Ex-acting CIA director testifies that Biden campaign pressured him to sign a letter claiming Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation"

They are legally already trying to go after him.

Democrats are saying exposing the IRS' / DOJ's attempted cover-up of crimes during their investigation is 'illegally exposing details about an on-going investigation'.

A weak attempt by Democrats. They are more interested in attacking anyone exposing the truth than in justice.
No right to obstruct.
obstruct what? The trump campaign's last minute October surprise?

the N.Y. POST refused to let other media review the laptop contents to verify the story..... That and coming from the untrustworthy Giuliani at the 11th hour was reason to believe something was amiss and being hidden from the public for some nefarious reason.

'Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and revealed that Blinken was "the impetus" of the public statement signed in October 2020 that implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation.'

Evidence has already proven the DOJ knew about Bixen's espuonage / classified scandal before The MIDTERM elections to prote t Biden and Democrats.

Now a 1st-hand-account whistleblower has testified that Blinken and Bixen ibstructed justice / an investigation by having this FAKE letter signed by 50 Intel experts falsely claiming Hu ter's laptop was Russian information.

Gee, who am I going to believe -

A pathogical lying, proven criminal / compromised President who has already engaged in foreign leader extortion in the past to protect his crackhead son...

Or a Democrat ex-CIA member who was encouraged by Blinken to have this fake, perjurous letter created and signed to help keep the truth from the American people to help Biden defeat Trump?

Yeah, I think I am going with evidence / testimony under oath rather than a pathological liar's repeated denials.

"This concerted effort to minimize and suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about the Biden family was a grave disservice to all American citizens’ informed participation in our democracy."


CIA had 'no evidence' Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, says top intel officer during 2020 election

Official says President Biden's allies lacked 'clear and compelling evidence' to claim Russian involvement

12 May 2023 ~~ By Brooke Singman

EXCLUSIVE: A former top intelligence officer with oversight of threats ahead of the 2020 election said the Central Intelligence Agency had "no evidence" at the time that Hunter Biden's laptop had anything to do with a Russian disinformation campaign, despite claims from then-candidate Joe Biden's allies.
Just before the election, 51 former national security officials wrote a public letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." It was signed by former President Obama CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, among others.
However, in an interview with Fox News Digital, former National Intelligence Officer for Cyber Chris Porter said that claims from Biden's supporters "did not reflect" the actual intelligence.
"As the intelligence officer in charge of U.S. intelligence community analysis of foreign threats to U.S. elections in 2020, I was concerned at the time about this letter because it did not reflect our understanding of the threat," Porter told Fox News Digital. "Yes, it looked like the kind of thing Moscow might do, but as our unclassified report to the public later indicated, despite an extensive influence campaign there was no evidence this particular item was Russian disinformation."
"Any politically scandalous information from a nebulous source might be consistent with their sponsorship, but that doesn't make it appropriate for senior officials to throw their weight into domestic politics by insinuation without clear and compelling evidence," he added.
Porter served as a CIA analyst for nearly a decade and worked as one of the most senior cyber intelligence analysts until 2022.
Former U.S. intelligence official Rebekah Koffler told Fox News Digital that it is "well known among former intelligence officers that the process is biased and politicized."
"I’m certain the purpose of the letter was to suppress the information on Hunter Biden’s corruption and to prevent Trump’s presidency, just like with the orchestrated Russia-Trump collusion," Koffler, a former DIA intelligence officer and the author of "Putin's Playbook: Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America," told Fox News Digital. "Look at who has signed this letter and everything will be clear."
The CIA told Fox News Digital that the role of the PCRB "is to review materials submitted by current and former officers to determine if the materials contain any classified information."

Hunter Biden's laptop a treasure trove of corporate documents, emails, text messages, photographs, and voice recordings, spanning a decade, the laptop provided the first evidence that President Joe Biden was involved in his son's ventures in China, Ukraine, and beyond, despite his repeated denials. Yet, with the assistance of the 51 former agency toadies and the biased Quisling Media, all claim it's Russian disinformation.
If multiple people were sent to prison for January 6th, for trying to overturn an election. Then All the Intel officers should be sent to prison for ACTUALLY overturning an election.
The Stasi/FBI and DOJ are criminal organizations protecting the Biden's regime traitorous actions.
Something is grievously wrong with America, if the only way these Intel officers will be prosecuted is if CNN, ABC, CBS, and ABC say they should be prosecuted.
Based upon all the above, we have former acting CIA director Mike Morell revealing he had 50 spies sign a letter saying Hunter Biden laptop scandal was Russian disinformation to help Joe win the presidential election at the behest of Antony Blinken...

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