EVs are not selling well. Dealers are upset

I picked Toyota since it shows up first.

Believe it or not, Toyota has been working on fuel cell vehicles since 1992. Toyota has been steadfast in developing fuel-cell vehicles—long before many of its counterparts even considered the idea. The Toyota Mirai was among the first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cars to hit the road in 2014.
You need to see a specialist regarding those reading comprehension problems. Those vehicles are built and sold in JAPAN! You can get one for the cheap price of $47,000-$54,000.

Dec. 09, 2020

Toyota Launches the New MiraiA premium car that customers will truly want, achieved in an FCEV​

News Release Models Toyota MIRAI Hydrogen Innovation CASE Electric
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Toyota City, Japan, December 9, 2020―Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) today launched the completely redesigned "Mirai" fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV). The all-new Mirai is available from Toyota vehicle dealers starting December 9.

FCEVs run on hydrogen, a fuel that can be produced from various energy sources and contributes to preservation of the global environment and reinforcing energy security. They are the ultimate eco-cars, offering long cruising ranges with a short refueling time and generating zero emissions. The first-generation Mirai, launched in 2014, was a revolutionary FCEV and a global forerunner in mass production. During the early stages of the Mirai's introduction, there was limited supply capacity, and customers made various requests including a larger seating capacity and longer cruising range.
In response, Toyota set a target for the all-new Mirai to create a "premium car that will make customers think that 'this is a high-quality car that I truly want' immediately upon seeing it, while driving, and after they complete a trip," while maintaining its status as an FCEV.
Hydrogen use has progressed in various forms with the aim of creating a low-carbon and decarbonized economy, and Toyota plans to use new fuel cell (FC) systems that pursue compact size, efficiency, and productivity in the means of mobility that support society including trucks and buses, and contribute to the expanded use of hydrogen.
The new Mirai will serve as a new departure point for creating a hydrogen-based society of the future.

Grades and Prices​

Two grades―the standard G grade and the high-end Z grade―are available. Both grades are equipped with ample and comfortable rear seat space, and the "Executive Package," with enhanced comfort as a luxury vehicle, is available. The "A Package" that includes Toyota Teammate Advanced Park and other features is available for the G grade. Prices for vehicles with Advanced Drive are not yet set.
Price*1 (Japanese yen)
"A Package"7,350,000
"Executive Package"7,550,000
"Executive Package"8,050,000
These batteries can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, that alone surpasses the current lifespan of the average vehicle.

The cost of these batteries can range from $4K to $20K.

The tech is new at the moment, this is not bad nor unreasonable, even compared to current gas cars all things considered.

Are you a fact-based individual or a feelings, rhetoric and ideaology-based individual?

If you got a lot of money to play with? But why pay more for more Hassel? Enjoy you insurance cost. Totaled very easily allegedly.
EVs are still in their infantsy. Of course there are and will be problems to work out. Nobody expects them to be completely worked out right now.
They’ve been around since the 1830’s, how much longer will you continue to believe they are in their infancy?
If you got a lot of money to play with? But why pay more for more Hassel? Enjoy you insurance cost. Totaled very easily allegedly.
$4K to $20 for every 10 to 20 years is cheap when you think about it.
$4K to $20 for every 10 to 20 years is cheap when you think about it.

$100K out the door for a decent Tesla ain't cheap. A $25K Ford Fusion is cheap comparatively. To save $50/mo in gas? Insurance and taxes may eat that up? I don't know?. I got 4CYL gas cars. 30 MPG. EV is not for eveyone too. APT living? Forget it?

Cheap gas used to be everywhere before this zeV push.
$100K out the door for a decent Tesla ain't cheap. A $25K Ford Fusion is cheap comparatively. To save $50/mo in gas? Insurance and taxes may eat that up? I don't know?. I got 4CYL gas cars. 30 MPG. EV is not for eveyone too. APT living? Forget it?

Cheap gas used to be everywhere before this zeV push.
It's good to have a goal, plus they'll go down considerably in 5 years plus.
People also ask

Where does the hydrogen to fuel cars come from?

Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind. These qualities make it an attractive fuel option for transportation and electricity generation applications.

Hydrogen Fuel Basics | Department of Energy

View attachment 844525

Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind.

Why not just use natural gas directly?

These qualities make it an attractive fuel option for transportation and electricity generation applications.

They think using nuclear, wind or solar generated electricity to produce hydrogen makes hydrogen attractive to produce electricity?

Does that make sense to you?
Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic resources, such as natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind.

Why not just use natural gas directly?

These qualities make it an attractive fuel option for transportation and electricity generation applications.

They think using nuclear, wind or solar generated electricity to produce hydrogen makes hydrogen attractive to produce electricity?

Does that make sense to you?
These batteries can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years
Bullshit. At ten years, your lith-ion battery will be shot or on the way out and the labor alone making changing one about a 20K cost NOW. Like buying a new car every 10 years.

, that alone surpasses the current lifespan of the average vehicle.
10-20 years? I have a 35 year old truck now that still looks and runs great. EV cars are disposable cars for the rich, flat out, they cost nearly 50% more than an ICE can just to buy and operate and with massive shortcomings and limitations.
Actually, It's more than that.

I was having an interesting and in-depth conversation about EVs w/an engineer recently and he said something quite striking.

He said that right now we're thinking of cars in terms of a couple 100 thousand miles lifespan, but w/EVs wel'll be thinking about cars in terms of a few million miles lifespan." Said that we're essentially already there and it has to do w/them having fewer parts.
Interesting thought, but that means the body and interior will be trashed long before the drive trane. Perhaps you will be able to buy just those parts, and have the drive trane transferred from your old car.
EVs are still in their infantsy. Of course there are and will be problems to work out. Nobody expects them to be completely worked out right now.
1832 called, they want their talking points back.

They’ve been around since the 1830’s, how much longer will you continue to believe they are in their infancy?
Some were produced back then, but they haven't been a substantial part of the automotive market, or the subject of intense research until recently.

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