Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

Yeah, the words are in the Bible, but your deceptive, malicious spin on those words that constitute a lie is NOT.

But that just affirms your track record for being a troll and a fraud anyway.

Guy, either the words are in the bible or they aren't.

Yeah, well the words are in a dictionary too, dumbass, but don't say what you try to twist them into.

No, he didn't. He told the Jews to do so thousands of years ago, and they were not like our self-described witches today.

Except that there never were any witches, but dammit you are going to burn someone.

Of course there were witches, idiot..

Guy, there were NEVER any damned witches. This is the point. Dumb, backward ass supertitious Bronze Age Savages thought there were, and had their made up sky pixie say to kill them.

We all agree now there were no witches. Admitting there isn't a God, that's going to take more work. But we'll get there and be better off for it.

Until that sort of shit wasn't acceptable.

Not here in the US but it stoning is still acceptable in some places.

You will likely live in such a place one day, lol.

Not likely... YOu religious whacks are on your way out... Even the GOP isn't pandering to you the way it used to.

Good Lord, you are stupid as hell if you went to a religious school all that time and never learned the difference between the Old and New Testaments. roflmao

Actually, what they did was HIDE the Old Testament as much as possible. So I never got to hear the story of Jephthah butchering his own daughter as a sacrifice to God, or Elisha sending down bears to maul 42 children to death for making fun of his baldness. (God isn't just a Hair Club for Dieties Client, he's also the president!) Or God killing King David's baby to teach him a lesson.

When I was 11, the nun told us all about how God drowned everyone in the flood. When I asked in my innocent 11 year old way why God drowned babies, the Nun screeched, "Because they were WICKED!!!!!"

So whats your point? That nuns shouldn't screech? lol

No, that they shouldn't lie to children and tell them about sky pixies... That would be nice. Probably letting them be lesbians so they weren't full of hate and bitterness would have been nice to. Nothing wrong with that woman some scented candles and a k.d. lang album couldn't have cured.

Frankly as asspoundingly retarded as that was, I have yet to hear one of you religous assholes explain why God had to go Cosmic Andrea Yates on all the babies of the world.

What the fuck are you trying to say, dumbass? That God has no right to take the lives of anyone He chooses to? He most certainly does as He gave us that life to start with.

ITs funny, the only time you apetheists give a shit about a baby is if you think God killed it, lol.

No, i'm usually upset when a baby dies. I just don't get worked up about kidney bean sized fetuses.

I'm saying there IS no God. Never was. But you guys do seem to like to use him as an authority to justify your own douchbaggery.
I don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

Most reflective and honest atheists are not like the apetheists that troll the internet. Most of them seem to readily accept that there is some historical validity to the accounts of the Bible, but for every one of them there are twenty more like JoeB, RDean, and Bodethea that speak for the rest of the atheists that likely don't care for that.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the Jews left Egypt en mass?

No argument there.

Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.
Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

Here's my problem with the "Prosiac Miracles". If they are just interpretations of natural events, then what is the moral point?

We now know that plagues are caused by germs and famines are caused by climatic events, but these folks used these events to kill folks they didn't like or impose morality on people who were doing things they didn't approve of.

And frankly, we still have that kind of shit going on today, whether it be Reverand Wright blaming 9/11 on God's anger over racism and screaming "God Damn America" or Reverands Falwel and Robertson saying that it was because of gays and abortions.
Guy, there were NEVER any damned witches. This is the point. Dumb, backward ass supertitious Bronze Age Savages thought there were, and had their made up sky pixie say to kill them.

We all agree now there were no witches. Admitting there isn't a God, that's going to take more work. But we'll get there and be better off for it.

lol, your stupidity knows no bounds.

What do you think Wiccans refer to themselves as today?

Looking for Witches and Wiccans in History - For Dummies

•Wicca is a new form of spirituality that re-creates some older practices and ideas.
•Wicca is a return to or revival of an old, even ancient, form of religion. Because not a great deal is known about the old Craft, contemporary Wiccans must add to the old tradition.
•Wicca is a continuation of a very old religion that has been passed down through families and covens in an unbroken line since ancient times...

•Historical and archeological evidence clearly shows that many groups throughout history did worship the Goddess or Goddesses. For example, hundreds of carvings of the fertility icon Sheela Na Gig date back to the Middle Ages or later. These startling similar representations are on display on buildings — even Christian churches — throughout Great Britain, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland and may be artistic representations of the Goddess.
•Many groups throughout history saw Deity in nature; they believed that Deity was all-present in the world, that people come from and are part of the Divine and that Deity is in everyone.
•Some people did practice herbalism, healing, divination, and magic.
•Throughout history, people attended agricultural and fertility rites, festivals, and celebrations that were timed to the cycles of nature.

The nature priestesses called themselves priestesses. It was the Judaic religion that sees them as witches because they were believed to be evil. So yes, those people that Jews referred to as witches really did exist and some carry those traditions to this day.

That you are too stupid to understand this means nothing more than that you are fucking stupid.

Not likely... YOu religious whacks are on your way out... Even the GOP isn't pandering to you the way it used to.

lol, I hope you are right about the GOP. We need a new party that is genuinely socially conservative. In a three way race we will eventually win.
Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

Here's my problem with the "Prosiac Miracles". If they are just interpretations of natural events, then what is the moral point?

We now know that plagues are caused by germs and famines are caused by climatic events, but these folks used these events to kill folks they didn't like or impose morality on people who were doing things they didn't approve of.

And frankly, we still have that kind of shit going on today, whether it be Reverand Wright blaming 9/11 on God's anger over racism and screaming "God Damn America" or Reverands Falwel and Robertson saying that it was because of gays and abortions.

They are called providential events for a reason, Sherlock.

And who gives a fuck what a damned liar like you says anyway?

You have no integrity, no honesty and you will say anything that suits you at the moment.

Fuck off you pissant liar.
I don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

Most reflective and honest atheists are not like the apetheists that troll the internet. Most of them seem to readily accept that there is some historical validity to the accounts of the Bible, but for every one of them there are twenty more like JoeB, RDean, and Bodethea that speak for the rest of the atheists that likely don't care for that.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the Jews left Egypt en mass?

No argument there.

Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

Symptom, or evidence, of a fictitious God?

Guy, there were NEVER any damned witches. This is the point. Dumb, backward ass supertitious Bronze Age Savages thought there were, and had their made up sky pixie say to kill them.

We all agree now there were no witches. Admitting there isn't a God, that's going to take more work. But we'll get there and be better off for it.

lol, your stupidity knows no bounds.

What do you think Wiccans refer to themselves as today?

Who cares. Whatever they call themselves doesn't make it so.

lol, I hope you are right about the GOP. We need a new party that is genuinely socially conservative. In a three way race we will eventually win.

Please. First, any party of religious whacks would be crushed pretty quickly because you'd soon be fighting amongst yourselves about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Here's my problem with the "Prosiac Miracles". If they are just interpretations of natural events, then what is the moral point?

We now know that plagues are caused by germs and famines are caused by climatic events, but these folks used these events to kill folks they didn't like or impose morality on people who were doing things they didn't approve of.

And frankly, we still have that kind of shit going on today, whether it be Reverand Wright blaming 9/11 on God's anger over racism and screaming "God Damn America" or Reverands Falwel and Robertson saying that it was because of gays and abortions.

They are called providential events for a reason, Sherlock.

And who gives a fuck what a damned liar like you says anyway?

You have no integrity, no honesty and you will say anything that suits you at the moment.

Fuck off you pissant liar.

So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?

You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.
I don't doubt there was an exodus.

I don't think many atheists doubt there was an exodus, either.

Most reflective and honest atheists are not like the apetheists that troll the internet. Most of them seem to readily accept that there is some historical validity to the accounts of the Bible, but for every one of them there are twenty more like JoeB, RDean, and Bodethea that speak for the rest of the atheists that likely don't care for that.

I think a lot of us believe the story was somewhat embellished for dramatic effect, but as to the narrative that the Jews left Egypt en mass?

No argument there.

Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

I believe in God's intervention and what we think of as miracles, but I don't think we correctly understand them. The Big Bang was providence, IMO, but also a 'miracle' in that it was so exceptional in its circumstances.

As to whether it is propaganda, yeah, it is but it isn't dishonest propaganda, though the English word has taken on that meaning after the WW2 anti-Nazi propaganda we ran pretty much turned the word into a very negative thing, it was not prior for most people.
Most reflective and honest atheists are not like the apetheists that troll the internet. Most of them seem to readily accept that there is some historical validity to the accounts of the Bible, but for every one of them there are twenty more like JoeB, RDean, and Bodethea that speak for the rest of the atheists that likely don't care for that.

Stories get told and retold... but still I think there is a lot more truth to the account than what these apetheists care to give it.

It is intriguing to me that some of the 10 plagues may have had their origin in seismic events, like volcanos. My theory is that the miracles of the Bible are just advanced tech we do not understand, like the Big Bang once was.

Yeah that's pretty much my POV and I am a believer, too.

I do not believe in miracles.

I do believe that some of the old testament is valid, but much of it is embellished or just flat out wrong based on the ignorance of the authors.

Much of the OT is, in my opinion PROPAGANDA written for the Jews.

But so the hell what?

So is every bloody religion more or less a well crafted conceit written for the faithful.

Symptom, or evidence, of a fictitious God?


There is no reason to presume that God is fictitious, quite the contrary.

Here's my problem with the "Prosiac Miracles". If they are just interpretations of natural events, then what is the moral point?

We now know that plagues are caused by germs and famines are caused by climatic events, but these folks used these events to kill folks they didn't like or impose morality on people who were doing things they didn't approve of.

And frankly, we still have that kind of shit going on today, whether it be Reverand Wright blaming 9/11 on God's anger over racism and screaming "God Damn America" or Reverands Falwel and Robertson saying that it was because of gays and abortions.

They are called providential events for a reason, Sherlock.

And who gives a fuck what a damned liar like you says anyway?

You have no integrity, no honesty and you will say anything that suits you at the moment.

Fuck off you pissant liar.

So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?

Again, you show yourself to be ignorant about what you are running your cum trap about.

When believers ask for something to happen and it happens in very unusual ways, it is called Providence. If it harms believers it is called a curse or wrath.

There is nothing exceptional about Earthquakes, tornados, floods, etc. So it has nothing to do with any of it, you stupid ****.

You see the problem here, or are you kind of dense. Interpretting natural disasters as "the will of God" is horseshit.

Of course it seems like horse shit to stupid apetheists like you who are too ignorant to even discuss the topic.

Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.

All people die, but apetheists and fools like you blame God for it but cant seem to credit Him for the births, lol.

Just eat shit and go cry in a corner, bitch.
Something I realized when another of those nasty nuns said at my mom's funeral God had a reason for it.

To get me to see Religion is bullshit and reject it? Good Plan, Sky Pixie.

All people die, but apetheists and fools like you blame God for it but cant seem to credit Him for the births, lol.

Just eat shit and go cry in a corner, bitch.

I don't "blame" God. I don't think God exists, you dumbfuck. Actually, had my doubt long before Mom ever got sick... because these people were sooo full of horseshit going to church was like going to a stable.

Religion is horseshit. The people who spew it don't believe it, they are just pulling one over on the Rubes like you.
Guy, there were NEVER any damned witches. This is the point. Dumb, backward ass supertitious Bronze Age Savages thought there were, and had their made up sky pixie say to kill them.

We all agree now there were no witches. Admitting there isn't a God, that's going to take more work. But we'll get there and be better off for it.

lol, your stupidity knows no bounds.

What do you think Wiccans refer to themselves as today?

Who cares. Whatever they call themselves doesn't make it so.


They call themselves witches or 'nature priestesses' which Judeo-Christianity views as witchcraft. People who claim to continue these 'nature priestess' traditions also refer to themselves as witches.

But here comes little JoeB tooting his horn and yelling, 'You are all wrong! Witches don't exist!'

lololol, look stupid shithead, you seem to think of some kind of supernatural Hollywood movie version of what a witch is. THAT does not exist, but no one here is saying that they do, dumbass.

lol, I hope you are right about the GOP. We need a new party that is genuinely socially conservative. In a three way race we will eventually win.

Please. First, any party of religious whacks would be crushed pretty quickly because you'd soon be fighting amongst yourselves about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Lol, that is a problem for now, but methinks fucktards like you are going to wake almost all of them and the silly petty bickering will pretty much stop.

So, keep at it, you stupid wretch.
All people die, but apetheists and fools like you blame God for it but cant seem to credit Him for the births, lol.

Just eat shit and go cry in a corner, bitch.

I don't "blame" God. I don't think God exists, you dumbfuck.

That is the funny thing about you apetheists. You say God doesn't exist, then you whine about Him like He does, and you talk about 'Laws of science' and ignore who the 'law Giver' would be. You say that religion is just stupid horse shit, and yet you go out of your way to attack it like it does matter.

You are confused because you are irrational, petty, hateful and stupid as shit in a crap hole.

Actually, had my doubt long before Mom ever got sick... because these people were sooo full of horseshit going to church was like going to a stable.

You have your doubts because you don't want to believe. If you wanted to at least inquire, you would have learned more about the faith you rejected than you know today, which is abysmally lacking. In fact, you think you know more things athat are false than you know that are actually fact, I'd bet.

Religion is horseshit.


The people who spew it don't believe it, they are just pulling one over on the Rubes like you.

Some of them don't, but then I have met about 30 or so in my life who do in fact believe it to the point that they would die for it.

Just like the Apostles did who witnessed Jesus life first hand.

BTW, fuck off you damned liar.
I have found that anti Christian nazis really don't care if you're a fundy or not. If you are a Christian, you're a fundy..unless you're a pedophile priest loving Catholic.

It's just hate speech. Ignore it. Meawhile, the photos have not been debunked at all. They have not been confirmed by anti-Christian bigots, which they think PROVES ...something.

My brother in law has been a Catholic priest for 41 years. He served 2 tours in Viet Nam and was with Father Vincent Capadonna in Nam. My brother in law earned a purple heart and Capadonna earned 3 and was a Medal of Honor winner.
Do you have any Medal of Honor winners or kin with a purple heart in your family?
Capadonna was KIA ministering to wounded on the battlefield in Nam.
We have many Catholics in my extended family.
They are not pedophile loving and have a life time of service to this country.
Only the ignorant believes that.

That was my point. To anti-Christians, Christians fall in one of two categories...fundies and pedophile priest lovers. I am not speaking badly of Catholics, or of priests.

5 of my uncles and my father were all war veterans. My bro-in-law went to West Point..but left it in order to serve in Vietnam...he was afraid if he waited until graduation he would not have the privilege of serving over there.

And one of HIS nephews is a Franciscan monk! My grandfather's family was Catholic also.
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So when a tornado misses a whorehouse and flattens a Church, what is "providential" about that?
Typical hypothetical, baseless argument, coming from the mouth of a hostile and ignorant cynic with an axe to grind. All we ever get from the likes of you is, "Oh yeah? Well what if ..... [made up scenario that never occurred, carefully constructed so that any answer will generate a "gotcha!" response]"

Tiresome. Immature. Predictable.
I do not need and will never need any evidence to confirm my religious beliefs.
Beliefs do not need evidence.
That is science.
I do not need and will never need any evidence to confirm my religious beliefs.
Beliefs do not need evidence.
That is science.

Faith does not REQUIRE evidence, but it is available to those who would like to see it.


They call themselves witches or 'nature priestesses' which Judeo-Christianity views as witchcraft. People who claim to continue these 'nature priestess' traditions also refer to themselves as witches.

But here comes little JoeB tooting his horn and yelling, 'You are all wrong! Witches don't exist!'

lololol, look stupid shithead, you seem to think of some kind of supernatural Hollywood movie version of what a witch is. THAT does not exist, but no one here is saying that they do, dumbass.

A witch in the bible, was a woman who used sorcery, not just someone who was a "nature priestess".

In Deut. 18:10-12, we read:

There shall not be found among you any one that ... uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer, for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord.

In short, things Wiccans just plain old can't do. But apparently, folks in the bible thought they could.

Later in the Bible {I Sam. 28}, Saul consults the Witch of Endor, who is able to bring back the Prophet Samuel back from the dead. This was after Saul had killed all the other witches in Israel, and the Witch of endor was a little suspicious of Saul consulting her.

In short. There were no real witches, ever. But thousands of women were burned, hung and tortured because fuckwits like you thought there were. The bible tells you so.

lol, I hope you are right about the GOP. We need a new party that is genuinely socially conservative. In a three way race we will eventually win.

Please. First, any party of religious whacks would be crushed pretty quickly because you'd soon be fighting amongst yourselves about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Lol, that is a problem for now, but methinks fucktards like you are going to wake almost all of them and the silly petty bickering will pretty much stop.

So, keep at it, you stupid wretch.[/QUOTE]

I had no idea I was so terrifying to you guys. "Oh, My God. This person might point out that our sky pixie doesn't exist, and however shall we validate our bigotry and mean-spiritedness without him?"

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