Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

No argument about that but every president before Trump treated the press with respect and professionalism. Bush got it much worse than Obama but even in the hottest moments Bush expressed gratitude at the institution that a free press brings to our democracy. Trump is crying fake news on twitter over things that aren't even fake news. He has been provoking the press since the campaign because it is effectively pitting his base against the media and discrediting the MSM to his supporters.

His motives and the damaging effects that it puts on an industry that exists in part to question scrutinize and bring accountability to those in power is moving us away from a free democracy and closer to an authoritarian dictatorship. I don't use those words to be dramatic but they are text book methods that dictators use to divide and conquer.

Slade, Bush was a puppet that was simply playing his part. The press is a joke and the press started attacking Trump when he announced he was running. Trump was treated like a joke and he was the target of many attacks. The lamestream media is the ultimate unmitigated joke. The bigwigs of the media have a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300 and they do not rate our respect and they certainly shan't get any from me. We know from the Church Committee hearings of the late 70's that the CIA had infiltrated the biggest media outlets. We know that they indirectly funded Ms Magazine and that Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset. You can't trust a fucking thing you hear from them....at least I don't. They could tell me that it was raining outside and even if I could hear raindrops hitting the window pane and I would STILL step outside to see for myself. I don't trust these bastards any further than I could throw them.
I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.
No argument about that but every president before Trump treated the press with respect and professionalism. Bush got it much worse than Obama but even in the hottest moments Bush expressed gratitude at the institution that a free press brings to our democracy. Trump is crying fake news on twitter over things that aren't even fake news. He has been provoking the press since the campaign because it is effectively pitting his base against the media and discrediting the MSM to his supporters.

His motives and the damaging effects that it puts on an industry that exists in part to question scrutinize and bring accountability to those in power is moving us away from a free democracy and closer to an authoritarian dictatorship. I don't use those words to be dramatic but they are text book methods that dictators use to divide and conquer.

Slade, Bush was a puppet that was simply playing his part. The press is a joke and the press started attacking Trump when he announced he was running. Trump was treated like a joke and he was the target of many attacks. The lamestream media is the ultimate unmitigated joke. The bigwigs of the media have a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300 and they do not rate our respect and they certainly shan't get any from me. We know from the Church Committee hearings of the late 70's that the CIA had infiltrated the biggest media outlets. We know that they indirectly funded Ms Magazine and that Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset. You can't trust a fucking thing you hear from them....at least I don't. They could tell me that it was raining outside and even if I could hear raindrops hitting the window pane and I would STILL step outside to see for myself. I don't trust these bastards any further than I could throw them.
I hear you Dale and I agree with your trust issues. I don't trust any of them. It's a game and we, the common folk, are only privy to bits and pieces. The difference between you and I, in this discussion, is im observing actions of the players in the game and I'm taking it at face value. Many citizens have lived full and fruitful lives in ignorance of what's happening behind the scenes while making simple observations and contributions to the "game" as they see it. Other live very tormented lives digging for the truth and trying to expose and understand the things that are being hidden. I think you can relate with the latter.

Bush may have been a puppet and the media may be a joke but there is still truth in observing how they are playing the game. The way our President acts in public exudes respect, pride, embarrassment, inspiration, anger, and frustration, to name a few, which in turn effects the perception of America and our civil discourse. It effects policies that effect people's lives. I'm observing the surface actions and effects of the players, you are digging beneath the surface and pointing at motives and agendas. As always I appreciate the perspective you bring, just think we are reading off different pages.
Now suddenly Trump supporters are going after McMaster? LOL! Who's next? Mike Pence? Anyone but their glorious orange god, right?
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

I don't think firing H.R. McMaster National Security Advisor would go over too well--but HEY if Trump wants to hang himself--give him some more rope.

After all "He knows more than our Generals do"--because he watches T.V. Shows.

It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

I was shocked that McMaster decided to work for Trump. He's simply far too rationale and too competent to work for a walking disaster like Trump. I think he is doing it as a patriotic duty to try to save the country from Trump, even if he destroys his own reputation in the process.

McMaster wrote an outstanding book about the Vietnam War called Dereliction of Duty that I read about 20 years ago. McMaster is an intellectual and intellectuals simply have no place around Trump and his White House freak show.
Syria is not a part of Russia or Iran either. You seem to have no problems with Russia trying to take over countries. You clearly are a part of the hate America crowd. You are a looney tum=ne that needs to be in a asylum where you can receive treatment for your mental problems.

Your darling Barry turned Syria over to Russia....a 99 year lease on their largest port facility. He let Iran develop an A-Bomb and enough money to haunt the entire ME. He almost gave Egypt to his Muslim Brotherhood and then cut off aid when the generals threw them out. We'd all be subject to arrest and confinement if Hildabeast was in the WH.....so why isn't she?

Your darling Trump seems not to have learned from Obama's mistakes. Obama also wanted better relations with Russia. Putin took him to the cleaners. One of the few right things that Obama did was to slap sanctions on Russia. Trump refuses the recognize that Putin is not helping us. He is helping himself at our expense. Trump seems to be determined to give Syria to Iran and Russia. Trump seems to be following in Obama's footsteps.
One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?

Of course they do.....one is a dynamic builder who sees the world through the lens of making a plan become a reality....and the other is Barry who was useless at everything but giving speeches somebody else wrote. Trump doesn't need voices in his ears....he needs a staff who put his ideas into motion. What he didn't understand in January, he has a handle on now. You leftists should pray to whatever you pray to that he succeeds....another Obama and we're finished.

The trouble is that Trump has no ideas. He bragged about having a healthcare plan that people would love but it is clear that he had no plan. Trump has no better understanding of anything now than he had in January. He is clueless. He is a moron.
You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

FOX is one cable network. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were all kissing Obama's ass. So were the NYT, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times and virtually every other major metropolitan newspaper. Facebook, Twitter and Google are also trying to stifle any criticism of Democrats.

Your bleating about FOX is a joke. Furthermore, the administration is staffed almost entirely by career bureaucrats and civil servants who are committed Democrats. They are obviously willing to break the law to bring down Trump. There simply isn't any comparison.

You are a joke. I used to be a regular listener of Fox because they were fair and balanced. Now it is nearly a 24 hour infomercial for Trump. When you combine that with sellouts like Limbaugh, Hannity, Breitbart, and Drudge to name a few. They are even worse than the MSM. Sometimes they get it right but Fox and the so-called mainstream conservative media are worse.
busybee01, do you feel cheated oreo dd not post the vid of homosexual Shep Smith like I do. Where is Shep at damnit? By the way if you think FOX is for our President, what are your thoughts on CNBC and CNN? Hannity is the only pro-Donald (and it is pretty objective) broadcaster on FOX you mental case!
You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Last edited:
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

FOX is one cable network. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were all kissing Obama's ass. So were the NYT, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times and virtually every other major metropolitan newspaper. Facebook, Twitter and Google are also trying to stifle any criticism of Democrats.

Your bleating about FOX is a joke. Furthermore, the administration is staffed almost entirely by career bureaucrats and civil servants who are committed Democrats. They are obviously willing to break the law to bring down Trump. There simply isn't any comparison.

You are a joke. I used to be a regular listener of Fox because they were fair and balanced. Now it is nearly a 24 hour infomercial for Trump. When you combine that with sellouts like Limbaugh, Hannity, Breitbart, and Drudge to name a few. They are even worse than the MSM. Sometimes they get it right but Fox and the so-called mainstream conservative media are worse.

Yeah, sure, we can't all easily imagine you watching FOX News.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

No argument about that but every president before Trump treated the press with respect and professionalism. Bush got it much worse than Obama but even in the hottest moments Bush expressed gratitude at the institution that a free press brings to our democracy. Trump is crying fake news on twitter over things that aren't even fake news. He has been provoking the press since the campaign because it is effectively pitting his base against the media and discrediting the MSM to his supporters.

His motives and the damaging effects that it puts on an industry that exists in part to question scrutinize and bring accountability to those in power is moving us away from a free democracy and closer to an authoritarian dictatorship. I don't use those words to be dramatic but they are text book methods that dictators use to divide and conquer.

Bush was an idiot. The press skewered him daily and he never responded. That's a big reason that rank and file Republicans got fed up with him and why they voted for Trump. The press doesn't deserve respect. The press is a gang of jackals that feeds on Republicans. They deserve nothing but contempt from Republicans.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

I was shocked that McMaster decided to work for Trump. He's simply far too rationale and too competent to work for a walking disaster like Trump. I think he is doing it as a patriotic duty to try to save the country from Trump, even if he destroys his own reputation in the process.

McMaster wrote an outstanding book about the Vietnam War called Dereliction of Duty that I read about 20 years ago. McMaster is an intellectual and intellectuals simply have no place around Trump and his White House freak show.
Thanks for admitting that McMaster is disloyal and is stabbing Trump in the back. You just confirmed the fact that Trump needs to fire him.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.

Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.
Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.
I'm sure that's what you tell yourself... doesn't make it true
And exactly HOW was he supposed to have stopped that? :lol: You do realize that Syria and Russia have been long time allies and Russia has propped Syria up for years?

By not starting it in the first place...Syria was none of our business until Barry ran from Iraq and ISIS began in northern Syria and then invaded Iraq. Barry prided himself on losing both the Iraq and Afghan wars, and then letting Hillary mangle Libya plus taking the PLO's side against Israel and cutting off aid to Egypt when they overthrew his Muslim Brotherhood. Oh, and let's not forget him ignoring the "green" revolt in Iran when 500 shotguns sent into the slums of Tehran could have overthrown the mullahs who will now have the A-Bomb thanks to your bumbling community-organizer. His BOWING to the emperor of Japan was the lowest moment in the history of America....for that alone he should have been impeached and sent to Leavenworth.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.
Calls the potus the imperial Cheeto in the same sentence as questioning his maturity.......lol

Ground Control to Major Tom....
Awwwww... I don't think you like my label for Your Boy... my, my, my... oh, dearie-me... what to do? Pfffffttttt !!!
One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?

Of course they do.....one is a dynamic builder who sees the world through the lens of making a plan become a reality....and the other is Barry who was useless at everything but giving speeches somebody else wrote. Trump doesn't need voices in his ears....he needs a staff who put his ideas into motion. What he didn't understand in January, he has a handle on now. You leftists should pray to whatever you pray to that he succeeds....another Obama and we're finished.

or...more likely, Trump is utterly without a plan and doesn't need voices in his ears because he listens to the voices in his head...an echo chamber.

Trump lives by bumper-sticker ideas, was elected on bumper-sticker ideas...that's not a plan.
No...you just remember his campaign, which is what every politician does.
Now the Democrats are running on "Bigger, Better, and more free stuff."
All they have is "America sucks and all of you white people are gonna die!!!"
You folks with tons of self-loathing jump at that kind of rhetoric.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.
I'm sure that's what you tell yourself... doesn't make it true
The fact that it's true is what makes it true.

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