Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Please provide a link to any government document that makes this claim.

And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Except for the ones who were listed as being on the planes...



9-11 Research: Passenger Lists
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
:clap2::clap2:Thanks for proving, once again, that you're a fucking idiot. About a year ago we bitch slapped your ass on the "no Arabs" on the plane" shit that you're posting yet again.

You're an irrelevant moron that has no clue to the real world. You're a waste of oxygen and bandwidth. Go fuck your self, asshole.:lol::lol:
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
Your link is to a jerk off web site, you fucking idiot. It's NOT the Idaho Observer.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Please provide a link to any government document that makes this claim.

Why would you believe the government?
Weapons of mass destruction?
WTC7 experienced no free fall acceleration?
Iran's a threat to Idaho?
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
:clap2::clap2:Thanks for proving, once again, that you're a fucking idiot. About a year ago we bitch slapped your ass on the "no Arabs" on the plane" shit that you're posting yet again.

You're an irrelevant moron that has no clue to the real world. You're a waste of oxygen and bandwidth. Go fuck your self, asshole.:lol::lol:
Your memory is almost as useful as your reasoning, Bitch.

What do they tell you about why the FBI never charged OBL for the attacks of 911 or how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers?

See if you can remember any of this after your next blackout:

"The tower fell in a time almost identical to that of a free-falling object, dropped from that height, meaning that it's physically impossible for it to have collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors.

"But, according to the conspiracy theorists, the laws of gravity were temporarily suspended on the morning of Sept 11. It appears that the evil psychic power of those dreadful Arabs knew no bounds.

"Even after they were dead, they were able, by the power of their evil spirits, to force down the tower at a speed physically impossible under the laws of gravity, had it been meeting any resistance from fireproofed steel structures originally designed to resist many tons of hurricane force wind -- as well as the impact of a Boeing passenger jet straying off course.

"Clearly, these conspiracy nuts never did their science homework at school, but did become extremely adept at inventing tall tales for why they couldn't complete their assignments.

“'Muslim terrorists stole my notes, sir'

“'No miss, the kerosene heater blew up and vapourized everything in the street, except for my passport.'

“'You see sir, the school bus was hijacked by Arabs who destroyed my homework because they hate our freedoms."

Fuck you and yours, Bitch.

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
dude, don't sugar coat it!
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
:clap2::clap2:Thanks for proving, once again, that you're a fucking idiot. About a year ago we bitch slapped your ass on the "no Arabs" on the plane" shit that you're posting yet again.

You're an irrelevant moron that has no clue to the real world. You're a waste of oxygen and bandwidth. Go fuck your self, asshole.:lol::lol:
Your memory is almost as useful as your reasoning, Bitch.

What do they tell you about why the FBI never charged OBL for the attacks of 911 or how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers?

See if you can remember any of this after your next blackout:

"The tower fell in a time almost identical to that of a free-falling object, dropped from that height, meaning that it's physically impossible for it to have collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors.

"But, according to the conspiracy theorists, the laws of gravity were temporarily suspended on the morning of Sept 11. It appears that the evil psychic power of those dreadful Arabs knew no bounds.

"Even after they were dead, they were able, by the power of their evil spirits, to force down the tower at a speed physically impossible under the laws of gravity, had it been meeting any resistance from fireproofed steel structures originally designed to resist many tons of hurricane force wind -- as well as the impact of a Boeing passenger jet straying off course.

"Clearly, these conspiracy nuts never did their science homework at school, but did become extremely adept at inventing tall tales for why they couldn't complete their assignments.

“'Muslim terrorists stole my notes, sir'

“'No miss, the kerosene heater blew up and vapourized everything in the street, except for my passport.'

“'You see sir, the school bus was hijacked by Arabs who destroyed my homework because they hate our freedoms."

Fuck you and yours, Bitch.

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
I love the way you twofer idiots use to say, "free fall speed" and know you say, "almost free fall speed".:lol::lol:

You're still an idiot.
Personal Effects and the Crash-Proof Passport - 911myths

Of all the evidence produced in relation to the 9/11 attacks, perhaps none has been as notorious as the passport of one of the hijackers, recovered from 9/11. The discovery was treated with scorn almost immediately, with talk of "indestructible passports" (and comments like "why don't they build planes out of the material they use to make Saudi passports") spreading all over the web. It must have been planted because such a delicate item would surely have been destroyed, said almost everyone. 911Research take a relatively mild view:

Crash-Proof Passport
Hijacker's Passport and a Landing Gear Fragment Alone Survive Fiery Crash

This illustration from Chapter 1 of FEMA's report shows what few pieces of aircraft debris passed entirely through the Towers. A charred fragment of landing gear on the intersection of West and Rector streets was the only piece they traced to Flight 11.

According to ABC News and the Associated Press, the passport of hijacker Satam Al Suqami was found a few blocks from the WTC. 1 2 The Guardian was skeptical: "the idea that Atta's passport had escaped from that inferno unsinged [tests] the credulity of the staunchest supporter of the FBI's crackdown on terrorism." 3 Note the passport did not belong to Atta, as is commonly claimed.

Satam Al Suqami was supposedly on Flight 11, the plane that hit the North Tower. In that collision, the building's core absorbed almost the entire airplane, which hit the northeast wall nearly dead center.
9-11 Research: Crash-Proof Passport

One immediate question to ask here is, why? Why plant the passport? It wasn't necessary. Suqami was on the manifest, for instance, and that is the evidence that he was on the plane. The passport isn't cited to support that, because it's not evidence at all - his passport could be carried by one of the others. The presence of the passport does not show that he was on the plane. It shows nothing. If anything, it takes away, as it's used as evidence against the 9/11 Commission account, rather than for it.

More importantly, the claim that the "Hijacker's Passport and a Landing Gear Fragment Alone Survive Fiery Crash" is entirely false. Even the FEMA report refers to wreckage beyond the landing gear, for example: you're just not being told about it.
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
:clap2::clap2:Thanks for proving, once again, that you're a fucking idiot. About a year ago we bitch slapped your ass on the "no Arabs" on the plane" shit that you're posting yet again.

You're an irrelevant moron that has no clue to the real world. You're a waste of oxygen and bandwidth. Go fuck your self, asshole.:lol::lol:
Your memory is almost as useful as your reasoning, Bitch.

What do they tell you about why the FBI never charged OBL for the attacks of 911 or how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers?

See if you can remember any of this after your next blackout:

"The tower fell in a time almost identical to that of a free-falling object, dropped from that height, meaning that it's physically impossible for it to have collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors.

"But, according to the conspiracy theorists, the laws of gravity were temporarily suspended on the morning of Sept 11. It appears that the evil psychic power of those dreadful Arabs knew no bounds.

"Even after they were dead, they were able, by the power of their evil spirits, to force down the tower at a speed physically impossible under the laws of gravity, had it been meeting any resistance from fireproofed steel structures originally designed to resist many tons of hurricane force wind -- as well as the impact of a Boeing passenger jet straying off course.

"Clearly, these conspiracy nuts never did their science homework at school, but did become extremely adept at inventing tall tales for why they couldn't complete their assignments.

“'Muslim terrorists stole my notes, sir'

“'No miss, the kerosene heater blew up and vapourized everything in the street, except for my passport.'

“'You see sir, the school bus was hijacked by Arabs who destroyed my homework because they hate our freedoms."

Fuck you and yours, Bitch.

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

candycunt as usual,exposes his sock puppet showing that just like candycunt,he has alzheimers diseace.:lol: oh and havent you learned? candycunt NEVER reads links that destroy his pathetic fairy tales.he wont read it.
The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

read more here
Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Classic. Yeah, loyal Government Goose Steppers will always accept anything their Big Brother tells them. If they were smarter, they would always question Big Brother.
"There is a principle called 'Occam's razor' which suggests that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is most likely to be correct. Conspiracy theorists hate Occam's razor.

"Hijacking 101..."

"Hijacking a plane is not an easy thing to do. Hijacking it without the pilot being able to alert ground control is nearly impossible. The pilot has only to punch in a four digit code to alert ground control to a hijacking.

"Unconcerned with the awkward question of plausibility, the conspiracy buffs maintain that on that Sept 11, the invisible hijackers took over the plane by the rather crude method of threatening people with boxcutters and knives, and spraying gas (after they had attached their masks, obviously), but somehow took control of the plane without the crew first getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one plane, but on all four."

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

great tale if your talking fairy tales.Doesnt work in the REAL world though.:lol::lol::lol:
And maybe, just maybe, the United States government isn't near as good at their job as Jack Bauer on the TV series 24. The entertaining thing about the twofers is they seem to think that this "shadow government" is as good as the "man with the cigarette" in the X Files. 80% of the twofers can't spell and seem to post all day. Uneducated and unemployed they spend their day spewing hate at the very system that gives them their food stamps and disability checks every month. I, personally, would let their asses starve, seeing them as the blood sucking leeches they really are. GET A JOB, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

I love how candycunt everytime he is defeated,can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is engaging in name calling.priceless.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Ohh I thought this was where they have been collecting E911 fees on my phone service for a couple of decades or so and still no E911.
Or maybe brain dead fruit loops like you watch too much tv?

"The fruit loop

"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

"The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. "

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Please provide a link to any government document that makes this claim.

Why would you believe the government?
Weapons of mass destruction?
WTC7 experienced no free fall acceleration?
Iran's a threat to Idaho?

I know he believes the government despite those facts you brought up about WMD and WT7 and the testimony of barry jennings and Norman Minetta of the pentagon.It cracks me up to no end how the american sheep are so easily brainwashed.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Please provide a link to any government document that makes this claim.

Why would you believe the government?
Weapons of mass destruction?
WTC7 experienced no free fall acceleration?
Iran's a threat to Idaho?

I know he believes the government despite those facts you brought up about WMD and WT7 and the testimony of barry jennings and Norman Minetta of the pentagon.It cracks me up to no end how the american sheep are so easily brainwashed.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
(cue buzzer) barry jennings testimony is false "RIP Barry Jennings. Im glad he finally saw the truth before it was too late, that 9-11 was not an inside job.

BTW..the truthers plan on crashing his funeral. what a horrible embarrasment that would be for his family. maybe they will all get "arrested".Barry Jennings, dead at 53 [Archive] - JREF Forum

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwFGLIsIBuM]9/11 Debunked: Norman Mineta - No Stand Down Order - YouTube[/ame]

so you're talking out your ass as usual.....

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