Everything fun and good is now white supremacist it seems

The current trend to make EVEYRTHING racist gets more and more absurd.

So Time Magazine now reviews a book that says gaining weight and going to the gym/physical fitness has its origins in white supremacy.

I'm really getting sick of the concept that if white people did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, then it is 'white supremacy.' If a black person did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, does that automatically make it a 'black' thing? Our history, all of our history with the good and the bad, has culminated in the people that we are, but it does not define who we are as a people. All of society as well as each individual should be allowed redemption, to become a better version of what he/she/we once were.

And while we're at it, when did we stop being a people who could poke fun and laugh at ourselves, enjoy the harmless stereotypes, enjoy our little quirks and differences and become a people who needed safe spaces where they don't have to see or hear anything that makes them think or might bother them or be offended?



Okay, stepping off soap box now. Take it for what it's worth.
The rag is still published?!
Imagine someones son defending their father being called a racist.
There is not one soul among all of John Wayne's family, friends or colleagues who has or would describe him as a racist. He simply was not. See my Post #28 and then make the claim that you yourself has never said anything that wouldn't look good out of context on the evening news.
There is not one soul among all of John Wayne's family, friends or colleagues who has or would describe him as a racist. He simply was not. See my Post #28 and then make the claim that you yourself has never said anything that wouldn't look good out of context on the evening news.
I'm sure you dont call your racist friends racists either.
What's the difference you hate black people.
That is a bald faced lie from a coward

I expressed no such hatred at all

You are proving the point made by many. You are uneducated and soft throwing out claims of racism left and right with absolutely no basis in accuracy or truth
What's the difference you hate black people.

Have you noticed that you seem to be one of the most hateful people in this thread?
Do you honestly think that garbage you are talking is ever going to accomplish something worthwhile?

Yes. I use it as a source fairly frequently as they do include a broad range of subject matter. But they are intensely leftist as is most media these days, and I always take that into account.
I wasn't criticizing you; I'm actually surprised enough people buy it to sustain it's existence.
That is a bald faced lie from a coward

I expressed no such hatred at all

You are proving the point made by many. You are uneducated and soft throwing out claims of racism left and right with absolutely no basis in accuracy or truth
You're a John Wayne sympathizer. You attempt to defend his racist comments. So what else would it make you? People that arent racists arent going to defend what John Wayne said lol.
The current trend to make EVEYRTHING racist gets more and more absurd.

So Time Magazine now reviews a book that says gaining weight and going to the gym/physical fitness has its origins in white supremacy.

I'm really getting sick of the concept that if white people did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, then it is 'white supremacy.' If a black person did it, thought of it first, thought it a good thing, does that automatically make it a 'black' thing? Our history, all of our history with the good and the bad, has culminated in the people that we are, but it does not define who we are as a people. All of society as well as each individual should be allowed redemption, to become a better version of what he/she/we once were.

And while we're at it, when did we stop being a people who could poke fun and laugh at ourselves, enjoy the harmless stereotypes, enjoy our little quirks and differences and become a people who needed safe spaces where they don't have to see or hear anything that makes them think or might bother them or be offended?



Okay, stepping off soap box now. Take it for what it's worth.

Keep in mind that the leftists who write these articles voted for this guy:

You're a John Wayne sympathizer. You attempt to defend his racist comments. So what else would it make you? People that arent racists arent going to defend what John Wayne said lol.
No I could care less about him.

I am not defending him

i am attacking your small minded knee jerk crap which has no basis in truth

You are truly and honestly a fucking fool and a proven liar

Have you noticed that you seem to be one of the most hateful people in this thread?
Do you honestly think that garbage you are talking is ever going to accomplish something worthwhile?

No I realize only but a few racists will ever change so you're I"m not going to accomplish much.

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