Evil As An Element Of Politics

Let's not reach for the low-hanging fruit, and claim that the two are synonyms. The fence-sitters notwithstanding, they aren't.

1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

2. Central to the term 'politics' and the defining characteristic as far as 'evil' in involved, is how the aim of governance is achieved. Is it based on informed decisions of the governed, or by force and coercion?
Is governance aimed to improve the life of the individual, or of the collective, as represented by government itself.
For context:

a. America was founded on these principles: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states:
“ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

c. In the Leftist sort of governance, it flexes its muscle by shackling the individual via regulations and taxation. While some level of these are necessary, at some point they become onerous....and evil.

Under Leftist plans, there seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:
Rule no.1: Always try to expand;
Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115

3.Here....the birth of Leftist governance: As set forth during the French Revolution, once government decides on 'truth,' or 'the general will,' any individual who doesn't come on board should be put to death, or punished in a severe way. This is the Leftist view writ large.

It is the premise of all Leftist schemes: Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, and Progressivism.

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety").

This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

4. "Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred. A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. "http://www.worldmag.com/articles/16873

When evil is associated with politics,.....it is from the Left.
You truly are a great fiction writer! So much bovine excrement matter pours from your hands, mouth.

You forgot to include any aspect of my posts that is not 100% true, accurate and correct.

Hence, inadvertently, you have verified all.

Only a dunce would take that position. All of your posts and fake information is bovine.

Gee....I schooled you earlier, pointing out that you were unable to find a single thing in my posts that you could refute.....

...and you've gone and done it again!

How to label you that wouldn't be an insult to the bottom of the barrel???
To be real scum call me political chic. Don't get much lower than that!!!!

Now, now, ExLaxMan......
Gee....I schooled you earlier, pointing out that you were unable to find a single thing in my posts that you could refute.....

...and you've gone and done it a third time!

It really irks fools like you when I point out that you are unable to dispute any of my 100% correct posts.

Won't be the last time.
Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
The Democratic Party was started in 1828, is that when you want to turn the clock back to? There was slavery before there were Democrats, is that what you don't want in your utopia?
Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
The Democratic Party was started in 1828, is that when you want to turn the clock back to? There was slavery before there were Democrats, is that what you don't want in your utopia?
There was indentured servitude of whites long before blacks showed up on the shores of North America. Then later came the blacks who were either killed in Africa or sold into slavery by the winning black tribe. But it took a black man to turn the servants into slaves, but then again, who gives a shit when blacks do it to blacks. Right?

Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
The Democratic Party was started in 1828, is that when you want to turn the clock back to? There was slavery before there were Democrats, is that what you don't want in your utopia?
There was indentured servitude of whites long before blacks showed up on the shores of North America. Then later came the blacks who were either killed in Africa or sold into slavery by the winning black tribe. But it took a black man to turn the servants into slaves, but then again, who gives a shit when blacks do it to blacks. Right?
So you want to go back to a time of indentured servitude of whites but before blacks showed up?

I'm getting the feeling that you have an idealized vision of what you want America to get back to when in fact that America never existed.
Go back to the limited government where each person was responsible for each persons actions. That the rational that everyone in the United States is too stupid to take care of themselves, then Uncle Sugar should be there to give them what they need has been nothing but a failure of epic proportions. Stop the government from being a nanny state and make people have to rely on their own God given gifts to succeed. That would not only make America a powerhouse in the industrial sector but put more people out of poverty which was supposed to be what the War on Poverty was all about.
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
The Democratic Party was started in 1828, is that when you want to turn the clock back to? There was slavery before there were Democrats, is that what you don't want in your utopia?
There was indentured servitude of whites long before blacks showed up on the shores of North America. Then later came the blacks who were either killed in Africa or sold into slavery by the winning black tribe. But it took a black man to turn the servants into slaves, but then again, who gives a shit when blacks do it to blacks. Right?
So you want to go back to a time of indentured servitude of whites but before blacks showed up?

I'm getting the feeling that you have an idealized vision of what you want America to get back to when in fact that America never existed.
I am pointing out your lack of knowledge of history and who created slavery in North America(British rule).
You sound like you want to turn the clock back since that how this country was when it began. How far back is enough?
Well if we could go back to the original intent without the Southern White Democrats, then everyone would be able to achieve their own personal happiness, and no miserable liberals around to fuck with US. That would be a God given blessing.
The Democratic Party was started in 1828, is that when you want to turn the clock back to? There was slavery before there were Democrats, is that what you don't want in your utopia?
There was indentured servitude of whites long before blacks showed up on the shores of North America. Then later came the blacks who were either killed in Africa or sold into slavery by the winning black tribe. But it took a black man to turn the servants into slaves, but then again, who gives a shit when blacks do it to blacks. Right?
So you want to go back to a time of indentured servitude of whites but before blacks showed up?

I'm getting the feeling that you have an idealized vision of what you want America to get back to when in fact that America never existed.
I am pointing out your lack of knowledge of history and who created slavery in North America(British rule).
Seems to me you are dodging the questions. Are you saying I was wrong and there was no slavery before there were Democrats? Actually it doesn't matter either way. The question remains as to when America went off the rails? For extra credit: Why did it veer off course?

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