Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

...You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
Unstable, dangerous incompetency must be set aside at-law...

100 percent total bullshit and that is merely your perception. I am the most jaded poster here that has no faith in this corporate entity that we refer to as "government" but even I can see the incredible attacks against Trump whom is beltway outsider. The D.C elites that are bought and paid for whose reward has been to feed at the trough are scared shit less that their gravy train days are over and they certainly don't give a shit about you......
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
In other words, you can't dispute a thing I posted. It would suck trying to defend the things you believe because they are so easily shot down.

I like Slade's posts....don't always agree with him. I don't agree with his assessment of your postings but Slade is an incredibly sharp dude. He has certainly given me pause for thought.
He's better than most of the dumbass snowflakes in here, but that isn't saying much.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
In other words, you can't dispute a thing I posted. It would suck trying to defend the things you believe because they are so easily shot down.

I like Slade's posts....don't always agree with him. I don't agree with his assessment of your postings but Slade is an incredibly sharp dude. He has certainly given me pause for thought.
He's better than most of the dumbass snowflakes in here, but that isn't saying much.

LOL! And Slade would say the same. I have equal respect for you both. My mission is and has always been about the truth and it has no political agenda. Where the chasm begins and ends is in the fact that people have these tribalistic beliefs and wish to remain in camps. Imagine, if you will....a conservative that was unfairly targeted by the police state and unfairly sent to prison to meet a quota...now imagine a bunch of left leaning people willing to stand up for and take the system on. I bet you would have a different opinion all the way around. We are all pawns and at the bottom of this huge pyramid and it is our sweat equity that moves this fiat currency that has no intrinsic value. They are able to get away with this thievery by putting in this "left versus right" paradigm that divides us and leads us to believe that it is the OTHER side that is keeping us from fixing things....not true.....not true at all.
No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
In other words, you can't dispute a thing I posted. It would suck trying to defend the things you believe because they are so easily shot down.

I like Slade's posts....don't always agree with him. I don't agree with his assessment of your postings but Slade is an incredibly sharp dude. He has certainly given me pause for thought.
He's better than most of the dumbass snowflakes in here, but that isn't saying much.

LOL! And Slade would say the same. I have equal respect for you both. My mission is and has always been about the truth and it has no political agenda. Where the chasm begins and ends is in the fact that people have these tribalistic beliefs and wish to remain in camps. Imagine, if you will....a conservative that was unfairly targeted by the police state and unfairly sent to prison to meet a quota...now imagine a bunch of left leaning people willing to stand up for and take the system on. I bet you would have a different opinion all the way around. We are all pawns and at the bottom of this huge pyramid and it is our sweat equity that moves this fiat currency that has no intrinsic value. They are able to get away with this thievery by putting in this "left versus right" paradigm that divides us and leads us to believe that it is the OTHER side that is keeping us from fixing things....not true.....not true at all.
"Left leaning people" don't take on the state. They are minions and toadies of the state. You're belief that they are "victims" doesn't pass the laugh test. They are no more "victims" than death camp guards in Nazi Germany were "victims."
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you

I like bripat9643's posts and both of you have more in common than you do in opposition. Bripat's is blinded by ideology at times and staid in his beliefs but he hits the mark more often than he misses IMHO. You, on the other hand, are more objective and flexible with the ability to reflect and even concede that maybe someone proposed a point that you might not have thought about. That is why I hold you in such high regard whether we see "eye to eye" or not. You have definitely given me some points to ponder, weigh and consider.
I Appreciate the observations Dale, I enjoy healthy debate and challenging thoughts, which you often bring to the conversation. What annoys me about people like Bripat is his petty and ignorant proclaimations, like assuming my grandfather did nothing to help the lives of Americans, something he obviously knows nothing about. It just highlights his intent to insult and preach rather than have an intelligent debate.
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you

I like bripat9643's posts and both of you have more in common than you do in opposition. Bripat's is blinded by ideology at times and staid in his beliefs but he hits the mark more often than he misses IMHO. You, on the other hand, are more objective and flexible with the ability to reflect and even concede that maybe someone proposed a point that you might not have thought about. That is why I hold you in such high regard whether we see "eye to eye" or not. You have definitely given me some points to ponder, weigh and consider.
I Appreciate the observations Dale, I enjoy healthy debate and challenging thoughts, which you often bring to the conversation. What annoys me about people like Bripat is his petty and ignorant proclaimations, like assuming my grandfather did nothing to help the lives of Americans, something he obviously knows nothing about. It just highlights his intent to insult and preach rather than have an intelligent debate.

What did he do to improve the lives of Americans who were born there? You don't want to answer the question because you know the answer is: nothing.
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you

I like bripat9643's posts and both of you have more in common than you do in opposition. Bripat's is blinded by ideology at times and staid in his beliefs but he hits the mark more often than he misses IMHO. You, on the other hand, are more objective and flexible with the ability to reflect and even concede that maybe someone proposed a point that you might not have thought about. That is why I hold you in such high regard whether we see "eye to eye" or not. You have definitely given me some points to ponder, weigh and consider.
I Appreciate the observations Dale, I enjoy healthy debate and challenging thoughts, which you often bring to the conversation. What annoys me about people like Bripat is his petty and ignorant proclaimations, like assuming my grandfather did nothing to help the lives of Americans, something he obviously knows nothing about. It just highlights his intent to insult and preach rather than have an intelligent debate.

What did he do to improve the lives of Americans who were born there? You don't want to answer the question because you know the answer is: nothing.
My grandfather was one of the most beloved members of his community. He joined the navy and was the only survivor of a boat explosion which left one of his arms almost unusable. Despite his injury he kept working harder than anybody I ever met, running his fishing boat with a crew of men in Alaska during the summers and helping the local fisherman in the city of Monterey during the off season... he raised two incredible children, my Uncle who owns a pizzeria and employs members of his community, and my mother who raised me to come on here and school your ass. You're welcome.
or...more likely, Trump is utterly without a plan and doesn't need voices in his ears because he listens to the voices in his head...an echo chamber.

Trump lives by bumper-sticker ideas, was elected on bumper-sticker ideas...that's not a plan.

Yeah right....let me know when you become a multi-billionaire and president of the United States....You have your hands full keeping this board from careening into chaos.
to be fair he didnt create the chaos and i think they let it handle itself nicely in here.
...You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
Unstable, dangerous incompetency must be set aside at-law...

100 percent total bullshit and that is merely your perception. I am the most jaded poster here that has no faith in this corporate entity that we refer to as "government" but even I can see the incredible attacks against Trump whom is beltway outsider. The D.C elites that are bought and paid for whose reward has been to feed at the trough are scared shit less that their gravy train days are over and they certainly don't give a shit about you......
No, actually, it's not bull$hit, by a practical necessity...
...You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
Unstable, dangerous incompetency must be set aside at-law...

100 percent total bullshit and that is merely your perception. I am the most jaded poster here that has no faith in this corporate entity that we refer to as "government" but even I can see the incredible attacks against Trump whom is beltway outsider. The D.C elites that are bought and paid for whose reward has been to feed at the trough are scared shit less that their gravy train days are over and they certainly don't give a shit about you......
No, actually, it's not bull$hit, by a practical necessity...

Yeah, it is bullshit that Trump is unstable and incompetent. You are simply use to Deep state patsies as CEO of USA.INC.
Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

FOX is one cable network. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were all kissing Obama's ass. So were the NYT, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times and virtually every other major metropolitan newspaper. Facebook, Twitter and Google are also trying to stifle any criticism of Democrats.

Your bleating about FOX is a joke. Furthermore, the administration is staffed almost entirely by career bureaucrats and civil servants who are committed Democrats. They are obviously willing to break the law to bring down Trump. There simply isn't any comparison.
You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

FOX is one cable network. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were all kissing Obama's ass. So were the NYT, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times and virtually every other major metropolitan newspaper. Facebook, Twitter and Google are also trying to stifle any criticism of Democrats.

Your bleating about FOX is a joke. Furthermore, the administration is staffed almost entirely by career bureaucrats and civil servants who are committed Democrats. They are obviously willing to break the law to bring down Trump. There simply isn't any comparison.

Between Fox (the largest cable news network in America) the breitbarts, and the Rush/Levin conservative radio bunch there is plenty of positive coverage for the right wing. I understand why Trump is trying to discredit the media, he is trying feed his own power and silence his opposition, but why y'all take the bait and follow suit baffles me. I swear, all the whining I here about the fake news and MSN from you all, I thought they were supposed to be the snowflakes. Look in the mirror.
Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!

The #fireMcMaster campaign was started by Russian internet bots. Look how quickly the usual suspects jump on that bandwagon. But Russia had no influence on the election.
winner winner chicken dinner!

Look under your bed at night and make sure that there isn't Russian bots hiding and wanting to steal your breath........they are EVERYWHERE!!!!

Seriously, I have been embarrassed to even claim that I was born in this country but never more so than now. I would guess-timate that the IQ of the average Joe/Josephine is in the low 90's and that is being rather generous. It's of no wonder to me that there has to be so many warning labels on products like Preparation H that is to only be taken externally because somewhere, sometime, some low IQ idiot decided to find out what it would taste like on a Ritz cracker.......please, dear God....take me home now.....I'm ready. SMH.
You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.

I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

No argument about that but every president before Trump treated the press with respect and professionalism. Bush got it much worse than Obama but even in the hottest moments Bush expressed gratitude at the institution that a free press brings to our democracy. Trump is crying fake news on twitter over things that aren't even fake news. He has been provoking the press since the campaign because it is effectively pitting his base against the media and discrediting the MSM to his supporters.

His motives and the damaging effects that it puts on an industry that exists in part to question scrutinize and bring accountability to those in power is moving us away from a free democracy and closer to an authoritarian dictatorship. I don't use those words to be dramatic but they are text book methods that dictators use to divide and conquer.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.
Calls the potus the imperial Cheeto in the same sentence as questioning his maturity.......lol

Ground Control to Major Tom....
Swamp Rat McMaster is a clear and present danger to our democracy. He has got to go!

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