Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?

Of course they do.....one is a dynamic builder who sees the world through the lens of making a plan become a reality....and the other is Barry who was useless at everything but giving speeches somebody else wrote. Trump doesn't need voices in his ears....he needs a staff who put his ideas into motion. What he didn't understand in January, he has a handle on now. You leftists should pray to whatever you pray to that he succeeds....another Obama and we're finished.
One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?

Of course they do.....one is a dynamic builder who sees the world through the lens of making a plan become a reality....and the other is Barry who was useless at everything but giving speeches somebody else wrote. Trump doesn't need voices in his ears....he needs a staff who put his ideas into motion. What he didn't understand in January, he has a handle on now. You leftists should pray to whatever you pray to that he succeeds....another Obama and we're finished.
So you agree with what I wrote?
One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?

Of course they do.....one is a dynamic builder who sees the world through the lens of making a plan become a reality....and the other is Barry who was useless at everything but giving speeches somebody else wrote. Trump doesn't need voices in his ears....he needs a staff who put his ideas into motion. What he didn't understand in January, he has a handle on now. You leftists should pray to whatever you pray to that he succeeds....another Obama and we're finished.

or...more likely, Trump is utterly without a plan and doesn't need voices in his ears because he listens to the voices in his head...an echo chamber.

Trump lives by bumper-sticker ideas, was elected on bumper-sticker ideas...that's not a plan.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
I really wonder why Trump hasn't canned this guy's ass yet.
Because your Imperial Cheeto has already used up his four-year supply of Looking Ridiculous in his first six months, and can't afford another self-inflicted wound?
No, that isn't it. Because that would mean you were right about something, and that just can't happen in the real world.
or...more likely, Trump is utterly without a plan and doesn't need voices in his ears because he listens to the voices in his head...an echo chamber.

Trump lives by bumper-sticker ideas, was elected on bumper-sticker ideas...that's not a plan.

Yeah right....let me know when you become a multi-billionaire and president of the United States....You have your hands full keeping this board from careening into chaos.
Why would the President hire somebody who worked for Soros?????? why?????he Soros is the enemy

My God ....I can't understand this at all !!!!:confused-84: so sad

McMaster Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal - Breitbart
BriteBart. Brite...bart?!?!?!


Yes. Breitbart. :thup:

What did you want? Clinton News Network aka The Most Trusted Name is Very Fake News? or NBC aka Nothing but Crap Network?

No Sir :eusa_naughty:
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
so when liberals go from loving someone to hating them to loving them, you're cool with it.

when others do it, it's to be mocked and ridiculed.

what a maroon.
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
so when liberals go from loving someone to hating them to loving them, you're cool with it.

when others do it, it's to be mocked and ridiculed.

what a maroon.
have a good life.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
so when liberals go from loving someone to hating them to loving them, you're cool with it.

when others do it, it's to be mocked and ridiculed.

what a maroon.
have a good life.
You too, Mr. Hypocritical Irony on a Stick.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
Who was the maniac who hired that backstabber McMaster? He should be fired.

I like how you accept the Daily Caller's claims by anonymous sources when it suits you.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
^ treason

If by "treason" you mean I do not subscribe to the communist manifesto? You are "dead on" correct and damn proud of it.
Your words mean nothing, since you're a traitorous coward.

LOL!! I will NEVER come over to your communist side, Blackfag....not in this lifetime or any other. I will stand for the organic constitution and fight for it with all that I have. A gutless wonder like you has gladly embrace the communist ideology...so who is the traitor, "comrade" ???? (snicker)
I'm reporting you to the FBI

ROTFLMAO! Knock yourself out, Blackfag.............I am shaking in my shoes!!!!
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader

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