Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

I'm sure you wish you made sense.
you have received -2714 reputation points from koshergrl.
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Good grief. Give up drinking.


Note: This is an automated message.[/QUOTE]as always you're wrong, I don't drink and you're not charlie brown.
Daws, Wyatt is irrelevant since plenty of other people are doing independent work and coming to similar conclusions.

You cant handle that so you keep harping on Wyatts credentials and how some reject his work. Of course there are still scientists who reject the Big Bang and evolution, so what?

You are nothing more than a fraud. You pretend to be a neutral observer but you are anything but neutral.

You are an ideologue who picks his scientific conclusions to best suit your ideology, i.e. you are a fake.
yes and just like wyatt their conclusions are false ..as they are based on a false premise.

Can you rephrase you babble a little better?
I was laughing too hard at your NONSENSE TO SPELL CHECK.
God is life itself. Saying there is no God is like saying you don't exist....

Look around you, look at all the life around you, sure, people do evil things, but they also do wonderful things, God is all of it, the evil and the good, and in multifaceted splendor. God is the breath you take for granted as long as you have it in your lungs....

You don't have to understand God to interact with him. Do you understand the air you breathe? Do you argue with the air you breathe? Nope, you just breathe it.
It would not take too much for you to be a Daoist.

There is not the slightest real evidence for Moses, the Egyptian Captivity, the Plagues or the Exodus.

They are all just Bronze Age just-so fables -- fables like Paul Bunyan or the Carden of Eden.


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