Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

christian empathy and humility just radiate from JB..

What the fuck would you know about Christian humility, you lying whore?

Lovely, lovely folks those Christian humility posers.

Lol, Now *I* am supposed to be representative of all Christians even though I freel;y admit that I am not?

lololololol.ollololololololololololololo. trolololololol

You are a fucking schizoid moron.
Here's the thing. More adventures in Catholicism. By the time I got to High School, the Clergy weren't putting out the bullshit. They tried to claim it was the "Reed Sea" and the chariots got stuck in a swamp and drowned.

Which makes the whole thing a lot less impressive and miraculous.

SO either God was doing impressive things in the Bronze Age he isn't bothering to do now.

Or ignorant bronze age savages were applying supernatural explanations to prosaic events.

Which seems more logical to you?

I wouldnt expect anything logical from an arrogant and known liar who dismisses the people of the bronze age as savages such as you.

Eat shit Joe.

Guy, in Bronze Age Canaan, you could be killed for -

Not being a virgin on your wedding night.
Gathering sticks on the Sabbath
Being Gay.
Saying the MAgic Sky Pixie's Name aloud
Being a "witch".

And a whole bunch of other stuff we'd lock people up if they tried to kill people over.


And the basis for your religious beliefs, apparently.
Apparent to whom? That certainly isn't the basis for my religious beliefs or anyone I know...

Oh, never mind. It's joe, lying and trolling.
Your sweaty,

Lol, I am not sweaty.

chest heaving rant

My chest is not heaving, roflmao.

included something about your posting facts. Where are these alleged facts?

Try reading the articles and following the posts, fucktard.

For example, one of the most common 'proofs' by apetheists like you is that these chariot wheels cant be actual chariot wheels because they would have long ago deteriorated into silt.

But that just shows their stupidity, because no one is claiming that the vast majority of these wheels are the old wheels but coral that have grown around them. Some of the apetheists have even remarked about how uncanny the coral growth looks like wheels, not realizing that they are supporting the claims they reject by doing so, lol.

I also pointed out that plenty of other people are investigating the issue and have found interesting things, like in the OP about the recently translated/re-translated texts. It isn't all about Wyatt.

And even if what you apetheists said about Wyatt were true, well he would still have far more integrity than you little shitheads.

Aside from your silly cutting and pasting and saliva-slinging tirades, your posts are just juvenile banter.

lol, of course it would appear to be banter when you don't understand any of it because you haven't read it and what you have read you immediately reject because youhave already formed your conclusion, jack-off troll.

My goodness but you are an angry, foul-mouth type.

What would the jeesus think of your juvenile outbursts?

Otherwise, In connection with your earlier claim wherein you wrote that "plenty of other investigators and researchers have come to similar conclusions without referencing Wyatt as the source of their inspiration at all."

Who are these "investigators"?

It's predictable that you make these bellicose claims, totally unsupported, and then scramble for the exits when your told to produce the evidence.

You remind me of an insurgent. You pop up, spread a lot of grief and then run when the incoming starts.
Here's the thing. More adventures in Catholicism. By the time I got to High School, the Clergy weren't putting out the bullshit. They tried to claim it was the "Reed Sea" and the chariots got stuck in a swamp and drowned.

Which makes the whole thing a lot less impressive and miraculous.

SO either God was doing impressive things in the Bronze Age he isn't bothering to do now.

Or ignorant bronze age savages were applying supernatural explanations to prosaic events.

Which seems more logical to you?

I wouldnt expect anything logical from an arrogant and known liar who dismisses the people of the bronze age as savages such as you.

Eat shit Joe.

Guy, in Bronze Age Canaan, you could be killed for -

Not being a virgin on your wedding night.
Gathering sticks on the Sabbath
Being Gay.
Saying the MAgic Sky Pixie's Name aloud
Being a "witch".

And a whole bunch of other stuff we'd lock people up if they tried to kill people over.


And the basis for your religious beliefs, apparently.

lol, not hardly.

You need to figure out what 'basis for your beliefs' means, because that shit you listed was OT and not the basis for anything I believe.

BTW, eat shit Joe, you fucking liar.
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My goodness but you are an angry, foul-mouth type.

Fuck you, whore.

What would the jeesus think of your juvenile outbursts?

lol, you are so fucking stupid you cant even spell Jesus name correctly, but you want to lecture me on the meaning of Christianity? lolool

Otherwise, In connection with your earlier claim wherein you wrote that "plenty of other investigators and researchers have come to similar conclusions without referencing Wyatt as the source of their inspiration at all."

Who are these "investigators"?

Read the article, and look at the two videos.

roflmao, you fucking illiterate.

It's predictable that you make these bellicose claims, totally unsupported, and then scramble for the exits when your told to produce the evidence.

I did produce the evidence; you simply cant understand it because you haven't read it.

You remind me of an insurgent. You pop up, spread a lot of grief and then run when the incoming starts.

You remind me of giant hemoroid, a shitty pain in the ass that nothing but gas a wind comes out of.

Fuck you, you stupid ****.
I have found that anti Christian nazis really don't care if you're a fundy or not. If you are a Christian, you're a fundy..unless you're a pedophile priest loving Catholic.

It's just hate speech. Ignore it. Meawhile, the photos have not been debunked at all. They have not been confirmed by anti-Christian bigots, which they think PROVES ...something.

My brother in law has been a Catholic priest for 41 years. He served 2 tours in Viet Nam and was with Father Vincent Capadonna in Nam. My brother in law earned a purple heart and Capadonna earned 3 and was a Medal of Honor winner.
Do you have any Medal of Honor winners or kin with a purple heart in your family?
Capadonna was KIA ministering to wounded on the battlefield in Nam.
We have many Catholics in my extended family.
They are not pedophile loving and have a life time of service to this country.
Only the ignorant believes that.
Apparent to whom? That certainly isn't the basis for my religious beliefs or anyone I know...

Oh, never mind. It's joe, lying and trolling.

It's in your holy book. The holy book that you use for your hatred of gays says you ought to kill the poor schlubs.

It doesn't actualy say anything about abortion, but you'll claim that it does.

lol, not hardly.

You need to figure out what 'basis for your beliefs' means, because that shit you listed was OT and not the basis for anything I believe.

BTW, eat shit Joe, you fucking liar.

Jesus said to obey the Old Testament Laws, so, no, that doesn't fly, either. We were still burning witches all the way up to a couple of centuries ago.

The bible didn't change. We changed. If those aren't the things you "believe", it's because today, your bigotry is what isn't tolerated.

In effect, you've "Disneyfied" your religion by cutting out all the icky parts.
Apparent to whom? That certainly isn't the basis for my religious beliefs or anyone I know...

Oh, never mind. It's joe, lying and trolling.

It's in your holy book. The holy book that you use for your hatred of gays says you ought to kill the poor schlubs.

It doesn't actualy say anything about abortion, but you'll claim that it does.

Yeah, the words are in the Bible, but your deceptive, malicious spin on those words that constitute a lie is NOT.

But that just affirms your track record for being a troll and a fraud anyway.

lol, not hardly.

You need to figure out what 'basis for your beliefs' means, because that shit you listed was OT and not the basis for anything I believe.

BTW, eat shit Joe, you fucking liar.

Jesus said to obey the Old Testament Laws, so, no, that doesn't fly, either.

Another of your bullshit lies a ignorance for display.

No, Christians do not have to live by the OT law, and Jesus said the OT is still in effect for the Jews who choose to live by it.

JoeB is dumber than a sack of rocks, but to be fair to the rocks they didn't choose to be so dumb.

We were still burning witches all the way up to a couple of centuries ago.

Well, don't let me get in your way, ass hole.

The bible didn't change.

You are stupid as can be. Of course the Bible changed, in that the New Testament was added to it, fucktard.

We changed.

No, duh, Sherlock.

If those aren't the things you "believe", it's because today, your bigotry is what isn't tolerated.

And I hope idiots like you get far more intolerant instead of continuing to hide behind your false friendliness and calm.

In effect, you've "Disneyfied" your religion by cutting out all the icky parts.

You don't know the first thing about Christianity and then try to tell us how to conduct our religion then tell us how we have done, in your opinion.

Fuck off you arrogant little ****.
Apparent to whom? That certainly isn't the basis for my religious beliefs or anyone I know...

Oh, never mind. It's joe, lying and trolling.

It's in your holy book. The holy book that you use for your hatred of gays says you ought to kill the poor schlubs.

It doesn't actualy say anything about abortion, but you'll claim that it does.

Yeah, the words are in the Bible, but your deceptive, malicious spin on those words that constitute a lie is NOT.

But that just affirms your track record for being a troll and a fraud anyway.

Guy, either the words are in the bible or they aren't.

either God told you to burn witches or he didn't. Except that there never were any witches, but dammit you are going to burn someone.

Until that sort of shit wasn't acceptable.

And I hope idiots like you get far more intolerant instead of continuing to hide behind your false friendliness and calm.

In effect, you've "Disneyfied" your religion by cutting out all the icky parts.

You don't know the first thing about Christianity and then try to tell us how to conduct our religion then tell us how we have done, in your opinion.

Fuck off you arrogant little ****.

Wow, man, you are just frothing at the mouth here.

There's no false friendliness. I'm just not all that angry like you are. Just because I think you are a twit doesn't mean I need to take it personally like you do.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years.

When I was 11, the nun told us all about how God drowned everyone in the flood. When I asked in my innocent 11 year old way why God drowned babies, the Nun screeched, "Because they were WICKED!!!!!"

Frankly as asspoundingly retarded as that was, I have yet to hear one of you religous assholes explain why God had to go Cosmic Andrea Yates on all the babies of the world.
I don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the Jews left Egypt en mass?

No argument there.
It's in your holy book. The holy book that you use for your hatred of gays says you ought to kill the poor schlubs.

It doesn't actualy say anything about abortion, but you'll claim that it does.

Yeah, the words are in the Bible, but your deceptive, malicious spin on those words that constitute a lie is NOT.

But that just affirms your track record for being a troll and a fraud anyway.

Guy, either the words are in the bible or they aren't.

Yeah, well the words are in a dictionary too, dumbass, but don't say what you try to twist them into.

either God told you to burn witches or he didn't.

No, he didn't. He told the Jews to do so thousands of years ago, and they were not like our self-described witches today.

Except that there never were any witches, but dammit you are going to burn someone.

Of course there were witches, idiot.

Until that sort of shit wasn't acceptable.

Not here in the US but it stoning is still acceptable in some places.

You will likely live in such a place one day, lol.

And I hope idiots like you get far more intolerant instead of continuing to hide behind your false friendliness and calm.

In effect, you've "Disneyfied" your religion by cutting out all the icky parts.

You don't know the first thing about Christianity and then try to tell us how to conduct our religion then tell us how we have done, in your opinion.

Fuck off you arrogant little ****.

Wow, man, you are just frothing at the mouth here.

lol, I'm not frothing at anything.

There's no false friendliness. I'm just not all that angry like you are.

I'm not angry, dudette. And yes, everything about you is fraudulent.

Just because I think you are a twit doesn't mean I need to take it personally like you do.

You think I am a twit? Why the fuck should I care about that?

But I do note that you avoid the facts and keep jumping back to personal issues because you have no facts. Wyatt is not the only person to investigate these things that have been photographed and video taped and you don't know what the hell any of this is about.

You couldn't give a shit less.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years.

Good Lord, you are stupid as hell if you went to a religious school all that time and never learned the difference between the Old and New Testaments. roflmao

When I was 11, the nun told us all about how God drowned everyone in the flood. When I asked in my innocent 11 year old way why God drowned babies, the Nun screeched, "Because they were WICKED!!!!!"

So whats your point? That nuns shouldn't screech? lol

Frankly as asspoundingly retarded as that was, I have yet to hear one of you religous assholes explain why God had to go Cosmic Andrea Yates on all the babies of the world.

What the fuck are you trying to say, dumbass? That God has no right to take the lives of anyone He chooses to? He most certainly does as He gave us that life to start with.

ITs funny, the only time you apetheists give a shit about a baby is if you think God killed it, lol.
I don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

Most reflective and honest atheists are not like the apetheists that troll the internet. Most of them seem to readily accept that there is some historical validity to the accounts of the Bible, but for every one of them there are twenty more like JoeB, RDean, and Bodethea that speak for the rest of the atheists that likely don't care for that.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the Jews left Egypt en mass?

No argument there.

Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.
I have found that anti Christian nazis really don't care if you're a fundy or not. If you are a Christian, you're a fundy..unless you're a pedophile priest loving Catholic.

It's just hate speech. Ignore it. Meawhile, the photos have not been debunked at all. They have not been confirmed by anti-Christian bigots, which they think PROVES ...something.

Thanks KG, if I were just trying to reduce the stress in my life (and I probably should) I would ignore them for the trolls they are.

But I am hoping that the fools can be used to highlight the things that people would otherwise ignore; the absolute hatred that these curs have for anyone of faith, be they Jew, Christian, Muslim or Hindi.

By getting these morons to out themselves, maybe believers can see just what is really out there and they can prep for it.

Dude... if posting on a message board is giving you a measurable level of stress, you may want to consider a different hobby.

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Jesus was born a Jew, was Jewish, was a Jewish rabbi and died a Jew.
Not unusual that he would obey Jewish law.
Many Jews, just like Christians, are not strict fundamentalists.
Jesus was a radical for his times, he did things his way, he went out of his way to respect everyone.

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