Evidence supporting AGW

What are you disputing exactly?

When global atmospheric sulphate emission levelled off, the cooling ceased. Plus we know measurements of solar activity.

I and others are disputing the fact that 120PPM of CO2 drives climate. You have no proof.

Uhh, Ok. What the hell does that have to do with aerosol cooling in the 50's and 60's?

Are you disputing that the effective temperature of emitted radiation goes down with increasing altitude? Are you disputing that CO2 has three IR absorption bands? Are you disputing that Earth would be many degrees cooler without the greenhouse effect? What exactly is your issue with the evidence?

I'm disputing what I already told you. If in the 40s through the 70s CO2 increased, then by your theory the world would have been warming, it wasn't it was cooling. So I use that timeframe as argument that CO2 does not drive climate and that to continue that nonsense for today is proven false based on the readings from back then. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend this? Seems like you are wayyyyyyy too wrapped up in your religion.
I and others are disputing the fact that 120PPM of CO2 drives climate. You have no proof.

Uhh, Ok. What the hell does that have to do with aerosol cooling in the 50's and 60's?

Are you disputing that the effective temperature of emitted radiation goes down with increasing altitude? Are you disputing that CO2 has three IR absorption bands? Are you disputing that Earth would be many degrees cooler without the greenhouse effect? What exactly is your issue with the evidence?

I'm disputing what I already told you. If in the 40s through the 70s CO2 increased, then by your theory the world would have been warming, it wasn't it was cooling. So I use that timeframe as argument that CO2 does not drive climate and that to continue that nonsense for today is proven false based on the readings from back then. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend this? Seems like you are wayyyyyyy too wrapped up in your religion.

Except that in the 40s through 70s the effect of aerosols exceeded that of Co2. The aerosols levelled off in the 70's while the Co2 continued to increase.

You seem to have some serious trouble understanding elementary logical concepts. Perhaps you should contact your local community college about remedial courses.
Uhh, Ok. What the hell does that have to do with aerosol cooling in the 50's and 60's?

Are you disputing that the effective temperature of emitted radiation goes down with increasing altitude? Are you disputing that CO2 has three IR absorption bands? Are you disputing that Earth would be many degrees cooler without the greenhouse effect? What exactly is your issue with the evidence?

I'm disputing what I already told you. If in the 40s through the 70s CO2 increased, then by your theory the world would have been warming, it wasn't it was cooling. So I use that timeframe as argument that CO2 does not drive climate and that to continue that nonsense for today is proven false based on the readings from back then. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend this? Seems like you are wayyyyyyy too wrapped up in your religion.

Except that in the 40s through 70s the effect of aerosols exceeded that of Co2. The aerosols levelled off in the 70's while the Co2 continued to increase.

You seem to have some serious trouble understanding elementary logical concepts. Perhaps you should contact your local community college about remedial courses.

Sure, sure, there is always something that is so to keep you from just admitting what I already know, and that is CO2 is not a sun and cannot increase temperatures. You are just wrong. And I've heard now the oceans ate the heat, so there is always an excuse. tsk, tsk disingenuious. And yet still no proof that CO2 can be sun like.

Oh one more thing, isn't funny that it was thirty years long, and then thirty years of warm and to start in 1998 another cycle, some more aerosols right, nope as I said the oceans ate the heat. hahahaahahahaahahahahaahahaha.......................It's called cycles why not educate yourself a bit.
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Once again the AGW cult pull out the tired old religious dogma.

It is not dogma. It is widely accepted theory.

This viewpoint puts you at odds with very close to every scientist on the planet. How is it that doesn't bother you? And why should anyone believe you? You have not made a case at all that I'm aware of.

CO2's absorption of infrared radiation has been clearly demonstrated in the lab. The greenhouse effect has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, by observation and by fundamental theoretical physics. From Wikipedia's article on the greenhouse effect:

If an ideal thermally conductive blackbody were the same distance from the Sun as the Earth is, it would have a temperature of about 5.3 °C. However, since the Earth reflects about 30% of the incoming sunlight, this idealized planet's effective temperature (the temperature of a blackbody that would emit the same amount of radiation) would be about −18 °C. The surface temperature of this hypothetical planet is 33 °C below Earth's actual surface temperature of approximately 14 °C. The mechanism that produces this difference between the actual surface temperature and the effective temperature is due to the atmosphere and is known as the greenhouse effect.

If you want to reject CO2 warming the planet via the greenhouse effect, you're going to have to find something else to provide that 33C of warming. Do you have something?

Unless you can post a link with datasets and source code that would prove this.

Everyone here is now fully aware that you have been given these datasets and GCM source codes, is fully aware that you continue to pretend you have not and is fully aware that you haven't the faintest idea what to do with the source code or the data. I really think you ought to drop this particular line.

Sorry Crick, no evidence to support CO2 driving climate. zero, none, nadda. You seemingly keep wanting to use models as proof, and that isn't so. Sorry Charlie! or Cricky!

You have no evidence that can show that CO2 can increase temperature, doesn't exist. Find that one and then the discussion will change. Until then, I and all others who have been asking will continue to keep asking especially everytime you post this nonsense.

We list the evidence which clearly shows that CO2 DOES affect climate and you simply repeat your mantra. So, take your nonsense and shove it up your ass.
I'm disputing what I already told you. If in the 40s through the 70s CO2 increased, then by your theory the world would have been warming, it wasn't it was cooling. So I use that timeframe as argument that CO2 does not drive climate and that to continue that nonsense for today is proven false based on the readings from back then. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend this? Seems like you are wayyyyyyy too wrapped up in your religion.

Except that in the 40s through 70s the effect of aerosols exceeded that of Co2. The aerosols levelled off in the 70's while the Co2 continued to increase.

You seem to have some serious trouble understanding elementary logical concepts. Perhaps you should contact your local community college about remedial courses.

Sure, sure, there is always something that is so to keep you from just admitting what I already know, and that is CO2 is not a sun and cannot increase temperatures.

You mean what you already believe. You aren't basing your statements on knowledge. You will respond to any evidence presented against your belief by claiming the evidence is rigged.

You are just wrong. And I've heard now the oceans ate the heat, so there is always an excuse.

What you mean to say there is always a cause.

tsk, tsk disingenuious. And yet still no proof that CO2 can be sun like.

AGW theory doesn't rely on CO2 being "sun like".

Oh one more thing, isn't funny that it was thirty years long, and then thirty years of warm and to start in 1998 another cycle, some more aerosols right, nope as I said the oceans ate the heat. hahahaahahahaahahahahaahahaha.......................It's called cycles why not educate yourself a bit.

"Its called cycles". Wow. That's profound. I would suggest you rush to publish your revelation immediately. The scientific community has never even heard of "cycles", you're sure to when the Nobel prize with your genius!
It is not dogma. It is widely accepted theory.

This viewpoint puts you at odds with very close to every scientist on the planet. How is it that doesn't bother you? And why should anyone believe you? You have not made a case at all that I'm aware of.

CO2's absorption of infrared radiation has been clearly demonstrated in the lab. The greenhouse effect has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, by observation and by fundamental theoretical physics. From Wikipedia's article on the greenhouse effect:

If an ideal thermally conductive blackbody were the same distance from the Sun as the Earth is, it would have a temperature of about 5.3 °C. However, since the Earth reflects about 30% of the incoming sunlight, this idealized planet's effective temperature (the temperature of a blackbody that would emit the same amount of radiation) would be about −18 °C. The surface temperature of this hypothetical planet is 33 °C below Earth's actual surface temperature of approximately 14 °C. The mechanism that produces this difference between the actual surface temperature and the effective temperature is due to the atmosphere and is known as the greenhouse effect.

If you want to reject CO2 warming the planet via the greenhouse effect, you're going to have to find something else to provide that 33C of warming. Do you have something?

Everyone here is now fully aware that you have been given these datasets and GCM source codes, is fully aware that you continue to pretend you have not and is fully aware that you haven't the faintest idea what to do with the source code or the data. I really think you ought to drop this particular line.

Sorry Crick, no evidence to support CO2 driving climate. zero, none, nadda. You seemingly keep wanting to use models as proof, and that isn't so. Sorry Charlie! or Cricky!

You have no evidence that can show that CO2 can increase temperature, doesn't exist. Find that one and then the discussion will change. Until then, I and all others who have been asking will continue to keep asking especially everytime you post this nonsense.

We list the evidence which clearly shows that CO2 DOES affect climate and you simply repeat your mantra. So, take your nonsense and shove it up your ass.

A computer model is not EVIDENCE

When you avoid the lab, we have to wonder what you're hiding
Deniers, remember the science?

Of course you don't. You've never been introduced.


"Remember the Tree Rings! LOL"
We list the evidence which clearly shows that CO2 DOES affect climate and you simply repeat your mantra. So, take your nonsense and shove it up your ass.

A computer model is not EVIDENCE

When you avoid the lab, we have to wonder what you're hiding

Does this look like a computer model? Does this look like the product of someone avoiding the lab? Do you look like an exceptionally complete idiot?



I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?
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Look at the chart and answer the following question (Multiple Choice)

How much of a temperature increased is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2

A. Donuts
B. I saved 15% by switching to Geico
C. Chart does not provide the information requested
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I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?

Looks like you didn't answer the question

Look at the chart and answer the following question (Multiple Choice)

How much of an increase temperature increased is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2

A. Donuts
B. I saved 15% by switching to Geico
C. Chart does not provide the information requested

No. Admit that this is not a computer model and that it was produced in a lab. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and is responsible for almost every bit of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years.

Look at the chart and answer the following question (Multiple Choice)

How much of an increase temperature increased is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2

A. Donuts
B. I saved 15% by switching to Geico
C. Chart does not provide the information requested

No. Admit that this is not a computer model and that it was produced in a lab. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and is responsible for almost every bit of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years.

CO2 absorbs infrared, hmmkay

CO2 responsible for almost every bit of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years, not supported by the chart

You mean the same area of the spectrum also covered by H2O?
I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?

Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?
I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?

Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.
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I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?

Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

is it hotter than it came in?
Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

is it hotter than it came in?


The above chart shows:

A. Both CO2 and H2O absorb infrared radiation
B. You can save 15% from switching to geico
C. Western Civilization must be destroyed
D. A 120PPM increase in CO2 has no measurable effct on temperature, er I mean a 120PPM increase in CO2 will melt the ice caps!

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