Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

Aw, hollie's mad at a God she thinks doesn't exist...and can't understand.

She thinks that if she has limited comprehension, then she's *smarter* than those who believe.


Koshie, sweety, I'm sure you can make us all understand why God just had to drown all those babies...

Lol, as though any of them would still be alive?

You are nothing more than a lying troll.

Fuck off.
All those babies are in heaven. He spared them suffering on earth.

I think that if you really believed God killed babies, you would be his biggest fan. It seems to be your most compelling reason for existence...to see to it that lots and lots of babies get killed. What's the tally today?

Fetuses still aren't babies.

Of course they are. No one was calling the newly born heir to the English throne an unborn fetus. He was referred to as a baby.

The only time any dumbasses start calling a baby a fetus is when the ass hats are defending murdering them in abortion.

Even the bible says they aren't.

And frankly, I think those babies would rather have lived full lives - but again, this is a myth.

A myth written by mean-spirited bronze age assholes, but a myth nonetheless.

Frankly you don't think worth shit and your probably lying about it anyway.

That's all you do is troll and lie, like a little whore.
All those babies are in heaven. He spared them suffering on earth.

I think that if you really believed God killed babies, you would be his biggest fan. It seems to be your most compelling reason for existence...to see to it that lots and lots of babies get killed. What's the tally today?
then why did he not spare them all?
is god a fickle school girl ?
or was that his way of thinning the herd?
I love it when you folks rationalize god's bad behavior...

He removed them because He saw that they would end up murdering liars, and He still didn't kill as many as your hero Joe Stalin did.
I don't need to rationalize it, I recognize him as perfect, holy, and righteous.

And that is why they are yanking your chain. JoeB and daws don't give a fuck about truth or anything else other than mocking things other people hold sacred.

They are stupid ass holes, nothing more than that.
You don't know what rationalizing means, I take it.

Or fact.

[rash-uh-nl-ahyz, rash-nl-ahyz] Show IPA verb, ra·tion·al·ized, ra·tion·al·iz·ing.

verb (used with object)
to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.

Kind of sounds like that's what you are doing here.

No, it doesn't, but you are being a an ass hole, and a liar again.

JoeB, fuck off. No one takes you seriously, you know that, right?
well daws likes him.

Which makes me think daws is most likely a sock.

fake likes him because fake is a committed liar and has no other friends. Liars run in packs.
well daws likes him.

Which makes me think daws is most likely a sock.

fake likes him because fake is a committed liar and has no other friends. Liars run in packs.

Yeah, they are both likely sock puppets, but they never say anything of substance anyway.

Seems that is about all the libtards do any more; troll, distract, move the goal posts and any other cheap trick they think of so they can feel like it's a 'win'.
Aw, hollie's mad at a God she thinks doesn't exist...and can't understand.

She thinks that if she has limited comprehension, then she's *smarter* than those who believe.


Koshie, sweety, I'm sure you can make us all understand why God just had to drown all those babies...

Lol, as though any of them would still be alive?

You are nothing more than a lying troll.

Fuck off.

of course, it's a myth, but the myth says a lot about the people who believe in it.

The problem with the Abrahamic God is that he's a sadist. If he not drowning babies or inflicting plagues in this life, he's just getting ready to do something REALLY nasty to you in the afterlife.

I could see being afraid of this being if he actually existed, but I can't see a compelling reason to worship him.
I don't need to rationalize it, I recognize him as perfect, holy, and righteous.

And that is why they are yanking your chain. JoeB and daws don't give a fuck about truth or anything else other than mocking things other people hold sacred.

They are stupid ass holes, nothing more than that.

Actually, we are pointing out your foolishness.

You guys worship a homicidal maniac and sadist. Then you try to pretend that he's not one when people point out passages in your own holy book that indicate he is.

"Oh, well, that's the OLD Testament"... God is like totally not like that now."

Why would an eternal being change?

He didn't change. We did.
Myths have at least a core of truth to them, but jack ass libtards simply cant accept that there is any respectful use of the Bible at all, so deep is their hatred of Abrahamic faiths.

Proof of the Exodus! | Simcha Jacobovici TV

Searching for a way to translate this symbol, Griffith rendered it as “whirlpool”. But Egyptologist James Hoffmeier has suggested that we look at the hieroglyphic literally. Seen in this way, the obvious translation is the “parting of the sea” or the “parted sea”.

The El Arish stone is one of four similar shrines that were once a part of the Temple of Per-Sopdu at Saft el-Henna. The shrines were later disassembled and dispersed, one shrine remained on site and the other three placed at the major points of entry into Egypt (Canopus, Nubia and El Arish). They seem to have served some kind of amuletic function, protecting ancient Egypt from similar disasters.

Because the El Arish stone was being used for water for cattle, some of the inscriptions have been eroded, leaving the ones on the right and back sides of the monument mostly intact. In all, 74 lines are still legible. One line seems to be referencing Moses: he is referred to as the “Prince of the Desert” and his Israelite followers are called the “evil ones” or “evil-doers”. The Egyptian text also tells about how Pharaoh chased the Queen Mother, Tefnut, presumably the royal princess that once raised Moses, as she was leaving with the departing Israelites. This corroborates the Talmud (Sotah 12a) which states that the princess left on the Exodus, marrying the Israelite leader, Caleb son of Yefuneh.

The stone also seems to be reporting some of the Biblical plagues, including prolonged darkness and a terrible tempest. Furthermore, it mentions a specific location next to where the sea parted. The place is called “Pekharti”. Remarkably, this exact place is mentioned in Exodus 14:2,9 as the location where the Israelites camped just prior to the parting of the sea.

The assumption that just because something is literally "carved on stone" it must be "true" has yet to be proven. The ancient Egyptians carved images of their own Gods in stone. Are you claiming that all of their Gods actually exist just because they have as much, or more, stone provenance as this piece of granite?
Here's some actual scholarship done on the El-Kirish stone.

El-Arish Revisited

His interpretations of the el-Arish inscription are so obviously, blatantly wrong in so many particulars that it is hard to see why there should have been any controversy over the facts of the case, excepting only minor details. We find names altered and combined, words mistranslated, characters confused with one another or split into two, and events set in the wrong time and place. To permit Velikovsky to make the associations he does, one would have to take a sledgehammer to the shrine, smash it to bits, and reassemble the pieces in a different order. Mistakes such as these are characteristic of Velikovsky's writings, so much so that they might be called "Velikovskian slips." Most of the sources used by Velikovsky are not quoted so extensively. Commonly, he juxtaposes snippets from sources of different periods and cultures, so that for the most part we are dealing with isolated elements. The connections that Velikovsky draws, while generally not impossible, continually stretch the limits of plausibility. But in this case the snippets are taken from the same text, and it is easy to see how the constructions imposed upon them violate the order of the text.

Rejecting Velikovsky's treatment of the el-Arish text will not bring all his theses crashing down. But the method -- a sort of "free association" in which a whole complex of ideas is summoned up by an isolated word or phrase -- must be rejected as well.
I just did some research and discovered, to my amazement that there is no evidence whatever of the Exodus, or even any evidence that the JEWS once resided in Egypt.

I think the lack of evidence does not entirely negate the story, though.


Well because the story itself is a kind of historical evidence.

But it would help a LOT if we could find supporting evidence of the story of the Jews in Egypt that was ke3pt by the Egyptians.

We do have history written by the Egyptians from that time.

But it is entirely possible that the story of the Jews in Egypt was so inconsequential to the Egyptians, that no history about them suvives EXCEPT the history kept by the Jews.

I guess my point here is that MYTHS often have an element of truth to them, even if we cannot find supporting documentation.

The OT is filled with examples where the JEWS tell a story about how important they were in the world, while the rest of the world's history barely note the Jews EVEN EXISTED at the same time.

The OT is filled with examples where the JEWS tell a story about how important they were in the world, while the rest of the world's history barely note the Jews EVEN EXISTED at the same time.

Probably because they were a relatively small tribe amongst hundreds of tribes living in that region.

More likely, the Exodus story was made up because Egypt was the dominant culture in that region at the time, and they needed to think their God bested the Egyptian Gods...
I love watching anti Christian ignorami deny history that the scientific world and archaeological circles accept.

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