Evidence found for Biblical Exodus

"The company employs an algorithm that identifies topics with high advertising potential, based on search engine query data and bids on advertising auctions. These topics are typically in the advice and how-to field. It then commissions freelancers to produce corresponding text or video content. The content is posted on a variety of sites, including YouTube and the company's own sites such as eHow, Livestrong.com, Trails.com, GolfLink.com, Mania.com, and Cracked.com."

I'm sure Demand Media used all the best minds to develop their "how to" article about *storytelling* hahahahahahaha...
psychology and logic, rationalization (also known as making excuses[1]) is an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly subconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt).
People rationalize for various reasons. Rationalization may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behavior or feeling in question.[3][4] Sometimes rationalization occurs when we think we know ourselves better than we do. It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.
Historians treasure all ancient texts. And at the time of biblical writings...*fairy tales* weren't being committed to papyrus, lol. It just didn't happen. Written fiction and clever application of propaganda were not put on paper for many, many, many, many years.

Here is some written propaganda for emperor Augustus who ruled when Jesus was born;

Art and Propaganda in Ancient Rome

Augustus also employed poets and other writers so that his propaganda could be more widely dispersed. Vitruvius wrote his ten-volume "On Architecture" under the patronage of Augustus. While Vitruvius wrote on technology, city planning, acoustics, and engineering as well as architecture, there are also hints of imperial propaganda in his works. For example, in his discussion on the effects of climate on architecture Vitruvius writes:
Since, therefore, the disposition of the world is such by Nature, and all other nations differ by their unbalanced temperament, it is in the true mean within the space of all the world and the regions of the earth, that the Roman people holds its territories. 11. For in Italy the inhabitants are exactly tempered in either direction, both in the structure of the body, and by their strength of mind in the matter of endurance and courage. For just as the planet Jupiter is tempered by running in the middle between the heat of Mars and the cold of Saturn, in the same manner Italy presents good qualities which are tempered by admixture from either side both north and south, and are consequently unsurpassed. And so, by its policy, it curbs the courage of the northern barbarians, by its strength, the imaginative south. Thus the divine mind has allotted to the Roman state an excellent and temperate region in order to rule the world. (Vitruvius, On Architecture, Book VI, 17-19)

Then there are the ancient fairy tales found on papyrus in Egyptian tombs that predate Jesus by about 1200 years. There are fairy tales about unicorns and flying saucers in your own ancient biblical texts. Obviously your knowledge of both history and ancient writings leaves a lot to be desired.

Actually, your own link proves my point..propaganda existed in the form of art: carvings and paintings.

But not via papyrus or other portable writings.

"From sculpture to architecture, the Romans left behind a legacy of art both intricate and monumental, peaceful and courageous mostly in an attempt to gain the love and support of the masses. "

Your reading shortcoming is readily apparent. Art was only one means of dissemination. The article refers to the writings of poets. The ancient Egyptians made extensive use of papyrus. How do you imagine we discovered the Tale of 2 Brothers?
Historians treasure all ancient texts. And at the time of biblical writings...*fairy tales* weren't being committed to papyrus, lol. It just didn't happen. Written fiction and clever application of propaganda were not put on paper for many, many, many, many years.

Here is some written propaganda for emperor Augustus who ruled when Jesus was born;

Art and Propaganda in Ancient Rome

Augustus also employed poets and other writers so that his propaganda could be more widely dispersed. Vitruvius wrote his ten-volume "On Architecture" under the patronage of Augustus. While Vitruvius wrote on technology, city planning, acoustics, and engineering as well as architecture, there are also hints of imperial propaganda in his works. For example, in his discussion on the effects of climate on architecture Vitruvius writes:
Since, therefore, the disposition of the world is such by Nature, and all other nations differ by their unbalanced temperament, it is in the true mean within the space of all the world and the regions of the earth, that the Roman people holds its territories. 11. For in Italy the inhabitants are exactly tempered in either direction, both in the structure of the body, and by their strength of mind in the matter of endurance and courage. For just as the planet Jupiter is tempered by running in the middle between the heat of Mars and the cold of Saturn, in the same manner Italy presents good qualities which are tempered by admixture from either side both north and south, and are consequently unsurpassed. And so, by its policy, it curbs the courage of the northern barbarians, by its strength, the imaginative south. Thus the divine mind has allotted to the Roman state an excellent and temperate region in order to rule the world. (Vitruvius, On Architecture, Book VI, 17-19)

Then there are the ancient fairy tales found on papyrus in Egyptian tombs that predate Jesus by about 1200 years. There are fairy tales about unicorns and flying saucers in your own ancient biblical texts. Obviously your knowledge of both history and ancient writings leaves a lot to be desired.

Actually, your own link proves my point..propaganda existed in the form of art: carvings and paintings.

But not via papyrus or other portable writings.

"From sculpture to architecture, the Romans left behind a legacy of art both intricate and monumental, peaceful and courageous mostly in an attempt to gain the love and support of the masses. "
you're still wrong...
and you're pitching a load of bullshit in the air...instead of admitting ignorance or plain old lying...
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Here is some written propaganda for emperor Augustus who ruled when Jesus was born;

Then there are the ancient fairy tales found on papyrus in Egyptian tombs that predate Jesus by about 1200 years. There are fairy tales about unicorns and flying saucers in your own ancient biblical texts. Obviously your knowledge of both history and ancient writings leaves a lot to be desired.

Actually, your own link proves my point..propaganda existed in the form of art: carvings and paintings.

But not via papyrus or other portable writings.

"From sculpture to architecture, the Romans left behind a legacy of art both intricate and monumental, peaceful and courageous mostly in an attempt to gain the love and support of the masses. "

Your reading shortcoming is readily apparent. Art was only one means of dissemination. The article refers to the writings of poets. The ancient Egyptians made extensive use of papyrus. How do you imagine we discovered the Tale of 2 Brothers?
nice work but you do realise that KG will argue that the media was more important than the message..
if that were true the bible would have never been known..
Actually, your own link proves my point..propaganda existed in the form of art: carvings and paintings.

But not via papyrus or other portable writings.

"From sculpture to architecture, the Romans left behind a legacy of art both intricate and monumental, peaceful and courageous mostly in an attempt to gain the love and support of the masses. "

Your reading shortcoming is readily apparent. Art was only one means of dissemination. The article refers to the writings of poets. The ancient Egyptians made extensive use of papyrus. How do you imagine we discovered the Tale of 2 Brothers?
nice work but you do realise that KG will argue that the media was more important than the message..
if that were true the bible would have never been known..

KG would argue with a stop sign. :D
Where is papyrus in the "sculpture to architecture" continuum?

Where is papyrus in the "sculpture to architecture" continuum?


Like rubbing a slow learning puppy's nose in it....

Tale of Two Brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tale of Two Brothers is an ancient Egyptian story that dates from the reign of Seti II, who ruled from 1200 to 1194 BC during the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom.[1] The story is preserved on the Papyrus D'Orbiney,[2] which is currently preserved in the British Museum.[3]

...."the earliest writings in the Bible were set down around 1400 BC..."


..."The Tale of Two Brothers is an ancient Egyptian story that dates from the reign of Seti II, who ruled from 1200 to 1194 BC "

Tale of Two Brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I said. The old biblical texts were committed to paper and stone long before anyone committed fiction to portable mediums.
major bullshit:this is what you said:"Historians treasure all ancient texts. And at the time of biblical writings...*fairy tales* weren't being committed to papyrus, lol. It just didn't happen. Written fiction and clever application of propaganda were not put on paper for many, many, many, many years"JG.
not "portable mediums"
that phrase does not even register on searches ...I'd call you a lying bitch but that would be stating the obvious,,

The Epic of Gilgamesh is often credited as the first written work of *fiction* and it was written around 2150-2000 BC on clay tablets another portable medium.. liar liar pants on fire!
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Historians treasure all ancient texts. And at the time of biblical writings...*fairy tales* weren't being committed to papyrus, lol. It just didn't happen. Written fiction and clever application of propaganda were not put on paper for many, many, many, many years.

So you are saying THIS portrays an actual event?

that's a how to scroll for the egyptian after life...or is it like a court room sketch ?
Historians treasure all ancient texts. And at the time of biblical writings...*fairy tales* weren't being committed to papyrus, lol. It just didn't happen. Written fiction and clever application of propaganda were not put on paper for many, many, many, many years.

So you are saying THIS portrays an actual event?

that's a how to scroll for the egyptian after life...or is it like a court room sketch ?

In the Criminal Justice System, the Egyptians are represented by two groups.. The Police that invesigate crimes, and the Animal Headed Gods who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.

Oh, god, are you serious? The original text was written in English and thousands of Biblical scholars just plain missed the extra "e"?


I've always assumed that people who posted ideas like those are just playing around and don't care one iota about the truth... lying in public being the new opium of the masses.

Mt Sinai was located in MIdian... across the Gulf of Aqaba; a pretty thick tongue of the Red Sea. Moses and his brethren fled for a day and a night across the Sinai peninsula and came down to the beach area through the mountaious valley; fingers that feed into the west shore, with the Egyptian army in hot pursuit. The cloud of fire separated the two groups for an entire night, allowing the Israelites to rest only by faith that the pillar of fire was going to hold strong while they slept. Solomon erected pillars of stone on both sides of the Red Sea marking the crossing.

The Reed sea is really just a marshland back at the exit area of Egypt... nothing deep enough to drown the entire Egyptian army, in fact, not deep enough to drown anyone.
"most bible scholars" would include an awful lot of people, perhaps you are tossing that term out of your ars and have no idea what most bible scholars really believe?

I would venture to say that almost zero serious Bible scholars believe idiocy that profound. Even hard core atheists who are fond of Hebrew would not fall for something as stupid as Red and Reed being similar in Hebrew... besides, that, Hebrew scholars are not that inept, even if the two were as close as they are in English why would thousands of scholars miss it for centuries on end?

Every time someone thinks that the last 2000 years of Biblical scholars completely missed a major item in the text, and committed some kind of grand textual flaw out of complete bumbling, you have to remember that you are talking about something like a million well studied men who were dead serious about getting it right. Take a moment and read up on how many Hebrew scholars were involved in the KJV translation, alone. Take a good look at the kind of men who did that work, giants in their field. Then revisit your cheap and sorely stupid idea that somehow Reed Sea and Red Sea was missed by their Hebrew studies.

Then, just to put it in total perspective, go further back, 200 BC, to the Hebrew scholars at Alexandria; jews who lived in Egypt, and look at how they translated the Hebrew text into Greek for the Septuagint. Once again, they chose the Greek "Red Sea" not Reed Sea, and they were working from very ancient witnesses in the Hebrew.

IOW, all the extant manuscripts of antiquity, read "Red Sea" but you seem to forget that those were BiblicaL SCHOLARS that composed those texts. Now, who exactly was the rumor source that started that utterly ridiculous crap about the original Hebrew reading "Reed sea"? Can you name him/her? Nope, because it was a rumor, nothing more. And there are no scholars who believe that rumor because true scholars know it is totally false, and it doesn't take very much effort to prove that out. I'm no Hebrew Scholar but I can rascal up enough ancient sources in the book case behind my computer to prove that this idea that "most scholars agree" with is utterly stupid and that no true scholar would believe it... and still be a scholar.
Oh, god, are you serious? The original text was written in English and thousands of Biblical scholars just plain missed the extra "e"?


I've always assumed that people who posted ideas like those are just playing around and don't care one iota about the truth... lying in public being the new opium of the masses.

Mt Sinai was located in MIdian... across the Gulf of Aqaba; a pretty thick tongue of the Red Sea. Moses and his brethren fled for a day and a night across the Sinai peninsula and came down to the beach area through the mountaious valley; fingers that feed into the west shore, with the Egyptian army in hot pursuit. The cloud of fire separated the two groups for an entire night, allowing the Israelites to rest only by faith that the pillar of fire was going to hold strong while they slept. Solomon erected pillars of stone on both sides of the Red Sea marking the crossing.

The Reed sea is really just a marshland back at the exit area of Egypt... nothing deep enough to drown the entire Egyptian army, in fact, not deep enough to drown anyone.

ya nevah know------people were drowning in Hoboken last time it rained

uhm.....really----it is not all that easy to know the conditions there over time---
there have been HUGE shifts in the ecological systems-------

solomon did what? solomon never did anything on his own---bugs and
birds and angels helped... ants provided the inspiration
I'm not allowed to post a Link, yet.


well... let's try to point at it....

search for this video at YouTube...

Ron Wyatt - The Red Sea Crossing

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