Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

McMaster is the enemy. Can him. We elected the President to do exactly what he is doing. Oppose that and you oppose the will of the People.
Trump only hires "The best people" remember?
He needs to remember that how good they are doesn't help them when they are stabbing him in the back.
They're not stabbing him in the back... they're trying (and failing, because he lacks emotional control) to stop your boy from repeatedly shooting himself in the foot.
Yes, the last thing we want is a voice that doesn't agree completely with the President, being anywhere near him.

We want everyone in the administration to think exactly the same way as our Glorious Leader, and to fear that expressing an opposing opinion would mean their immediate demise.

Yeah, that's healthy.
Yes, the last thing we want is a voice that doesn't agree completely with the President, being anywhere near him.

We want everyone in the administration to think exactly the same way as our Glorious Leader, and to fear that expressing an opposing opinion would mean their immediate demise.

Yeah, that's healthy.
Heil Trump!!!!

Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

Kondor, that is what the people did when they gave the jug eared mulatto the double middle finger salute when he endorsed the Hildebeast.............
^ treason

If by "treason" you mean I do not subscribe to the communist manifesto? You are "dead on" correct and damn proud of it.
Your words mean nothing, since you're a traitorous coward.

LOL!! I will NEVER come over to your communist side, Blackfag....not in this lifetime or any other. I will stand for the organic constitution and fight for it with all that I have. A gutless wonder like you has gladly embrace the communist ideology...so who is the traitor, "comrade" ???? (snicker)
I'm reporting you to the FBI
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

We know why Russia bots wants Mc<Master fired.

If we abandoned Afghanistan, Iran and Russia would take over. Russia is arming the Taliban.

If we abandon Syria, Iran and Russia's position in the Mideast would be strengthened.

The fact is that Flynn's holdovers wanted to set policy from the NSC. McMaster wants policies implemented not created in the NSC.

Syria is not USA.INC's to control to begin with...neither is Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, etc, etc.......
USA.INC has destroyed the sovereignty of over 83 countries since the CIA learned they could do this going back to the early 50's and the days of the Dulles brothers. Russia isn't the threat, it is the Deep State that controls the monetary system in every country that has a central bank that is owned by the same bloodline families.

Syria is not a part of Russia or Iran either. You seem to have no problems with Russia trying to take over countries. You clearly are a part of the hate America crowd. You are a looney tum=ne that needs to be in a asylum where you can receive treatment for your mental problems.
McMaster is the enemy. Can him. We elected the President to do exactly what he is doing. Oppose that and you oppose the will of the People.
Trump only hires "The best people" remember?
He needs to remember that how good they are doesn't help them when they are stabbing him in the back.

McMaster has not stabbed Trump in the back. In a interview, he talked about how bad the Russians are. Yet when he was asked if Trump shared that view, he never answered the question. He talked about how everybody knew how bad the Russians are. If he had told the truth, he would have admitted that Trump was clueless.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
Wow, when y'all turn you really turn!
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
Yes, the last thing we want is a voice that doesn't agree completely with the President, being anywhere near him.

We want everyone in the administration to think exactly the same way as our Glorious Leader, and to fear that expressing an opposing opinion would mean their immediate demise.

Yeah, that's healthy.

As opposed to Obama being too naive to have any of his own ideas on anything ....Valerie Jarret was the president for 8 years....and look how it turned out.
I know huh?

Trump appoints him, he was confirmed overwhelmingly by a GOP Senate in March.

A few months later: Fire his sorry ass!!

Some of these people are literally living in Trump's reality show episodes.
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
Syria is not a part of Russia or Iran either. You seem to have no problems with Russia trying to take over countries. You clearly are a part of the hate America crowd. You are a looney tum=ne that needs to be in a asylum where you can receive treatment for your mental problems.

Your darling Barry turned Syria over to Russia....a 99 year lease on their largest port facility. He let Iran develop an A-Bomb and enough money to haunt the entire ME. He almost gave Egypt to his Muslim Brotherhood and then cut off aid when the generals threw them out. We'd all be subject to arrest and confinement if Hildabeast was in the WH.....so why isn't she?
yea, the dems would never turn on someone like that.

comey great, comey should be fired...

THAT would never happen, huh?
But enough about Trump...
if you were looking to make sense you failed.
No, it made plenty of sense, you appear too slow to get it though.

Trump praised Comey - then later actually fired him.

It was in all the papers. Maybe you missed it.
and democrats praised comey, then hated him, then loved him again.

you appear slow to realize things outside your comfort zone.
so when liberals go from loving someone to hating them to loving them, you're cool with it.

when others do it, it's to be mocked and ridiculed.

what a maroon.
Yes, the last thing we want is a voice that doesn't agree completely with the President, being anywhere near him.

We want everyone in the administration to think exactly the same way as our Glorious Leader, and to fear that expressing an opposing opinion would mean their immediate demise.

Yeah, that's healthy.
I have to agree with this. If you surround yourself with 'yes' men, the only opinion you ever hear is your own. Trump needs to get a grip and start listening to their advice.
Yes, the last thing we want is a voice that doesn't agree completely with the President, being anywhere near him.

We want everyone in the administration to think exactly the same way as our Glorious Leader, and to fear that expressing an opposing opinion would mean their immediate demise.

Yeah, that's healthy.

As opposed to Obama being too naive to have any of his own ideas on anything ....Valerie Jarret was the president for 8 years....and look how it turned out.
One has nothing to do with the other.

So you agree with what I wrote?
Last edited:
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say
Hey, somebody's gotta save The Republic from the Imperial Cheeto's idiotic ideas and lack of maturity and grace and class and self-control.

In other words, the grown up's are coming.

Syria is not a part of Russia or Iran either. You seem to have no problems with Russia trying to take over countries. You clearly are a part of the hate America crowd. You are a looney tum=ne that needs to be in a asylum where you can receive treatment for your mental problems.

Your darling Barry turned Syria over to Russia....a 99 year lease on their largest port facility. He let Iran develop an A-Bomb and enough money to haunt the entire ME. He almost gave Egypt to his Muslim Brotherhood and then cut off aid when the generals threw them out. We'd all be subject to arrest and confinement if Hildabeast was in the WH.....so why isn't she?

And exactly HOW was he supposed to have stopped that? :lol: You do realize that Syria and Russia have been long time allies and Russia has propped Syria up for years?

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