too early and said protocol was not followed. To be fair, they will have to walk that back and explain the situation.
BINGO....The police brass over reacted to the incident. After careful review of the accounts and the video, walk back is a most accurate term.

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