Evidence of White Supremacy in the United States of America

This will be the thread where I post proof of white supremacy in the good ole' US of A.

Hint: It's rampant. It's a big problem, that will be solved.

White supremacy will be toppled, dismantled and ultimately destroyed.

Thanks to Republicans, there's one less white supremacist in power today.

But your OP suggested the thread would be about the single issue. If your intent was to discuss various cases or events you might have made that clear. Either way, carry on.
I reread it, it doesn't suggest one singular issue or event.

Learn to read oTare.
The thread title literally claims that whites are supreme and the poster has evidence to prove it.

I’m pretty sure this is not what Malcolm-XLax intended. But I do feel sorry that he feels so inferior. He kind of is inferior, but it’s not because of race.
More evidence:

Racist white judge jails black children for absolutely no reason at all....
  1. Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge.
  2. How Did Judge Donna Scott Davenport's Actions Not Raise Alarms Sooner?
  3. Lawmakers issue resolution to remove Judge Donna Scott Davenport
  4. Judge Donna Scott Davenport announces retirement from Rutherford County’s juvenile court |
As you can see, she got her just desserts. Actually, she didn't really get the proper retribution for such a crime, but getting her off the bench is a good start.
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But your OP suggested the thread would be about the single issue. If your intent was to discuss various cases or events you might have made that clear. Either way, carry on.
The issue is white supremacy. That subject can't be discussed with only one video, or one short comment. Have you ever tried to discuss a broad subject with some whiny little bitch complaining there is too much information?
The thread title literally claims that whites are supreme and the poster has evidence to prove it.

I’m pretty sure this is not what Malcolm-XLax intended. But I do feel sorry that he feels so inferior. He kind of is inferior, but it’s not because of race.

I wondered the śame thing. Why does Marc need to post proof Whites are Supreme? It's very strange.
The issue is white supremacy. That subject can't be discussed with only one video, or one short comment. Have you ever tried to discuss a broad subject with some whiny little bitch complaining there is too much information?

Are you a white supremacist? My guess is you are, even if you don't realize it. :(

So maybe start learning to hate yourself and teach your kids they're evil white racist devils too. Okay. :)
WS is a red herring. When leftists rant about WS what they really mean is that they want to get rid of the constitution and societal norms like delayed gratification, study/work hard, get married, in tact nuclear families, Christianity etc. Like this chart that was posted at the Smithsonian AA museum. These behaviors have nothing to do with race, which is why Chinese, Nigerian, or Indian immigrants come to the USA and do well.
Want to get rid of constitutional and societal norms? Are you really that stupid?
The new Lt. Governor of Virginia just gave a great speech. She came here from Jamaica with nothing, took education seriously, and made something of herself.

Marc would rather whine and blame, instead, and the Democrat party conditions him to whine and blame instead of growing into an adult.
The new Lt. Governor of Virginia just gave a great speech. She came here from Jamaica with nothing, took education seriously, and made something of herself.

Marc would rather whine and blame, instead, and the Democrat party conditions him to whine and blame instead of growing into an adult.

And yet Progressives called her a tool of White Supremacists. I know, you really can't make this shit up.
The issue is white supremacy. That subject can't be discussed with only one video, or one short comment. Have you ever tried to discuss a broad subject with some whiny little bitch complaining there is too much information?
My whole point is that the OP made it seem as if the topic would be the subject writ large, not a bunch of videos (which would not be "proof" of a categorical claim, whether that claim is valid or not).
Want to get rid of constitutional and societal norms? Are you really that stupid?
Jesus Joseph and Mary did you even look at the graph that I posted that was presented by the AA museum. It is literally the entire purpose of Cultural Marxism. Are you people this blind?
When leftists rant about WS what they really mean is that they want to get rid of the constitution and societal norms ......
That's what ALL leftists mean by the term? Always and exclusively? The OP seems pretty left-leaning, why not ask him if that is what he means by it? If that is what ALL leftists mean, then surely he will agree with you (provided he is in fact left-leaning).

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