Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?
Typical hypothetical, baseless argument, coming from the mouth of a hostile and ignorant cynic with an axe to grind. All we ever get from the likes of you is, "Oh yeah? Well what if ..... [made up scenario that never occurred, carefully constructed so that any answer will generate a "gotcha!" response]"

Tiresome. Immature. Predictable.

Sorry, guy, Tornadoes destroy churches all the time.

Tornado Destroys Foursquare Church in Northern Arkansas | Foursquare News | The Foursquare Church

I mean, maybe God was aiming for the whorehouse and he missed.

That is the funny thing about you apetheists. You say God doesn't exist, then you whine about Him like He does, and you talk about 'Laws of science' and ignore who the 'law Giver' would be. You say that religion is just stupid horse shit, and yet you go out of your way to attack it like it does matter.

You are confused because you are irrational, petty, hateful and stupid as shit in a crap hole.

I don't worry about religion because there might be a God. I worry because dumbfucks like you vote against my economic interests because they wealthy have realized you are gullible, and often ignorant of your own teachings.

Which is why you can all insist the Bible is totally about tax cuts for rich people, when Jesus specifically said the wealthy were going to Hell.

You have your doubts because you don't want to believe. If you wanted to at least inquire, you would have learned more about the faith you rejected than you know today, which is abysmally lacking. In fact, you think you know more things athat are false than you know that are actually fact, I'd bet.

As I said, I went to Catholic School for 12 years. And frankly, these sexually frustrated freaks probably caused more confusion than clarity. The capper being that nasty old nun telling me at Mom's funeral God had a reason for this. And shit, I didn't get to any of the really juicy stories of the bible until AFTER I became an atheist. For some reason, they didn't want to tell us abuot how Jephthah sacrificed his own daughter because he made a foolish oath to God. (Judges 11)

The people who spew it don't believe it, they are just pulling one over on the Rubes like you.

Some of them don't, but then I have met about 30 or so in my life who do in fact believe it to the point that they would die for it.

Just like the Apostles did who witnessed Jesus life first hand.

BTW, fuck off you damned liar.

First, there never was a Jesus. He was made up of whole clothe by Saul of Tarses.

Secondly, the Gospels can't even agree on the names of the Apostles. Which makes them kind of doubtful.

THird, the willingness of some crazy people to die for stupid beliefs is hardly indicitive of anything but their stupidity. Otherwise, Jim Jones and David Koresh were the holiest guys out there.


They call themselves witches or 'nature priestesses' which Judeo-Christianity views as witchcraft. People who claim to continue these 'nature priestess' traditions also refer to themselves as witches.

But here comes little JoeB tooting his horn and yelling, 'You are all wrong! Witches don't exist!'

lololol, look stupid shithead, you seem to think of some kind of supernatural Hollywood movie version of what a witch is. THAT does not exist, but no one here is saying that they do, dumbass.

A witch in the bible, was a woman who used sorcery, not just someone who was a "nature priestess".

In Deut. 18:10-12, we read:

There shall not be found among you any one that ... uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer, for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord.

In short, things Wiccans just plain old can't do. But apparently, folks in the bible thought they could.

These people presented themselves as being able to do such things, as some still claim to be able to do some of these things today. What do you think a palm reader is?

Yeah, I know, they don't have green faces, long twisted noses, cackle when they talk and melt if you pour water on them, but they do still claim to be able to do these things and in some sense many of them actually work, though without supernatural means. I saw a 'snake summoning spell' once. What the witch did was heat a brick in the oven, put it by her porch step that night, all the while saying what she would call prayers to the goddess, and the next morning there were several snakes covering the brick. Was it 'real' magic? no. Was it Magik? yes. There is a difference, but I know you wont get it and don't care to understand it anyway.

Later in the Bible {I Sam. 28}, Saul consults the Witch of Endor, who is able to bring back the Prophet Samuel back from the dead. This was after Saul had killed all the other witches in Israel, and the Witch of endor was a little suspicious of Saul consulting her.

And does the Bible ay if the witch was surprised to actually see a spirit rise up? No, it just says Saul went to her. It does not give enough detail to determine if it was fakery in the mind of the witch till she saw Samuel appear or not.

In short. There were no real witches, ever. But thousands of women were burned, hung and tortured because fuckwits like you thought there were. The bible tells you so.

1. I don't think witches have 'real' magic powers, so no, not people like me burned witches.
2. You assume to know why the prohibition was made; was it because the magic was real or was it because it was fraudulent and a competing form of faith?

I do not deny that many people promoted the magical view of witches, but I think the majority did not.

lol, I hope you are right about the GOP. We need a new party that is genuinely socially conservative. In a three way race we will eventually win.

Please. First, any party of religious whacks would be crushed pretty quickly because you'd soon be fighting amongst yourselves about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Lol, that is a problem for now, but methinks fucktards like you are going to wake almost all of them and the silly petty bickering will pretty much stop.

So, keep at it, you stupid wretch.

I had no idea I was so terrifying to you guys. "Oh, My God. This person might point out that our sky pixie doesn't exist, and however shall we validate our bigotry and mean-spiritedness without him?"[/QUOTE]

You terrifying? Not you yourself, but what you represent is of concern; deliberate ignorance, hatred for Christians, and a refusal to try to have a rational discussion. Right now people like you are ascendant, and Christianity is descendant, in terms of political power. And it isn't fear so much as dread, like dread of losing ones job, or having to move across the country and leave friends behind, etc. Death is not something to be feared, really, it is just a transition. We are like caterpillars which were born to be butterflies, and not stay caterpillars till they die, but we fear becoming butterflies because being a caterpillar is all we know. Death is a door, not an end to anything.

But the pendulum will swing the other way eventually and then ignorant ass holes like you will be telling us all what a threat apetheists like you are to civilization and you have to be rooted out. And I will defend people like you to say what you will, like I used to defend gay people till they became militant, and its not because I weep for you, but for what the new threat to free speech is.

People like you are just amoral whores who will say whatever, do whatever to get your slice of potato while you shove more into the ovens.
So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?
Typical hypothetical, baseless argument, coming from the mouth of a hostile and ignorant cynic with an axe to grind. All we ever get from the likes of you is, "Oh yeah? Well what if ..... [made up scenario that never occurred, carefully constructed so that any answer will generate a "gotcha!" response]"

Tiresome. Immature. Predictable.

Sorry, guy, Tornadoes destroy churches all the time.

Tornado Destroys Foursquare Church in Northern Arkansas | Foursquare News | The Foursquare Church

I mean, maybe God was aiming for the whorehouse and he missed.

Or maybe tornadoes are just the natural consequence of having an atmosphere. God wanted us to be able to breath, so He isn't going to prevent tornadoes in all cases just because someone might get killed.

The only one here missing anything is you missing how to think straight.

But that presumes you are trying to tell the truth and have an some integrity to try and get things right. You have demonstrated none of any of that, and have lied so many times, I don't really expect anything less from you.
You terrifying? Not you yourself, but what you represent is of concern; deliberate ignorance, hatred for Christians, and a refusal to try to have a rational discussion. Right now people like you are ascendant, and Christianity is descendant, in terms of political power. And it isn't fear so much as dread, like dread of losing ones job, or having to move across the country and leave friends behind, etc. Death is not something to be feared, really, it is just a transition. We are like caterpillars which were born to be butterflies, and not stay caterpillars till they die, but we fear becoming butterflies because being a caterpillar is all we know. Death is a door, not an end to anything.

Yes, the biggest obstacle to curing religious stupidity is fear of death. Thanks for pointing that out. As long as people are afraid of dying, it will be easy for the Religious Hucksters to con them by promisnig them sunshine and puppies if they are good, and fire and brimstone if they touch their junk the wrong way.

But the pendulum will swing the other way eventually and then ignorant ass holes like you will be telling us all what a threat apetheists like you are to civilization and you have to be rooted out. And I will defend people like you to say what you will, like I used to defend gay people till they became militant, and its not because I weep for you, but for what the new threat to free speech is.

Guy, I think you misunderstand the concept of free speech. The purpose of free speech is to allow you to say things openly, not to say stupid laughable things and not get laughed at. The reason why religion isn't laughed out of the room is because you guys act all offended when someone dares question it. Because most of your positions can't be rationalized without the fear of a Magic Sky Fairy.

People like you are just amoral whores who will say whatever, do whatever to get your slice of potato while you shove more into the ovens.

Guy, for the record, the only people shoving people into the ovens were you religious retards.

The Nazis had big belt buckles that said "Gott Mit Uns" on them when they were terrorizing the rest of Europe.

The only reason why you guys aren't burning witches or killing each other over whether Jesus was made of stale bread or not is because the rest of us got tired of your foolishiness. Not because you suddenly developed an appreciation for other opinions.

That is the funny thing about you apetheists. You say God doesn't exist, then you whine about Him like He does, and you talk about 'Laws of science' and ignore who the 'law Giver' would be. You say that religion is just stupid horse shit, and yet you go out of your way to attack it like it does matter.

You are confused because you are irrational, petty, hateful and stupid as shit in a crap hole.

I don't worry about religion because there might be a God. I worry because dumbfucks like you vote against my economic interests because they wealthy have realized you are gullible, and often ignorant of your own teachings.

lol, care to try again? That made no sense at all.

Yeah, you claim to not worry about God being real, but the complete ignorance that shows you don't dare to really give the idea consideration says otherwise.

Which is why you can all insist the Bible is totally about tax cuts for rich people, when Jesus specifically said the wealthy were going to Hell.

The Catholic church has never made such claims. It endorses something called Distributism, which you probably know nothing about and could be bothered to learn.

You have your doubts because you don't want to believe. If you wanted to at least inquire, you would have learned more about the faith you rejected than you know today, which is abysmally lacking. In fact, you think you know more things athat are false than you know that are actually fact, I'd bet.

As I said, I went to Catholic School for 12 years. And frankly, these sexually frustrated freaks probably caused more confusion than clarity. The capper being that nasty old nun telling me at Mom's funeral God had a reason for this. And shit, I didn't get to any of the really juicy stories of the bible until AFTER I became an atheist. For some reason, they didn't want to tell us abuot how Jephthah sacrificed his own daughter because he made a foolish oath to God. (Judges 11)

Yeah God di have a reason to let your mother die; so she could go to her reward. All of us have to die one day, dumbass, so don't blame God and don't blame the nun for simply being honest to you.

The people who spew it don't believe it, they are just pulling one over on the Rubes like you.

Some of them don't, but then I have met about 30 or so in my life who do in fact believe it to the point that they would die for it.

Just like the Apostles did who witnessed Jesus life first hand.

BTW, fuck off you damned liar.

First, there never was a Jesus. He was made up of whole clothe by Saul of Tarses.

No, there certainly was a Jesus and no serious student of ancient history really thinks otherwise, though it is a popular apetheist talking point.

Secondly, the Gospels can't even agree on the names of the Apostles. Which makes them kind of doubtful.

The Gospels have been read and hashed over by people a hell of a lot smarter than you, ass hat, and they have gone over all that. People then had different forms of the names they went by. Some went by their Greek form of their names, and some by the Aramaic and some by the Hebrew. No one is worried about some fool like you coming along and saying, wait, no, there names don't match, lol.

THird, the willingness of some crazy people to die for stupid beliefs is hardly indicitive of anything but their stupidity. Otherwise, Jim Jones and David Koresh were the holiest guys out there.

Jones committed suicide to evade punishment and trial.

Koresh was not given a choice once the shooting was over with the ATF.

And neither of them were being charged with crimes because of what they simply taught. These people committed real fraud or were suspected of committing real crimes.

The Apostles simply told about Jesus. The people who worshipped false godlings did not like that for many reasons. They told the Apostles to recant or die. The Apostles chose to die rather than recant, because they knew what they said was true.

And when you look at Jim Jones and Koresh, they were unsuccessful failures at life, for the most part and set up small cults that they hid the best they could till they got caught.

The Apostles started a spiritual wildfire that continues to our day and has persuaded billions of people.

That you are too stupid to see the difference does not mean that there is no difference.
You terrifying? Not you yourself, but what you represent is of concern; deliberate ignorance, hatred for Christians, and a refusal to try to have a rational discussion. Right now people like you are ascendant, and Christianity is descendant, in terms of political power. And it isn't fear so much as dread, like dread of losing ones job, or having to move across the country and leave friends behind, etc. Death is not something to be feared, really, it is just a transition. We are like caterpillars which were born to be butterflies, and not stay caterpillars till they die, but we fear becoming butterflies because being a caterpillar is all we know. Death is a door, not an end to anything.

Yes, the biggest obstacle to curing religious stupidity is fear of death. Thanks for pointing that out.

Actually I said the exact opposite, which illustrates once again that you have no desire for honest discussion, have no respect for validity and Truth, and you are a habitual liar.

BTW, eat shit, you stupid lying whore.

The Apostles simply told about Jesus. The people who worshipped false godlings did not like that for many reasons. They told the Apostles to recant or die. The Apostles chose to die rather than recant, because they knew what they said was true.

And when you look at Jim Jones and Koresh, they were unsuccessful failures at life, for the most part and set up small cults that they hid the best they could till they got caught.

The Apostles started a spiritual wildfire that continues to our day and has persuaded billions of people.

That you are too stupid to see the difference does not mean that there is no difference.

Actually, it was more likely that Jesus and the Apostles were made up by later Christian Writers when the "New State Religion" required a backstory.

So they picked out four Gospels that told the story they wanted. And didn't contradict each other too much on points like when Jesus was born, what the names of his ancestors were, what the names of his apostles were, etc.

And shit, they couldn't even get that right.
i don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the jews left egypt en mass?

no argument there.
yeah that's pretty much my pov and i am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the ot is, in my opinion propaganda written for the jews.

But so the hell what?

so is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

symptom, or evidence, of a fictitious god?


there is no reason to presume that god is fictitious, quite the contrary.
there is no evidence god is not fictitious...to say otherwise is would negate the need for faith..

Here's my problem with the "Prosiac Miracles". If they are just interpretations of natural events, then what is the moral point?

We now know that plagues are caused by germs and famines are caused by climatic events, but these folks used these events to kill folks they didn't like or impose morality on people who were doing things they didn't approve of.

And frankly, we still have that kind of shit going on today, whether it be Reverand Wright blaming 9/11 on God's anger over racism and screaming "God Damn America" or Reverands Falwel and Robertson saying that it was because of gays and abortions.

They are called providential events for a reason, Sherlock.

And who gives a fuck what a damned liar like you says anyway?

You have no integrity, no honesty and you will say anything that suits you at the moment.

Fuck off you pissant liar.

So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?

You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.
You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

"The sun shines and the rain falls on the just and the unjust." is what I recollect about the Bible's version of natural events, Joe, if you'll pardon the small interruption. ;)

...carry on...
They are called providential events for a reason, Sherlock.

And who gives a fuck what a damned liar like you says anyway?

You have no integrity, no honesty and you will say anything that suits you at the moment.

Fuck off you pissant liar.

So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?

You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.
You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

"The sun shines and the rain falls on the just and the unjust." is what I recollect about the Bible's version of natural events, Joe, if you'll pardon the small interruption. ;)

...carry on...
hold on a sec, lots of believers will tell you natural disasters are god's punishment.

Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States

Research September 13, 2005 6:27 PM EDT ››› JOE BROWN

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson.

Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion

On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.

On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.

According to Robertson's website, The 700 Club "reaches an average of one million American viewers daily." But according to a Los Angeles Times report, The 700 Club "has drawn an average of 863,000 viewers a day during the 2004-2005 television season, Nielsen Media Research said."

Hal Lindsey: Katrina proof that "judgment of America has begun"

On the September 9 broadcast of the Trinity Broadcasting Network's International Intelligence Briefing, host Hal Lindsey stated:

LINDSEY: It seems clear that the prophetic times I have been expecting for decades have finally arrived. And even worse, it appears that the judgment of America has begun. I warn continually that the last days lineup of world powers does not include anything resembling the United States of America. Instead, a revived Roman Empire in Europe is to rule the West, and then the world.

Based in Santa Ana, California, and owned by Jan and Paul Crouch, TBN is the world's largest Christian television network. TBN's website claims its programming is carried by more than 5,000 stations around the world. Lindsey also writes a weekly column for the conservative website WorldNetDaily.com and is the author of several books on Biblical prophecy, including The Late Great Planet Earth.

Charles Colson: God allowed Katrina to happen to bring attention to lack of preparation for terrorist attack

On the September 12 broadcast of his BreakPoint radio program, former Nixon special counsel-turned-Christian radio commentator Charles Colson speculated that God allowed Hurricane Katrina as a reminder to the United States of the importance of winning the "war on terror":

COLSON: [O]ne lesson I learned from Katrina is that we had better win the war on terror and resolve to prevent another 9-11. Katrina exposed how easy it would be to take a city out.

[... ]

COLSON: Katrina gave us a preview of what America would look like if we fail to fight the war on terror. "Did God have anything to do with Katrina?," people ask. My answer is, he allowed it and perhaps he allowed it to get our attention so that we don't delude ourselves into thinking that all we have to do is put things back the way they were and life will be normal again.

According to the program's website, BreakPoint "airs each weekday on over 1,000 outlets with an estimated listening audience of 1 million people." Colson also writes a column for Christianity Today and another for his own BreakPoint Online website that is also carried by Townhall.com.

Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Research | Media Matters for America
So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?
Typical hypothetical, baseless argument, coming from the mouth of a hostile and ignorant cynic with an axe to grind. All we ever get from the likes of you is, "Oh yeah? Well what if ..... [made up scenario that never occurred, carefully constructed so that any answer will generate a "gotcha!" response]"

Tiresome. Immature. Predictable.

Sorry, guy, Tornadoes destroy churches all the time.

Tornado Destroys Foursquare Church in Northern Arkansas | Foursquare News | The Foursquare Church

I mean, maybe God was aiming for the whorehouse and he missed.
Your pathetic "tornado dodges the whorehouse and hits a church" has never quantifiably occurred. You obviously made it up as a strawman argument to support your pitiful argument.

And by the way, the answer to your question of "how providential is that?" should a tornado visibly dodge a whorehouse and make a bee-line for a church, is pretty easy. Any tornado that would behave in such supernatural a manner is obviously an instrument of providence.
symptom, or evidence, of a fictitious god?


there is no reason to presume that god is fictitious, quite the contrary.
there is no evidence god is not fictitious...

Sure there is; its all over the place. You just refuse to open your eyes to see it.

to say otherwise is would negate the need for faith..

This is an example of your ignorance that you are arrogantly unaware of, since one can have both faith and reason to believe in God. Faith is all that is required, but it is not all that supports a belief in God.
So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?

You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.
You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

"The sun shines and the rain falls on the just and the unjust." is what I recollect about the Bible's version of natural events, Joe, if you'll pardon the small interruption. ;)

...carry on...
hold on a sec, lots of believers will tell you natural disasters are god's punishment.

Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States

Research September 13, 2005 6:27 PM EDT ››› JOE BROWN

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson.

Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion

On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.

On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.

According to Robertson's website, The 700 Club "reaches an average of one million American viewers daily." But according to a Los Angeles Times report, The 700 Club "has drawn an average of 863,000 viewers a day during the 2004-2005 television season, Nielsen Media Research said."

Hal Lindsey: Katrina proof that "judgment of America has begun"

On the September 9 broadcast of the Trinity Broadcasting Network's International Intelligence Briefing, host Hal Lindsey stated:

LINDSEY: It seems clear that the prophetic times I have been expecting for decades have finally arrived. And even worse, it appears that the judgment of America has begun. I warn continually that the last days lineup of world powers does not include anything resembling the United States of America. Instead, a revived Roman Empire in Europe is to rule the West, and then the world.

Based in Santa Ana, California, and owned by Jan and Paul Crouch, TBN is the world's largest Christian television network. TBN's website claims its programming is carried by more than 5,000 stations around the world. Lindsey also writes a weekly column for the conservative website WorldNetDaily.com and is the author of several books on Biblical prophecy, including The Late Great Planet Earth.

Charles Colson: God allowed Katrina to happen to bring attention to lack of preparation for terrorist attack

On the September 12 broadcast of his BreakPoint radio program, former Nixon special counsel-turned-Christian radio commentator Charles Colson speculated that God allowed Hurricane Katrina as a reminder to the United States of the importance of winning the "war on terror":

COLSON: [O]ne lesson I learned from Katrina is that we had better win the war on terror and resolve to prevent another 9-11. Katrina exposed how easy it would be to take a city out.

[... ]

COLSON: Katrina gave us a preview of what America would look like if we fail to fight the war on terror. "Did God have anything to do with Katrina?," people ask. My answer is, he allowed it and perhaps he allowed it to get our attention so that we don't delude ourselves into thinking that all we have to do is put things back the way they were and life will be normal again.

According to the program's website, BreakPoint "airs each weekday on over 1,000 outlets with an estimated listening audience of 1 million people." Colson also writes a column for Christianity Today and another for his own BreakPoint Online website that is also carried by Townhall.com.

Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Research | Media Matters for America

It is God's Will that we live with the consequences of what we do and learn for them and the faults and flaws of others also.

Free will is a bitch, aint it?
Free will is a bitch, aint it?
It evidently is, to most of the cynics. They whine and complain that consequences exist for folks who make bad decisions... blaming the Creator, should one exist, for the fact that they had the ability to make a poor choice in the first place.

I always ask that they consider the alternative. Robots that always make the correct decision and never suffer negative consequences.

Seriously! This is really just about the only scenario the cynics seem comfortable with! (Though in their denial they will claim otherwise; then turn around and shake their fist at God once again, blaming Him for anything that ever happened that they aren't satisfied with)
Your pathetic "tornado dodges the whorehouse and hits a church" has never quantifiably occurred. You obviously made it up as a strawman argument to support your pitiful argument.

And by the way, the answer to your question of "how providential is that?" should a tornado visibly dodge a whorehouse and make a bee-line for a church, is pretty easy. Any tornado that would behave in such supernatural a manner is obviously an instrument of providence.

Actually, I tried to find a story about a tornado hitting a whorehouse and couldn't find one. But there were plenty about them hitting churches. I even tried variations like "Strip Club" and "gentleman's Club" and "house of ill-repute" and Bordello"... and apparently, Tornadoes don't seem to hit those.

Tornadoes hit all sorts of churches, though.

Because there is no God.
Free will is a bitch, aint it?
It evidently is, to most of the cynics. They whine and complain that consequences exist for folks who make bad decisions... blaming the Creator, should one exist, for the fact that they had the ability to make a poor choice in the first place.

I always ask that they consider the alternative. Robots that always make the correct decision and never suffer negative consequences.

Seriously! This is really just about the only scenario the cynics seem comfortable with! (Though in their denial they will claim otherwise; then turn around and shake their fist at God once again, blaming Him for anything that ever happened that they aren't satisfied with)

But here's the problem. First, I don't believe your sky pixie exists, and the only evil is that which harms other people without cause.

Yet the thing about your sky pixie is not that he gives us free will, it's that he punishes people when they make horrible choices. Or punishes them even if they make the right choices.

Take the Bible. God Gives man free will in the creation. Then he immediately DROWNS EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET save eight people. Even the little babies, who according to Sister Mary Butch were "Wiiiiiiicked". Yup, they were totally wicked babies.

Now, this is a myth, but it tells you a lot about just how fucked up the people who came up with that myth were. And the rest of the bible is full of myths in a similar vein.

While there is ZERO EVIDENCE the Hebrews lived in Egypt prior to the establishment of the Judean state, the MYTH of the Exodus is interesting.

God inflicts plague after plauge on the Egyptian people, after he "Hardened Pharoah's Heart". He could have just soften Pharoah's heart and got them out of there without a single plague. And he caps it off with killing every first born child in Egypt. Oh, yeah, and then he drowns the Egyptian Army.

Then he makes his poor followers wander around the desert for 40 years instead of making a trip that would have taken a few weeks on foot.

The God of the Bible is a horrible monster who isn't worthy of anyone's worship. Thank C'Thulhu he's made up.
Free will is a bitch, aint it?
It evidently is, to most of the cynics. They whine and complain that consequences exist for folks who make bad decisions... blaming the Creator, should one exist, for the fact that they had the ability to make a poor choice in the first place.

I always ask that they consider the alternative. Robots that always make the correct decision and never suffer negative consequences.

Seriously! This is really just about the only scenario the cynics seem comfortable with! (Though in their denial they will claim otherwise; then turn around and shake their fist at God once again, blaming Him for anything that ever happened that they aren't satisfied with)

But here's the problem. First, I don't believe your sky pixie exists, and the only evil is that which harms other people without cause.

Yet the thing about your sky pixie is not that he gives us free will, it's that he punishes people when they make horrible choices. Or punishes them even if they make the right choices.

Take the Bible. God Gives man free will in the creation. Then he immediately DROWNS EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET save eight people. Even the little babies, who according to Sister Mary Butch were "Wiiiiiiicked". Yup, they were totally wicked babies.

Now, this is a myth, but it tells you a lot about just how fucked up the people who came up with that myth were. And the rest of the bible is full of myths in a similar vein.

While there is ZERO EVIDENCE the Hebrews lived in Egypt prior to the establishment of the Judean state, the MYTH of the Exodus is interesting.

God inflicts plague after plauge on the Egyptian people, after he "Hardened Pharoah's Heart". He could have just soften Pharoah's heart and got them out of there without a single plague. And he caps it off with killing every first born child in Egypt. Oh, yeah, and then he drowns the Egyptian Army.

Then he makes his poor followers wander around the desert for 40 years instead of making a trip that would have taken a few weeks on foot.

The God of the Bible is a horrible monster who isn't worthy of anyone's worship. Thank C'Thulhu he's made up.

But... but... but... but... but, but, but, "he" is a god of mercy and forgiveness.

According to the bible, god wiped the planet of humanity (except for Noah and his family… and apparently more animals than the Titanic could have carried), because humanity was a disappointment to him. He promised never to destroy the world again by water, so next time (the Armageddon) he plans to use fire. God slaughters thousands and thousands by what the bible says, and he plans to slaughter billions more. Never has there been so evil a villain in all literature than Yahweh-- he kills relentlessly (Read the book of Joshua and try to imagine all those "rotten apple" kids and women-- all except those virgins, who were allowed to be taken away and raped by god's soldiers, the Hebrews)

Actually, man's ethics and morality beats out god by light-years. God tacitly and obviously approves of slavery (Jesus speaks of servants to a Master and never thinks to condemn the injustice of one man owning another)-- man finds it repulsive. God not only approves of war, he ignites them left and right -- man creates a United Nations in an attempt to stop war. God commits genocide without blinking an eye -- man imprisons mass murderers and is repulsed by wanton slaughter. God not only approves of raping young women, he specifically rewards his soldiers with them:

Numbers 31:17-18 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Yeeee haw.

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