Evidence that global warming IS happening

1) The temperature record

Which one? The original one? The CRU altered one? The GISS altered one? The ACTUAL one?

I don't want to believe that scientist don't want to advance science anymore. Destroying the temperature record by altering would be just that.

You have seen ample evidence of just that. Like it or not, some climate scientists are willing to alter the record in order to gain money, fame, and political power.
5) The continuing radiative imbalance at the top of the Earth's atmosphere.

Do you have a link to the current levels.

Yeah, I gave him a link. Of course he won't be providing it because it shows that the outgoing LW is increasing, contrary to the model predictions. No tropospheric hot spot....no decreased OLR, no temperature increase for 17 years....these guys get more pathetic every day.
Now you need some actual evidence that humans are responsible.....good luck with that. Decades of skeptics asking for the evidence and still none has been produced....maybe you have a model you would like to offer up.
Since we all know that no actual evidence of man's responsibility for the changing global climate will be forthcoming...maybe some sort of evidence that anything in the present climate is unprecedented....or maybe outside the boundries of natural variability....got anything like that? We both know that once again, the answer is no..

What you have is coincidental corrobrative evidence and a hysterical streak a foot wide running up your back.

Are you pretending to be really, really stupid for some reason?

Virtually every molecule of CO2 above 280 ppm originates from fossil fuel combustion. That happens to agree with simple bookkeeping tallying up the amount of CO2 produced by the amount of fossil fuels that humans have burned over that time period.

Where the fuck do you get the idea there's any shortage of evidence in this regard?
7) Rising sea levels

Which, once again, began rising when CO2 levels were "safe" and have since slowed down.


Physic equations that show co2, water vapor and methane are green house gases ;)

Who's physical effects have yet to be observed in the physical world. That they are indeed GHG's is not in doubt. How they effect the atmosphere and global temperatures is however.

So you're rejecting the Greenhouse Effect. Can't say I'm real surprised, Per-fesser.
Oh stop already. I've already put up several times that the IPCC and the Met Office and others have all agreed that the warming trend has stalled for 17 years now.

You just make yourself look foolish trying to negate what your own AGW High Priests have reluctantly concluded.
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1) The temperature record

Which one? The original one? The CRU altered one? The GISS altered one? The ACTUAL one?

Do you really want to argue that the world has not gotten warmer? Don't you realize what a whack job that makes you look?

Yes, I will happily argue WHEN the world got warmer.....and cooler. You.....not so much. Facts contradict your closely held religious beliefs.
Physic equations that show co2, water vapor and methane are green house gases ;)

Who's physical effects have yet to be observed in the physical world. That they are indeed GHG's is not in doubt. How they effect the atmosphere and global temperatures is however.

So you're rejecting the Greenhouse Effect. Can't say I'm real surprised, Per-fesser.

Where did I say that? I'm going to neg you for misrepresenting what I stated. Now go back and read what I said and tell us what that means.
Yet, for the 100 millionth time, global warming is real, MAN MADE global warming is not.

Get it through your fucking thick liberal skulls.

By blaming humans, the world governments have a free run on all sorts of green scams, that brings in hundreds of millions of dollars.

You stupid morons who cannot get past all of the cliches.

BIG OIL BIG OIL BIG OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


omg, it's not like GLOBULL WARNING had never happened before on the planet earth

can you take this people serious? not unless you're a sheep easily led
Virtually every molecule of CO2 above 280 ppm originates from fossil fuel combustion

Inspected them all, did ya?

Actually, you're wrong. All the molecules below 280 ppm originate from burning fossil fuels. They switched places with the "clean" CO2 last month after half-time.
1) The temperature record

Which is an eye blink of the overall history of the Earth. It's absolutely ridiculous to think that you can draw any reasonable conclusion about the grand scheme of geological activity from a 125 temperature record.

If Charles Darwin thought like you all, he would have never been able to fathom the theory of evolution. Because hey, the past 125 years tell us everything we need to know about what's going to happen next.

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