Everything the President wants to do, McMaster Opposes, Former NSA official say

McMaster has no credibility and is the poster boy of butt hurt partisan hack

I've watched news all day long. The beating Trump has taken today has been amazing. The world has zero confidence in this president. Sad and dangerous for the United States, though.

Go take your medicine.

or change your name to Unreasonable.

This is not one of your finest moments.
Trump supporter or not you have to admit that it doesn't look good when our president tells NK that they will experience the fire and fury and power of the US military if they make another threat... then a few hours later NK threatens to Nuke Guam. They basically called his bluff and left him looking like a blowhard.

Mad dog and crew did a fine job covering for him but damn that wasn't one of his finest moments. We are talking about nuclear war hear. Time to grow up and start acting smart.

["Time to grow up and start acting smart."]

Act smart like whom?

Smart like Clinton? Bill Clinton who gave North Korea $5 billion and two nuclear reactors in 1994, essentially giving them nukes?

Time to wake up and smell the coffee!
Mad dog responded in a tough yet measured way.... maybe Trump should start by listening to his advisors that know what they are talking about.
McMaster is protecting the country from dangerous Repug fuckholes like you and Trump. Go cry about the media some more, boring pussy boy.

* Yawn* ^^^

Tears of joy, since you Repug losers can't repeal ObamaCare after 7 years of promising to do so.

Let me break it down for you, bitch...you Repug fuckers SUCK at governing. Period.

You are a troll and I am not talking anymore to you. Period.

Says the lightweight Repug bitch posting stupid ass pictures all day. Got it, dumb fuck.


you just joined and are already stalking me?

No, you're just that sad, boring, and predictable. Looks like I guessed right about your worthless Repug ass. You've now basically admitted that's what you do all day. Get a life, Repug loser.
busybee01, do you feel cheated oreo dd not post the vid of homosexual Shep Smith like I do. Where is Shep at damnit? By the way if you think FOX is for our President, what are your thoughts on CNBC and CNN? Hannity is the only pro-Donald (and it is pretty objective) broadcaster on FOX you mental case!

You are the nutjob if you believe that. The prime time lineup is all Trump all the time and no discouraging words about Trump are ever spoken. Fox and Friends is a clearinghouse for fake pro-Trump news. There are only about 4 people at Fox that would be considered real journalists. The rest are Trump sycophants.
I don't even know where to start with this. Fox, the LARGEST news org in America by far is all over Trumps Ass, plus he's got his Real News network now on his Facebook page so the propaganda is covered.

You must have amnesia about all the leaks that Obama tried to crack down on. Do some research you'll find plenty

Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia
FOX is one cable network. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were all kissing Obama's ass. So were the NYT, Washington Post, Los Angelos Times and virtually every other major metropolitan newspaper. Facebook, Twitter and Google are also trying to stifle any criticism of Democrats.

Your bleating about FOX is a joke. Furthermore, the administration is staffed almost entirely by career bureaucrats and civil servants who are committed Democrats. They are obviously willing to break the law to bring down Trump. There simply isn't any comparison.

You are a joke. I used to be a regular listener of Fox because they were fair and balanced. Now it is nearly a 24 hour infomercial for Trump. When you combine that with sellouts like Limbaugh, Hannity, Breitbart, and Drudge to name a few. They are even worse than the MSM. Sometimes they get it right but Fox and the so-called mainstream conservative media are worse.

Yeah, sure, we can't all easily imagine you watching FOX News.

Who do you think you're fooling?

You are a lying little weasel you don't tell me what the hell I did , I know. get out of here you pig.
Slade, Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a globalist that belongs to the same "good ol boy' club as the other heads of the other 5 network conglomerates that control the 90 percent of all media. It's nothing but controlled opposition to give the "right" the impression that they have someone carrying water for them. Divide and conquer while they steal us blind.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.

You are the bullshit artist. You are the Trump trash that infests this site.
I guess a Lt General and Full General are not patriots and so much smarter than Bannon, just goes to show how fucking demented you trumptards really are.


What's your point ? Idi Amin was also a General

There is good and there is bad.

Mc Master is bad and HAS to go.

McMaster is the patriot not Bannon. McMaster sees the world as it really is not the fantasy land Trump cultists live in. You Trump cultists want to make the world safe for thugs like Putin. McMaster wants to make the world safe for America.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

“Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview. “Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue — McMaster doesn’t.

Wow, what a piece of work if this is true. If he is a neo-con globalist pig, he needs to be shit-canned immediately.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.

You are the bullshit artist. You are the Trump trash that infests this site.

Watch the little snowflake go running to Slade's defense because he's not able to take care of himself.

Oh boooo hoooo!
I guess a Lt General and Full General are not patriots and so much smarter than Bannon, just goes to show how fucking demented you trumptards really are.


What's your point ? Idi Amin was also a General

There is good and there is bad.

Mc Master is bad and HAS to go.

McMaster is the patriot not Bannon. McMaster sees the world as it really is not the fantasy land Trump cultists live in. You Trump cultists want to make the world safe for thugs like Putin. McMaster wants to make the world safe for America.
You'll have to excuse us if we vomit when tell us who the patriots are. You just admitted the McMaster opposes Trump. That makes him a traitor.
I have no doubt that fox is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the rest of the major networks. But at the same time when people like Bripat whine about the press kissing Obamas ass, it is fair to point out that the majority of programs on Fox News defends and compliments Trump in the same fashion that other netwroks did for Obama. Of course Trumps opposition is more hostile, Trump all but declared war on them and continues to insult and degrade them on a near daily basis. He is a provoking his opposition and keeping the debate on annoying controversial issues like Russia

C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.

You are the bullshit artist. You are the Trump trash that infests this site.
I'm glad I could help you enjoy your day, snowflake.
It's about time President Trump to say to McMaster "you are fired", goodbye.

He is the enemy.

Please Mr President, fire that scum or you will regret it.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say

It's amazing how this seems to happen a lot with Trump, supposedly this great guy, sounds like the sort of shit bosses I've had too many of in my life.
So you stabbed all your bosses in the back? That's what I suspected.
Why even have a cabinet?
At least not one that has to be confirmed by the power-grabbing Senate. Does the President have the power to reject Congessional Aides or SCROTUS clerks? Where are the "checks and balances" here? They impeached President Andrew Johnson over this issue.

Um, yeah...what?

Liberal Lullaby

Sorry I woke you up from your safe-space slumber, you ignorant Hillaloser. Won't happen again--that is, you'll never wake up again.
C'mon, Slade, you know that the majority of the press gave Obama a pass and fawned over him constantly and anyone that raised any criticism about what he was doing was called a racist. Trump never stepped foot in the WH before the press and dems were calling for impeachment. I mean, let's be honest. The way Obama was treated, Bush was treated and even Clinton was 100 percent different than what Trump has had to endure.

Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.

You are the bullshit artist. You are the Trump trash that infests this site.

Watch the little snowflake go running to Slade's defense because he's not able to take care of himself.

Oh boooo hoooo!
There's nothing left to take care of. I made logical sound points and you made ignorant emotional ones. It's pretty clear
Shit like this is why you shouldn't have any respect for Slade. He suffers from the same delusions as every leftist, like the idea that Trump is receiving fair treatment, or that the media isn't heavily slanted towards the left. He's a fountain of bullshit, just like every other leftist.
Your problem Bripat is you don't know how to listen and civilly engage with your opposition. You read my posts with bias and defensive rage so you don't ever really hear what I'm saying. I lost count of the amount of times that you falsely regurgitated a point I made. I don't know if it is because you lack comprehension skills or if it is just your bullish way of trying to win an arguement. Regardless, it is not effective
What you really mean is that I'm immune to bullshit. I translate your libspeak into English, and then no one is fooled. I know you hate that.

You are the bullshit artist. You are the Trump trash that infests this site.

Watch the little snowflake go running to Slade's defense because he's not able to take care of himself.

Oh boooo hoooo!
There's nothing left to take care of. I made logical sound points and you made ignorant emotional ones. It's pretty clear
You spewed liberspeak for which you had no logical or factual defense.

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