Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru

The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.
You mean like the well known pedo problem in Catholic culture? Better send them all to the Vatican city.

Yes, a problem that was exposed and was condemned by all. Not ignored and given excuse after excuse as you do with Islam.

Do you know what group of people commit the most sexual child abuse in America is? School teachers. Bet you haven't started any threads on the vast amounts of school teachers accused and/or convicted of child molestation have you?
Bet you haven't either, but this thread is about the situation in Nauru. Should it be ignored and allowed to continue? Ignored and excused as you are doing?
So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.

I suppose your idea if "fixing" the problem is giving them all citizenship in Western countries, right? Giving them more free welfare. Yea, that's really going to fix the problem of Islam and their culture of enslavement of women and rape of young children.

Fixing would mean not allowing the situation to continue as it is.
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.
You mean like the well known pedo problem in Catholic culture? Better send them all to the Vatican city.

Yes, a problem that was exposed and was condemned by all. Not ignored and given excuse after excuse as you do with Islam.

Do you know what group of people commit the most sexual child abuse in America is? School teachers. Bet you haven't started any threads on the vast amounts of school teachers accused and/or convicted of child molestation have you?
Bet you haven't either, but this thread is about the situation in Nauru. Should it be ignored and allowed to continue? Ignored and excused as you are doing?

How am I "ignoring" it? I've stated the men should be locked up separately or better yet shipped back to their shithole country. Just because I've given you an answer you don't like, doesn't mean I have ignored anything. Why do you keep ignoring my response? theHawk XXXX -- Mod Edit 2nd instance of excessive personal profanity.
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So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.

I suppose your idea if "fixing" the problem is giving them all citizenship in Western countries, right? Giving them more free welfare. Yea, that's really going to fix the problem of Islam and their culture of enslavement of women and rape of young children.

Fixing would mean not allowing the situation to continue as it is.
Ship them back to where they came from. The world is filling up with refugee centres and in a great many cases, they are economic migrants posing as refugees. Many of them don't come from war torn countries. Send all the fighting age men back to their countries to fight for them too. The genuine refugee women and children would then be taken better care of, and could be sent back to their countries when it is safer for them.
I can just see it now. If theHawk was in charge of Nauru, and I force segregated the men from the women and children, theHawk XXXX- 3rd instance of excessive personal flame Coyote would be howling about the inhumanity of it. The AP articles showing pictures of crying women and children being taken away from their dads and brothers. I'd be called a racist and abuser.
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So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.

I suppose your idea if "fixing" the problem is giving them all citizenship in Western countries, right? Giving them more free welfare. Yea, that's really going to fix the problem of Islam and their culture of enslavement of women and rape of young children.

Fixing would mean not allowing the situation to continue as it is.
Ship them back to where they came from. The world is filling up with refugee centres and in a great many cases, they are economic migrants posing as refugees. Many of them don't come from war torn countries. Send all the fighting age men back to their countries to fight for them too. The genuine refugee women and children would then be taken better care of, and could be sent back to their countries when it is safer for them.

First of all, we have many Americans in need. Some don't even have a roof over their head, including many veterans. We have to take care of our own first. Now the clintons and obamas act all pious and caring about these foreigners, cuz the money sure ain't coming out of their pockets and they sure as hell won't have any refugees living anywhere near them, guaranteed.
I'm with the Australian gmnt on this:

...That all changed two years ago, when Mr Abbott won power and began to reintroduce many of the Howard-era policies, including the deployment of the Australian navy and customs officials to turn back boats. The result: the boats have stopped, lives have been saved, thousands have been released from immigration detention and smugglers have had to look elsewhere.

It also means that public confidence in our immigration programme has been restored — meaning most Australians have no qualms whatsoever about accepting 12,000 Syrian refugees over the coming weeks. When it comes to the resettlement of refugees, Australia leads the world on a per capita basis.

The conclusion from the Australian experience is that those who benefit most from tough border protection are the immigrants who come here fairly and legally. Strict controls help dampen down xenophobia, and ensure that decent treatment is given to those seeking the nation’s hospitality. If only you Poms had not surrendered your sovereignty to Brussels!

Turning back refugee boats saves lives - as Australia found out
So it would seem that some here are far more interested in yelling about Muslims and making excuses then uncovering what's going on and fixing it.

I suppose your idea if "fixing" the problem is giving them all citizenship in Western countries, right? Giving them more free welfare. Yea, that's really going to fix the problem of Islam and their culture of enslavement of women and rape of young children.

Fixing would mean not allowing the situation to continue as it is.
Ship them back to where they came from. The world is filling up with refugee centres and in a great many cases, they are economic migrants posing as refugees. Many of them don't come from war torn countries. Send all the fighting age men back to their countries to fight for them too. The genuine refugee women and children would then be taken better care of, and could be sent back to their countries when it is safer for them.

First of all, we have many Americans in need. Some don't even have a roof over their head, including many veterans. We have to take care of our own first. Now the clintons and obamas act all pious and caring about these foreigners, cuz the money sure ain't coming out of their pockets and they sure as hell won't have any refugees living anywhere near them, guaranteed.
I agree. We have a homeless problem in Europe too, not to mention a health service that is falling apart and an education system that cannot cope.
I can just see it now. If theHawk was in charge of Nauru, and I force segregated the men from the women and children, dumb c*nts like Coyote would be howling about the inhumanity of it. The AP articles showing pictures of crying women and children being taken away from their dads and brothers. I'd be called a racist and abuser.
Why would you think anything as stupid as that dipshit? How do you think it's done in well run refugee centers?
I can just see it now. If theHawk was in charge of Nauru, and I force segregated the men from the women and children, dumb c*nts like Coyote would be howling about the inhumanity of it. The AP articles showing pictures of crying women and children being taken away from their dads and brothers. I'd be called a racist and abuser.
Why would you think anything as stupid as that dipshit? How do you think it's done in well run refugee centers?

They don't segregate men in any refugee camps that I know of in Germany. They've put them up in our old US Army barracks. There are sites that are male only, but it's a halfway house for "minors". The thing is the men lie about their age so they can get in. Then they abuse the workers there and complain they aren't doing enough for them.

What places have segregation of men from women?
I'm with the Australian gmnt on this:

...That all changed two years ago, when Mr Abbott won power and began to reintroduce many of the Howard-era policies, including the deployment of the Australian navy and customs officials to turn back boats. The result: the boats have stopped, lives have been saved, thousands have been released from immigration detention and smugglers have had to look elsewhere.

It also means that public confidence in our immigration programme has been restored — meaning most Australians have no qualms whatsoever about accepting 12,000 Syrian refugees over the coming weeks. When it comes to the resettlement of refugees, Australia leads the world on a per capita basis.

The conclusion from the Australian experience is that those who benefit most from tough border protection are the immigrants who come here fairly and legally. Strict controls help dampen down xenophobia, and ensure that decent treatment is given to those seeking the nation’s hospitality. If only you Poms had not surrendered your sovereignty to Brussels!

Turning back refugee boats saves lives - as Australia found out

I don't have an issue with turning them back or sending them back some other way if the boats are too rickety. That is different then what is happening on Nauru.
I can just see it now. If theHawk was in charge of Nauru, and I force segregated the men from the women and children, dumb c*nts like Coyote would be howling about the inhumanity of it. The AP articles showing pictures of crying women and children being taken away from their dads and brothers. I'd be called a racist and abuser.
Why would you think anything as stupid as that dipshit? How do you think it's done in well run refugee centers?

They don't segregate men in any refugee camps that I know of in Germany. They've put them up in our old US Army barracks. There are sites that are male only, but it's a halfway house for "minors". The thing is the men lie about their age so they can get in. Then they abuse the workers there and complain they aren't doing enough for them.

What places have segregation of men from women?
There have been many incidences of 'refugees' burning down the centres when they don't like the rules. In many, the Muslim males are actually running them, and staff are so frightened that Dr's and nurses won't enter them, but have now set up medical facilities outside so they see one 'refugee' patient at a time, for their own safety.

I imagine there would be hell to pay if we tried to take the women and children - their victims - from them. In fact, the police in ?Sweden tried to rescue a 10 yr old who was allegedly being repeatedly raped, and they were attacked and FAILED to rescue the child.
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I can just see it now. If theHawk was in charge of Nauru, and I force segregated the men from the women and children, dumb c*nts like Coyote would be howling about the inhumanity of it. The AP articles showing pictures of crying women and children being taken away from their dads and brothers. I'd be called a racist and abuser.
Why would you think anything as stupid as that dipshit? How do you think it's done in well run refugee centers?

They don't segregate men in any refugee camps that I know of in Germany. They've put them up in our old US Army barracks. There are sites that are male only, but it's a halfway house for "minors". The thing is the men lie about their age so they can get in. Then they abuse the workers there and complain they aren't doing enough for them.

What places have segregation of men from women?

You may be right about that, I'm thinking more of prisons.
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.

You better be careful or they'll twist it and accuse you of defending child abuse, Coyote can explain my comment to you if you need elaboration.
I beleive all child abusers and rapists of adult women should be executed.
I doubt Coyote feels as strongly about the issue as me.

I've made many comments about how I strongly support all child abusers and all rapists being executed, just take them out, force them onto their knees, put a bullet in the nape of their necks, put them in a hole and throw quicklime onto them.

It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?

So Coyote DO certain people DEFEND child abuse, come on, don't hold back, let's have your opinion, I'm sure you can provide links to all of the times certain people have defended child abuse, help your little pets here.

Of course Coyote hasn't the will to confine her diseased infested pets to the Ebola Tent.


Edited to add comment.
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Rape and Paedophilia are every day occurrences in the refugee camps in Europe and elsewhere. The rapes go on inside and outside of the centres, but because the perps are muslm men, Coyote spends all her time desperately attempting to 'debunk' the claims and excusing the perps on the basis that they don't 'know' not to rape women and children. For some reason, only the Australian refugee centre is worthy of her criticism. Lol.

Four-year-old child refugee 'raped by Afghan man' at centre for asylum seekers in Germany

A four-year-old refugee has allegedly been raped by an Afghan man at a shelter for asylum seekers in Germany.

The Iraqi boy was living with his family among 600 other migrants at the centre in Boostedt, north of Hamburg, when he was assaulted.

His father told Kiel District Court his eight-year-old son raised the alarm on 29 March, saying his younger brother was in the toilet with a stranger.

When the man arrived he could see his son’s shoes next to those of an adult, shouting and trying to open the door before it was opened from the inside.

Number of child refugees crossing into Europe swells
He found his son and an old man with their trousers down, the Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitungsverlag newspaper reported.

The father told the court he asked the man what he was doing with the boy, and was told he had been helping him go to the toilet...

Four-year-old refugee 'raped at German centre for asylum seekers'
The migrants have a choice. They could go back where they came from. American liberals think that little girls showering and using the same restrooms are just fine. One liberal publication said that children need to become comfortable with nude adult males. So don't ask me to have a concern for migrant children that is denied to American children.

Empty the center. Pack them all up and send them all back.

So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.

You better be careful or they'll twist it and accuse you of defending child abuse, Coyote can explain my comment to you if you need elaboration.
I beleive all child abusers and rapists of adult women should be executed.
I doubt Coyote feels as strongly about the issue as me.

I've made many comments about how I strongly support all child abusers and all rapists being executed, just take them out, force them onto their knees, put a bullet in the nape of their necks, put them in a hole and throw quicklime onto them.

It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?

So Coyote DO certain people DEFEND child abuse, come on, don't hold back, let's have your opinion, I'm sure you can provide links to all of the times certain people have defended child abuse, help your little pets here.

Of course Coyote hasn't the will to confine her diseased infested pets to the Ebola Tent.


Edited to add comment.

I have been accused of defending child abuse and rape here Lucy. From your pets here.

"It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?"

Yes, that is correct.

For the record, I've never seen you defend child abuse nor do I believe you would. I know you are a mother, and I know what that means to you. I would never imagine you ever defending child abuse.

What's going on in Nauru is way wrong. What's going on in other overcrowded refugee centers is way wrong. Rather than blaming religions (these centers house people from all religions and cultural backgrounds including those with ethnic/religious/cultural clashes). Perhaps what we should be focusing on is bringing this to light and finding a human solution so this doesn't occur. These are real people being injured.
This is a bit of a spin off from another thread - the condition of refugees and migrants in detention centers. What's been happening on Nauru has only recently come to light, but mirrors conditions in other terribly overcrowded refugee centers.

There is reason international law mandates that children not be imprisoned or detained with adults and that men and women are housed seperately. Overcrowding, insufficient resources, no known future - all of that can lead to severe problems and abuse on the most vulnerable, in this case children and women.

One article I read talked about human trafficking occuring in some of these camps, where young girls and women are "married" by UAE/Kuwaiti men looking for sex, and then dumped when they become pregnant. These camps jam migrants and refugees from dozens of nationalities and cultures and backgrounds together and too few people overseeing it.

Leaked documents published Wednesday reveal extensive details about the harsh conditions faced by asylum seekers who have tried to reach Australia by boat and are being held on the remote Pacific island of Nauru.

More than 2,000 incident reports, written by detention-center staff members and published by The Guardian, describe episodes of violence, including sexual assault, and self-harm. Most of the cases involved children, the newspaper said, although children made up just 18 percent of the people in detention at the time of the reports. The files extend from May 2013 to October 2015.

While the difficult conditions in the island nation have long been known, the documentation will give new evidence to opponents of Australia’s policies toward asylum seekers.

Under those policies, migrants who try to reach Australia by boat without a valid visa are held offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Even if given refugee status, they are prevented from resettling in Australia.

The Australian authorities say such tough measures are necessary to discourage attempts to make the risky voyages by sea, which have sometimes ended in mass drownings. The number of attempted boat arrivals has declined sharply since the Labor Party government of Julia Gillard revived a program of offshore detentions in 2012, and the policy is maintained today under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of the conservative Liberal Party.

Since when have "tough measures" included the abuse of children???? Or rape?

Among the episodes outlined in the documents are multiple cases of people cutting themselves; security officers propositioning and harassing female detainees; and one instance of an officer putting his hand into a boy’s shorts during a car ride. According to that report, the boy’s father, who was also in the car, pulled the boy away but did not say anything to either of the two Nauruan officers present for fear of their reaction.
Has it ever occurred to you that the Islam you defend so mindlessly is the very reason there are refugees to begin with? Islam does not tolerate Christians, ergo, refugees.

Migrants are coming from a variety of areas, and the reasons they are fleeing vary from economic hardship, civil war, political unrest, persecution etc. Not sure why you feel the need to make it about Islam particularly since there is no evidence the majority of these migrants are Christians fleeing Islamic persecution.

Where do Australia’s asylum seekers come from?

The majority of the applications for asylum come from (top ten):

Sri Lanka

China - no war


India - no war

Iran - no war

Sri Lanka - no war


Pakistan - no war

Indonesia - no war

Fiji - no war

Malaysia - no war

So the ones from those eight nations should be sent back to those nations, they're fleeing to become economic migrants to mainly sit on their buttocks and claim welfare and other hand-outs.

They're asylum seekers, meaning they aren't all economic migrants seeking "benefits". Some are fleeing persecution or restrictive regimes for example. Some are fleeing inter-ethnic conflicts, drought and starvation, failed states. I think they would have to have their cases taken up one by one.

But, there are extreme backlogs in the systems and they are very very understaffed. I believe the UN has said that we are at a record number of displaced people worldwide - EVER. That's staggering and frightening. I was listening to NPR, and they were doing a story about one of the Greek camps. Greece of course, is overwelmed by migrants because they've been stopped from going further.

They interviewed a young woman who was one of the handful of people managing the camp - all of them quite young, in their twenties! It's so poor-paying they can't find anyone else to do it. She was the go-to person for getting them help, supplies, shoes etc. They talked about how one of the most frequent requests from men was for shoes, even when she had recently given them shoes. What she found was they wore them out playing soccar - because they had nothing else to do. They couldn't work, they spent their days sleeping, waking up, playing football, waiting in lines trying to get an internet connection at the one place where they could apply for assylum, and - where there was only one worker taking applications. Because she often left very late at night, a group of men always walked her to the bus stop - and made sure she got on the bus safely when she left. You have a situation where you have a lot of men, crowded together - with nothing to do - nothing. Potential for violence, for suicide and self harm is very high. It's not like they know they'll be out in 3 weeks so they can endure. They have no idea and no outlets like work. I'm not trying to say be sympathetic - but rather that is the situation in places like Nauru as well, only add to it guards who are probably underpayed, inadequate in number and certainly not screened for abusive - all stuck on a tiny island with no outside help or accountability.
If these children are being raped the fault is with their parents.

What a disgusting excuse.

It is like the excuse some make in the IP forum when Jewish children are killed by stone throwing - that it's the fault of the parents because they shouldn't be living in occupied territory. It's the fault of the person who did it - and no one else.
So, conservatives approve of child rape as long as it isn't American children?

We've been pointing out the well known pedophila problem the Muslim culture has. You've never seemed to care before. You types usually blow it off as lies or propaganda.

Would you support forcing every able bodied male Muslim "refugee" to go back to their shithole country, and only allow women and young children to apply for refugee status? That would certainly protect them from a great deal of abuse.

You better be careful or they'll twist it and accuse you of defending child abuse, Coyote can explain my comment to you if you need elaboration.
I beleive all child abusers and rapists of adult women should be executed.
I doubt Coyote feels as strongly about the issue as me.

I've made many comments about how I strongly support all child abusers and all rapists being executed, just take them out, force them onto their knees, put a bullet in the nape of their necks, put them in a hole and throw quicklime onto them.

It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?

So Coyote DO certain people DEFEND child abuse, come on, don't hold back, let's have your opinion, I'm sure you can provide links to all of the times certain people have defended child abuse, help your little pets here.

Of course Coyote hasn't the will to confine her diseased infested pets to the Ebola Tent.


Edited to add comment.

I have been accused of defending child abuse and rape here Lucy. From your pets here.

"It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?"

Yes, that is correct.

For the record, I've never seen you defend child abuse nor do I believe you would. I know you are a mother, and I know what that means to you. I would never imagine you ever defending child abuse.

What's going on in Nauru is way wrong. What's going on in other overcrowded refugee centers is way wrong. Rather than blaming religions (these centers house people from all religions and cultural backgrounds including those with ethnic/religious/cultural clashes). Perhaps what we should be focusing on is bringing this to light and finding a human solution so this doesn't occur. These are real people being injured.

"I have been accused of defending child abuse and rape here Lucy. From your pets here."

The situation of you being accused of defending child abuse, it's possibly in the abstract sense.

What I mean those who defend Islam to a certain extent are ALL going to be accused of the same thing, this is because Mohammed was a paedophile and in Islamic society sex with pre-pubescent children is tolerated and for the reason that their Perfect Being ie. Mohammed was a paedophile himself.

"It seems that some amoebas with diseased minds think that certain people are defending child abuse, isn't that correct Coyote?"

Yes, that is correct.

For the record, I've never seen you defend child abuse nor do I believe you would. I know you are a mother, and I know what that means to you. I would never imagine you ever defending child abuse."

Thank you, I appreciate that you feel this and know that under no circumstances have I EVER defended child abuse.

"What's going on in Nauru is way wrong. What's going on in other overcrowded refugee centers is way wrong. Rather than blaming religions (these centers house people from all religions and cultural backgrounds including those with ethnic/religious/cultural clashes). Perhaps what we should be focusing on is bringing this to light and finding a human solution so this doesn't occur. These are real people being injured."

They all wouldn't be in this distressing situation if they'd have fled to more suitable environments, often the surrounding areas they're fleeing from are pretty safe, they should flee to those, if not they should be deported and those safe surrounding areas should be forced to take these people.

Of course it's ridiculous to throw together in confined quarters Sunni's, Shia's, Kurd's, Afghan's, Iraqi's and gazillions of African Tribesmen and not expect all sorts of trouble.

It also doesn't help that many of these men will fuck anything that moves, be it another man, a woman, a child or a four-legged animal.

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