Everyone needs to know what the fraudulent ballots look like. This is important!

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?

The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?

The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?


Worry about a few potentially fraudulent votes, but don't care about the whole system being ridiculous.

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"
Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"
Invade Iraq "We are promoting democracy".
wouldn't the focus on fraudulent candidates be just as prudent?

The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?


Worry about a few potentially fraudulent votes, but don't care about the whole system being ridiculous.

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"
Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"
Invade Iraq "We are promoting democracy".

The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?


Worry about a few potentially fraudulent votes, but don't care about the whole system being ridiculous.

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"
Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"
Invade Iraq "We are promoting democracy".

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"

Must be, both sides do it.

Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"

we're not, we're a Republic
The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?

when the number of absentee ballots is unclear and not reported, it looks suspicious.

When the votes in the absentee ballot's appear to be 4 to 1 in favor of Democrats, it looks suspicious

When the person running the whole show was busted doing something illegal before, it looks suspicious.

When the election officials are supposed to give 45 minute updates on the counts and the progress, and they haven't, it looks suspicious.

This could all be done without the nonsense if the election officials would do something to ease suspicions. But they have not. For some reason.

I suspect they are doing it to either cheat or to make the other side so nervous that they look like they want to suppress votes.
Broward and Palm Beach counties have always had problems when it comes to elections.

The Fed should be in there and take over the process.

Hell the woman in charge at Broward was already found to be pulling a con job. She should have been fired.
Can someone explain to me why Broward reported all the votes, by category, for Dem candidates, but not the Rep candidates?

Broward and Palm Beach counties have always had problems when it comes to elections.

The Fed should be in there and take over the process.

Hell the woman in charge at Broward was already found to be pulling a con job. She should have been fired.

The Feds have no Constitutional right to “take over the process”. The Founding Fathers gave the power of voting to the states for a reason.

Keep your big government statist fingers out of the elections.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?


Worry about a few potentially fraudulent votes, but don't care about the whole system being ridiculous.

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"
Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"
Invade Iraq "We are promoting democracy".

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"

I knew it, damn Republicans gerrymandered the election for governor and senator. Bastards!!!
Broward and Palm Beach counties have always had problems when it comes to elections.

The Fed should be in there and take over the process.

Hell the woman in charge at Broward was already found to be pulling a con job. She should have been fired.

The Feds have no Constitutional right to “take over the process”. The Founding Fathers gave the power of voting to the states for a reason.

Keep your big government statist fingers out of the elections.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That may be but both those counties need to be watched. This is not the first time there have been problems with both.
Can someone explain to me why Broward reported all the votes, by category, for Dem candidates, but not the Rep candidates?

From your screenshots, it looks like they're reporting that information for leaders of their contests, while omitting it for other selections. Why, I'm not sure. May be that they are prioritizing the in depth data for leaders of their contests.
Broward and Palm Beach counties have always had problems when it comes to elections.

The Fed should be in there and take over the process.

Hell the woman in charge at Broward was already found to be pulling a con job. She should have been fired.

The Feds have no Constitutional right to “take over the process”. The Founding Fathers gave the power of voting to the states for a reason.

Keep your big government statist fingers out of the elections.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That may be but both those counties need to be watched. This is not the first time there have been problems with both.

The state has a Republican governor and SOS...it is their job to ensure things are legal.

Hard for me to believe they are letting cheating just happen.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
A state such as Florida should never call an election or rather the media until all absentee ballots are received and counted within the 10 days granted by state law. Unless the spread is so large it wouldn't matter, but it does matter when it's less than a percent. Republican's claim they back vets but yet they don't value their votes.
We all know how this is going to turn out since Scott and his appointee SOS is going to certify the recount. Remember we're dealing with an ex ceo that defrauded Medicare.
when the number of absentee ballots is unclear and not reported, it looks suspicious.

The problem is that these claims are, at best, gross misunderstandings. Much of it comes down to simply saying "We're not finished counting the votes" and turning it into "they're changing the vote counts!"

When the votes in the absentee ballot's appear to be 4 to 1 in favor of Democrats, it looks suspicious

Assuming that is true (I haven't seen anything to indicate that suggestion) I still have to disagree. It's a strongly Democratic region. It's not surprising that totals are in favor of Democrats. And given the fact that Democrats were much more effective in their 'get out the vote' efforts this year, it makes perfect sense that absentee ballots are breaking harder for Democrats.

When the person running the whole show was busted doing something illegal before, it looks suspicious.

That's like saying that a a person who once stole a loaf of bread must be guilty of some theft she's accused of now, with no other evidence. That aside, there is a huge difference between flawed or incompetent operations and intentional fraud.

When the election officials are supposed to give 45 minute updates on the counts and the progress, and they haven't, it looks suspicious.

No, at best that's disorganization and incompetence.

This could all be done without the nonsense if the election officials would do something to ease suspicions. But they have not. For some reason.

It's impossible to ease "suspicions" that are based on phantoms. All of the suspicions have been fantastic claims based on vague reinterpretations of cherry picked details. The suspicions need to be supported in the first place.

I suspect they are doing it to either cheat or to make the other side so nervous that they look like they want to suppress votes.

Well, I've already explained why allegations of the magically appearing ballots is a myth. What alternate means of cheating would you allege? The second suggestion is pretty absurd on its face. They're purposely acting hinky just to give people a sad?

The problem is that wild accusations were made, you heard the accusations, you gave credence to the accusations, and now you are viewing the entire situation only through the lens of those accusations.
The claim is being made that the Florida elections for Governor and US Senator are being fixed by alleged thousands of ballots appearing out of nowhere in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is a pretty far fetched claim that just doesn't connect to reality. To demonstrate its folly, the question must be answered: what do these alleged bogus ballots look like?

The problem is that it's not like people vote by writing down a name on a single slip of paper, then drop it into a box. Florida uses a ballot system that includes many contests on single sheets of paper. If someone were trying to sneak pre-filled ballots to swing the Governor and Senator races, there are only two possible conditions for these fraudulent ballots to appear. The first is for the fraudulent ballots to only indicate votes for the two offices trying to be swayed, while remaining blank for the rest. The second is to also indicate votes for other races.

In the first case, these ballots would stick out like a sore thumb. If a stack of thousands of ballots showed up, conveniently only voting for the two races in dispute, and all incidentally listed for the Democratic candidates, it would be the most conspicuous thing in the world. Everyone would notice. All of the regular county election officials would have to be in on the con. The state observers would have to be in on the con. All of the hundreds of temporary employees who are involved in the hand counting after the election would be in on the con. Even if they managed to get the ballots mixed in with the others, they volume of them would still stick out before long. It would have to be a massive conspiracy, the likes of which have never been seen. Let's face it, this is a government operation we're talking about. The government is scarcely competent enough to balance its checkbook. Pulling off something like this is like looking to toddlers to figure out cold fusion.

The second case would make it easier to obscure the fraudulent ballots from the legitimate ones. However there would still be a huge problem problem. Bogus votes showing up on all the other races that were voted on those bogus ballots would mean that all of the races are compromised. But Republicans aren't suggesting that. Only that these two particular races are experiencing fraud. Add to this the fact that ballots can vary by location within the county, or within a city, depending on county and city elections that may be happening as well. Any attempt to employ this second approach would require even more planning because having more ballots for County Division 4 than total voters in that area would once again stick out like a sore thumb. And we cannot forget that these fraudulent ballots would all have to be filled out by hand. The system used in Florida requires filling in oval shaped bubbles completely, but not even slightly outside of the lines. Kind of like your old SAT scantron, but much more sensitive. It takes a bit of care. Let's hypothesize it would take 5 minutes to fill out a single ballot completely (or mostly, at least, even if one or two contests are left blank, still preserving the essence of the illusion). To fill out 10,000 fraudulent ballots would require about 833 manhours--about 105 man-days worth of labor (assuming an 8 hour workday). Is this one person filled these out? A team of 10 people who did it across 10 days? They put in all that effort just in case? Did nobody notice that these people got absolutely nothing accomplished for 10 whole days?


Worry about a few potentially fraudulent votes, but don't care about the whole system being ridiculous.

Gerrymandering "oh, but it's legal"
Candidate gets most votes and loses "oh, but we're not a democracy"
Invade Iraq "We are promoting democracy".


Off topic or you don't want to consider this part of the topic?
Can someone explain to me why Broward reported all the votes, by category, for Dem candidates, but not the Rep candidates?
View attachment 228496
View attachment 228497
There could be a logical explanation, but it looks suspicious.

If Democrats would acknowledge that it looks suspicious and explain a few things, I think everyone would calm the fuck down. Why wouldn't they do so?



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