Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

for once?.....so you agree with dean that all republicans are like he says they are?...
If you mean stupid kaka poo poo yes.
well that answered that....avoid answering, just like the guy....
I don't know what your asking harry.
sure you do....you said you always agree with dean except here.....so you know what dean says ALL Republicans believe,which is bullshit...when dean says ALL Republicans hate minorities,even though thousands of them have lived out here amongst them for decades and have even married them...so do you agree with him?...do you believe all Republicans hate gays,the poor,dont want people to have health ins,dont like science and education...this is what this unfortunate stroonge believes....so do you agree with him?....because by saying what you said above...you do...he said i was a racist in another thread last week,when i asked him to do what he claims he does better than anyone here,prove it....the guy just could not do it,so he started playing his little games that he always plays..."i dont know what you are talking about"....thats what im talking about bobo....
Are you really trying to make us defend ourselves when we say "Republicans" do something? Just like not all whites aren't racist and all liberals aren't godless, no not all Republicans are racist. I think you know what we mean.

Great example or comparison is saying "the black community needs help". No not every black in that community needs help but the community as a whole does. Same with the GOP.
no not all Republicans are racist. I think you know what we mean.
sorry bobo when i asked dean to clarify himself he would not....and myself and others have asked him more than once....he would not even say what you said right here....there is only one lefty here who has not been afraid to say dean is out there and thinks he gives lefties a bad name like shootspeeders gives righties a bad name....just one that i know of....all the others will dance,even those that have "claimed" dean is kinda obsessed with republicans.....they did just what you are doing here,defend the jerk....
One what?

Reason to arrest someone. Probable cause.
How do you go from a warning or a citation to an arrest simply because the subject pissed you off?

It wasn't just the fact she pissed him off, it was because she failed to comply with his request. When an officer ask you to get out of your car, you get out of your car. You are lawfully detained the moment you are stopped by the police. He asked her to extinguish her cigarette because he wanted her hands empty when she stepped out.

Using your point, if you know that you are subject to arrest for pissing off a cop, why would you piss off a cop?

The request was not necessary. He had the ticket in his hand.

Obviously the cop (who was there) thought it necessary. He may have suspected she was under the influence due to her behavior which warranted further investigation. You cannot know what the officer saw or smelled from the video.

Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.

Mark my words here, this is what is going to happen: the cop will be near completely exonerated.
It's Texas. Of course he will be exonerated. In any other civilized state, he would be fired.

Fired for what? Doing his job?
Does his job include abusing someone during a routine traffic stop? Did this happen in 2015 Texas or 1939 Berlin? But, then again, the only difference is the climate.

What abuse? Asking her to put out her cigarette and step out of the car?

Damn you are one stupid fuck if you think that was abuse.

You seem to have a very selective memory. PHYSICAL ABUSE, VERBAL ABUSE.
The cop acted as a thug.

You didn't watch the video huh?
Yes and in controlling the situation, using his authority he asked to her to put out her smoke and exit the car. She didn't comply. Should he have then just said "oh never mind" and let her go?

Yes exactly. Here is your ticket. Have a nice day.

Sorry but that don't happen in the real world. When you don't comply to a lawful order, they will not simply let you walk away.

The order wasn't necessary. The encounter was over. He had the ticket in his hand.

It was over when she was cuffed and placed in a squad car. I bet a dime to a dollar you would have complied with the officer.

I said I do. That doesn't mean I have to accept it when someone else is wronged.

I agree the cop didn't have to accept it and he didn't.
Reason to arrest someone. Probable cause.
How do you go from a warning or a citation to an arrest simply because the subject pissed you off?

It wasn't just the fact she pissed him off, it was because she failed to comply with his request. When an officer ask you to get out of your car, you get out of your car. You are lawfully detained the moment you are stopped by the police. He asked her to extinguish her cigarette because he wanted her hands empty when she stepped out.

Using your point, if you know that you are subject to arrest for pissing off a cop, why would you piss off a cop?

The request was not necessary. He had the ticket in his hand.

Obviously the cop (who was there) thought it necessary. He may have suspected she was under the influence due to her behavior which warranted further investigation. You cannot know what the officer saw or smelled from the video.

Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.


Why are you arguing in defense of the officer if you don't know this?

Texas Trooper in traffic stop violated policy
I can understand why you would employ fear rather than respect. You do not believe in the concept of police serving and protecting. As you are a heartless authoritarian, it makes perfect sense. All I ask is that you never participate in policing any community. Your attitude serves concentration camp internees well, but is inappropriately useless in civil society..

The police serve SOCIETY, not the individual citizen. If not, then the whole "you work for me" arguement would actually be a meaningful commentary. Yes, I am an Authoritarian. I believe that RIGHT and WRONG are more important than ANY/EVERY individual member of society.

I am not a LEO and could not do that job. The massive, unnecessary, and overly limiting policies that confine the actions of LEOs and the overly harsh penalties enforced against officers who are more concerned with doing their job rather than being politically correct continue to keep me from ever considering that profession.
It wasn't just the fact she pissed him off, it was because she failed to comply with his request. When an officer ask you to get out of your car, you get out of your car. You are lawfully detained the moment you are stopped by the police. He asked her to extinguish her cigarette because he wanted her hands empty when she stepped out.

Using your point, if you know that you are subject to arrest for pissing off a cop, why would you piss off a cop?

The request was not necessary. He had the ticket in his hand.

Obviously the cop (who was there) thought it necessary. He may have suspected she was under the influence due to her behavior which warranted further investigation. You cannot know what the officer saw or smelled from the video.

Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.


Why are you arguing in defense of the officer if you don't know this?

Texas Trooper in traffic stop violated policy

What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.
Mark my words here, this is what is going to happen: the cop will be near completely exonerated.
It's Texas. Of course he will be exonerated. In any other civilized state, he would be fired.

Fired for what? Doing his job?
Does his job include abusing someone during a routine traffic stop? Did this happen in 2015 Texas or 1939 Berlin? But, then again, the only difference is the climate.

He did not abuse her.
What is your definition of abuse? What is your definition of civil comportment, of professional police tactics, of everyday manners? I tend to believe that they do not meet the threshold of more civilized Americans.

My definition is the same as the dictionary. IMO the only person who was rude and I'll mannered was the woman. The policeman, the courts and/or police department will confirm, acted professionally.
The request was not necessary. He had the ticket in his hand.

Obviously the cop (who was there) thought it necessary. He may have suspected she was under the influence due to her behavior which warranted further investigation. You cannot know what the officer saw or smelled from the video.

Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.


Why are you arguing in defense of the officer if you don't know this?

Texas Trooper in traffic stop violated policy

What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.

Did you read the link at all?
It's Texas. Of course he will be exonerated. In any other civilized state, he would be fired.

Fired for what? Doing his job?
Does his job include abusing someone during a routine traffic stop? Did this happen in 2015 Texas or 1939 Berlin? But, then again, the only difference is the climate.

He did not abuse her.
What is your definition of abuse? What is your definition of civil comportment, of professional police tactics, of everyday manners? I tend to believe that they do not meet the threshold of more civilized Americans.

My definition is the same as the dictionary. IMO the only person who was rude and I'll mannered was the woman. The policeman, the courts and/or police department will confirm, acted professionally.

DPS Trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland violated procedures
Fired for what? Doing his job?
Does his job include abusing someone during a routine traffic stop? Did this happen in 2015 Texas or 1939 Berlin? But, then again, the only difference is the climate.

He did not abuse her.
What is your definition of abuse? What is your definition of civil comportment, of professional police tactics, of everyday manners? I tend to believe that they do not meet the threshold of more civilized Americans.

My definition is the same as the dictionary. IMO the only person who was rude and I'll mannered was the woman. The policeman, the courts and/or police department will confirm, acted professionally.

DPS Trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland violated procedures

Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.
Obviously the cop (who was there) thought it necessary. He may have suspected she was under the influence due to her behavior which warranted further investigation. You cannot know what the officer saw or smelled from the video.

Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.


Why are you arguing in defense of the officer if you don't know this?

Texas Trooper in traffic stop violated policy

What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.

Did you read the link at all?

Sure I did, that's how I knew that no specific violation was noted.
With all due respect, Mike..."she" is the one in charge of the situation. If she puts out her cigarette and signs the warning, that police officer tells her to have a nice day, gets back in his cruiser and leaves. She doesn't do that though...does she? She makes a decision that she doesn't like what the police officer has done stopping her for changing lanes without signalling and she's going to give him a piece of her mind. Now do I think the police officer over reacted to her? Yes, I do. He shouldn't have let her attitude get under his skin. At that point the old saying "it takes two to tango" applies to what is happening. She won't back down and neither will he. She resists arrest and she goes to jail. He "wins" his contest with her and then gets roasted by the media when she subsequently commits suicide in jail. The person who ultimately took it to the limit was her.

The officer is the authority and in total control.

Yes and in controlling the situation, using his authority he asked to her to put out her smoke and exit the car. She didn't comply. Should he have then just said "oh never mind" and let her go?

Yes exactly. Here is your ticket. Have a nice day.

Sorry but that don't happen in the real world. When you don't comply to a lawful order, they will not simply let you walk away.

The order wasn't necessary. The encounter was over. He had the ticket in his hand.
I can't be bothered with your childishness stupidity any longer. Permanent Ignore
Does his job include abusing someone during a routine traffic stop? Did this happen in 2015 Texas or 1939 Berlin? But, then again, the only difference is the climate.

He did not abuse her.
What is your definition of abuse? What is your definition of civil comportment, of professional police tactics, of everyday manners? I tend to believe that they do not meet the threshold of more civilized Americans.

My definition is the same as the dictionary. IMO the only person who was rude and I'll mannered was the woman. The policeman, the courts and/or police department will confirm, acted professionally.

DPS Trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland violated procedures

Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.

Oh , PR crap. I see.
Obviously you are wrong as the officer's supervisor stated quite clearly that he did not follow proper procedures. I like how you all forget that little piece of the story.


Why are you arguing in defense of the officer if you don't know this?

Texas Trooper in traffic stop violated policy

What we don't know is what policy he violated.

From what I observed he followed proper procedure. You cannot say for certain he violated any procedural policy.

Did you read the link at all?

Sure I did, that's how I knew that no specific violation was noted.

Haha, I see. Nothing "specific" to you means nothing at all. Too funny. Keep defending the idiot officer.
The officer is the authority and in total control.

Yes and in controlling the situation, using his authority he asked to her to put out her smoke and exit the car. She didn't comply. Should he have then just said "oh never mind" and let her go?

Yes exactly. Here is your ticket. Have a nice day.

Sorry but that don't happen in the real world. When you don't comply to a lawful order, they will not simply let you walk away.

The order wasn't necessary. The encounter was over. He had the ticket in his hand.
I can't be bothered with your childishness stupidity any longer. Permanent Ignore

Funny that the second I show you the officer was deemed in the wrong, you put me on ignore and run away.
I'm baffled by this concept that the police should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

Try this out, Hutch...go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and treat that person behind the counter like they're something you just scraped off the bottom of your shoe and see what happens. I guarantee that whatever you brought with you to get that new license or register that new vehicle isn't going to satisfy Registry "requirements".

Anyone who deals with people in the real world regularly knows that being cordial gets you better results than being an asshole.

Look I'm not advocating people be assholes. I get it. I'm always cordial and have never had a bad experience. That's not to say that the police in any way have the right to fuck me because I was a smartass. It baffles me why you would be ok with that.

It's not that I'm either OK or not OK with it, Hutch...I simply grasp that it's reality and deal with that reality in the most logical way I can. That goes for not just for your interactions with the police, by the way but for your interactions with just about everyone. That person at the Registry of Motor Vehicles that you got snippy with has no right to deny you a new license because you don't have the "required" ID's but you know as well as I do that they will do exactly that! So you have a choice...play nice with the asshole behind the counter...or have them cause inconvenience in your life.

Not really the same thing dude.

How is it not? You really think people who are police officers don't have the same reactions to stimuli as the rest of us? How exactly is that accomplished by donning a uniform and pinning a badge on it? Or do you think they should all be Robo Cops?

Training. Emotional maturity. Police are and should be trained to diffuse situations not escalate. An officer is trained not to take verbal confrontations personally. If an officer is unable to do that,then they should not be working as an officer.

When detained individuals refuse to follow directions given to them by a uniformed police officer, it's not a "verbal confrontation", Hutch...it's breaking the law.
He did not abuse her.
What is your definition of abuse? What is your definition of civil comportment, of professional police tactics, of everyday manners? I tend to believe that they do not meet the threshold of more civilized Americans.

My definition is the same as the dictionary. IMO the only person who was rude and I'll mannered was the woman. The policeman, the courts and/or police department will confirm, acted professionally.

DPS Trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland violated procedures

Blah blah blah, they aren't specifying what policy. It's PR crap. They are trying to stem tension. If you disagree, tell me what you think he did that was wrong.

Oh , PR crap. I see.

Skeptical? Then tell me where it is you think he violated any policy.

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