Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

So the crash in PA was for no reason and the crash of Flight 77 at the Pentagon was a plane that was brought in to take out the people investigating an unaccounted for $2.3 Trillion that the SECDEF announced prior to the attacks.

Okay, lets examine that. Who controls the Pentagon. The Government.

So instead of maybe setting a fire, having a break in, re-assigning them to another base and "losing the files" in transit, or any number of other things that could take out these records and, if necessary the people....

Your scenario is that Pentagon officials decided to hijack a plane--you said it was a plane--have it hijacked, and flown into the building.

Thats the case, right?

The Shanksville crash wasn't supposed to happen, passengers put a monkey wrench in the plan.
The adjacent section of the Pentagon had just undergone upgrades, it was a real-world test of their new fortifications.
And I didn't say it was a plane, the government did. I just haven't looked deep enough to see if I believe or disbelieve them.

And have you noticed anyone asking abut that $2.3 TRILLION since then?

Mission accomplished!
this ones a twoofer alright...talk about a false premise.
no evidence just a steaming pile
the money .....war is expensive!
The Shanksville crash wasn't supposed to happen, passengers put a monkey wrench in the plan.
The adjacent section of the Pentagon had just undergone upgrades, it was a real-world test of their new fortifications.
And I didn't say it was a plane, the government did. I just haven't looked deep enough to see if I believe or disbelieve them.

And have you noticed anyone asking abut that $2.3 TRILLION since then?

Mission accomplished!

It wasn't missing so there is no questions to ask.

Here is what you said:

"I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane"

Your move.

It was 'unaccounted for', and nobody has tried to account for it EVER SINCE.

Do you have comprehension issues? When did I say it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon? Ohhh, that's right, I didn't. Truth is I don't know WHAT hit the Pentagon, but I'm going on the assumption the government can tell the truth ONCE in a while...
it's an easy choice either a plane did or didn't....if it was a jet, the same one they found parts for in and around the Pentagon, all the passengers on board were identified including the terrorists...then the government is telling the truth.
because if they are. then the whole 911 conspiracy falls like a house of cards :lol::lol:

BTW: assumption is the mother of all fuckup's !
the damn airliner hit the building full of jet fuel at over 400 miles per hour !!! it is a testament to the builders that they stood as long as they did !!!but the members of the left are to stupid to figure it put !! not surprising when you consider how stupid these gender confused ,money is grown on trees,the government is the answer,spend ,spend,idiots !!

The Left?? Me?? You're an absolute fucking MORON if you think I'm from the Left.

And your comprehension sucks, too, we're discussing the Pentagon, you reactionary twit!
It wasn't missing so there is no questions to ask.

Here is what you said:

"I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane"

Your move.

It was 'unaccounted for', and nobody has tried to account for it EVER SINCE.

Do you have comprehension issues? When did I say it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon? Ohhh, that's right, I didn't. Truth is I don't know WHAT hit the Pentagon, but I'm going on the assumption the government can tell the truth ONCE in a while...
it's an easy choice either a plane did or didn't....if it was a jet, the same one they found parts for in and around the Pentagon, all the passengers on board were identified including the terrorists...then the government is telling the truth.
because if they are. then the whole 911 conspiracy falls like a house of cards :lol::lol:

BTW: assumption is the mother of all fuckup's !

What the fuck does passenger ID's have to do with anything? What difference does it make? I don't know if it was a plane, a missile or the Flying Fucking Spaghetti Monster, it's irrelevant. It turns out the plane hit just the right place to wipe out all the computer records that were being perused to try and find $2.3 TRILLION that the Pentagon couldn't account for. Coincidence? Maybe..

Maybe the moon is really Swiss cheese, too...

And if the government IS telling the truth, or at least mostly the truth, about the Pentagon, it still doesn't change a damned thing that happened in New York. NOTHING!
So the crash in PA was for no reason and the crash of Flight 77 at the Pentagon was a plane that was brought in to take out the people investigating an unaccounted for $2.3 Trillion that the SECDEF announced prior to the attacks.

Okay, lets examine that. Who controls the Pentagon. The Government.

So instead of maybe setting a fire, having a break in, re-assigning them to another base and "losing the files" in transit, or any number of other things that could take out these records and, if necessary the people....

Your scenario is that Pentagon officials decided to hijack a plane--you said it was a plane--have it hijacked, and flown into the building.

Thats the case, right?

The Shanksville crash wasn't supposed to happen, passengers put a monkey wrench in the plan.
The adjacent section of the Pentagon had just undergone upgrades, it was a real-world test of their new fortifications.
And I didn't say it was a plane, the government did. I just haven't looked deep enough to see if I believe or disbelieve them.

And have you noticed anyone asking abut that $2.3 TRILLION since then?

Mission accomplished!

So..."they" (you won't come out and say who you think is behind it--classic chickenshit move on your part) orchestrated a plane crash into the Pentagon right were the office investigating the supposedly missing money was instead of pushing a delete button on a computer or whatever? Wow....you don't deny that is your stance, right?

Don't you think that (I'm asking him to think...my first mistake)....Bush and company could have just blamed the "missing" Trillions on Clinton since it was 90 days after they were inaugurated.

Please confirm that is your story....they hijacked and crashed a plane killing hundreds instead of just deleting files.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It was 'unaccounted for', and nobody has tried to account for it EVER SINCE.

Do you have comprehension issues? When did I say it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon? Ohhh, that's right, I didn't. Truth is I don't know WHAT hit the Pentagon, but I'm going on the assumption the government can tell the truth ONCE in a while...
it's an easy choice either a plane did or didn't....if it was a jet, the same one they found parts for in and around the Pentagon, all the passengers on board were identified including the terrorists...then the government is telling the truth.
because if they are. then the whole 911 conspiracy falls like a house of cards :lol::lol:

BTW: assumption is the mother of all fuckup's !

What the fuck does passenger ID's have to do with anything? What difference does it make? I don't know if it was a plane, a missile or the Flying Fucking Spaghetti Monster, it's irrelevant. It turns out the plane hit just the right place to wipe out all the computer records that were being perused to try and find $2.3 TRILLION that the Pentagon couldn't account for. Coincidence? Maybe..

Maybe the moon is really Swiss cheese, too...

And if the government IS telling the truth, or at least mostly the truth, about the Pentagon, it still doesn't change a damned thing that happened in New York. NOTHING!

Do you have a good link to this alleged office being the one where computer records were kept? I happen to know that most of the E ring of the Pentagon is housed by senior officers who get a view of the outside world. It doesn't seem likely that a bunch of accountants would have such an office but maybe I'm wrong...I'll await a link from a credible source. PS: Killtown is almost as full of shit as you are.

The Passenger ID's, DNA, plane parts, etc... all prove it was AA77. Or does your whackjob conspiracy now include people planting ID's DNA, plane parts, etc....

See boy...you can't explain it without sounding like a fucking lunatic. You shouldn't be ashamed of that by the way (you should be ashamed of a great many other things BTW); no twoofer has satisfactorily explained the Pentagon and it continues to blow the twoofer asses out of the water in New York--unless you're really going to jump the shark and argue that Flight 77 and 93 were legitimate hijackings and 11 and 175 were terrorist attacks. You're no exception. Just another nameless, faceless, useless victim.
well that wont happen till the people take back their country and get rid of our corrupt congress and hold our leaders accountable to uphold the constituion and we become a government of the people, for the people, and by the people again instead of for the corporations.

And when people stop worrying "about little things, like their children while the murderers Bush and Cheney walk free."


wtf are you babbling about ??

with toto? who knows.:cuckoo:
Here are the facts, feel free to try and explain them from a twoofer point of view:

Well, what I have always come down to when I questioned the Government version is the events at the Pentagon. If you want to say there was a conspiracy afoot, you have to account for all four planes. Flight 93 was crashed in the middle of nowhere and served no purpose whatsoever. Why add that to your "inbox" if you're planning a conspiracy?
Flight 93 was meant for the White House or Congress, passengers overcame the hijackers, remember? Or do you not remember the term "Let's roll!" ....
But the attacks in DC is the one that none of the twoofers can explain. Much to their chagrin, the lightpoles that were taken out by flight 77 on the way to hitting the Pentagon proves that it was not a conspiracy simply because you would have to include way too many moving parts to add in lightpoles which, nobody and I mean NOBODY, would ever think to include in the first place.

I mean, whenever there is a crash, you ask about survivors and look for a CVR and FDR. Never "show me the lightpoles". So if it were a conspiracy, you'll have to explain away all of the following:

*Why not just increase the angle of attack to eliminate the lightpoles having to be planted?
*Why not just change the trajectory of the attack laterally to not include the lightpoles at all?
*How did the 5 lightpoles get planted with nobody seeing them being planted?
*How did the cab with the smashed in windshield get there if it wasn't hit by the poles?
*Why include the needless loose end of the cab driver who is nearly senile--would Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice really think, "Man, we need Lloyd Englund to make this conspiracy complete!"
*Why add in the loose ends--any of whom could blow the cover off of the entire operation--of light pole planters?
I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane. All the missile talk is disinformation to confuse the issue.
*Why include the Pentagon at all--the HQ of the same group you're going to tap to go to war?

To date, none of those who question the government's version have sufficient'y addressed any of those points much less all of them.

If it isn't a conspiracy in Virginia, there isn't a conspiracy in New York. So it effectively destroys ANY twoofer argument.

PS: If the "missile" crowd also believes that a missile was fired while the plane flew over the Pentagon--which is even more bizarre than those who believe in the "staged lightpole theory", one has to also account for a massive generator that was knocked off of it's moorings before the Pentagon was struck. Missiles explode when they hit things...so apparently the "missile" crowd believes that a missile was fired, zig-zagged and hit 5 light poles then took out a Generator BEFORE hitting the building. Nice.
Again, I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane.

there goes candycunt in his obsession over the lightpoles again.:lol::lol::lol:
the damn airliner hit the building full of jet fuel at over 400 miles per hour !!! it is a testament to the builders that they stood as long as they did !!!but the members of the left are to stupid to figure it put !! not surprising when you consider how stupid these gender confused ,money is grown on trees,the government is the answer,spend ,spend,idiots !!

actually it would have STILL been surprising if they had collapsed even if MULTIPLE airliners hit it because they were designed that way that even if multiple ones hit,they would remain standing.they were that strongly built and designed.thats something the trolls like toto whop covers his ears and closes his eyes to these facts ignores.doesnt matter to him that an EXPERT designer said that about the towers in the year before it collapsed.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: just what the media and government agencies tell him.I love it.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The Shanksville crash wasn't supposed to happen, passengers put a monkey wrench in the plan.
The adjacent section of the Pentagon had just undergone upgrades, it was a real-world test of their new fortifications.
And I didn't say it was a plane, the government did. I just haven't looked deep enough to see if I believe or disbelieve them.

And have you noticed anyone asking abut that $2.3 TRILLION since then?

Mission accomplished!

It wasn't missing so there is no questions to ask.

Here is what you said:

"I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane"

Your move.

It was 'unaccounted for', and nobody has tried to account for it EVER SINCE.

Do you have comprehension issues? When did I say it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon? Ohhh, that's right, I didn't. Truth is I don't know WHAT hit the Pentagon, but I'm going on the assumption the government can tell the truth ONCE in a while...

You are finding out what everybody finds out about this troll that he has reading comprehension problems.Not surprising.He is a zionest shill so english is probably a second language to this Israli.
Here are the facts, feel free to try and explain them from a twoofer point of view:

Well, what I have always come down to when I questioned the Government version is the events at the Pentagon. If you want to say there was a conspiracy afoot, you have to account for all four planes. Flight 93 was crashed in the middle of nowhere and served no purpose whatsoever. Why add that to your "inbox" if you're planning a conspiracy?
Flight 93 was meant for the White House or Congress, passengers overcame the hijackers, remember? Or do you not remember the term "Let's roll!" ....
I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane. All the missile talk is disinformation to confuse the issue.

To date, none of those who question the government's version have sufficient'y addressed any of those points much less all of them.

If it isn't a conspiracy in Virginia, there isn't a conspiracy in New York. So it effectively destroys ANY twoofer argument.

PS: If the "missile" crowd also believes that a missile was fired while the plane flew over the Pentagon--which is even more bizarre than those who believe in the "staged lightpole theory", one has to also account for a massive generator that was knocked off of it's moorings before the Pentagon was struck. Missiles explode when they hit things...so apparently the "missile" crowd believes that a missile was fired, zig-zagged and hit 5 light poles then took out a Generator BEFORE hitting the building. Nice.
Again, I'm not arguing it wasn't a plane.

there goes candycunt in his obsession over the lightpoles again.:lol::lol::lol:

Still not explained away by any twoofer. Looks like I have another victim. Too bad, so sad.
someone farted in here.:9::poop:

Must suck that you can't make an argument for your side...ON ANY TOPIC....

I will defer to your expertise on body odors however. Given the picture you used to post of yourself, it would look like you're the expert. That chick that was behind you looked as though she had caught a wiff of you....remember?
someone farted in here.:9::poop:

Must suck that you can't make an argument for your side...ON ANY TOPIC....

I will defer to your expertise on body odors however. Given the picture you used to post of yourself, it would look like you're the expert. That chick that was behind you looked as though she had caught a wiff of you....remember?
personal hygiene is not in handjob's skill set.
love to see that pic!
Sock Puppet:

The term sock puppet refers multiple pseudonyms in use by the same person on a particular message board or forum. The analogy of a sock puppet is of a puppeteer holding up both hands and supplying dialogue to both puppets simultaneously. A typical use of a sockpuppet account is to agree with or debate another sockpuppet account belonging to the same person, for the purposes of reinforcing the puppeteer's position in an argument. Sock puppets are usually found when an IP check is done on the accounts in forums.

This forum especially, is infested with annoying Sock Puppets. And we know who they are.
Sock Puppet:

The term sock puppet refers multiple pseudonyms in use by the same person on a particular message board or forum. The analogy of a sock puppet is of a puppeteer holding up both hands and supplying dialogue to both puppets simultaneously. A typical use of a sockpuppet account is to agree with or debate another sockpuppet account belonging to the same person, for the purposes of reinforcing the puppeteer's position in an argument. Sock puppets are usually found when an IP check is done on the accounts in forums.

This forum especially, is infested with annoying Sock Puppets. And we know who they are.
Then run an IP address check and prove it. Oh yeah, you can't. Once again you spout shit with nothing to back it up. Fucking moron.:lol::lol:

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