Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru

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  • #41
"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.
You fucking moronic bag of shit.
How so? What I posted is the truth.

Australia should be shamed worldwide. And they being the descendants of poor people exiled to a country that was taken by force.

What the hell is wrong with you that you condone Lucy's propaganda?
What the hell does Australia have to do with Lucy?

Nauru is where they ship all the refugees, the one's that want to sit on their buttocks and claim welfare in Australia.

The Australians are doing the correct thing by rejecting the refugees.

We in Europa have started rejecting them now and hopefully when The Donald is elected your President America can give them the boot also.

What is correct about guards raping children?
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.
Women and children are being raped in their hundreds daily in migration centres all over the world, including Europe.

These camps are run by the UN, NGOs and gvmnts. They are overseen, the rapes and Paedophilia are reported by the press who have access - as I pointed out on another thread, but it doesn't stop it happening.

Anyway, I'm a bit perplexed as to why these NUMEROUS centres all over the globe - where it's mostly Muslim men who are doing the raping and engaging in Paedophilia, are of less interest than this one camp in Nauru.

Other than that, yes, it's a disgrace, ALL OF IT. Clearly resources are finite and there must be a problem with funding otherwise I presume the men would be separated. As would Christians.

Maybe all the fighting age men should be sent back to fight for their countries instead of running away. Then the women and children would be safe.
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  • Thread starter
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  • #44
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?
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  • #45
Women and children are being raped in their hundreds daily in migration centres all over the world, and including Europe. These camps are run by the UN, NGOs and gvmnts. They are overseen, the rapes and Paedophilia are reported by the press who have access - as I pointed out on another thread, but it doesn't stop it happening. Anyway, I'm a bit perplexed as to why these NUMEROUS centres all over the globe - where it's mostly Muslim men who are doing the raping and engaging in Paedophilia, is of less interest than this one camp in Nauru. Other than that, yes, it's a disgrace, ALL OF IT. Clearly resources are finite and there must be a problem with funding otherwise I presume the men would be separated. As would Christians. Maybe all the fighting age men should be sent back to fight for their countries instead of running away. Then the women and children would be safe.
I see... so child rape is of little concern unless it's Muslims doing the raping.

The religions of the perpetrators and victims aren't known, it's a mix of people. It seems to me it shouldn't even be relevant to this type of discussion but people seem to think religious identity is more important than child abuse.

It shouldn't perplex you. It's an unfolding news story. You don't think it's worth a thread?
Pretty fucking unreal. This is a thread about a horrifically abusive situation in a migrant detention center, of a supposedly civilized country, that has nothing to do with Muslims, where the migrants aren't even all or mostly Muslim and you guys have to turn it into a vehicle for your anti-muslim propoganda hatefest?????

Children should never be incarcerated with adult males of ANY religion. Men and women should be segregated. The abuse is being perpetrated by the guards and men incarcerated in the center. There is no independent human rights observer, no media access and no oversight.

People are tired of you consistently defending Islam, you've even belittled RAPE that thread is still on-going and also you've laughed at people being dissolved in vats of acid.

You should be ashamed of yourself, I'd have you on ignore but I can't put you on ignore.

Go and play with someone else.
Women and children are being raped in their hundreds daily in migration centres all over the world, and including Europe. These camps are run by the UN, NGOs and gvmnts. They are overseen, the rapes and Paedophilia are reported by the press who have access - as I pointed out on another thread, but it doesn't stop it happening. Anyway, I'm a bit perplexed as to why these NUMEROUS centres all over the globe - where it's mostly Muslim men who are doing the raping and engaging in Paedophilia, is of less interest than this one camp in Nauru. Other than that, yes, it's a disgrace, ALL OF IT. Clearly resources are finite and there must be a problem with funding otherwise I presume the men would be separated. As would Christians. Maybe all the fighting age men should be sent back to fight for their countries instead of running away. Then the women and children would be safe.
I see... so child rape is of little concern unless it's Muslims doing the raping.

The religions of the perpetrators and victims aren't known, it's a mix of people. It seems to me it shouldn't even be relevant to this type of discussion but people seem to think religious identity is more important than child abuse.

It shouldn't perplex you. It's an unfolding news story. You don't think it's worth a thread?

You post variations of this Propaganda on a daily basis, CAIR must pay well or are you doing it For The Cause?
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?
Not what she said, nor does she speak for all conservatives, you stupid woman.
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  • #49
The topic is what is occurring in Nauru. Not Islam.
Women and children are being raped in their hundreds daily in migration centres all over the world, and including Europe. These camps are run by the UN, NGOs and gvmnts. They are overseen, the rapes and Paedophilia are reported by the press who have access - as I pointed out on another thread, but it doesn't stop it happening. Anyway, I'm a bit perplexed as to why these NUMEROUS centres all over the globe - where it's mostly Muslim men who are doing the raping and engaging in Paedophilia, is of less interest than this one camp in Nauru. Other than that, yes, it's a disgrace, ALL OF IT. Clearly resources are finite and there must be a problem with funding otherwise I presume the men would be separated. As would Christians. Maybe all the fighting age men should be sent back to fight for their countries instead of running away. Then the women and children would be safe.
I see... so child rape is of little concern unless it's Muslims doing the raping.

The religions of the perpetrators and victims aren't known, it's a mix of people. It seems to me it shouldn't even be relevant to this type of discussion but people seem to think religious identity is more important than child abuse.

It shouldn't perplex you. It's an unfolding news story. You don't think it's worth a thread?

Rape is of absolutely no concern to you when muslims are doing the raping. The excuses you've been peddling for this issue is testament to that. You are a disgrace.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.

"There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately."

Forget about International Law, where Muslims are concerned, women and children should never be in the same confined quarter as the Muslim men, on account of the Muslim men's entitlement to rape them and then urinate on them.

Muslim men from Middle Eastern nations are sexual deviants who cannot control their sexual urges, as such they're basic savages and aren't house trained.

If they can't get a woman or a child, then sex with four-legged animals is just as good for them, be it a goat or a camel.


Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bacha bāzī.


Bacha bāzī.


Sex with goats.


They've just not developed their habits since the 7th Century, why would anyone want these primitive savages.

It isn't Muslims that are abusing the children. It is aide workers and locals in this majority "Christian" nation. Goebbels would be proud of you.

Not according to the article. It talks of massive reports of abuse, there is no indication that the majority of it is accusing the security guards and other workers. It cites one alleged case of a security guard, and it certainly doesn't specify that he is a Christian. The rest of the reports are mostly self inflicted, or done by the Muslim men themselves. I agree of course that Muslim men should be segregated away from all other human beings, even their own women and children. Coming from lefties it seems a bit odd you would care, you idiots want to mandate "gender neutral" laws in our country. Are you lefties starting to admit Muslim men always treat their women and children like animals? No of course not, you use this story to attack Australia, probably because you think they are too white and not going along with the Agenda of allowing unlimited Muslim migrants to flow into their country. Nice try though.
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.
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  • #53
So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.
Muslim men ALWAYS blah blah blah? Listen to yourselves.

LOL, of course you have no arguement whatsoever. You can't bring yourself to criticize Muslims at all, even when it comes to the horrendous ways they treat their own women and children. You cannot acknowledge their pedophila problem, dating back to their Pedophile Prophet. XXXX -- Mod Edit --- excessive profanity
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So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.

I suppose your idea if "fixing" the problem is giving them all citizenship in Western countries, right? Giving them more free welfare. Yea, that's really going to fix the problem of Islam and their culture of enslavement of women and rape of young children.
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.

You better be careful or they'll twist it and accuse you of defending child abuse, Coyote can explain my comment to you if you need elaboration.
I beleive all child abusers and rapists of adult women should be executed.
I doubt Coyote feels as strongly about the issue as me.
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.
You mean like the well known pedo problem in Catholic culture? Better send them all to the Vatican city.

Yes, a problem that was exposed and was condemned by all. Not ignored and given excuse after excuse as you do with Islam.

Do you know what group of people commit the most sexual child abuse in America is? School teachers. Bet you haven't started any threads on the vast amounts of school teachers accused and/or convicted of child molestation have you?
So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.
Nope. There you go again. People are pointing out your utterly gross hypocrisy and you are putting words into people's mouths - as usual.
You have proved over and over that you don't give a fuck when Muslims are doing the raping, and you spend endless hours and days MAKING EXCUSES for them and demonstrating not a single iota of human compassion for the victims. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.

You better be careful or they'll twist it and accuse you of defending child abuse, Coyote can explain my comment to you if you need elaboration.
I beleive all child abusers and rapists of adult women should be executed.
I doubt Coyote feels as strongly about the issue as me.
Certainly not if the perps are Muslim. It's not their fault you see - it's just their 'upbringing' and they don't 'know' that they shouldn't rape women and ten year old boys in swimming pools when they have 'sexual emergencies'.
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  • #60
Muslim men ALWAYS blah blah blah? Listen to yourselves.

LOL, of course you have no arguement whatsoever. You can't bring yourself to criticize Muslims at all, even when it comes to the horrendous ways they treat their own women and children. You cannot acknowledge their pedophila problem, dating back to their Pedophile Prophet. You're a well programmed progressive c-nt.
Do you even listen to yourself? You are lumping people from many cultures around the world into one pathetically ignorant statement that has nothing to do with what is happening on Nauru.

What do you think happens in prisons, American prisons where large numbers of men are crowded together and violence is always in the air? Why do you think international laws call for segregating children? It's nothing to do with Muslims, it occurs everywhere you have similar situations and overcrowded resource poor refugee camps are the worst. And, before you open your mouth again, not all refugee camps are muslim.

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