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Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!

I was speaking for myself. If you want to know what the Red Cross documents said, do what I did and look them up. There is something else you can look up. Type into your browser, "Esinehower's Holocaust." Read it.
I don't think I need to. Look what it's done to you.

You're afraid of blacks and Jews.

What else are you afraid of, that you must isolate yourself?
The only thing that has happened to me is that my eyes have been opened even further than they were before. You should give it a try. Next, after I am through giving replies here, I will answer part of your absurdity about me being "afraid" in another thread. I will call it "Jewish Warfare." As for blacks, I don't fear them. They just disgust the hell out of me. I will write another thread about that. If I'm not banned. Though I'm not sure what I will call it.
yet you close your eyes and refuse to watch videos that expose the truth that 9/11 was an inside job:up:

You should watch the documentary I mentioned Then do what they invite people to do at the end of it. Which is to look up the facts for yourself.

thanks for exposing what a freaking hypocrite troll you are.:clap2:You expect him to watch that documentary when YOU wont even watch those videos on 9/11 that expose the truth explosives brought the towers down and was carried out by the CIA and mossad.

Oh my the hypocrisy here.
You are such a freaking hypocrite troll.You expect him to read a book when YOU wont even take a mere 20 minutes out of your time to watch a few short videos that expose the truth explosives brought the towers down.:ahole-1: and you expect him to take you seriously?:rolleyes-41::coffee::cuckoo:

I have a book I can recommend for you to read that nobody has ever been able to debunk just like they have never been able to debunk any of those four videos of mine but since you wont even take a mere 20 minutes out of your time to watch those 2 short videos,then no sense in giving the link to that book obviously.:rolleyes-41:

people like you shit on those familys in new york by being afraid to look at the truth and keep spreading the lies of 9/11. oh and at least half the familys in new york agree with me on 9/11 as polls show so you are indeed shitting on those victems familys troll.:up_yours:

Next thing your going to say is that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK as well.

It never fails with you Bush dupes,EVERYTIME you are corned with pesky facts you cannot refute,you resort to childish insults and name calling to make yourselves feel better.

I really hate getting into it myself but i have always been the type if someone hits me first i dont just take it,i hit back.
One of the most frustrating things for tweakers and mental patients is when sane people don't see their delusions the same way.
Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?
According to the old Red Cross documents I mentioned, about 271,000 Jews died in Jewish internment camps. Near the end of the war, things got pretty bad in Germany. No doubt that things got even worse in the internment camps. Mostly likely because Allied bombing had severely depleted the food supplies. No doubt you saw some of those shows they have on TV almost every night. Where they talk about the supposedly "evil" Nazis and the supposed atrocities they committed. IT'S ALL BULLSHIT! Of all those piles of dead bidies they show, what makes you think the camps were always like that. And can you tell if somebody died from gas or some disease like typhus?

Maybe you even believe that bullshit about a lampshade being made of Jewish skin. You probably even enjoyed that largely bullshit movie "Schindler's List." Next, say what you will. But don't tie anything I have to say in with what Muslims believe. What they believe means less than nothing to me. There are many of them who even spout the bullshit that the 9-11 attacks were done by America. You should watch the documentary I mentioned Then do what they invite people to do at the end of it. Which is to look up the facts for yourself.
As if a documentary made by anti-Semites can be believed by anyone other than a Muslim or a NeoNazi.
The documentary I mentioned is far from perfect. But they SHOW you things that can't be denied. If you can't believe your own eyes, there is something seriously wrong with you. Also, at the end of the documentary they invite you to look up the facts for yourself. Is that something somebody trying to pull the wool over your eyes would try to do. Also, I looked up some of their facts for myself. I didn't find anything that refuted anything they said in the documentary. Watch it and give it a try for yourself. But you are probably like too many other people. You are comfortable with the way things are. So you have no desire to know the real truth.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.

"Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!"

So, some old Red Cross documents encompass everything you ever learned about World War II?

Seems a bit limited in breadth of topic. Where did you go to school?

Having eyes to see with, my political leanings have been more toward National Socialism long before I ever heard of those old Red Cross documents. And for good reason. I have even had a Nazi flag on my bedroom wall for over 10 years. But as I said in my thread, a couple of months ago I watched the documentary I mentioned and learned things that even I didn't know. Next, my schooling isn't the point. The point is the schooling that caused you to believe the bullshit you do.
Still trying to sell your kangaroo court bullshit?
Those who protect the criminals talk just like you.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.

yes that is just one more example of the truth that it was a holoHOAX.Penelope has posted a video before matter of fact that documents that 6 million number was invented as far back as world war I.You should post that video again Penny if you already havent.

and dude,I am going to give you an informative here despite the fact you made a false statement there that 9/11 being an inside job is a theory.

I havent done much research into the moon landing one so I am not going to comment on that and say it never happened. however i HAVE spent hours and hours on 9/11 and any thinking rational person who is objective and open minded can see from the FACTS and evidence,the only conspiracy THEORY on 9/11 is the governments version of the events.all they have is theories and conjecture with no evidence or facts to back up their theories that 19 muslims and Bin Laden were behind the attacks.

Here is the most lunatic conspiracy THEORY on 9/11 ever invented in both this link and video below.:biggrin::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::wtf:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories
One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks (linked to the CIA), the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to d
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

Here now though is overwhelming facts and evidence that show it was a joint CIA/mossad operation in these two long videos that nobody has ever been able to debunk.

they have never been able to debunk either of these two videos here below either. these two are MUCH shorter if you dont want to sit through those long two hour ones i posted which is really only for the serious researcher,however these two are very short so you have no excuse to not watch them.

9-11 inside job,
You are a nut. It distresses me that I talk about something real such as the holocaust largely being a hoax and then to have idiots like you support the idea. One of the zillions of reasons I know that the 9-11 attacks were done by muslims is that they were trying to kill americans before it and they are still trying to. I saw some of the bullshit evidence you talk about. Such as a window being blown out after one of the towers were hit.

One of you 9-11 conspiracy nuts said that it was cause by explosives secretly planted to bring the towers down. Any idiot would know that if any such explosives were used, it would have probably blown out the windows on at least a couple of floors. Do us all a favor and start supporting the bullshit story that the holocaust was real.

No Mr DONT know anything,YOU are the nut.You just proved you are a coward who is a afraid of the truth the fact you did not watch ONE SINGLE VIDEO of those four videos i posted since it has overwhelming proof that explosives brought them down.

Not only that,you also just crippled your case and proved it FOR ME the truth that explosives brought down the towers because many witness that very day talked about windows being blown out.:lmao:

plus there is a video out there that shows before the towers fell down,the lower lobby floors with the windows blown out which of course proves what many witnesses reported,that they heard explosions going off in the basement floors BEFORE the towers collapsed.

you would never make it as a lawyer because all you are doing is proving my case for me that explosives brought them down.:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::lmao:

You are the idiot,you should be distressed over how you are afraid of the truth about 9/11 because its much more recent and hits too close to home for you because of that.

Oh and Bin Laden and AL-queda were funded by the CIA you stupid idiot,so do truthers here a favor and stop talking about the holocaust being a holohoax because idiots like you hurt that cause.:up_yours:

9-11 inside job,
Just how much do the muslims pay you to spread your lunacy. Or are you in fact a nut job. Also, I have seen the conspiracy crap about 9-11 supposedly being done by the U.S. Only a stupid person could believe it. Or somebody trying to make a buck off the whole conspiracy thing.

Do you know what caused those buildings to come down? The Jets that hit them! Even an idiot could see it. Before the buildings came down, they SHOWED them buckling where the planes hit When they finally did come down, the collapse STARTED where the planes hit. Because the second plane hit the second building lower down, having more weight above it, it was the first building to come down. Do yourself a favor and drop all your 9-11 conspiracy crap. Or at least do the rest of us a favor and keep your idiocy to yourself.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.

"Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!"

So, some old Red Cross documents encompass everything you ever learned about World War II?

Seems a bit limited in breadth of topic. Where did you go to school?

Having eyes to see with, my political leanings have been more toward National Socialism long before I ever heard of those old Red Cross documents. And for good reason. I have even had a Nazi flag on my bedroom wall for over 10 years. But as I said in my thread, a couple of months ago I watched the documentary I mentioned and learned things that even I didn't know. Next, my schooling isn't the point. The point is the schooling that caused you to believe the bullshit you do.

So you can read minds based on that one post?

This is awesome!
I was speaking for myself. If you want to know what the Red Cross documents said, do what I did and look them up. There is something else you can look up. Type into your browser, "Esinehower's Holocaust." Read it.
I don't think I need to. Look what it's done to you.

You're afraid of blacks and Jews.

What else are you afraid of, that you must isolate yourself?
The only thing that has happened to me is that my eyes have been opened even further than they were before. You should give it a try. Next, after I am through giving replies here, I will answer part of your absurdity about me being "afraid" in another thread. I will call it "Jewish Warfare." As for blacks, I don't fear them. They just disgust the hell out of me. I will write another thread about that. If I'm not banned. Though I'm not sure what I will call it.
yet you close your eyes and refuse to watch videos that expose the truth that 9/11 was an inside job:up:

You should watch the documentary I mentioned Then do what they invite people to do at the end of it. Which is to look up the facts for yourself.

thanks for exposing what a freaking hypocrite troll you are.:clap2:You expect him to watch that documentary when YOU wont even watch those videos on 9/11 that expose the truth explosives brought the towers down and was carried out by the CIA and mossad.

Oh my the hypocrisy here.
You are such a freaking hypocrite troll.You expect him to read a book when YOU wont even take a mere 20 minutes out of your time to watch a few short videos that expose the truth explosives brought the towers down.:ahole-1: and you expect him to take you seriously?:rolleyes-41::coffee::cuckoo:

I have a book I can recommend for you to read that nobody has ever been able to debunk just like they have never been able to debunk any of those four videos of mine but since you wont even take a mere 20 minutes out of your time to watch those 2 short videos,then no sense in giving the link to that book obviously.:rolleyes-41:

people like you shit on those familys in new york by being afraid to look at the truth and keep spreading the lies of 9/11. oh and at least half the familys in new york agree with me on 9/11 as polls show so you are indeed shitting on those victems familys troll.:up_yours:

Next thing your going to say is that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK as well.

It never fails with you Bush dupes,EVERYTIME you are corned with pesky facts you cannot refute,you resort to childish insults and name calling to make yourselves feel better.

I really hate getting into it myself but i have always been the type if someone hits me first i dont just take it,i hit back.
9-11 inside job,
I already saw a 9-11 conspiracy video years ago. I don't need to see any more of that nonsense. Though that isn't to say that there aren't conspiracies out there. The one you keep going on about just happens to come from wacko land. Maybe you spout it just to throw mud on a real conspiracy such as the supposed holocaust.

Next, I used to believe that there was a conspiracy involved in the JFK assassination. The angle of the shooter matched with the wounds just didn't seem right. But then I watched a show where they went into everything in great detail. Oswald was indeed responsible. Though that doesn't mean that there wasn't some other conspiracy involved. It is just more unlikely than likely.
MrDontKnow does not like 9-11's video conspiracy but happily blathers along about his own.
MrDontKnow does not like 9-11's video conspiracy but happily blathers along about his own.
There is a good reason for it. The holocaust IS largely a hoax. And the 9-11 conspiracy IS just a bunch of bullshit. That's just the way it is.
MrDontKnow does not like 9-11's video conspiracy but happily blathers along about his own.
There is a good reason for it. The holocaust IS largely a hoax. And the 9-11 conspiracy IS just a bunch of bullshit. That's just the way it is.
You are completely a hoax and full of bull shit. Trot along.

Exceptions like you illustrate the truth of the Holocaust.
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I don't believe the 911 story either, I don't know how one can, since wtc building 7 came down without jets.
MrDontKnow does not like 9-11's video conspiracy but happily blathers along about his own.
There is a good reason for it. The holocaust IS largely a hoax. And the 9-11 conspiracy IS just a bunch of bullshit. That's just the way it is.
I don't believe the 911 story either, I don't know how one can, since wtc building 7 came down without jets.

I have seen lots and lots of building come down without
"JETS" but----then again-----I passed physics 101---thus came to have insight as to why they go down
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?
According to the old Red Cross documents I mentioned, about 271,000 Jews died in Jewish internment camps. Near the end of the war, things got pretty bad in Germany. No doubt that things got even worse in the internment camps. Mostly likely because Allied bombing had severely depleted the food supplies. No doubt you saw some of those shows they have on TV almost every night. Where they talk about the supposedly "evil" Nazis and the supposed atrocities they committed. IT'S ALL BULLSHIT! Of all those piles of dead bidies they show, what makes you think the camps were always like that. And can you tell if somebody died from gas or some disease like typhus?

Maybe you even believe that bullshit about a lampshade being made of Jewish skin. You probably even enjoyed that largely bullshit movie "Schindler's List." Next, say what you will. But don't tie anything I have to say in with what Muslims believe. What they believe means less than nothing to me. There are many of them who even spout the bullshit that the 9-11 attacks were done by America. You should watch the documentary I mentioned Then do what they invite people to do at the end of it. Which is to look up the facts for yourself.
As if a documentary made by anti-Semites can be believed by anyone other than a Muslim or a NeoNazi.
The documentary I mentioned is far from perfect. But they SHOW you things that can't be denied. If you can't believe your own eyes, there is something seriously wrong with you. Also, at the end of the documentary they invite you to look up the facts for yourself. Is that something somebody trying to pull the wool over your eyes would try to do. Also, I looked up some of their facts for myself. I didn't find anything that refuted anything they said in the documentary. Watch it and give it a try for yourself. But you are probably like too many other people. You are comfortable with the way things are. So you have no desire to know the real truth.

A small army of knuckle-dragging goosesteppers have spent decades trying to resurrect your "Thousand Year Reich" (which lasted all of 12 years) by making all of the same silly arguments ("the Jooooz did it") that you foist on this board. Your "facts" have been fully vetted by people way smarter and more knowledgeable than you or me and found them to be the same old bag of BS that your Fuehrer promoted. It and you have been judged and found wanting. Sorry.

In December 1991 the American Historical Association issued the following statement: The American Historical Association Council strongly deplores the publicly reported attempts to deny the fact of the Holocaust. No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place.

Holocaust denial - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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9-11 inside job,
Just how much do the muslims pay you to spread your lunacy. Or are you in fact a nut job. Also, I have seen the conspiracy crap about 9-11 supposedly being done by the U.S. Only a stupid person could believe it. Or somebody trying to make a buck off the whole conspiracy thing...

Expecting 9/11HandJob to see the lunacy in that which he has invested so much of his "valuable" time is exactly as futile as any norm expecting you to see the lunacy in yours. There's not a lick of difference between the two of you and for you to call that flaming fruitcake "a nut job" is monumentally ironic. Thanks for the laugh.
oh cool.glad to see that OP troll banned.amazing that they ban this troll but allow many others such as rosie and sayit-aka dawgshit to freely roam these boards and troll.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.
You are 100% correct.

The zionist Juden cooked up the fraudulent story of the so called Holocaust.

And have turned this Holohoax myth into a world wide Ponzi scheme to fleece huge amounts of money from gullible people in western nations.

In order to finance their terrorist state Pissrael. .... :cool:

so very true.
it seems to me that the "everything" some of our fellow posters learned about world war II which they now know is a lie is actually confined to the "holocaust lie"-----The holocaust is, certainly,
not the only thing I learned about world war II. I wonder if those who claim "everything" they "learned about world war II" includes ANYTHING ELSE? Do you guys believe that there was a german blitz over London???? How about the bombing of
Berlin? also a lie? It is, certainly, a part of 'everything' I learned about world war II. Was there really an Adolf Hitler?

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