Evidence supporting AGW

Even the UN knows that AGW is a bunch of hooey.

Meanwhile, his own IPCC has commissioned four models to predict the impact of global warming in this century. The verdict: There's nothing to worry about.

Matt Ridley, writing in the Financial Post, said the models were run to determine "what might happen to the world economy, society and technology in the 21st century and what each would mean for the climate, given a certain assumption about the atmosphere's 'sensitivity' to carbon dioxide."

Ridley, a science and economics writer as well as a member of the British Parliament, added: "Three of the models show a moderate, slow and mild warming, the hottest of which leaves the planet just two degrees Centigrade warmer than today in 2081-2100. The coolest comes out just 0.8 degrees warmer."

Ridley notes that "two degrees is the threshold at which warming starts to turn dangerous, according to the scientific consensus. That is to say, in three of the four scenarios considered by the IPCC, by the time my children's children are elderly, the earth will still not have experienced any harmful warming, let alone catastrophe."

The fourth scenario produces a stifling 3.5 degrees of warming in the 2081-2100 period. But is it worth upsetting ourselves? Ridley assures us it's not. That figure, he says, is "very, very implausible."

Why? Because the researchers fed the model with a lot of garbage — "highly unlikely assumptions," says Ridley — such as a world burning 10 times more coal, a population boom that the U.N. doesn't expect and current growth rates can't produce, and a lack of innovation....

Even The U.N.'s Climate Group Says There's No Need To Worry - Investors.com
Have we identified the mechanism by which 120PPM of CO2 both warmed and acidified the Deep Pacific Ocean?
Matt Ridley

Is a denier fraud who is completely clueless about the science, and who has been caught brazenly lying many times. Not quite as often as Kosh and Frank, but close. Alas, to deniers, fraud and dishonesty are considered resume builders.

Your article provided no evidence to back up Ridley's entirely fabricated claims. But you BELIEVED anyways, since your religion commands you to believe. While you'll embrace anything that reaffirms your cult beliefs, don't expect those outside your cult to fall for such nonsense.

You can, of course, demonstrate Ridley isn't making shit up, again. Just show us the evidence that backs his claims. Do some science.

(HAHAHAHAHA. I just asked a denier to do science, meaning they all just soiled themselves.)
Ridley is trained as a zoologist. When given control of a bank, his decisions led to the first run on a British bank in 150 years. He does not argue against AGW, but simply against doing anything about it. Since this is precisely what the AGW deniers want, the distinction is moot.
And yet still not one post showing that AGW is actual science let alone any proof that it exists other than in an old outdated religious cult.

Honestly, I don't believe you know enough about science to be able to understand it.

What was your favorite physic lab?
You might try first asking him to SPELL S-C-I-E-N-C-E... you know... just to get him warmed up
And yet still not one post showing that AGW is actual science let alone any proof that it exists other than in an old outdated religious cult.

Honestly, I don't believe you know enough about science to be able to understand it.

What was your favorite physic lab?

More proof that the AGW cult is about a religious following than anything to do with actual science.

Still have no proof for your religious beliefs?
You might try first asking him to SPELL S-C-I-E-N-C-E... you know... just to get him warmed up

Wow! More proof that the AGW does hate actual science..

The true anti-science movement resides in the AGW cult!

Yes the AGW cult can not handle being shown that they do not believe in science.
You seem to be incapable of telling the truth, but I know that is simply your choice.

Of all the carbon emitted into the atmosphere each year, 210 billion tons are from natural sources, and only 6.3 billion tons are from man's activity. Man's burning of fossil fuel, therefore only accounts for 3 percent of total emissions of CO2.
You might try first asking him to SPELL S-C-I-E-N-C-E... you know... just to get him warmed up

Have we identified the mechanism by which 120PPM of CO2 both warmed and acidified the Deep Pacific Ocean?



100% of the non-believers have consensus, no proof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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I answered the man's question completely and correctly. What's your gripe?
Have we identified the mechanism by which 120PPM of CO2 both warmed and acidified the Deep Pacific Ocean?



100% of the non-believers have consensus, no proof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The greenhouse effect is the mechanism by which CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation that would otherwise escape into space. The mechanism by which increased CO2 in the atmosphere increases the acidity of the oceans is simply basic chemistry. Atmospheric gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to their partial pressures. As the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increases, the level of CO2 in solution in the ocean also increases. Compounds in solution break into their ionic components and the dissolved CO2 takes up hydrogen from disassociated water molecules to form H2CO3, carbonic acid. This lowers the ocean's pH.

Got it?

BTW, the overwhelming consensus among climate science experts is that warming is taking place and that the dominant cause is greenhouse warming acting on human GHG emissions.
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100% of the non-believers have consensus, no proof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The greenhouse effect is the mechanism by which CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation that would otherwise escape into space. The mechanism by which increased CO2 in the atmosphere increases the acidity of the oceans is simply basic chemistry. Atmospheric gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to their partial pressures. As the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increases, the level of CO2 in solution in the ocean also increases. Compounds in solution break into their ionic components and the dissolved CO2 takes up hydrogen from disassociated water molecules to form H2CO3, carbonic acid. This lowers the ocean's pH.

Got it?

BTW, the overwhelming consensus among climate science experts is that warming is taking place and that the dominant cause is greenhouse warming acting on human GHG emissions.

How much of a reduction in CO2 is required to drop temperatures .5 degrees?

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