Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

We know why Russia bots wants Mc<Master fired.

If we abandoned Afghanistan, Iran and Russia would take over. Russia is arming the Taliban.

If we abandon Syria, Iran and Russia's position in the Mideast would be strengthened.

The fact is that Flynn's holdovers wanted to set policy from the NSC. McMaster wants policies implemented not created in the NSC.

Syria is not USA.INC's to control to begin with...neither is Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, etc, etc.......
USA.INC has destroyed the sovereignty of over 83 countries since the CIA learned they could do this going back to the early 50's and the days of the Dulles brothers. Russia isn't the threat, it is the Deep State that controls the monetary system in every country that has a central bank that is owned by the same bloodline families.

Syria is not a part of Russia or Iran either. You seem to have no problems with Russia trying to take over countries. You clearly are a part of the hate America crowd. You are a looney tum=ne that needs to be in a asylum where you can receive treatment for your mental problems.

Russia isn't trying to overthrow Assad, that would be USA.INC and their proxy army known as al qaeda/ISIS. Russia is defending an ally because they have the same interests. One of which is to run an oil pipeline which is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking/oil oligarchs. I hate America? No, I hate the corporate entity known as USA.INC that is owned by international bankers that lamely attempts to disguise itself as a legitimate governmental body that is overly oppressive and tyrannical. I know more than you....infinitely more and you are a mere child that has been programmed and brainwashed.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Trump, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. Leaks so far during the Trump administration are four times what they were in the Obama administration. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

I think they want Trump to govern all by himself. No Cabinet. No "deep state" Congress. No "activist judges".

Just Trump. One ruler over all of us.

So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
So, stabbing the president in the back and undermining everything he does is what you call "governing?" We'll remember that the next time a Dim is in office.
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader

Slade, it's all good....you know that I value and respect your opinion even if I do not always agree because as friends (which I consider you as one) we can do that. I don't believe that the cutting of H-1B visas will negatively affect the middle class. We have thousands upon thousands of college graduates mired in debt to get an education in order to get a decent paying job and THEY should be given preferential treatment over green card holders that paid a cheaper price for their education and thus willing to work for less. I agree with you about green energy and I know that there are over 6,000 patents of some of which would eliminate the 80% waste of the gasoline that is used for the combustion engine of which is totally out dated. The problem is that the globalists control the petroleum industry that the world runs on and a viable alternative to it is a direct threat to their power.
Who gives a $hit about Shrillary? Or Obumble? We're talking about the Imperial Cheeto.

You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life. My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?
...You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
Unstable, dangerous incompetency must be set aside at-law...
y'all just got finished with 8 years of doing just that

Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty
You simply don't have a clue as to what is going. You don't see the very establishment that the people voted against are attacking Trump with everything they have. Name one damn thing he has proposed that would not benefit the middle class......just one.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Spare me. All the usual suspects are doing everything they possibly can to destroy Trump. FOX news is one outlet, and the deep state is doing everything it can to destroy that network.
I haven't pushed back on ol dale for a while so I think it's time! I'd say Trumps immigration policy cutting green cards in half hurts the middle class and our economy... I think here is room for tremendous growth in green energy jobs and he seems to want to go away from that and back towards coal and manufacturing which are dying industries.

I will say that he has done some good things with DHS and deregulation and government waste. I just wish he would stop acting like a child and start acting like a leader
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you

I like bripat9643's posts and both of you have more in common than you do in opposition. Bripat's is blinded by ideology at times and staid in his beliefs but he hits the mark more often than he misses IMHO. You, on the other hand, are more objective and flexible with the ability to reflect and even concede that maybe someone proposed a point that you might not have thought about. That is why I hold you in such high regard whether we see "eye to eye" or not. You have definitely given me some points to ponder, weigh and consider.
How does cutting down on immigration harm the middle class? How does a flood of cheap foreign labor help them? More workers chasing the same jobs doesn't not increase the price of labor. It lowers the price of labor. That's what you endorse. All you care about is that these immigrants are likely to end up collecting welfare and voting Democrat.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
In other words, you can't dispute a thing I posted. It would suck trying to defend the things you believe because they are so easily shot down.
Really? When did I work for the federal government in the last 8 years? Can you name one time when recordings of Obama's phone calls with foreign leaders were broadcast to the public? Who was the special counsel who investigated Obama?
Obama didn't lie about Meeting with a country that interfered in our election to the scale that Russia did. I never said you worked for the government you dupe. Obama dealt with all kinds of leaks and "fake news" like Trumps birther BS. He just knew how to handle it way better

Neither did Turmp, moron. How does anything Trump did justify leaking classified information? How does it justify a witch hunt?

The fact is this whole thing is purely a result of snowflake butthurt.

You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid. I never said that leaks were justified, but they are an effect of poor leadership. Obama had his share of the leaks but handled it in a much more professional way. Obama had his share of bad press and obstructionism, which I think he could've handled better in some cases and not taken the executive order route but I also see Trump taking the same path.
Yes, you did say there were justified. In fact, you're saying it now. They are not the result of "poor leadership," other than failing to fire all the butthurt snowflakes and RINOs in his administration.

The press adored Obama. Who do you think you're kidding? I could post link after link of fake news douche bags expressing their love for Obama.

Also, the same bullshit equating Trump's EO's with Obama. What you scumbags all refuse to admit is that Trumps are constitutional. Obama's weren't.

We keep correcting your idiocies over and over and over, but you continue to repeat them. That's how you have all earned the title "douche bag."

This is your conception of bad press:

I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
So you don't think immigration has helped our country at all? Really? Do you really not understand the benefits or are you just being argumentative?
Immigration of people like Albert Einstein helps our country. Immigration of Juanita the pregnant housekeeper doesn't help it one iota.
Einstein barely got in and almost got kicked out but that's a different story. Fact is some of our most successful leaders in business were immigrants, people like Elon Musk... and not everybody has the luxury to get formally educated and wealthy in their country of origin but the spirit of America has always been the land of opportunity and many of us here today are here because our ancestors risked everything to come here and build a life.

No one gives a crap about the "spirit of America." That's feel good propaganda. Americans don't give a damn about your worthless slogans. What they care about is their standard of living, and Jaunita the mother of anchor babies doesn't do a thing to improve our standard of living. She displaces low income Americans from their jobs and lowers their wages.

Elon Musk is a white educated South African. If those are the kind you want to admit to this country, then go right ahead.

My great grandfather came from Sicily with nothing in his pockets and he made a great life for his family through hard work. Millions of people have that same story.

Did he make life better for Americans that were already living here? I doubt it.

Economically speaking we have a low unemployment rate and millions of open jobs. Our economy grows when you add people to it, not take people away. Do you understand that?

Growing the economy is pointless when all the new money goes to immigrants. The economy grows when the amount of capital per person increases, and immigration doesn't help that process.
Talking to people like you just makes me dumber, I dont know why I bother. Live in your ignorance I don't really give a shit. The points you try to make are so ridiculous I no longer see the point in correcting you
In other words, you can't dispute a thing I posted. It would suck trying to defend the things you believe because they are so easily shot down.

I like Slade's posts....don't always agree with him. I don't agree with his assessment of your postings but Slade is an incredibly sharp dude. He has certainly given me pause for thought.

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