Evidence Exposed Russians Paid Joe Biden Off Before His 'Give-Away'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
He either just doesn't give a damn enough to try to hide his treason,knowing he will be protected by Democrats, liberal media, & snowflakes OR he is so dementia-ravaged he has no idea what he is doing......

So Who Exactly ‘Cozied Up’ to Russia, Joe?
Democrats point one finger, but three point right back at them.
"Biden just has to keep his message straight. Given his fragile mental state, that may not be easy. In his acceptance speech, alluding directly to Russia, he boasted that he would not “put up with foreign interference in our most sacred democratic exercise — voting.”"

"Biden apparently forgot he had already had put up with it. In 2016, when the alleged interference took place, he and Obama were running the country. Remember, Joe?"

The evidence is quite clear.... Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din and his sychophants are for sale to the highest foreign bidders... Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping bought Joey at bargain prices....
The Bidens have been proven by irrefutable evidence - that includes photos, US govt financial documentation, Joe's on videotaped confession, Hunter Biden's own laptop, & State Department testimony under oath - that the Bidens have illegally and treasonous engaged in extortion, influence peddling, Russian Money Laundering, taking Rusdian bribes / payoffs, & taking Over $1 BILLION from the CCP.

If the Democrats would have had tge same criminal evidence against President Rrump of even just 1 of these crimes Joe Biden has committed - instead of proving they had no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses - they would have actually removed Trump from office instead of wasting 4 whole years in failed attempts to do so.
Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

For what passes as our 'press', is only interested in the current flavor of ice cream Sippy Cup Joe is slurping on any given day.
Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

So democrats have a get out of jail for free card you say. Tell us how that works. You won't because it's bullshit you made up on the fly. In the meantime, this Gaetz and trump are facing possible prison time cuz t because there's some righteous charges against them.
Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

So democrats have a get out of jail for free card you say. Tell us how that works. You won't because it's bullshit you made up on the fly. In the meantime, these Gaetz and trump characters are facing possible prison time because there's some righteous criminal charges against them.
Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Biden and his druggie son Hunter will never go to prison. Because Joe is a high level democrat he and his family are totally above the rule of law. The rule of law does apply to Trump and Gaetz. They have no “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Biden just has the good guy act act down pat. He is as corrupt as they come.

So democrats have a get out of jail for free card you say. Tell us how that works. You won't because it's bullshit you made up on the fly. In the meantime, this Gaetz and trump are facing possible prison time cuz t because there's some righteous charges against them.

Sure I am just making up some bullshit. I handled classified information on a daily basis for most of my life. I would have went to prison if I ever was caught treating the rules on handling classified information as if they were chicken shit.

Let’s take Hilary and how she negligently handled classified data by putting it on a server that was not authorized or properly secured. She serves no time. She doesn’t even lose her clearance.

Now lets take a sailor who takes a few pictures of a classified area in a nuclear sub and ends up in prison.

Gaetz and that other asshole trump have better prospects of going to prison. Biden's a decent guy trying to do his job which is what really pisses off the right wing.
Taking bribes, influence peddling, & betraying his country isn't Biden's job.
Snowflakes can call it what they want, but Biden took money from the Rusdians & 'repaid them...just like he did with the CCP.

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