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Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!

I'm a Caucasian American as well.
No, you are not a white man at all. You don't act to one's standards.
You call me racist for using the word negro and deny another's color? Do you still sh8t in the yard?
You are a racist, DarkFury. I called out a man for not acting his race. You need to act your race as well, son. There is no question that more than six million died alone because of Hitler's race theories. About three million were gassed, the rest murdered in various ways.
I NEVER stated it did not happen IDIOT. But YOU democrats are in for a NEW group of democrats. And I find it funny, DAMN FUNNY.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my detail are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.
First off welcome and please excuse the democrat slime we have here. Most have been forced into clown suits. We may not agree but it should be fun. Again welcome.

Oh MR. Cruz, if people really had doubts about the holocaust , they wouldn't need a law against Holocaust denial and imprison people for it.

Germany has a rather sad history with Nazi's and the Holocaust- I can understand why Germans may decide that they will not take a chance on nutjobs Holocaust deniers encouraging new Nazi's in Germany.

Of course here in the United States- idiots and racists can deny the Holocaust to their teeny tiny hearts content.
I'm a Caucasian American as well.
No, you are not a white man at all. You don't act to one's standards.
You call me racist for using the word negro and deny another's color? Do you still sh8t in the yard?
You are a racist, DarkFury. I called out a man for not acting his race. You need to act your race as well, son. There is no question that more than six million died alone because of Hitler's race theories. About three million were gassed, the rest murdered in various ways.
Act my race? Why Stinky that is down right racist of you.
When you welcome a holocaust denier with open arms while treating your betters in a foul way, you reveal yourself for what you are.

DarkFury, your denial of basic decency and the welcoming of a man who is obviously a racist reveals that you cannot act worthily ofyour manhood or your race.

You are not a Republican, just a foul, far right reactionary.
Why won't you just provide a link. When you type in your recommended search, pages of data comes out but nothing specific to what you are speaking about. It is not normal to claim there are sources for your allegations and not provide links to back up your allegations. Your other suggestion is to watch almost six hours of video. That is ridiculous. You should at the very least be able to give the episode, and time in the episode one of your claims appears. You are asking people to research and invest a day in learning about a conspiracy theory. Do you not know how to post links?
No. I don't know how to provide links. The best I can do is tell you what I typed into my browser to bring up what I am talking about. As for the documentary, I said it was overly long. For whoever made it, I don't know what in the hell they were thinking. What kind of attention span did they expect the seriously brainwashed to have. I also think that they tried to paint Hitler in too rosy of a light. They also had a part in it that had to do with the sinking of the USS Indianapolis which didn't seem have much to do with anything.

As I said, it took me three or four days to watch it all. It is a chore. But there is information here and there that makes it worth the effort. Such as finding out that the whole thing about the lampshade being made out of Jew skin was just more lying propaganda horseshit.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my detail are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.
First off welcome and please excuse the democrat slime we have here. Most have been forced into clown suits. We may not agree but it should be fun. Again welcome.

Oh MR. Cruz, if people really had doubts about the holocaust , they wouldn't need a law against Holocaust denial and imprison people for it.

Germany has a rather sad history with Nazi's and the Holocaust- I can understand why Germans may decide that they will not take a chance on nutjobs Holocaust deniers encouraging new Nazi's in Germany.

Of course here in the United States- idiots and racists can deny the Holocaust to their teeny tiny hearts content.

The holohaux is nothing but a money making scam. When one thinks that voer 65 million died in WWII, its a crime the "jews" make it all about them. I feel very bad for the bad rap the Germans got, who were mostly evangelical Christians , and after the war they were treated worst than the Zionist. The Zionist did a no. on Germany esp. when declaring war on then in 1933 and have been ever since.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.
I'm curious, and I hope you'll take the time to fully understand my question.

The old red cross documents...

Did they say "that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." ?

Or did they say "that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps Not 6 million" ?

Also...the red cross is an international organization, and in WWII, the Germans had participants in it.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my detail are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.
First off welcome and please excuse the democrat slime we have here. Most have been forced into clown suits. We may not agree but it should be fun. Again welcome.

Oh MR. Cruz, if people really had doubts about the holocaust , they wouldn't need a law against Holocaust denial and imprison people for it.

Germany has a rather sad history with Nazi's and the Holocaust- I can understand why Germans may decide that they will not take a chance on nutjobs Holocaust deniers encouraging new Nazi's in Germany.

Of course here in the United States- idiots and racists can deny the Holocaust to their teeny tiny hearts content.

The holohaux is nothing but a money making scam. .

Of course here in the United States- idiots and racists can deny the Holocaust to their teeny tiny hearts content.
Why won't you just provide a link. When you type in your recommended search, pages of data comes out but nothing specific to what you are speaking about. It is not normal to claim there are sources for your allegations and not provide links to back up your allegations. Your other suggestion is to watch almost six hours of video. That is ridiculous. You should at the very least be able to give the episode, and time in the episode one of your claims appears. You are asking people to research and invest a day in learning about a conspiracy theory. Do you not know how to post links?
No. I don't know how to provide links. The best I can do is tell you what I typed into my browser to bring up what I am talking about. As for the documentary, I said it was overly long. For whoever made it, I don't know what in the hell they were thinking. What kind of attention span did they expect the seriously brainwashed to have. I also think that they tried to paint Hitler in too rosy of a light. They also had a part in it that had to do with the sinking of the USS Indianapolis which didn't seem have much to do with anything.

As I said, it took me three or four days to watch it all. It is a chore. But there is information here and there that makes it worth the effort. Such as finding out that the whole thing about the lampshade being made out of Jew skin was just more lying propaganda horseshit.

Why don't you know how to provide links?

You certainly know how to copy and paste- since this is what you have done across multiple message boards.

For instance if I wanted to copy of the link for this board- I would simply copy

from above- and then paste.

You don't seem to know much about any of which you seem to want to post about- but seem eager to share it very incompletely.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my details are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.

No- I am not going to do your research.

You made vague claims and are spamming them across the internet- you haven't supported any of your claims.
Nor will I go down some rabbit hole of Holocaust Denier center just to find out what you want us to believe.

Right now you sound like a Holocaust denier kook. You want to sound like anything else- provide links to substantiate whatever claims you have- and not some 6 hour documentary.

I swear Conspiracy fanatics love videos- because people can't actually reference the words- anything where a video is the only support is almost certain to be bogus.

Meanwhile I will leave you with the very current testimony of a former SS prison camp guard

Bookkeeper of Auschwitz Former camp guard Oskar Groening asks for forgiveness at start of trial on 300 000 counts of accessory to murder - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

roening, a widowed father of two adult sons, entered court using a walking frame.

He said that as a young man he had volunteered for the SS because, in the fervour of wartime, "we wanted to be part of it", insisting he knew nothing at the time about the gas chambers.

Speaking in a firm voice, he recounted acts of barbarism he witnessed at Auschwitz, including when an SS guard killed a crying baby by smashing its head against a truck.

The defendant also said that he once passed a gas chamber and heard cries "growing louder and more desperate, until they fell silent".

Groening, unlike most former Nazis, has often spoken in media interviews about what he did and saw at Auschwitz.

He first opened up about his past in 1985, when a member of his stamp collectors' club handed him a book written by a Holocaust denier.

Groening returned it with the message "I saw everything. The gas chambers, the cremations, the selection process... I was there
You don't believe my words. So I tell you what to look at and where to find it. If that's not good enough for you, that's your problem. Besides, you would probably be like a global warming denier. No matter what amount of proof is given, it is never good enough. That is a "rabbit hole" I'm not willing to go down. As to your prison guard bullshit, how hard is it for those in power to find somebody to make up the kind of story they want to be told. And after the U.S. caused an estimated 1.5 million German ex-soldiers to die in concentration camps after the war, such people would probably know full well the "Iron Fist" of the U.S. and be a little more willing to "play ball."

As for the testimony in the documentary of the people I mentioned who were in internment camps, they had no reason to lie. But what about other Jewish ex-prisoners. Why would they lie. 1. To support the view that the U.S. government wants supported. 2. To take revenge against the Nazis for DARING to deport "The Chosen Of GOD!" 3. On March 24, 1933, there was a newspaper headline that said, "Judea Declares War On Germany." Remember what the English officer said? "In war, truth is the first casualty." 4. Germany is mostly made up of White people. Jews hate White people. Anything that is bad for White people is good for them. 5. There have been many reparations made to the Jews for the whole "holocaust" thing. With more to come. They don't want to mess that up or pay back what has already been paid. 6. Playing the "pity" card helps them get their way.
I'm a Caucasian American as well.
No, you are not a white man at all. You don't act to one's standards.
You call me racist for using the word negro and deny another's color? Do you still sh8t in the yard?
You are a racist, DarkFury. I called out a man for not acting his race. You need to act your race as well, son. There is no question that more than six million died alone because of Hitler's race theories. About three million were gassed, the rest murdered in various ways.
Jake Starky,
It is pretty easy to say there is "no question" when you refuse to question it. You are living in a dream world.
Not until MrDumb can rebut the Nuremerg Trial evidence do any of us need to look at MrDumb's "evidence." DarkFury is a Conservative, not a Republican, so he can automatically be ignored.
Jake Starky,
I will say this as nicely as I can. You are one STUPID piece of shit! Deal with it. You want proof? Why would I give you proof when you will just ban me and delete it. But just continue on in your dream world.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my details are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.

No- I am not going to do your research.

You made vague claims and are spamming them across the internet- you haven't supported any of your claims.
Nor will I go down some rabbit hole of Holocaust Denier center just to find out what you want us to believe.

Right now you sound like a Holocaust denier kook. You want to sound like anything else- provide links to substantiate whatever claims you have- and not some 6 hour documentary.

I swear Conspiracy fanatics love videos- because people can't actually reference the words- anything where a video is the only support is almost certain to be bogus.

Meanwhile I will leave you with the very current testimony of a former SS prison camp guard

Bookkeeper of Auschwitz Former camp guard Oskar Groening asks for forgiveness at start of trial on 300 000 counts of accessory to murder - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

roening, a widowed father of two adult sons, entered court using a walking frame.

He said that as a young man he had volunteered for the SS because, in the fervour of wartime, "we wanted to be part of it", insisting he knew nothing at the time about the gas chambers.

Speaking in a firm voice, he recounted acts of barbarism he witnessed at Auschwitz, including when an SS guard killed a crying baby by smashing its head against a truck.

The defendant also said that he once passed a gas chamber and heard cries "growing louder and more desperate, until they fell silent".

Groening, unlike most former Nazis, has often spoken in media interviews about what he did and saw at Auschwitz.

He first opened up about his past in 1985, when a member of his stamp collectors' club handed him a book written by a Holocaust denier.

Groening returned it with the message "I saw everything. The gas chambers, the cremations, the selection process... I was there
You don't believe my words. So I tell you what to look at and where to find it. If that's not good enough for you, that's your problem. Besides, you would probably be like a global warming denier. No matter what amount of proof is given, it is never good enough. That is a "rabbit hole" I'm not willing to go down. As to your prison guard bullshit, how hard is it for those in power to find somebody to make up the kind of story they want to be told.

I don't believe your words because that is all you have given- is your unsubstantiated words.

You haven't told us where to find the information you claim- you have asked us to search Google.

"my prison guard' bullshit is a fact that I have provided actual links to- you have provided nothing- nada- zilch.

I have known Holocaust survivors personally. I have friends who have family that died in the camps. I have read the interviews with American soldiers who came to the camps. I have heard the interviews of survivors.

You- you have provided nothing.

But- you have copied and pasted nothing all over the internet.
Not until MrDumb can rebut the Nuremerg Trial evidence do any of us need to look at MrDumb's "evidence." DarkFury is a Conservative, not a Republican, so he can automatically be ignored.
Jake Starky,
I will say this as nicely as I can. You are one STUPID piece of shit! Deal with it. You want proof? Why would I give you proof when you will just ban me and delete it. But just continue on in your dream world.

Why would you give any proof........when it would require you to have proof...and actually back up your claims.
I'm a Caucasian American as well.
No, you are not a white man at all. You don't act to one's standards.
You call me racist for using the word negro and deny another's color? Do you still sh8t in the yard?
You are a racist, DarkFury. I called out a man for not acting his race. You need to act your race as well, son. There is no question that more than six million died alone because of Hitler's race theories. About three million were gassed, the rest murdered in various ways.
Jake Starky,
It is pretty easy to say there is "no question" when you refuse to question it. You are living in a dream world.
Your evidence is vague plus a six plus hour tape. I have asked you to refute the Nuremberg Trial evidence. You refuse, thus you fail of doctrine of Silent Affirmation.
. Jews hate White people. Anything that is bad for White people is good for them.y.

With that I have gotten the proof I needed.

You are nothing but a filthy anti-semite and Holocaust denier.

Go to hell and rot.
Not until MrDumb can rebut the Nuremerg Trial evidence do any of us need to look at MrDumb's "evidence." DarkFury is a Conservative, not a Republican, so he can automatically be ignored.
Jake Starky,
I will say this as nicely as I can. You are one STUPID piece of shit! Deal with it. You want proof? Why would I give you proof when you will just ban me and delete it. But just continue on in your dream world.
I can't ban anybody, guy. What evidence do you want to give that will get you sanctioned here? Really, I think you misunderstand the rules. There is no secret Jew cabal here.
Why don't you know how to provide links?

You certainly know how to copy and paste- since this is what you have done across multiple message boards.

For instance if I wanted to copy of the link for this board- I would simply copy
View attachment 41499
from above- and then paste.

You don't seem to know much about any of which you seem to want to post about- but seem eager to share it very incompletely.
When you talk about other message boards, do you mean other forums? I have managed to post an image or two from my 'My Pictures" files. But what you suggest sounds different. But why would I want to go through the bother of showing you something you don't want to see. Go to your browser and type in "Esienhower's Holocaust." Something should come up with that heading. Click on it. Then you can be "shown" to your heart's content. That is, concerning one topic from the documentary.
. Jews hate White people. Anything that is bad for White people is good for them.y.

With that I have gotten the proof I needed.

You are nothing but a filthy anti-semite and Holocaust denier.

Go to hell and rot.
You can take that proof, along with the other proof, and shove it up your ass for all I care. You're nothing to me.
Not until MrDumb can rebut the Nuremerg Trial evidence do any of us need to look at MrDumb's "evidence." DarkFury is a Conservative, not a Republican, so he can automatically be ignored.
Jake Starky,
I will say this as nicely as I can. You are one STUPID piece of shit! Deal with it. You want proof? Why would I give you proof when you will just ban me and delete it. But just continue on in your dream world.
I can't ban anybody, guy. What evidence do you want to give that will get you sanctioned here? Really, I think you misunderstand the rules. There is no secret Jew cabal here.
Jake Starkey,
I never said that you would ban me. But there are others who certainly would. I guarantee it. You may not believe it, but you are a slave of the Jews. Need proof? Everything they are for you are probably for.

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