Everyone who paid the penalty instead of getting HI under the ACA

should not be allowed to buy HI or get any health care via Hosp ER or anywhere. Why because its due to you , refusing to buy HI because you were cheapskates, and I hope you pay through the nose when you finally get ill and try and get insurance.

Next time you look in the mirror, remember how you paid the penalty instead of HI, and when people start dying, its on you!!

I am so tired of you cheapskates that think we are suppose to pay for your health care.

They should include in the law that you can no longer go to ER even if you are having a stroke, MI or a broken leg. You cheapskates are worst than those who do not work because they are lazy.

I will be darn if I support you when you , cheapskates refused to buy HI even with subsidies.

Let's start with illegals then. By the way, YOU DO PAY for anyone who doesn't have coverage along with those who can't pay their whole premium. That is what taxes are partially for.

We have always had insurance and paid our taxes, we are not freeloaders. I would rather an illegal get care before the one who refused to buy insurance.
That makes you a traitor to the American people. After that statement no value can be placed upon any opinion you might have...

The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance. That is probably you!!! I don't like freeloaders. If they think they can just use and ER as a DR office , it needs to come to an end.

What's the Maximum Income for Getting Premium Assistance?
No. You openly stated that you would rather see an illegal get treatment, over a fellow American. That make you a traitor; plain, and simple.
should not be allowed to buy HI or get any health care via Hosp ER or anywhere. Why because its due to you , refusing to buy HI because you were cheapskates, and I hope you pay through the nose when you finally get ill and try and get insurance.

Next time you look in the mirror, remember how you paid the penalty instead of HI, and when people start dying, its on you!!

I am so tired of you cheapskates that think we are suppose to pay for your health care.

They should include in the law that you can no longer go to ER even if you are having a stroke, MI or a broken leg. You cheapskates are worst than those who do not work because they are lazy.

I will be darn if I support you when you , cheapskates refused to buy HI even with subsidies.

Let's start with illegals then. By the way, YOU DO PAY for anyone who doesn't have coverage along with those who can't pay their whole premium. That is what taxes are partially for.

We have always had insurance and paid our taxes, we are not freeloaders. I would rather an illegal get care before the one who refused to buy insurance.
That makes you a traitor to the American people. After that statement no value can be placed upon any opinion you might have...

The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance. That is probably you!!! I don't like freeloaders. If they think they can just use and ER as a DR office , it needs to come to an end.

What's the Maximum Income for Getting Premium Assistance?
The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance.- Penelope
No. A traitor would be the turncoat who would rather see an interloper get treatment over, and before a fellow American. That would be you.
That is probably you!!!-Penelope
Here you are just guessing, hoping, and making shit up hoping that somehow it bolsters your position. It doesn't... Even if you were correct; it could never forgive, or overshadow your traitorous proclivities. Ever!

The rest of your post is "policy discussion". A discussion in which your opinion doesn't matter, because traitors should have no say in shaping policy that loyal Americans should suffer the consequences of. Your loyalties are beyond suspect.
should not be allowed to buy HI or get any health care via Hosp ER or anywhere. Why because its due to you , refusing to buy HI because you were cheapskates, and I hope you pay through the nose when you finally get ill and try and get insurance.

Next time you look in the mirror, remember how you paid the penalty instead of HI, and when people start dying, its on you!!

I am so tired of you cheapskates that think we are suppose to pay for your health care.

They should include in the law that you can no longer go to ER even if you are having a stroke, MI or a broken leg. You cheapskates are worst than those who do not work because they are lazy.

I will be darn if I support you when you , cheapskates refused to buy HI even with subsidies.

Let's start with illegals then. By the way, YOU DO PAY for anyone who doesn't have coverage along with those who can't pay their whole premium. That is what taxes are partially for.

We have always had insurance and paid our taxes, we are not freeloaders. I would rather an illegal get care before the one who refused to buy insurance.
That makes you a traitor to the American people. After that statement no value can be placed upon any opinion you might have...

The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance. That is probably you!!! I don't like freeloaders. If they think they can just use and ER as a DR office , it needs to come to an end.

What's the Maximum Income for Getting Premium Assistance?
The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance.- Penelope
No. A traitor would be the turncoat who would rather see an interloper get treatment over, and before a fellow American. That would be you.
That is probably you!!!-Penelope
Here you are just guessing, hoping, and making shit up hoping that somehow it bolsters your position. It doesn't... Even if you were correct; it could never forgive, or overshadow your traitorous proclivities. Ever!

The rest of your post is "policy discussion". A discussion in which your opinion doesn't matter, because traitors should have no say in shaping policy that loyal Americans should suffer the consequences of. Your loyalties are beyond suspect.

You don't have insurance do you?
Let's start with illegals then. By the way, YOU DO PAY for anyone who doesn't have coverage along with those who can't pay their whole premium. That is what taxes are partially for.

We have always had insurance and paid our taxes, we are not freeloaders. I would rather an illegal get care before the one who refused to buy insurance.
That makes you a traitor to the American people. After that statement no value can be placed upon any opinion you might have...

The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance. That is probably you!!! I don't like freeloaders. If they think they can just use and ER as a DR office , it needs to come to an end.

What's the Maximum Income for Getting Premium Assistance?
The traitors are the freeloaders who do not buy insurance.- Penelope
No. A traitor would be the turncoat who would rather see an interloper get treatment over, and before a fellow American. That would be you.
That is probably you!!!-Penelope
Here you are just guessing, hoping, and making shit up hoping that somehow it bolsters your position. It doesn't... Even if you were correct; it could never forgive, or overshadow your traitorous proclivities. Ever!

The rest of your post is "policy discussion". A discussion in which your opinion doesn't matter, because traitors should have no say in shaping policy that loyal Americans should suffer the consequences of. Your loyalties are beyond suspect.

You don't have insurance do you?
Actually I do. However it is in fact none of your. Business. Prior to Obama care I chose not to be insured, and paid for my medical as I needed care. And had no problem getting care, or paying for it. So you can stick your traitorous suppositions, and socialistic desires directly up your ass you filthy turncoat traitor. Comprende amigo?
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should not be allowed to buy HI or get any health care via Hosp ER or anywhere.
Screw you. It's arrogance like yours that created the problem in the first place. You government types jacked the cost of medical care through the roof.
Since they can't turn you down for prexisting conditions I plan on bringing my phone or tablet into the emergency room and signing up before any major health care need.
If I'm not concious my reply "I did not give you permission" my name? Why it's Penelope of course, my address is
1313 Mockenbird Lane.
You better wait until Jan 2018 to hit that er, you cannot sign up just because you get sick, only open enrollment periods. Good luck with that.

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