Everything fun and good is now white supremacist it seems

As a white person, dont lump me in with whites of your ilk. You're just angry that people are calling you out on your racism. I also like how you posted a pic of a real life racist in a meme to supposedly back up the fact you arent a racist.
So I'll leave you to your opinions and hope you're having a good day.
I think this goes both ways.

The left calls racism far too often. The right doesn’t do enough to condemn actual racist behavior within their ranks.
I agree that the sentence was somewhat tortured. I was making the claim that racism has been on the rise in America to some extent for at least a decade, give or take.

For a further explanation you'll have to see my comments in a topic in which the question is discussed.
Yes sadly I agree with you that racism is on the rise roughly coinciding with Obama's Presidency. I believe that is highly correlated.
The current trend to make EVEYRTHING racist gets more and more absurd.

So Time Magazine now reviews a book that says gaining weight and going to the gym/physical fitness has its origins in white supremacy.

I'm really getting sick of the concept that if white people did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, then it is 'white supremacy.' If a black person did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, does that automatically make it a 'black' thing? Our history, all of our history with the good and the bad, has culminated in the people that we are, but it does not define who we are as a people. All of society as well as each individual should be allowed redemption, to become a better version of what he/she/we once were.

And while we're at it, when did we stop being a people who could poke fun and laugh at ourselves, enjoy the harmless stereotypes, enjoy our little quirks and differences and become a people who needed safe spaces where they don't have to see or hear anything that makes them think or might bother them or be offended?



Okay, stepping off soap box now. Take it for what it's worth.

Unopened and Never Will Be Opened
Aunt Jemima is going to be chillin' in the corner of my kitchen for a long time yet to come.
Love the old girl myself and never had problem with her sweet smile staring at me over a pile of pancakes.


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That's because everything fun and good usually doesn't involve blacks.

Even going out to eat is much better, quieter, less irritating when you're eating out in a sea of white faces. Put more than one black person together in there and you usually know they are there before you even see them.
The fact is bullshot artists have taken over the terminology of the direction of our nation. Equity is the reality of lower IQ people in charge of everything that makes a society. Every word politicized like "inclusion" is twisted by the elites to their advantage. We are like a less violent middle east country in many parts of our nation now and they are not muslims.
I don't know if it is lower IQ people or just those brainwashed by indefensible concepts or those who use accusations of racism to achieve personal or political advantage. Take that Playboy interview that caused what I consider the racist left to rise up in condemnation of John Wayne.

He said in that interview that he supported white supremacy UNTIL BLACK HAD BEEN SUFFICIENTLY EDUCATED TO BE RESPONSIBLE. Right or wrong, defensible or indefensible, his opinion was that black people had not been sufficient educated to know how to manage or run things in a way advantageous to ALL people, black, white and other. It was not a condemnation of black people per se but rather a condemnation of the circumstances of black people. And in fact in 1971 when he said it, there was no country in the world populated or governed by mostly black people that was doing well. Is to observe that racist? Or a reality that is now considered politically incorrect to acknowledge?

And is it racist to not feel personally guilty that black people were enslaved many generations earlier? Most especially when a person does not in any way approve, condone, or would allow that now?

Should John Wayne or any other person be judged by a remark made a half century before? Can any one of us say we never said ANYTHING that wouldn't look good on the front page of the newspaper today? Should we judge ANYBODY by what they once did, said, believed when they would now no longer do that or don't believe that or wouldn't say it in the way they were allowed to say it then?

At what point do we allow a country or person to be the better version that it/he/she has become? Or like the hateful left, do we strip a person of much deserved recognition and honor based on something they did or said decades or a half century or before?
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Unopened and Never Will Be Opened
Aunt Jemima is going to be chillin' in the corner of my kitchen for a long time yet to come.


That and Uncle Ben's Rice was one of the most stupid temper tantrums the left has come up with yet. Millions of children of all races for decades had been seeing those lovable, approachable faces with zero detrimental feelings or opinions about black people. Gentle positive teachings the more hateful militant extreme left now denies all the children.
That and Uncle Ben's Rice was one of the most stupid temper tantrums the left has come up with yet. Millions of children of all races for decades had been seeing those lovable, approachable faces with zero detrimental feelings or opinions about black people. Gentle positive teachings the more hateful militant extreme left now denies all the children.

Oddly enough Aunt Jemima syrup fell under the Quaker Oats Brand ... And they damn sure didn't get rid of the Quaker.
Might be more going on with all this than people think ... :auiqs.jpg:

They slaughtered the little Native American woman on the Land O Lakes Butter too ... Bastards!

I don't know if it is lower IQ people or just those brainwashed by indefensible concepts or those who use accusations of racism to achieve personal or political advantage. Take that Playboy interview that caused what I consider the racist left to rise up in condemnation of John Wayne.

He said in that interview that he supported white supremacy UNTIL BLACK HAD BEEN SUFFICIENTLY EDUCATED TO BE RESPONSIBLE. Right or wrong, defensible or indefensible, his opinion was that black people had not been sufficient educated to know how to manage or run things in a way advantageous to ALL people, black, white and other. It was not a condemnation of black people per se but rather a condemnation of the circumstances of black people. And in fact in 1971 when he said it, there was no country in the world populated or governed by mostly black people that was doing well. Is to observe that racist? Or a reality that is now considered politically incorrect to acknowledge?

And is it racist to not feel personally guilty that black people were enslaved many generations earlier? Most especially when a person does not in any way approve, condone, or would allow that now?

Should John Wayne or any other person be judged by a remark made a half century before? Can any one of us say we never said ANYTHING that wouldn't look good on the front page of the newspaper today? Should we judge ANYBODY by what they once did, said, believed when they would now no longer do that or don't believe that or wouldn't say it in the way they were allowed to say it then?

At what point do we allow a country or person to be the better version that it/he/she has become? Or like the hateful left, do we strip a person of much deserved recognition and honor based on something they did or said decades or a half century before?
What about the dumb whites like you? They dont need an education?

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