Ex-Bush spokesman: President used 'propaganda' to push war

Get away with it.. what oversight... yeah, there is something to get away with...
Instead of your people admitting their stupidity you cats are going to poke fun at being held accountable.... Yeah.. thats not very republican of you... While your on the floor laughing btw.. the dems have been stymied by republican BS partisan politics... Consider, will you laughing boy, that, once we gain substantial numbers in both the house and senate combined with a dem president... you wont be much laughing anymore... I however will be... your only hope is that Obama will be a generous man full of mercy.. cause there are many out there like myself who arent....

Ohh so now you are moving the Goal post in hopes you can trick more people to vote for your lying asses? The original statement was simple, give us the House and Senate and we WILL prove all these lies, been over a year now and you are still sucking Hind tit on that claim. In fact you and your buddies now are busy claiming that even with both Houses you can not pass legislation at all. What a fucking HOOT. When you have all 3 you will be busy claiming the Republicans are still to blame, probably right up until the American people get tired of your lies and vote your sorry asses OUT again.
Great timing too, eh?

a mere couple months before the general election??

Standard procedure for a President to do what ever is needed to get us to where they BELIEVE we should be.

That may be an excuse for why Presidents do what they do. However, in no way does that mean lying, cheating and stealing is not lying cheating and stealing. Its exactly why I used the drunk driving example.

Cases are judged on their own merits.

Personally I think its a very poor excuse. I'm not a person who subscribes to "the means always justifies the ends" gobblegook.
I forgot yo mention LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin "incident". Or any of the other just SHOCKING events leading up to other wars we have had.

I think the most important issue at hand is not so much that Bush HIMSELF used deception, it's that, like you yourself are saying, YET ANOTHER president has apparently deceived the public and cost our military more lives.

Shall we continue using the past as justification, like you just tried to flame me for last week in the other thread, or shall we begin to hold our government accountable instead of being afraid we'll look partisan for doing so?

EDIT: Because, I'll tell you right now, I don't give a fuck WHO'S the president, I'm holding them accountable for any wrongdoing. I suspect there certainly ARE many here who would stay mealy-mouthed if a Dem president did this instead of Bush, but all we can at least ask for is the same standards be held for ANY president, regardless of party.
Standard procedure for a President to do what ever is needed to get us to where they BELIEVE we should be.

Standard procedure, huh? It's standard procedure to knowingly decieve the public to get what you want, as POTUS? I don't think so. It's not about what the president WANTS. It's about what the nation NEEDS, and it's about Congress being given all the information they need to make a decision about declaring war. Misleading the people, and misleading Congress is not "standard procedure". That it is done at all, and has been used multiple times, does not make it standard, moral, or legal.
I think the most important issue at hand is not so much that Bush HIMSELF used deception, it's that, like you yourself are saying, YET ANOTHER president has apparently deceived the public and cost our military more lives.

Shall we continue using the past as justification, like you just tried to flame me for last week in the other thread, or shall we begin to hold our government accountable instead of being afraid we'll look partisan for doing so?

EDIT: Because, I'll tell you right now, I don't give a fuck WHO'S the president, I'm holding them accountable for any wrongdoing. I suspect there certainly ARE many here who would stay mealy-mouthed if a Dem president did this instead of Bush, but all we can at least ask for is the same standards be held for ANY president, regardless of party.

Standard procedure, huh? It's standard procedure to knowingly decieve the public to get what you want, as POTUS? I don't think so. It's not about what the president WANTS. It's about what the nation NEEDS, and it's about Congress being given all the information they need to make a decision about declaring war. Misleading the people, and misleading Congress is not "standard procedure". That it is done at all, and has been used multiple times, does not make it standard, moral, or legal.

NO one has yet proven a single lie. IN FACT every commission has stated NO LIES occurred AT ALL. So want to TRY AGAIN? Bush never lied. His Administration never lied. Get over it, it DID NOT HAPPEN. Again for the truly stupid, in order for Bush to have lied, EVERY DAMN COUNTRY we are allied with LIED ALSO. Every major Democrat for 10 years leading up to the Invasion LIED to us as well. Every National Intelligence Agency lied as well. If any of that were actually true we would already know since NONE of them can keep that kind of secret for 6 years. Mush less 15 years.
Great timing too, eh?

a mere couple months before the general election??


And in November the American People will truly get what the desreve when they vote whom ever into office and Congress. And I assure you if it is the Democrats in 4 to 6 years they will once again be OUT on their ears cause they can not accomplish shit. They have had 18 months and have once again proven they are to busy lining their pockets and playing the " it ain't my fault" game to actually accomplish anything for the Country.

I promise you if they push through even more ignorant socialist programs in the next 4 they will face a revolt and it may become a shooting one.
And in November the American People will truly get what the desreve when they vote whom ever into office and Congress. And I assure you if it is the Democrats in 4 to 6 years they will once again be OUT on their ears cause they can not accomplish shit. They have had 18 months and have once again proven they are to busy lining their pockets and playing the " it ain't my fault" game to actually accomplish anything for the Country.

I promise you if they push through even more ignorant socialist programs in the next 4 they will face a revolt and it may become a shooting one.

your post probably ISNT ironic a FACK this side of those phantom WMDs, dude.

bring on your shooting revolt, dude.. You may think the ruby ridge threat means something but, I PROMISE YOU, it can be solved like the last foray against the federal gov.

Cant accomplish shit? you mean like find the phantom WMDs or to capture OBL?
NO one has yet proven a single lie. IN FACT every commission has stated NO LIES occurred AT ALL. So want to TRY AGAIN? Bush never lied. His Administration never lied. Get over it, it DID NOT HAPPEN. Again for the truly stupid, in order for Bush to have lied, EVERY DAMN COUNTRY we are allied with LIED ALSO. Every major Democrat for 10 years leading up to the Invasion LIED to us as well. Every National Intelligence Agency lied as well. If any of that were actually true we would already know since NONE of them can keep that kind of secret for 6 years. Mush less 15 years.

Before you unnecessarily pop a blood vessel you probably can't afford to lose, re-read my last post and take note that the phrase "Bush lied", or even the word "lie" for that matter, does not exist. Not even one single time. You, however, used the word 7 times.

What DOES exist however, is the word "deception". You know, the thing you yourself claim that past administrations have already been using for a plethora of wars, democrats included? It's "standard procedure", remember?

FDR's years of wrangling, story telling and threatening to get us into WW2, LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to get us into Viet Nam, by the way weren't they ALL Democrats? Standard procedure for a President to do what ever is needed to get us to where they BELIEVE we should be

Shit, the Gulf of Tonkin was about as deceptive as it gets, where a major unnecessary war is concerned. That's "standard procedure"? Are you fucking kidding me?

Like I've been saying for a long time about you RGS...itchy trigger finger.
America is at war against the Moslem terrorists who want to destroy our way of life. And this McClellan person comes out with an anti-American book at this time? If he hates America so much, why doesn't he move to some place more friendly to his traitorous ideas, like Cuba? I for one am convinced our President has made all of the right decisions to keep us safe. That's why I am endorsing Senator McClain for President, because he has experience and is pro-America. Our President has wholeheartedly endorsed Senator McClain, and that's good enough for me!
Ohh so now you are moving the Goal post in hopes you can trick more people to vote for your lying asses?

HUH? lying asses.. This inside man, McClellan states that this administration has lied to you. Engaged in a propaganda campaign that had you shmucks taken hook line and sinker . After all this this cat has said, its the democrats that are lying.... Dems were hoping that common sense might prevail after this nation said no mo to the you conservative pricks.... well.. it seems that they were mistaken in putting too much faith in republicans actually giving a shit about this country... now that we know better, we are going to steam rolll the fuck out of the lying traitorous fucks and their idiotic minions...

The original statement was simple, give us the House and Senate and we WILL prove all these lies, been over a year now and you are still sucking Hind tit on that claim.. In fact you and your buddies now are busy claiming that even with both Houses you can not pass legislation at all. .What a fucking HOOT. .
... AGAIN, a majority is needed. This was known then and known now... The pubs only care about personal responsibilty when they can use it to bash the poor... who knew they'd still be reluctant to cross the aisle to protect America. Why do republicans hate america so?

When you have all 3 you will be busy claiming the Republicans are still to blame, probably right up until the American people get tired of your lies and vote your sorry asses OUT again.
What lies... man your stupid.. eh.. your republican, its expected....

Get used to this name "Henry Friggin Robespierre Waxman"...

Maybe we'll build our own little guantanamo for all of those in this administration that will be convicted of crimes against our county...
I was directing that at bushlover.

though, I can accommodate if you are feeling left out.
America is at war against the Moslem terrorists who want to destroy our way of life.

"Our" way of Life:

Paris Hilton and the Lohan doing "commando" photos

Bush twin doing bump and rub on a barroom floor, while drunk....

Military personnel who rape, murder, and then set fire to a family....

Kellog Brown and Root electrocuting US G.I.s

Dirty old men screwing little girls

College white girls doing Girls Gone Wild videos

Larry Craig feeling forced to hunt in the men's room because the prigs won't accept him as he is


Trent Lott ... forced out of his job as Republican leader after a racially insensitive remark in praise of Senator Strom Thurmond’s presidential campaign in 1948, which had a pro-segregation platform.

Supporting dictators like Hussein and Noriega, Pinochet, and Marcos......



Throw-away pets

Homeless Veterans


Child Abuse

Drug Abuse

Homeless Families

and a national debt beyond imagining:

<img src="http://zfacts.com/metaPage/lib/National-Debt-GDP.gif">

Was this the way of life you were talking about, or are you one of the duped that thought Leave It To Beaver was real????
Was this the way of life you were talking about, or are you one of the duped that thought Leave It To Beaver was real????

Yeah.. The honey mooners made humor out of beating women too... man.. were those the days...

Not to mention that strange fruit hangin from trees in the south... Lets all go and hop that train for yesteryear...
Get away with it.. what oversight... yeah, there is something to get away with...
Instead of your people admitting their stupidity you cats are going to poke fun at being held accountable.... Yeah.. thats not very republican of you... While your on the floor laughing btw.. the dems have been stymied by republican BS partisan politics... Consider, will you laughing boy, that, once we gain substantial numbers in both the house and senate combined with a dem president... you wont be much laughing anymore... I however will be... your only hope is that Obama will be a generous man full of mercy.. cause there are many out there like myself who arent....

Frankly, no matter who is in the White House - McCain, Clinton, Obama - America is going to be in Iraq for some time.
Right. Its not a war based on conservative doctrine. Its a war based on neo-conservative doctrine.

Big difference.
Yep that the conservatives bought.. even though this bush cat was only conservative socially.. well that was until that gay white house press reporter was caught sneakin in and out of the oval office...
I seriously think that lucy got some splainin to do there...

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