Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

You reject the Bible based on an assumption that the Bible is a myth. You are only lying to yourself.

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
(2 Peter 3:5)

Prove to me that the bible isn't just myths, but without simply quoting it.

No one has proved to you that you evolved from a banana or a rock, yet you believe in evolutionism. You just simply believe in evolutionism because you want to. It gives you a convenient excuse to continue living a sinful lifestyle. In fact, you and millions of other humans are performing a validation of the Bible each day.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
(Romans 1:25)

You see, in science, you have a hypothesis which provides your statement of what you think is true. From that you test that hypothesis to see if it is indeed true or not. Therefore, one must quote the Bible, because the Bible provides the framework for the hypothesis.

Prophetically, the Bible has met every prophecy it has made with pinpoint accuracy.

Historically, the Bible is the most scrutinized book in history and yet it continues to prove itself correct time and time again. Why do you think the Muslims stopped the Jews from archeological digs around the temple mount.

Scientifically, the Bible states that there are paths to the sea (Psalm 8) and sure enough this is true. The Bible also states that "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11). Up until ~120 years ago, the practice of "blood letting" was considered "science" and as a result, many people died. The Bible states in Leviticus 15:13 "And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean." It was not until years after the death of Ignaz Semmelweis that the medical world would accept the concept set forth by the Bible. Sadly, Mr. Ignaz Semmelweis was committed to an insane asylum after trying so hard to prove to the "scientific community" of proper hand washing procedures. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the doctors refused to accept his recommended practices which were found to cut the death rate from 30% to 1%. Got to love the "scientific community" which is far from open minded. Jonah 2:6 speaks of mountains on the ocean's floor yet it was not until recently that "modern science" discovered this to be true. In Genesis 17:12, Moses conveys God's instruction for every man child to be circumcised at eight days old. According to medical science, the eight day is the only day in a humans life that the prothrombin is above 100%. Moses certainly didn't learn this from the secular Egyptian "scientists".

I could go on and on, but it is not proof that you need. The "scientists" in Semmelweis' day had plenty of proof. They just were "offended" at the truth and found it highly inconvenient at the cost of tremendous human life. What you need is a change of heart.

But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
(John 20:24-29)

Nobody can prove that we evolved from a banana or a rock, because we didn't. And proving the bible is real by quoting it means you have nothing. Mountains under water? A fucking 5 year old could have deduced that, you see mountains on land next to water, it only makes sense that the mountains continue under water.
Circumcision? Not necessary and just genital mutilation, like we try to stop Africans from doing to their women.
Jesus coming back? No proof, just a made up story.
But the main thing is that the bible has nothing to do with a potential creator, because seriously, the concept of a god punishing people for not following a book is totally dumb.
I can show you a human being. I can give all of his measurements and you can use that objective evidence to arrive at valid conclusions as to his ability to flap his arms and fly. Show me your evidence about God.

If you define an Atheist as someone who lacks beliefs about God, then you are not an Atheist.

As some atheist put it, it's not for theists to define what atheists are. An atheist is quite simply someone who does not include God on the list of things he believes in. That is not a belief system.

An atheist does not have to produce an argument for why he doesn't believe in God beyond simply pointing out that there is no actual tangible evidence for the existence of God.

Why atheists are so reviled for not believing in God is not their fault. If an atheist believes in no God, and a Christian believes in one, why would the Christian have the high ground by any measure?

What of the religions that believe in many gods? Should they revile Christians for being selective believers,

while denying the existence of the other gods of those other religions?

I'm not defining what an Atheist is. I am just saying that you don't meet your definition.

To use your analogy, just because you define a human being as an animal which can flap its arms and fly does not mean you can do it. If just means your definition is wrong.

There is a false premise at work all throughout this and that is that an atheist cannot acknowledge that there might be supernatural beings,

because if he does he automatically becomes an agnostic,

the implication being that 'atheist' and 'agnostic' are mutually exclusive.
It clearly shows......

that is your profession of faith.....

You're confusing faith with deductive logic. I'm NOT just taking someone's word, I'm using my brain to examine the evidence. If that's not a way to truth, IMO, you're saying God lies to us and we cannot believe the evidence of our senses.

no, not at all....I'm saying you're lying to yourself about the evidence of your senses.....
You're confusing faith with deductive logic. I'm NOT just taking someone's word, I'm using my brain to examine the evidence. If that's not a way to truth, IMO, you're saying God lies to us and we cannot believe the evidence of our senses.

What evidence are you basing your observation on and what conclusions are you drawing from that evidence? Could you please list them out for me.

DNA and fossils, you know, the evidence you ignore and pretend doesn't exist. IMO, it's blasphemous that you would treat the brain God gave you that way. He may be the Creator, but evolution is the agency of His creation. Beyond "let there be light"(The Big Bang), Genesis is an allegory written down by men who didn't understand the intricacies of science that we do today.
but DNA and fossils are evidence of God's creation....unless you have some proof you haven't mentioned.....
Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you implying that you've looked at both sides of the issue and made a rational decision? I suspect you are just accusing your foes of doing exactly what you do.

Either way it's an easy accusation to make but hard to prove. Do you have any evidence to share or are you blithely violating the commandment against bearing false witness?

I am stating that those believing in evolutionism are doing so in blind faith. There is no evidence that evolutionism is true. Evolutionism is like any other other religious cult. Those high up in the ranks are just playing the shell game because they know they don't have the truth, while the underlings blindly accept what the "scientists" present them without verifying it for themselves or are just too afraid to point out that the king is indeed naked.

NO EVIDENCE!!! There is a boatload of evidence from biology and geology. You may not find it convincing because you refuse verify it for yourself and blindly accept what you've been told about science by non-scientists.

Verify this evidence for yourself: Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you prove to me that something is a vestige of a previous ancestor and not just the way God created the creature?.....
Why atheists are so reviled for not believing in God

atheists aren't reviled for not believing in God...they are reviled for being assholes who file law suits all the time.......

You call them irrational for not believing in God.

well no....and everyone reading this forum except you is already aware of that.....for some reason you aren't bright enough to understand that even though its been explained to you several times.....I suspect the reason you can't is that you're an atheist......they don't tend to be the brightest......
As some atheist put it, it's not for theists to define what atheists are. An atheist is quite simply someone who does not include God on the list of things he believes in. That is not a belief system.

An atheist does not have to produce an argument for why he doesn't believe in God beyond simply pointing out that there is no actual tangible evidence for the existence of God.

Why atheists are so reviled for not believing in God is not their fault. If an atheist believes in no God, and a Christian believes in one, why would the Christian have the high ground by any measure?

What of the religions that believe in many gods? Should they revile Christians for being selective believers,

while denying the existence of the other gods of those other religions?

I'm not defining what an Atheist is. I am just saying that you don't meet your definition.

To use your analogy, just because you define a human being as an animal which can flap its arms and fly does not mean you can do it. If just means your definition is wrong.

There is a false premise at work all throughout this and that is that an atheist cannot acknowledge that there might be supernatural beings,

because if he does he automatically becomes an agnostic,

the implication being that 'atheist' and 'agnostic' are mutually exclusive.

No, the false premise is that an Atheist lacks beliefs. In the absence of evidence (and I have yet to see any evidence) any position is a belief. The only non-belief based position which one can have without evidence is neutrality. You have stated that you are not neutral. Therefore, you do not lack beliefs. So either the definition is wrong or you are not an Atheist.

You logic runs thus: An Atheist lacks beliefs. I am an Atheist. Therefore, I lack beliefs. But the same logic can state: A human can fly by flapping his arms. I am a human. Therefore, I can flap my arms and fly.

I don't dispute the logic, but I certainly dispute the initial premise.
The story has been told of a person who went back to his university professor many years after completing his degree in Economics. He asked to look at the test questions they were now using. He was surprised to see that they were virtually the same questions he was asked when he was a student. The lecturer then said that although the questions were the same the answers are were entirely different!

I once debated with a geology professor from an American University on a radio program. He said that evolution was real science because evolutionists were prepared to continually change their theories as they found new data. He said that creation was not science because a creationist's views were set by the Bible and, therefore, were not subject to change.

I answered, "The reason scientific theories change is because we don't know everything, isn't it? We don't have all the evidence."
"Yes, that's right," he said.
I replied, "But, we will never know everything."
"That's true," he answered.
I then stated, "We will always continue to find new evidence."
"Quite correct," he said. I replied, "That means we can't be sure about anything."
"Right," he said.
"That means we can't be sure about evolution."
"Oh, no! Evolution is a fact," he blurted out. He was caught by his own logic. He was demonstrating how his view was determined by his bias.

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But the beliefs that these models are built on are not.

The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is Religion

Non-sense! Adaptation has been proven in many species. It is illogical to assert that what is true for some species isn't true for others, in this context. The strongest and fastest and smartest, in nature, are the one's that get to mate, eat, hold territory, etc..., and the slowest and weakest and dumbest, do not. This is but one example of adaptation. The white moth that necessarily turned black due to all the soot during the Industrial Revolution in England, is but another.

Interesting to note....that humans, mostly western (modern) humans, are now largely living OUTSIDE of nature, in that the slowest, weakest and dumbest are not only allowed to survive and breed, but are rewarded for doing so by way of welfare and other forms of unnatural support.....in this way, our gene pool is NOT a function of adaptation, and is NOT improving, but instead stagnation, perversion and atrophy (so to speak). This explains a great deal about our current condition. Res Ipsa Loquitur.
Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am stating that those believing in evolutionism are doing so in blind faith. There is no evidence that evolutionism is true. Evolutionism is like any other other religious cult. Those high up in the ranks are just playing the shell game because they know they don't have the truth, while the underlings blindly accept what the "scientists" present them without verifying it for themselves or are just too afraid to point out that the king is indeed naked.

NO EVIDENCE!!! There is a boatload of evidence from biology and geology. You may not find it convincing because you refuse verify it for yourself and blindly accept what you've been told about science by non-scientists.

Verify this evidence for yourself: Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you prove to me that something is a vestige of a previous ancestor and not just the way God created the creature?.....

That is the absolute weakest argument possible but of course there is no refuting it. If you're OK with a God who designs junk into his creations. Junk that, somehow fits right into the theory of common descent, that's up to you. I would prefer my omnipotent being to be neither stupid nor deceiptful.
The story has been told of a person who went back to his university professor many years after completing his degree in Economics. He asked to look at the test questions they were now using. He was surprised to see that they were virtually the same questions he was asked when he was a student. The lecturer then said that although the questions were the same the answers are were entirely different!

I once debated with a geology professor from an American University on a radio program. He said that evolution was real science because evolutionists were prepared to continually change their theories as they found new data. He said that creation was not science because a creationist's views were set by the Bible and, therefore, were not subject to change.

I answered, "The reason scientific theories change is because we don't know everything, isn't it? We don't have all the evidence."
"Yes, that's right," he said.
I replied, "But, we will never know everything."
"That's true," he answered.
I then stated, "We will always continue to find new evidence."
"Quite correct," he said. I replied, "That means we can't be sure about anything."
"Right," he said.
"That means we can't be sure about evolution."
"Oh, no! Evolution is a fact," he blurted out. He was caught by his own logic. He was demonstrating how his view was determined by his bias.

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But the beliefs that these models are built on are not.

The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is Religion

Non-sense! Adaptation has been proven in many species. It is illogical to assert that what is true for some species isn't true for others, in this context. The strongest and fastest and smartest, in nature, are the one's that get to mate, eat, hold territory, etc..., and the slowest and weakest and dumbest, do not. This is but one example of adaptation. The white moth that necessarily turned black due to all the soot during the Industrial Revolution in England, is but another.

Interesting to note....that humans, mostly western (modern) humans, are now largely living OUTSIDE of nature, in that the slowest, weakest and dumbest are not only allowed to survive and breed, but are rewarded for doing so by way of welfare and other forms of unnatural support.....in this way, our gene pool is NOT a function of adaptation, and is NOT improving, but instead stagnation, perversion and atrophy (so to speak). This explains a great deal about our current condition. Res Ipsa Loquitur.

interesting theory.....does that explain the recent rise in the number of atheists?.....
Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NO EVIDENCE!!! There is a boatload of evidence from biology and geology. You may not find it convincing because you refuse verify it for yourself and blindly accept what you've been told about science by non-scientists.

Verify this evidence for yourself: Vestigiality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you prove to me that something is a vestige of a previous ancestor and not just the way God created the creature?.....

That is the absolute weakest argument possible but of course there is no refuting it. If you're OK with a God who designs junk into his creations. Junk that, somehow fits right into the theory of common descent, that's up to you. I would prefer my omnipotent being to be neither stupid nor deceiptful.

???....asking you to prove your claim is a weak argument?.....even when you can't?.....
can you prove to me that something is a vestige of a previous ancestor and not just the way God created the creature?.....

That is the absolute weakest argument possible but of course there is no refuting it. If you're OK with a God who designs junk into his creations. Junk that, somehow fits right into the theory of common descent, that's up to you. I would prefer my omnipotent being to be neither stupid nor deceiptful.

???....asking you to prove your claim is a weak argument?.....even when you can't?.....

I made no claim, I merely presented evidence that fits into evolution and seems to raise questions about creationism. Saying maybe God did it is the weakest argument possible for anything. It's like me saying Zeus or ET did it. Impossible to prove it didn't happen that way but there is no evidence for it and it flys in the face of evidence against it.

I'll take your non-response as admission that you're OK with a God who designs junk into his creations or is deceiptful.
I don't reject the Bible.
Love thy neighbor, take care of your body, do not judge, treat everyone the same, forgive and forget.
Those are great things.
Most Christians ignore them most of the time.
Persecute gays, never forgive and judge thy neighbor.
And jump on the anti science bandwagon because of a lack of real faith.
That is the absolute weakest argument possible but of course there is no refuting it. If you're OK with a God who designs junk into his creations. Junk that, somehow fits right into the theory of common descent, that's up to you. I would prefer my omnipotent being to be neither stupid nor deceiptful.

???....asking you to prove your claim is a weak argument?.....even when you can't?.....

I made no claim, I merely presented evidence that fits into evolution and seems to raise questions about creationism.

you claimed vestiges were evidence.....I asked you to prove it......you ran......deal with it......
???....asking you to prove your claim is a weak argument?.....even when you can't?.....

I made no claim, I merely presented evidence that fits into evolution and seems to raise questions about creationism.

you claimed vestiges were evidence.....I asked you to prove it......you ran......deal with it......

Are you saying vestige features are not evidence? They are. Are they proof of evolution? They are not. You are the one that refuses to deal with it.

Why don't you admit that you put your faith above anything. Including your own eyes.
I made no claim, I merely presented evidence that fits into evolution and seems to raise questions about creationism.

you claimed vestiges were evidence.....I asked you to prove it......you ran......deal with it......

Are you saying vestige features are not evidence? They are. Are they proof of evolution? They are not. You are the one that refuses to deal with it.

Why don't you admit that you put your faith above anything. Including your own eyes.

lol dude.....vestiges are evidence of what?......because of your faith, which you put before your own eyes you believe them to be evidence of evolution......"oh, why should whales have bones in their flippers unless they used to be legs"......how about they have bones in their flippers because bones add support and allow them to swim better.......
you claimed vestiges were evidence.....I asked you to prove it......you ran......deal with it......

Are you saying vestige features are not evidence? They are. Are they proof of evolution? They are not. You are the one that refuses to deal with it.

Why don't you admit that you put your faith above anything. Including your own eyes.

lol dude.....vestiges are evidence of what?......because of your faith, which you put before your own eyes you believe them to be evidence of evolution......"oh, why should whales have bones in their flippers unless they used to be legs"......how about they have bones in their flippers because bones add support and allow them to swim better.......

Actually those old hip bones that prove they use to walk on land are now used to support the whales huge penis that can find the female whale's vagina from just about any angle. It is a very large and flexible penis. PBS is doing a whole show on animal sex.

So any questions you have, ask science. They have the answers. Maybe not all the answers but certainly a lot more and better answers than your church has.
I don't reject the Bible.
Love thy neighbor, take care of your body, do not judge, treat everyone the same, forgive and forget.
Those are great things.
Most Christians ignore them most of the time.
Persecute gays, never forgive and judge thy neighbor.
And jump on the anti science bandwagon because of a lack of real faith.

I'm an atheist and I live by those rules too. Funny my one grandmother died and my mom and her sister split everything evenly. Then my other grandmother died and my aunt stole all the money from my dad. She's the biggest bible thumper there is and she takes the bible stories literally too.

Why is she such a hard core christian? Because its a free pass for her evil ass to get into heaven. Doesn't matter she's a thief. We're all sinners, right? Believing in god is all she thinks that matters. So this evil bitch thinks she's going to heaven and my dad who's a good person but doesn't buy into christianity is going to hell? I doubt that.

Oh and my dad isn't really an atheist. He believes like boss that "there has to be something" I try to explain to him there doesn't have to be but he says how could all this be? The world is too perfect he says. We need air, water, two arms, a heart, man & woman, chicken and cows to eat, the sun, etc. He says it's too impossible to think that there is no god. He's so dumb. :eusa_shhh:
I don't reject the Bible.
Love thy neighbor, take care of your body, do not judge, treat everyone the same, forgive and forget.
Those are great things.
Most Christians ignore them most of the time.
Persecute gays, never forgive and judge thy neighbor.
And jump on the anti science bandwagon because of a lack of real faith.

I'm an atheist and I live by those rules too. Funny my one grandmother died and my mom and her sister split everything evenly. Then my other grandmother died and my aunt stole all the money from my dad. She's the biggest bible thumper there is and she takes the bible stories literally too.

Why is she such a hard core christian? Because its a free pass for her evil ass to get into heaven. Doesn't matter she's a thief. We're all sinners, right? Believing in god is all she thinks that matters. So this evil bitch thinks she's going to heaven and my dad who's a good person but doesn't buy into christianity is going to hell? I doubt that.

Oh and my dad isn't really an atheist. He believes like boss that "there has to be something" I try to explain to him there doesn't have to be but he says how could all this be? The world is too perfect he says. We need air, water, two arms, a heart, man & woman, chicken and cows to eat, the sun, etc. He says it's too impossible to think that there is no god. He's so dumb. :eusa_shhh:

Neighbor of mine for 25 years for many years had an ugly ass wife, demanding, stubborn, set in her ways and always complained about a "bad back", would not work and selfish. He remained married to her and attempted to help her as he believed that was his duty as a husband and he gave her the benefit of the doubt. I live in the deep south and have many acres. I live in an area where everyone has at least 10-20 acres. Suburbia sort of as a mall is 5 miles down the road but this used to be rural. Most all of my neighbors are real religious and I am a believer. One 10 acre lot was left on the road undeveloped and it went up for sale. It was over run with kudzu and was an eye sore. Many years back we had an elderly couple with no kids both get cancer at same time. Another woman her husband ran off with another woman and left the 40 year old wife with 4 young kids. One week back then both the elderly folks with cancer had to go to the doctor and had no ride, I had a wood chip lodge in my thigh cutting wood where the kudzu had taken over and a large tree with ice on it fell across the driveway so that the woman with 4 kids could not leave the property during an ice storm where we had no power.
Called all around the neighborhood and the neighbor with the sorry ass wife was the only one to offer 100% assistance.
He cut the tree up with me so the woman with 4 kids could go stay at a relatives house. He helped me take the elderly couple to the Dr., we each took one and when I lodged the wood chip in my thigh I had my cell phone and he took me to the ER.

While drinking a few beers that Saturday night I stated "Thank God that wood chip did not hit me in the face. Thanks for helping me with the Woods to take them to the Dr. Can we say a prayer for them?"
He said "I am an atheist and do not pray"

Few years after that he divorced his wife and married another woman and is a happy man. Gave the first wife what she wanted and found out in the divorce proceedings she had a large trust fund she never told him about and he did not ask for any of it as he believed she needed it for her health care.

Best neighbor I have ever had.
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