Evidence supporting AGW

Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

is it hotter than it came in?

The emitted radiation is colder because it is emitted higher in the atmosphere where the gas is colder.
The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

is it hotter than it came in?

The emitted radiation is colder because it is emitted higher in the atmosphere where the gas is colder.

then how is it you claim CO2 drives temperatures warmer? How does it do that if it is colder higher in the atmosphere?
The emitted radiation is colder because it is emitted higher in the atmosphere where the gas is colder.

then how is it you claim CO2 drives temperatures warmer? How does it do that if it is colder higher in the atmosphere?

Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

So how can the earth be warmer than what the sun's heat provides?

Cause at night when the sun is gone, the temperatures go down and only clouds hold in the heat.
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then how is it you claim CO2 drives temperatures warmer? How does it do that if it is colder higher in the atmosphere?

Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

So how can the earth be warmer than what the sun's heat provides?

If you make the optically thick layer higher in altitude -the radiation leaves the system at a slower rate - but the incoming solar radiation is the same. The temperature of the system has to rise to the point that the radiation escapes the optically thick layer at the same rate it enters it.

Cause at night when the sun is gone, the temperatures go down and only clouds hold in the heat.

If that were true it would be near absolute zero at night time with no clouds.
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then how is it you claim CO2 drives temperatures warmer? How does it do that if it is colder higher in the atmosphere?

Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

These answers are PRICELESS!

So I was sitting here reading all of this yesterday and it finally hit me, what these folks are trying to say is CO2 is hotter than the sun. In other words, the sun heats up the surface and then CO2 adds heat, which now makes it hotter than the sun. How is that possible? How can the CO2 make the waves hotter than they came in? And now this gent is telling me it's cooling it. now I'm thoroughly confused at what they think. I'm telling ya.
Wow. Tell us - and please be honest - what was the last science-oriented class you passed?
Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

So how can the earth be warmer than what the sun's heat provides?

If you make the optically thick layer higher in altitude -the radiation leaves the system at a slower rate - but the incoming solar radiation is the same. The temperature of the system has to rise to the point that the radiation escapes the optically thick layer at the same rate it enters it.

Cause at night when the sun is gone, the temperatures go down and only clouds hold in the heat.

If that were true it would be near absolute zero at night time with no clouds.

Well in Chicago it is 84 degrees during the day and 59 at night unless there are clouds. So how is that possible?
Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

These answers are PRICELESS!

So I was sitting here reading all of this yesterday and it finally hit me, what these folks are trying to say is CO2 is hotter than the sun. In other words, the sun heats up the surface and then CO2 adds heat, which now makes it hotter than the sun. How is that possible? How can the CO2 make the waves hotter than they came in? And now this gent is telling me it's cooling it. now I'm thoroughly confused at what they think. I'm telling ya.


It's physically impossible. They point to Venus and say there's an example of "run away Greenhouse" but forget to mention atmospheric pressure.

It's amazing that will unquestioningly believe ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING they are told.

It's a Cult and a scary, End of Days Death Obsessed one at that
Wow. Tell us - and please be honest - what was the last science-oriented class you passed?

I'm still waiting on your experiment. See I don't need to take further science classes, I just need you to prove 120 PPM of CO2 can drive temperature. You've failed. so you should perhaps go back to school.

Also how something that absorbs heat can be hotter than what it absorbed. I'd really like to see that experiment.
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So how can the earth be warmer than what the sun's heat provides?

If you make the optically thick layer higher in altitude -the radiation leaves the system at a slower rate - but the incoming solar radiation is the same. The temperature of the system has to rise to the point that the radiation escapes the optically thick layer at the same rate it enters it.

Cause at night when the sun is gone, the temperatures go down and only clouds hold in the heat.

If that were true it would be near absolute zero at night time with no clouds.

Well in Chicago it is 84 degrees during the day and 59 at night unless there are clouds. So how is that possible?

The greenhouse effect. Without it it would be near absolute zero, especially on a moonless night. Just look at the surface of Mercury. Its like -150 centigrade at night.

Clouds actually reflect radiation back into space.

Look at the chart and answer the following question (Multiple Choice)

How much of an increase temperature increased is caused by a 120PPM increase in CO2

A. Donuts
B. I saved 15% by switching to Geico
C. Chart does not provide the information requested

No. Admit that this is not a computer model and that it was produced in a lab. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and is responsible for almost every bit of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years.

Ummmm, because that is not a fact, and your whole religion is based on science fiction....kind of like scientology....
I copied the URL from the wrong level of Google's image search. The image in the post below it is the reference.

Does it look like a computer model to you?

Do you think producing it didn't require a lab?

Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

So, we KNOW that ocean temperature increases are what drive atmospheric temperatures. We also know that UV radiation can penetrate meters deep into the oceans to warm them. We also KNOW that long wave IR radiation can only penetrate MICRONS into the oceans.

So....how exactly is the "backradiation" going to raise temps when it can't penetrate deep enough into the oceans to actually warm them?:eusa_whistle:
If you make the optically thick layer higher in altitude -the radiation leaves the system at a slower rate - but the incoming solar radiation is the same. The temperature of the system has to rise to the point that the radiation escapes the optically thick layer at the same rate it enters it.

If that were true it would be near absolute zero at night time with no clouds.

Well in Chicago it is 84 degrees during the day and 59 at night unless there are clouds. So how is that possible?

The greenhouse effect. Without it it would be near absolute zero, especially on a moonless night. Just look at the surface of Mercury. Its like -150 centigrade at night.

Clouds actually reflect radiation back into space.

Right, see I understand that energy is stored, what I can't wrap my hands around is how something gets hotter than what it absorbed.
Colder radiation carries energy away from the atmosphere at a slower rate.

So how can the earth be warmer than what the sun's heat provides?

If you make the optically thick layer higher in altitude -the radiation leaves the system at a slower rate - but the incoming solar radiation is the same. The temperature of the system has to rise to the point that the radiation escapes the optically thick layer at the same rate it enters it.

Cause at night when the sun is gone, the temperatures go down and only clouds hold in the heat.

If that were true it would be near absolute zero at night time with no clouds.

If that were true then the atmosphere would be warmer...only it isn't...
Let me ask different questions, if the absorbed infrared waves are released how much is released toward the surface and what is released back into space?

Is it hotter than what was absorbed? So if it absorbed 100 degrees, wouldn't it release at 100 degrees?

The emission is isotropic. The radiation diffuses outwards until the remaining atmosphere is no longer optically thick.

The temperature of emission from optically thick media depends on the temperature of the gas. It is cooler higher in the atmosphere.

So, we KNOW that ocean temperature increases are what drive atmospheric temperatures. We also know that UV radiation can penetrate meters deep into the oceans to warm them. We also KNOW that long wave IR radiation can only penetrate MICRONS into the oceans.

So....how exactly is the "backradiation" going to raise temps when it can't penetrate deep enough into the oceans to actually warm them?:eusa_whistle:

Um, DENIER!!!!


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