Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru

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  • #22
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.

These people aren't my problem and I'm not going to make them my problem.

They should all go back to where they came from and let the Arab League take care of them.

Why should the Arab League take care of? Most aren't even Arab.

Sri Lanka

The Arab League is in based in the ME seems to me they would be more than happy to help out their fellow middle easterners

Good grief. China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Fiji, and Malaysia are not in the Middle East.
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  • #23
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.
Has it ever occurred to you that the Islam you defend so mindlessly is the very reason there are refugees to begin with? Islam does not tolerate Christians, ergo, refugees.

Migrants are coming from a variety of areas, and the reasons they are fleeing vary from economic hardship, civil war, political unrest, persecution etc. Not sure why you feel the need to make it about Islam particularly since there is no evidence the majority of these migrants are Christians fleeing Islamic persecution.

Where do Australia’s asylum seekers come from?

The majority of the applications for asylum come from (top ten):

Sri Lanka
You still don't get it. Nobody flees from Christian nations because of their religion. Or Hindu. Or Buddhist. Only Islam makes people fear for their lives for not being Muslim or being the wrong kind of Muslim. It's an evil religion and you keep defending it.

People flee India because of religious persecution from Hindu Nationalists - including forced conversions.
People flee Myanmar, which is also on the list, due to religious persecution from the Buddhists.
What you don't get is only a handful of those migrants are fleeing religious persecution.

Why are you trying to turn this thread into a thread about Islam?
I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.

These people aren't my problem and I'm not going to make them my problem.

They should all go back to where they came from and let the Arab League take care of them.

Why should the Arab League take care of? Most aren't even Arab.

Sri Lanka

The Arab League is in based in the ME seems to me they would be more than happy to help out their fellow middle easterners

Good grief. China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Fiji, and Malaysia are not in the Middle East.

Hey they are on the Sesame Street World Globe :smoke:

So don't be arguing with Bert and Ernie and Cookie Monster now, or you'll have me to answer to :meow:


The wicked people who are behind what is going on are going to be in the hottest part of hell for this. They are complicit in robbing these people of their land, starting wars, running both sides, driving them out of their lands (by creating wars) and so on... I saw a picture of a five yr. old Syrian boy sitting in an ambulance seat covered with blood and he looked like he is in shock. This is all coming from very powerful NON MUSLIM people who are inciting violence /rage and are financing & creating groups like ISIS / arming them / in order to kill off their own people. It's totally wicked. Totally wicked. The Club of Rome (just one more arm of the Vatican) and other branches of this evil Roman tree have spread out like a bay tree covering the whole earth and look at the fruit of it - pure evil.

Islamists don't need any outside help to murder and war with each other. It's been batshit crazy Sunnis that have been leading the charge, overthrowing moderate Muslim governments for their own brand of Islamic Law. It's the Koran that gives them the "right" to commit all the heinous acts. The Pope is a Muslim apologist, and the UN is run by all atheists.
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  • #26
Australian government is trying very hard to cover up what's going on in Nauru.
What Happens When An Aid Group Sees Abuse, But Is Sworn To Secrecy?

Very disturbing article. And now, Save the Children's contract has been terminated. There is NO independent human rights observer. There is no ngo working with in Nauru now.

NGOs and The UN need dismantling, they're both Luciferarian operated and are designed to assist in the dismantling of Western Civilisation by flooding all Western nations with the most primitive and savage peoples.

NGOs and The UN are criminal organisations.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.
Has it ever occurred to you that the Islam you defend so mindlessly is the very reason there are refugees to begin with? Islam does not tolerate Christians, ergo, refugees.

Migrants are coming from a variety of areas, and the reasons they are fleeing vary from economic hardship, civil war, political unrest, persecution etc. Not sure why you feel the need to make it about Islam particularly since there is no evidence the majority of these migrants are Christians fleeing Islamic persecution.

Where do Australia’s asylum seekers come from?

The majority of the applications for asylum come from (top ten):

Sri Lanka

China - no war


India - no war

Iran - no war

Sri Lanka - no war


Pakistan - no war

Indonesia - no war

Fiji - no war

Malaysia - no war

So the ones from those eight nations should be sent back to those nations, they're fleeing to become economic migrants to mainly sit on their buttocks and claim welfare and other hand-outs.
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.

These people aren't my problem and I'm not going to make them my problem.

They should all go back to where they came from and let the Arab League take care of them.

No they're not the West's problem, the West isn't the Nanny of all the Third World.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.

These people aren't my problem and I'm not going to make them my problem.

They should all go back to where they came from and let the Arab League take care of them.

No they're not the West's problem, the West isn't the Nanny of all the Third World.
Or Europe for that matter.
It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
Of course not Ravi *sarc*. One of our brave soldiers was discharged because of that.

"In case you missed it earlier this week, the New York Times published an extensive piece detailing how U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan have been told to ignore rampant sexual abuse of young children, mostly boys, by Afghan allies because "it's their culture." U.S. soldiers were not only told they would be punished for intervening or stopping a sexual assault, they have been punished for doing so.

Green Beret Charles Martland was discharged from the Army after roughing up an Afghan military commander who admitted, and laughed about, being a child rapist."

Disgrace: Green Beret Who Defended Boy Against Rape in Afghanistan Loses Appeal

..and you have the nerve talking about Goebbels. It is you who is perpetuating spectacular lies inspired by Goebbels and Alinsky. Interesting pairing isn't it? Two different schools are using the same tactics of deception.
Last edited:
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
You fucking moronic bag of shit.
How so? What I posted is the truth.

Australia should be shamed worldwide. And they being the descendants of poor people exiled to a country that was taken by force.

What the hell is wrong with you that you condone Lucy's propaganda?
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.
Those islamic controlled countries seem to think its fine. Besides taking in their people does not solve the problem. You want to save those people? Really? Destroy the system that causes the problem.
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.
Those islamic controlled countries seem to think its fine. Besides taking in their people does not solve the problem. You want to save those people? Really? Destroy the system that causes the problem.
Neither Nauru nor Australia are Islamic controlled.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
You fucking moronic bag of shit.
How so? What I posted is the truth.

Australia should be shamed worldwide. And they being the descendants of poor people exiled to a country that was taken by force.

What the hell is wrong with you that you condone Lucy's propaganda?
What the hell does Australia have to do with Lucy?
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
You fucking moronic bag of shit.
How so? What I posted is the truth.

Australia should be shamed worldwide. And they being the descendants of poor people exiled to a country that was taken by force.

What the hell is wrong with you that you condone Lucy's propaganda?
What the hell does Australia have to do with Lucy?
Nothing, dummy.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
You fucking moronic bag of shit.
How so? What I posted is the truth.

Australia should be shamed worldwide. And they being the descendants of poor people exiled to a country that was taken by force.

What the hell is wrong with you that you condone Lucy's propaganda?
What the hell does Australia have to do with Lucy?

Nauru is where they ship all the refugees, the one's that want to sit on their buttocks and claim welfare in Australia.

The Australians are doing the correct thing by rejecting the refugees.

We in Europa have started rejecting them now and hopefully when The Donald is elected your President America can give them the boot also.
Refugees have no complaint. They wanted to be refugees. This is what they get.

I agree and I don't blame Australia for their tough stance on Muslim refugees.

The Aussie Govt. has obviously been watching whats going on in Europe and don't want the same for their country.

Good for them and I couldn't give two shits for the fate of refugee's. Let all go back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

So, you think it's just fine that children are getting abused and raped? Simply wow.
Those islamic controlled countries seem to think its fine. Besides taking in their people does not solve the problem. You want to save those people? Really? Destroy the system that causes the problem.

They're taking advantage of much of The West's Pathological Altruism, thank goodness this is soon coming to an end, we can't have the Collective Suicide of much of Western Civilisation by allowing the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult to take root.
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Pretty fucking unreal. This is a thread about a horrifically abusive situation in a migrant detention center, of a supposedly civilized country, that has nothing to do with Muslims, where the migrants aren't even all or mostly Muslim and you guys have to turn it into a vehicle for your anti-muslim propoganda hatefest?????

Children should never be incarcerated with adult males of ANY religion. Men and women should be segregated. The abuse is being perpetrated by the guards and men incarcerated in the center. There is no independent human rights observer, no media access and no oversight.

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